Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2013, 4, 124-130 Published Online July 2013 (
Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in
Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis
Huaying Ning1,2, Hui Wu1,3, Xiaojian Tian1,4, Yunliang Guo1, Wei Shen1*, Xin Wang1, Zhou Zhen1
1Institute of Integrative Medicine, Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao, China; 2Haihe Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin, China;
3Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University Medical College, Suzhou, China; 4Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of
TCM, Tianjin, China.
Email: *
Received March 4th, 2013; revised April 4th, 2013; accepted April 17th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Huaying Ning et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this study was to observe the effects of Cyprinus carpio decoction on the expression of aquaporins in rats
with adriamycin-induced nephropathy and to explore the therapeutic mechanism on nephrotic edema. Total of 50 Wis-
tar rats were randomly divided into normal group, model group, fosinopril group, Cyprinus carpio decoction treated
with high dose group and low dose group consisting of 10 rats respectively. Nephropathy models were established by
injecting adriamycin through tail vein and treated with Cyprinus carpio decoction. Urinary protein excretions in 12 h,
serum albumin, total serum protein, serum sodium and potassium were measured by biochemical assay. The pathologi-
cal changes and the expression of AQP1, AQP2, AQP3 in rat kidneys were respectively detected by HE stain and im-
munohistochemiscal assay. The results indicated: 1) The urinary protein excretion in 12 h (proteinuria) increased sig-
nificantly along the time longed modeling, while no significant increasing in Cyprinus carpio decoction treated group
(F = 5.23 - 41.89, P < 0.05); 2) The serum albumin and total protein in model group were significantly lower than that
in normal group, but that in Cyprinus carpio decoction treated group were higher than that in model group (F = 13.12 -
15.48, P < 0.05). The serum sodium and potassium in model group were higher than those in normal group, while that
in Cyprinus carpio decoction treated group were higher than that in model group (F = 3.42 - 3.96, P < 0.05); 3) Renal
glomerular capillaries congestive of group M rats were expansion. Glomerular mesangial cells and the basement mem-
brane were diffuse hyperplasia, inflammatory cell infiltration. Glomerular mesangial cells and the basement membrane
of Cyprinus carpio decoction with interventing groups reduced proliferation, less inflammatory cell infiltration; 4) In
model group, the expressions of AQP1-3 in the renal tubule and collecting duct cells increased significantly than those
in normal group, and those in Cyprinus carpio decoction treated group decreased than those in model group (F = 3.97 -
6.19, P < 0.05). It is suggested that Cyprinus carpio decoction could reduced the urinary protein excretion and alleviate
pathological lesion and edema with adriamycin-induced nephropathy by decreasing the expressions of AQPs in kidneys.
Keywords: Cyprinus carpio Decoction; Adriamycin Nephropathy; AQP1; AQP2; AQP3; Rats
1. Introduction
Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a clinical syndrome due to a
series of pathophysiological changes of high glomerular
filtration permeability and a large number of plasma pro-
teins from the urine loss with edema, proteinuria, and low
protein hyperlipidemia for the clinical features. Edema is
related to water-sodium retention and no effective method
to cure up to now. Water channel proteins (Aquaporin,
AQP) are a family of transmembrane proteins through
which the water molecules can pass specifically. Found so
far, there are eight kinds of water channel proteins in kid-
neys, which are important to renal re-absorption of water
liquid and dilute urine concentration function. Abnormal
expression of AQPs is one of the mechanisms water-
sodium retention [1]. AQP1 was mainly expressed in the
cell membrane surface of the renal proximal tubule and
medullary descending thin section to reabsorb water from
the original urine; AQP2 played an important role in water
balance of the kidney, which was mainly distributed in the
kidney distal tubule and the lumen side of the main col-
lecting duct cells, controlled by arginine vasopressin (AVP)
regulation [2]. AQP2 was an important protein to regulate
*Corresponding author.
