Optics and Photonics Journal, 2013, 3, 209-211
doi:10.4236/opj.2013.32B049 Published Online June 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/opj)
Simulation and Design of a Low Crosstalk Hexagonal
Photonic Crystal Crossover Waveguide
Elnaz Pilehvar1, Hassan Kaatuzian1, Mohammad Danaie2
1Photonics Research Lab.(P.R.L.), Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Tech., Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
2Faculty of Elecrical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan
Email: pilevar_e@aut.ac.ir
Received 2013
In this paper, an optical waveguide junction is introduced to reduce crosstalk based on a hexagonal structure of photonic
crystals for TE modes. The wavelength is 1330 nm which is an important wavelength for optical fiber data transmission.
Simulation results show that the proposed design exhibits a reduction of -50 dB in crosstalk. It translates to a consider-
able isolation improvement between two crossover waveguides. FDTD method is used to obtain the transmission coef-
Keywords: Cross Talk; TE Mode; Waveguide; Hexagonal Photonic Crystal
1. Introduction
Photonic crystals (PhC) are periodic optical structures
that are designed to affect the light trajectory in dielectric
or semiconductor waveguides[1].They have been devel-
oped as building blocks for integrated photonic systems.
In order to integrate multiple devices in a small region, it
is necessary to have intersections of the waveguides
which connect devices [2].The mentioned intersections
should ideally have zero cross-talk.
Photonic band gap (PBG) is essentially the gap be-
tween the air-line and the dielectric-line in the dispersion
relation of the PBG system [3]. In other word it is range
of frequencies in which light is forbidden to propagate in
crystal [4]. PhC behaves like a perfect mirror for light
with frequency lying inside the band gap [5].
2D-PhC’s, have two basic topologies. The first con-
tains a dielectric substrate in which air holes are intro-
duced periodically .The second one consists of dielectric
rods embedded in air. Rod-type PhC has PBG for trans-
verse magnetic (TM) modes and air-hole type has PBG
for transverse electrical (TE) modes [6].Since the im-
plementation of hole-type PhCs is easier, usually most
structures realized in the literature have used it instead of
the rod type alternative.
A PhC waveguide can be constructed by removing one
row of holes inside the otherwise perfect crystal [5]. For
a two dimensional (2D) triangular lattice of air holes the
hole radius of 0.45 a provides the largest band gap, al-
though having a larger gap is a pre-requirement to
achieving a wide-band single-mode waveguide but to
avoid the structure becoming fragile, in most applications
the radius of the most holes is not chosen larger than 0.3a
[7]. In our design radii of some holes have been changed
to achieve low crosstalk, high throughput for triangular
lattice in TE mode in the important wavelength for opti-
cal fiber data transmission that is 1.33 μ because of low
dispersion [6].Various numerical methods can be used
for analyzing PhC’s. Among this methods, finite-differ-
ence time-domain (FDTD) is mostly used to obtain the
throughput of the waveguide .It calculate the radiation
field in open space by using appropriate boundry condi-
tions [8].The numerical design of FDTD is described in
section II. There is also a simulation and results section
that explains the numerical simulation results. Finally we
have a conclusion section.
2. Numerical Design
The method we use to solve Maxwell’s equation in real
space is called FDTD (Yee 1966). Figure 1 shows the
Yee cell. It depicts the position of the electric and mag-
netic field components [8].
Figure 1. Yee cell that shows the position of the electric and
magnetic field components in 3D.
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