Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2013, 5, 281-287 Published Online July 2013 (
Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free
Interpolation of Magnetic Fields
Victor-Otto de Haan
BonPhysics Research and Investigations B.V., Laan van Heemstede 38, 3297 AJ Puttershoek, The Netherlands.
Received May 31st, 2013; revised July 1st, 2013; accepted July 9th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Victor-Otto de Haan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A new interpolation method for rotation and divergence free fields is presented. It is based on a suitable choice of a
tricubic interpolation scheme and reaches an accuracy of third order in grid size (Δx). With the interpolation method it is
possible to increase the accuracy with a factor of grid size/distance with respect to the trilinear interpolation method
using exactly the same data points. Simulations for several distances of dipoles (r) to the interpolation area show that
the maximum relative deviation is approximately 3(Δx/r)3 ppm.
Keywords: Magnetic Fields; Interpolation; Magnetic Field Measurement
1. Introduction
For many applications it is needed that a vector field is
accurately known with sufficient spatial resolution. For
instance for the calculation of neutron spin precession [1],
in magnetic resonance imaging [2] or in space [3]. In
case these magnetic fields can be calculated, it is possible
that these calculations are very time consuming and it
might be impossible to do these calculations with the
required spatial resolution. In case these magnetic fields
have to be measured, it is also possible (and even likely)
that these measurements are very time consuming and
the required spatial resolution can not be obtained. In
these cases one must resort to interpolation methods. It is
important to have an interpolation method that is accu-
rately enough, even when the grid size of the calculated
or measured data is large with respect to the required
resolution. This calls for higher order interpolation
schemes. The use of a divergence and rotation free in-
terpolation can be advantageous in two respects. First, by
using these properties of the field it is possible to in-
crease the accuracy of the interpolation. Second, in some
cases if the interpolated field is not rotation and diver-
gence free, this leads to erroneous results which have no
physical meaning. This is the case in for instance mag-
neto-hydrodynamics [4]. An important example of a ro-
tation and divergence free vector field is the magnetic
field in a conduction current free region in a homogene-
ous material. The magnetic field is always divergence
free and when there are no conduction currents, the field
is also rotation free. In literature various methods exist
based on a trilinear [5], triquadratic, or even tricubic [6]
interpolation schemes. The disadvantages of these meth-
ods are either their limited accuracy (trilinear and tri-
quadratic) or the large number of grid points needed
(triquadratic and tricubic). Further, in general, these in-
terpolation methods result in a field inside the grid that
has a finite divergence and rotation, possibly resulting in
unphysical results. Here, a method is presented that gives
a rotation and divergence free interpolation of a vector
field inside a 3D-rectangular grid, with an accuracy that
is third order in grid size.
2. Method
Lets consider a rectangular box of homogeneous material
(with linear constitutive equations) with sides Δx, Δy and
Δz (see also Figure 1). The Maxwell equations require
that the magnetic induction is always divergence free. In
case of the quasi-static limit and without conduction cur-
rents the magnetic induction should also be rotation free.
As the material is homogeneous and linear, these condi-
tions also hold for the magnetic field,
A rotation free field can always be described as the
gradient of a scalar quantity, so let us define a scalar field,
G so that
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Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields
20G (2)
because of the fact that 0
. It is assumed that G
is a mixed polynomial of x, y and z
where i, j, k are elements of
0,1,2,,1m. In the fol-
lowing it is explained which choices where made to find
the coefficients ,,ijk. 0,0,0 is taken 0 as only the gra-
dient of G is of importance. Condition (2) yields
a a
 
 
 
 
where i’, j’, k’ are elements of . Hence
there are equations (note that
i’, j
and k’ have m 2 values and i, j and k have m values).
This can be rewritten as
0,1,2,, 3m
26 2mm 
 
2, ,,2,
,, 2
121 2
12 0
ijk ijk
iiaj ja
 
where all coefficients with any index i, j or k larger than
m 1 should be taken 0. Further, all coefficients with
any two indices larger than m 3 should also be 0 to get
a divergence free field. These are 7 equations for m = 3
and 12(m 4) + 8 equations for m > 3.
