A. ROSI ET AL. 917
volving the village. Rainfall indeed is poorly canalized in
a drainage system as a sewerage, which results to be
damaged or interrupted as demonstrated the stagnation of
water in the manholes. This f act facilitates the infiltration
of water into the soil and, during the rainiest periods, its
infiltration to the clay layers, causing an increase in pore
pressure, which can lead to slope instability phenomena.
By the data collected during the field survey it was
possible to understand which areas are most affected by
retreat phenomena or by various kind of slope instability
and if ther e have been changes compared to th e previous
Results show a greater spread of deep movements af-
d in buildings and facilities of the village. More-
es with the slow downstream
r during the wet season
lides, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2005, pp
13-21. doi:10.1007/s10346-005-0007-y
cting the clay formations, but during the last years the
inclinometers showed the activation of several shallow
phenomena; the presence of these phenomena is con-
firmed by the numerous cracks detected both in the ter-
rain an
er some shallow landslides triggered close to some
boreholes and involved the upper part of the terrain (~1
m depth). All these phenomena are located in the Casa
Loccaia Sands formation and can be related to the nu-
merous rainfall events that involved the area from Octo-
ber 2009 to April 20 10.
The numerical modelling allowed defining the effects
of the reactivation of a compound landslide, that results
to be comparable with the morphological evidences de-
tected during the field surveys.
It is then possible to relate the presence of several
cracks and shallow landslid
otion of the main landslides, that move slowly and con-
tinuously causing a tensional release on the slopes sur-
rounding the village and inside the village itself. These
shallow landslides usually occu,
hen the soil can be considered almost saturated and
pore pressure quickly increases, leading to a reduction of
shear strength of the terrain.
The combination of these factors leads the entire area
where Ricasoli is located to be very exposed to the risks
of landslides, which occur very rapidly and can directly
affect facilities and houses that are located within walk-
ing distance from the slopes.
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