M. J. BIN, Y. L. LIU
The proof is completed.
5. Application
Example. We consider the following semilinear impul-
sive equation:
()() [cos()cos()]
(0)(0)1 2
() ()
()() (())
wtxw utxxtwt
ttJ Ttt
wx xinkm
wtxtx inJ
wtxwtxI wtx
where is abounded domain in with smooth
( )L
(0 )()xtx
We take and define the operator
DAX X by
()()() ()DA HHAwAxDw
It is easily turned out that the operator A generates
equicontinuous -semigroup on X. re the control term
is linear,
)(()) (Btut ut
() [cos()cos()
txxt wt
is Lipchitz conditions. It satisfies the conditions of
Theorem 4.1, then the problem (5.1) is T-controllable.
6. Acknowledgements
This work was financially supported by NNSF of China
Grant No.11271087, No.61263006, Guangxi Scientific
Experimental (China- ASEAN Research) Centre No. 20
120116, open fund of Guangxi Key laboratory of hybrid
computation and IC design analysis No.2012HC IC07,
and the Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Educa-
tion No. YCSZ2012062.
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