For m = 3 there are 12 independent coefficients. It
seems a logical choice to use 4 points of the rectangular
grid. The complete rectangular box can be covered by
dividing it in 6 tetrahedrons, A to F. Each point in the
box lies in exactly one of these tetrahedrons (see Figure
1). On each edge of the tetrahedron the three components
of the magnetic field are known, hence there are 12 in-
dependent values that determine the coefficients of G.
All regions should contain a body diagonal to get inde-
pendent values of locations of the magnetic field com-
ponents. In any other case no solution can be found, be-
cause the matrix as defined in Equation (4) will be
singular, as some rows of the matrix will be identical. It
is not directly obvious, but it can be derived by trying all
The scalar G is a polynomial with a maximum of sec-
ond order in x (or y, z), so that the magnetic field com-
ponent in the x (or y, z) direction is only a function of
first order in x (or y, z). The interpolation will only be
accurate up to first order. This is a similar accuracy as is
obtained with simple trilinear interpolation of each sepa-
rate component [5].
For m > 3, there are (m 2)3 + 6 (m 2)2 + 12 (m 4)
+ 8 equations and the number of coefficients is m3 1, so
that the number of free coefficients is 23 and independent
of m. For m = 4 the scalar G is a polynomial with a
maximum of third order in x (or y, z), so that the mag-
netic field is of second order in x (or y, z) so that the in-
terpolation can be accurate up to second order. For m = 4,
G can be written as
where the elements of
are given by the first
23 numbers in Table 1. The magnetic field is given by
Equation (1), so that
Figure 1. Grid points with different regions A to F. Note that the different regions rotate around the body diagonal.
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Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields 283
Table 1. Coefficients of vectors ,
and . B
i Ai X
i B
i i Ai X
i B
i i Ai X
i B
1 a100 x Hx (0, 0, 0) 9 a020 y2 x2 Hz (0, Δy, 0) 17 a103 xz (z2 3y2) Hy (Δx, 0, Δz)
2 a010 y Hy (0, 0, 0) 10 a102 x (z2 y2) Hx (Δx, Δy, 0) 18 a310 xy (x2 3z2) Hz (Δx, 0, Δz)
3 a001 z Hz (0, 0, 0) 11 a012 y (z2 x2) Hy (Δx, Δy, 0) 19 a301 xz (x2 3y2) Hx (0, Δy, Δz)
4 a110 xy Hx (Δx, 0, 0) 12 a021 z (y2 x2) Hz (Δx, Δy, 0) 20 a013 yz (z2 3x2) Hy (0, Δy, Δz)
5 a101 xz Hy (Δx, 0, 0) 13 a300 x (x2 3y2) Hx (0, 0, Δz) 21 a031 yz (y2 3x2) Hz (0, Δy, Δz)
6 a011 yz Hz (Δx, 0, 0) 14 a030 y (y2 3x2) Hy (0, 0, Δz) 22 a113 xyz (z2 x2) Hx (Δx, Δy, Δz)
7 a111 xyz Hx (0, Δy, 0) 15 a003 z (z2 3x2) Hz (0, 0, Δz) 23 a131 xyz (y2 x2) Hy (Δx, Δy, Δz)
8 a002 z2 x2 Hy (0, Δy, 0) 16 a130 xy (y2 3z2)Hx (Δx, 0, Δz) 24 a222 x2y2z2 Hz (Δx, Δy, Δz)
,, d
XA (3)
and similar for the y and z components. As
23 coefficients, 23 magnetic fields components are
needed to be able to determine these coefficients. Of
course as only 23 components are needed one is not used.
As soon as the interpolation gets close to this point it will
get less accurate as one component is inferred from the
other components. This can be prevented by dividing the
box in two regions similar to Figure 2 so that the inter-
polation will always be at sufficient distance from this
Another option is to add one additional coefficient.
