Y. X. Sun et al. / Natural Scien c e 2 (2010) 1394-1399
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http:// www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
(m) = 115.072 (kPa).
At angle gaining interval within the depth of =
1604.82 (m), its surge pressure:
P2 = = 0.1917859 (kPa/m) *
(sin84° – sin8°)* 1604.82 (m) = 263.254 (kPa).
The total annular surge pressure value at the pipe shoe
P = P1 + P2 = 115.072 (kPa) + 263.254 (kPa) =
378.326 (kPa).
The corresponding addition mud density is:
ρ = P/gH = 378.326 (kPa)/{9.8 (N/kg)*2204.82(m)} =
0.0175 (g/cm3).
Based on the rheological mode of Casson flow, the
flow rate computation models of axial laminar flow in
eccentric annulus apply to horizontal well were success-
fully established. Finally, we developed a new model of
predicting surge pressure imposed on different intervals
in horizontal well, of which the numerical model could
be calculated by the program called Mathematica con-
veniently. And the magnitude of the predicting surge
pressure provided a criterion in determining the addition
mud density.
After calculating the actual example using this new
model and comparing with traditional predicting method,
it is obvious that this new model can be computed easily
by the field engineers. Across the steps of derivation of
this new model, we concluded that it can calculate flexi-
bly, it provides a method of predicting surge pressures in
vertical well and directional well after being simplified.
And this new model can also direct the secure produc-
tion on location through predicting surge pressures under
different working conditions of drill string.
We would like to thank the drilling engineers Shurui Zhang and
Guobin Li from Daqing Oil Field for their supports to the field test and
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