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Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis 125
the water permeability of renal collecting duct, and its ab-
normal expression and regulation mechanism are closely
related to physiological and pathophysiology in water re-
gulation of the kidney. AQP3 may be the out-flow channel
with renal re-absorption of water, mainly distributed in
luminal side of collecting duct principal cells in the kid-
ney. Cyprinus carpio was sweet in taste, mild in tropism,
non-toxic, had a significant effect in treating various
causes of edema documented in ancient and modern lit-
erature. The people also often received good effect after
the application of Cyprinus carpio decoction, but also had
cases on treating edema with Cyprinus carpio decoction
in clinical. This study was designed to explore the effect
of Cyprinus carpio decoction on renal AQP expression
nephropathy induced by adriamycin and investigate the
mechanism treating renal edema of Cyprinus carpio de-
coction in rats.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Animals
Total of 50 healthy adult Wistar rats, male and female,
7W age, body weight in (180 ± 20) g, SPF grade, pur-
chased from Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
(SLXK-Lu-2008-0002). The guidance suggestions for
care of laboratory animals was followed according to the
Guidelines for caring for experimental animals published
by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Peo-
ple’s Republic of China. All the rats were fed adapted
standard diet for 7 days in different cages with 12 h natu-
ral light, cozy temperature, conformable humidity, freely
drinking and eating and changed bedding every day.
2.2. The Nephropathy Model Induced by
Adriamycin (doxorubicin hydrochloride) purchased from
Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. was diluted with
saline solution for 2 mg/ml of injection. All rats feeding
adaptively for 7 days and their 12 h-urine-protein were
tested negatively, were divided randomly into normal
group, model group and fosinopril group, Cyprinus car-
pio decoction with high dose group and low dose group
consisting of 10 rats respectively. The preparation me-
thod of the nephropathy model induced by adriamycin in
rats was referenced that of Bertani et al. [3,4]. The solu-
tion of adriamycin was injected using micro-injection
syringe in rat tail vein between needle and mouse tail
vein for 30˚ after withdrawing a return of blood. The first
injection of doxorubicin was at 4 mg/kg body weight.
After 7 days the twice injection was at 3.5 mg/kg body
weight in the same way. Then injection for 3 days it was
a symbol of model of success that 12 h-urine-protein was
tested for positive. Synchronize the control group was
injected with normal saline.
2.3. The Preparation Method of Cyprinus
carpio Decoction
In this experiment, the fish was provided by Fisheries
Research Institute, Henan Province, the Yellow River
carp seed field (SC1043-2001). The fish was frozen im-
mediately after harvest and thawed at room temperature
before prepared Cyprinus carpio decoction, weighted,
washed in cold water for three times, set in stainless steel
pot, added distilled water to the total weight of fish and
water for 5 times with the weight of the fish. After the
decoction boiled 10 minutes, churned the fish in order to
separated the bone and meat, fractured skull, then contin-
ued to boiled with slow fire for churning once every 10
minutes. The pan was moved away from the heat source
after the total weight of fish and water was 4 times the
weight of fish (about 60 minutes). Using a 6-drug screen
(100 meshes) filtered out the Cyprinus carpio decoction.
The concentration of decoction was 25%. The condensed
decoction in 25% concentration continued to be condens-
ed with fast vacuum concentrator (Eppendorf Company,
5301), pre-selected temperature was 45˚C for 400% con-
centration (including carp 4 g/ml). The decoction was
packed in polyethylene plastic bags (100 ml/bag), disin-
fected 60 minutes in 80˚C hot water, and cooled naturally,
set 20˚C refrigerator to standby.
2.4. Intervention Experiments
The intervention experiments started after 3 days in the
2nd doxorubicin injection and the 12 h-urine-protein test-
ing positively (model success). Firstly, melting the Cy-
prinus carpio decoction with thermostatic water-bath (36˚C)
before using, then the rats were lavaged according to the
following dose once a day for 21 days:
1) High-dose group: 22.50 g/kg body weight, Cypri-
nus carpio decoction concentration for 4 g/ml. Equivalent
adult (70 kg body weight) dose of 250 g, the dose the rats
need were calculated in accordance with the conversion
factor of 0.018 between rat and human body surface area;
2) Low-dose group: 11.25 g/kg weight, Cyprinus car-
pio decoction concentration for 2 g/ml. Equivalent adult
(70 kg body weight) dose of 125 g, the dose the rats need
were calculated in accordance with the conversion factor
of 0.018 between rat and human body surface area;
3) Fosinopril group: 0.9 mg/kg body weight. Fosino-
pril sodium tablets (Mengnuo, Sino-American Shanghai
Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) were fully crushed into
fine powder to prepare the solution of 0.09 mg/ml con-
centration with saline;
4) Normal group and model group: Synchronous given
normal saline orally.