The disadvantage is that in such a case the exactness of
the divergence free interpolation is given up. It has been
found that this method gives slightly more accurate re-
sults for the simulations considered here. Now,
contain 24 elements that are given by the complete
Table 1.
When is a vector with 24 elements, determined by
the values of the field components at the corners of the
rectangular box, then it is possible to write
BA (4)
where is a matrix connecting the elements of both
vectors. Each element of a row of is determined by
the corresponding element of Equation (3)
where i is to be taken over the 8 corners of the rectangu-
lar box, corresponding with coordinates (xi, yi, zi). Equa-
tion (3) can be inverted to find the elements of
and Equation (3) can be used to perform the interpola-
For a regular grid matrix is fixed and has to be
determined only once. One can even perform the inver-
sion of the matrix analytically, to speed up the process.
For a cubic grid and Δx = 1, the matrix reduces to a
very simple one and is shown in Table 2. The advantage
of this method over the one presented by Lekien [6] is
that no derivatives need to be determined at the corners
and that matrix has only 24 components instead of
3. Simulation and Results
The accuracy of the interpolation scheme can be tested
by means of the magnetic field of a dipole at a certain
distance from the rectangular box that is considered. The
calculated magnetic field at a certain point in the box can
be compared to the one that is interpolated using the
magnetic field points at the corners of the box. This has
been done for above interpolation schemes (m = 3, m = 4
and 24-element) for a cubic grid and magnetic dipoles
directed in the x, y or z direction and positioned at the
x-axis at a certain distance. The magnetic field of such a
dipole was calculated according to
where µ0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, is
the vector from the dipole to the interpolation point and
is the magnetic dipole vector. For a magnetic dipole
in the x-direction only the x-component of is
non-zero (and similar for the y- and z-directions). Exam-
ples of the results for the 24-elements interpolation
scheme are shown in Figure 3. This figure shows the
relative deviation
interpolatedexact 1HH with respect to
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Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields
Figure 2. Different regions A and B in 23 coefficients interpolation. In region A the z-component of the magnetic field B111 is
ignored and in region B the z-component of B000. The dividing plane is 2zΔz + 2yΔy + 2xΔx = Δx2 +Δy2 + Δz2.
Figure 3. Relative deviation of interpolation (24 elements) in ppm of the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance of 10
(left) or 100 (right) grid sizes for the field created by a magnetic dipole directed in the x (top), y (middle) and z direction (bot-
tom) as function of x and y for z = 0.5Δx.
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Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields 285
Table 2. Elements of matrix ˆ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 58 58 8 16 56 10 56 16 10 14 14 8
5 58 8 58 16 10 56 2 4 2 4 2 4
6 8 58 58 4 2 2 10 16 56 2 4 4
7 24 24 24 0 72 72 72 0 72 48 48 24
8 39 39 78 6 12 21 12 6 21 3 3 12
9 39 78 39 6 21 12 33 12 33 12 15 6
10 42 24 102 48 30 96 6 12 6 12 6 12
11 24 42 102 12 6 6 30 48 96 6 12 12
12 24 102 42 12 6 6 30 24 48 6 12 12
13 28 26 26 32 22 22 14 4 8 10 8 4
14 26 28 26 4 14 8 22 32 22 8 10 4
15 26 26 28 4 8 14 8 4 14 2 2 8
16 28 44 16 32 40 20 32 40 20 28 44 16
17 28 16 44 32 20 40 4 8 4 8 4 8
18 44 28 16 40 32 20 40 32 20 44 28 16
19 44 16 28 40 20 32 4 8 4 8 4 8
20 16 28 44 8 4 4 20 32 40 4 8 8
21 16 44 28 8 4 4 20 40 32 4 8 8
22 24 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48
24 24 48
23 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48 24
24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 4
5 56 10 16 14 8 14 4 2 4 2 4 2
6 10 56 16 2 4 4 8 14 14 4 2 2
7 72 72 0 48 24 48 24 48 48 0 0 0
8 33 33 12 12 6 15 6 12 15 3 3 6
