skilled specialists on the international level and increase the
efficiency of educational process at credit-modular teaching
system at A. Yasawi International Kazak-Turkish University is
information of education and use of competence-based ap-
proach and information technologies in professional activity of
the future specialists on the basis of competence approach infor-
mation of communicative competence of the future specialists.
Information of educational system is considered as strate-
gically important paradigm of the Governmental program of
educational development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
2011-2020, confirmed by the President of Kazakhstan, at tran-
sition to electronic training the prime problem-maintenance of
an education system by highly-skilled personnel (Governmental
Program, www.edu.gov.kz).
According to a new Kazakhstan educational paradigm educa-
tion should be directed on interests of personal development
adequate to modern tendencies of social development, and to
solve following problems:
to harmonize relations of the person with the nature through
development of a modern scientific picture of the world;
to stimulate intellectual development and thinking enrich-
ment through development of modern methods of scientific
recognizing that the person lives in a society, to achieve its
successful socialization through immersing cultural exis-
tence, including technogenic and computerized, environ-
considering that the modern person lives in conditions of
the sated and active information environment, to teach the
person to live in its stream, to create preconditions and con-
ditions for continuous self-education;
in view of integration tendencies of development of a sci-
ence and techniques, requirement for new level of scientific
literacy to create conditions for acquisition of the wide base
of education allowing quickly enough to be switched to ad-
jacent areas of professional activity.
Modern education should be complete, for this reason sepa-
rate disciplines are considered not as set of traditional inde-
pendent courses, and are integrated into the uniform cycles of
disciplines connected by the general criterion function and in-
terdisciplinary communications. One of the basic advantages of
the competence-based approach is that learner is perceived not
as passive object of educational influence, but as the active one
getting higher education. The teacher does not impose to stu-
dents’ personal understanding of a material, and stimulates their
independent activity on mastering. Characteristic for new mo-
del of training, cooperation lies on the basis of educational ac-
The traditional educational paradigm basically leads to for-
mation dependent learner as the teacher according to the pro-
gram gives out the planned material focused on the average
learner. Learners are not informed on main objectives and have
no control over educational process and access to all material
that is taught, guided only by instructions of the teacher and the
textbook maintenance, studies in the set rate. It is obvious that
educational process cannot generate the specialist with creative
skills, professional and critical thinking which will be claimed
in a modern society.
The educational environment simulated by means of infor-
mation technologies, allows changing of the situation. The tea-
cher puts the purposes, and forms the informational environ-
ment creating conditions for individual work. Presence of means
for realization of the purposes and problems of educational pro-
cess, knowledge of ways of the organization of teaching system
and control devices are making components of the computer in-
formational educational environment, which forms independent
Problems Statement
Educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is focused
on occurrence in world educational space, therefore the quality
of education is considered in the context of conformity of level
of received educational services by the world standard and
norms. Nowadays the priority is achieved of such quality of
training of specialists which gives them the chance to compete
on the international laboratory. In the conditions of market rela-
tions and complicated requirements to the education, ways of
the organization of educational process searches of new re-
serves of improvement of quality and efficiency of formation of
communicative competence of the future specialists are neces-
sary. Changes in social sphere of a society, information of so-
cial processes made a paradigm of education which was re-
placed on competence-based approach in formation of commu-
nicative competence of the future specialists (Akeshova, 2012:
p. 279).
The organization of educational process with application of
informational technology of training, an optimum combination
of information-communication technologies and traditional ap-
proaches demands the decision of some psychology-pedago-
gical, methodical and other problems and carrying out of cor-
responding researches. Having analyzed the literature on re-
search subjects, we have allocated following actual directions
of using information-communication technologies in educatio-
nal process:
working out of a technique of use of information-commu-
nication technologies in teaching system to various disci-
creation of corresponding methodical maintenance;
an estimation of efficiency of application of informational
technology of teaching;
creation of the unique complex scientifically-methodical
approach to a solution of a problem of the usage of infor-
mation-communication technologies in educational process;
preparation of the pedagogical staff, capable to carry out
training in new conditions and to solve the above-stated
problems and tasks.
The urgency of a considered problem is defined, first, by the
usage of information-communication technologies assumes pre-
sence at the modern, highly skilled expert of new knowledge,
abilities, creative style of thinking which will provide necessary
social adaptation to changes and guarantee its competitiveness
on a labor market; secondly, necessity of perfection of the or-
ganization of professional activity of the future specialists in
the conditions of information; thirdly, objective requirement of
a modern society for preparation of the specialists, capable to be
integrated into world information field; fourthly, tendencies of
a national educational policy (Berkimbaev et al., 2012: p. 55).
Experimental Design
Nowadays competence-based approach and information te-
chnologies are one of the major factors defining intensive and
qualitative development of Kazakhstan educational system.
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