2.5. Observation Index
1) Histopathology: After collecting blood, the kidney
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
specimens was took out and washed the remnant blood
with normal saline, removed the kidney capsule, sliced
levelly the kidney for 2 parts along the center of the renal
pedicle, then fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, and pre-
served in 4˚C. Conventional dehydration, transparent, dip
wax, embedded, sliced thickness for 4 μm, patch. Sec-
tions were conventional dewaxed, hydration, hematoxy-
lin staining for 3 minutes, washing with water, eosin stain-
ing for 1.5 minutes. Conventional dehydration, transpar-
ent, mounted with neutral gum. The glomerular capillary
endothelial cells, basement membrane, mesangial matrix,
mesangial cells, tubular, interstitial and other changes of
renal tissue were observe under light microscopy.
2) Immunohistochemistry: Took the kidney specimens
to wash the remnant blood with normal saline, removed
the kidney capsule, sliced levelly the kidney for 2 parts
along the center of the renal pedicle, then placed in 4%
paraformaldehyde, and preserved in 4˚C. Conventional
dehydration, transparent, dip wax, embedded, sliced thick-
ness for 4 μm, patch. Rabbit anti-rat AQP1-3 affinity-
purified antibody, SABC kit, DAB chromogenic kit were
purchased from Wuhan Boster Biological Engineering
Co. Ltd. Take the slices at 60˚C oven to bake 12 h and
conventionally dewax to water, operate according to kit
instructions, DAB color 1 minutes, purple hematoxylin-
stained 10 s, conventional dehydration, transparent, neu-
tral resin were mounted. Brown-yellow granules were
found in cell membrane and the cytoplasm with light
microscope were considered as positive cells. Some sec-
tions without primary antibody were alternative staining
with 0.1 mol/LPBS to be a negative control. Each immu-
nohistochemistry slice was randomly collected five high
power field (400-fold) by two pathologists to quantitative
analysis (Image-Pro Plus version 6.0) total area of posi-
tive cells area and integrated optical density of positive
staining area. Optical density value represented the aver-
age expression, and the average optical density = IOD/
SUM area. The five images of each slice calculated the
average was optical density measured values of the slice
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Using SPSS 16.0 statistical software statistics the results
and show in (χ ± S). The urinary protein excretion in 12 h
in different groups at different times compared to use
repeated measures analysis of variance (Repeated Meas-
ures) and LSD between groups; the data of serum bio-
chemical and the average optical density of immunohis-
tochemical were analyzed by single-factor of variance
(One-Way ANOVA) and LSD comparison between groups.
Using Dunnett’ T3 and Dunnett’ C methods with hetero-
scedasticity. P < 0.05 indicated a statistically significant
3. Results
3.1. General Conditions
Rats in normal group were in good spirits, shiny fur,
move freely, responsive. The modeling rats had varying
degrees of reduced feeding, weight loss, diarrhea, curled
up and body hair was messy and dull after the first injec-
tion of adriamycin. After the 2nd doxorubicin injection,
the rats were evidently depressed, yellow fluffy body hair,
loose stool, decreased appetite, weight loss, swollen limbs.
In Cyprinus carpio decoction intervention groups, the
rats increased food intake, gained weight, reduced edema
gradually. Total of 11 rats were died in the experiment, 3
cases in the model group, 2 cases in fosinopril group, and
3 cases in Cyprinus carpio decoction treated with high
dose group and low dose group respectively. Ascites
were found in dead rats.
3.2. Urinary Protein Excretion in 12 h
The urinary protein excretion in 12 h (12 h-urine-protein)
had no significant differences among the groups before
modeling (P > 0.05). The urinary protein excretion in 12
h of the model group rats heightened with prolong of
time after modeling, but Cyprinus carpio decoction groups
hadn’t obvious increasing. There was no significant dif-
ference between the normal group and fosinopril group
(P < 0.05). Analysis of variance suggested that the uri-
nary protein excretion in 12 h at all measurement time
points were significantly different (F = 41.89, P < 0.05),
urinary protein changes were significantly different over
time (F = 5.23, P < 0.05), and the difference of group
effect was significant (F = 17.40, P < 0.05) (Table 1).
Table 1. The urinary protein excretion in 12 h at different time point (±
x, mg/d).