9 12 21 6 3 12 3 6 15 12 3 6 3
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Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields
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10 48 30 24 42 24 30 12 6 12 6 12 6
11 30 48 24 6 12 12 24 42 30 12 6 6
12 30 96 48 6 12 12 24 30 42 12 6 6
13 14 8 4 10 4 8 8 2 2 4 2 2
14 8 14 4 2 8 2 4 10 8 2 4 2
15 22 22 32 8 4 10 4 8 10 2 2 4
16 4 4 8 8 8 4 8 8 4 4 4 8
17 32 20 40 28 16 44 8 4 8 4 8 4
18 4 4 8 8 8 4 8 8 4 4 4 8
19 40 20 32 44 16 28 8 4 8 4 8 4
20 20 32 40 4 8 8 16 28 44 8 4 4
21 20 40 32 4 8 8 16 44 28 8 4 4
22 24 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48
23 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48 24 24 48 24
24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Figure 4. Relative deviation of interpolation (24 elements) as function of distance to dipole for dipoles in x, y and z direction.
The full black line is the maximum limit given by 3(Δx/r)3 ppm, r is the distance to the dipole. The (upper) red line indicates
the limit for interpolation with m = 3, the long-dashed-green line the limit for trilinear interpolation and the short-dashed-
blue line the limit for interpolation with m = 4.
the magnitude of the calculated magnetic field as func-
tion of x and y for z = Δx/2. The distance between the
box and the magnetic dipole is 10Δx (left side) or 100Δx
(right side) and the results are shown for three different
dipoles (from top to bottom directed in the x, y and z di-
rection). The relative deviation is already quite small for
a dipole at a distance of 10 times the grid size and re-
duces another factor of 1000 when the distance is in-
creased by a factor of 10. The graphs show that the rela-
tive deviation is not constant but depend on the proper-
ties of the field. The interpolation coefficients are deter-
mined by the values at the corners of the cube, but the
deviations do not approach zero at the corners. This is
because a slice through the center of the cell (as used in
the plots) does not contain any corners. This slice was
chosen to show the larger deviations. The interpolation is
accurate to third order in grid size. Further simulations
for several distances of the dipoles, r to the interpolation
area show (see Figure 4) that the maximum relative de-
viation is approximately 3(Δx/r)3 ppm. If the interpola-
tion scheme for m = 4 is used with 23 elements, the
maximum relative deviation that occurs in this case is
approximately 5(Δx/r)3 ppm. The interpolation scheme
for m = 3 or the trilinear interpolation have maximum
Fully and Partly Divergence and Rotation Free Interpolation of Magnetic Fields 287
deviations of approximately 4.5(Δx/r)2 ppm and 1.5(Δx/r)2
ppm respectively. Note that the latter interpolation sche-
mes are only accurate in second order of the grid size.
Hence, by using the properties of the magnetic field (di-
vergence and rotation free) it is possible to increase the
accuracy of the interpolation with a factor of Δx/r with
respect to the trilinear interpolation using exactly the
same data points.
4. Conclusion
A new interpolation method uses the properties of the
magnetic field in homogeneous linear materials without
conducting current (i.e. rotation and divergence free).
The method needs 24 magnetic field components, which
are provided by the 24 components available at the 8
corners of a rectangular grid. The interpolation accuracy
obtained is third order in grid size. With the interpolation
method it is possible to increase the accuracy with a fac-
tor of grid size/distance with respect to the trilinear in-
terpolation using exactly the same data points. The in-
terpolation method can be checked for other field shapes
as used here to check the validity of the results further.
The number of free parameters for a divergence and rota-
tion free field derived from a potential represented by a
polynomial with m > 3 is always 23. It would be inter-
esting to create a similar interpolation scheme for m > 4,
to find out the influence on the accuracy.
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