Groups n Before
modeling 0 d
modeling 6 d
modeling 12 d
modeling 18 d
modeling 24 d
Normal group 9 3.84 ± 2.54 4.34 ± 1.53 4.69 ± 2.89 5.54 ± 2.06 5.66 ± 2.60 4.98 ± 2.12
Model group 7 4.13 ± 2.79 10.19 ± 2.68a 12.37 ± 3.00a 16.61 ± 7.15a 19.20 ± 6.18a 20.09 ± 3.84a
Fosinopril group 8 4.86 ± 3.12 10.00 ± 2.71a 12.64 ± 4.51a 9.69 ± 1.99a,b 10.49 ± 3.23a,b 10.57 ± 3.56a,b
High doze group 7 2.50 ± 1.41 7.82 ± 1.30a,b 9.55 ± 1.99a 10.97 ± 2.71a,b 11.31 ± 2.57a,b 10.34 ± 1.44a,b
Low doze group 7 2.62 ± 2.46 8.62 ± 2.23a 11.01 ± 2.87a 13.31 ± 3.39a,b 12.23 ± 3.05a,b 12.51 ± 2.76a,b
Compared with normal group, aP < 0.05; Compared with model group, bP < 0.05.
Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis 127
3.3. Histopathology
Renal glomerulus, renal tubular interstitial ormal and
small blood vessels were normal in normal group. Renal
glomerular capillaries congestive of model group rats
were expanded and congestive, inflammatory cell infil-
tration. Mesangial cells and the basement membrane
were diffused hyperplasia and edema in renal interstitium
clearly. Renal tubular epithelial cells were swelling, renal
tubular dilatation, protein cast. The renal glomerulus, kid-
ney tubules and the stroma of fosinopril group and the
treatment of groups were significantly palliative than
model group for show pathological changes (Figure 1).
3.4. The Level of Serum Albumin, Total Protein
and Electrolyte
Please see Table 2 below.
3.5. The Levels of AQP1-3
AQP1 expressed in the cell membrane of renal proximal
tubule and thin segment of medullary loop (Figure 2).
AQP2 expressed in renal distal tubule and the luminal
side of collecting duct cells (Figure 3), yet the expres-
sion of AQP3 was in renal collecting duct epithelial cells
(Figure 4). The expression of AQP1, AQP2, and AQP3
in the model group increased significantly than those in
the control group, and those of fosinopril group and Cy-
prinus carpio decoction groups were significantly de-
creased compared to the model group (F(1) = 6.19, F(2) =
4.36, F(3) = 3.97, P < 0.05). Fosinopril group and Cypri-
nus carpio decoction groups had no significant differ-
ences (Table 3).
4. Discussion
4.1. The Effect of Cyprinus carpio Decoction on
Edema in Rats with Adriamycin Nephrosis
Cyprinus carpio was usual goods, but it was adept at
eliminating edema for a long history as medicine. Cy-
prinus carpio decoction come from Invaluable Prescrip-
tions for Ready Reference carp, composed of Cyprinus
carpio, tuckahoe, atractylodes macrocephaia, radices
paeoniae alba, angelica, ginger, whose main function was
Spleen-organ dampness and water swelling [6]. Modern
clinical medical proved that Cyprinus carpio has the ef-
fect of inducing diuresis for reducing edema. Nie Lifang
Table 2. The level of serum albumin, total protein and electrolyte (±
Groups n ALB (g/L) TP (g/L) K (mmol/L) Na (mmol/L) Cl (mmol/L)
Normal group 9 24.89 ± 1.97 62.44 ± 3.17 5.47 ± 0.48 141.11 ± 2.47 97.33 ± 1.66
Model group 7 10.14 ± 4.74a 46.29 ± 6.40a 6.41 ± 1.11a 147.86 ± 5.58a 102.86 ± 4.98a
Fosinopril group 8 15.63 ± 4.14b 52.12 ± 3.85b 6.38 ± 0.80 141.75 ± 5.75b 98.75 ± 3.54b
High doze group 7 16.29 ± 4.79b 56.71 ± 5.25b 5.39 ± 0.47b 139.57 ± 4.30b 95.29 ± 3.20b
Low doze group 7 15.29 ± 4.31b 53.00 ± 4.47b 5.79 ± 0.64 141.14 ± 6.33b 96.67 ± 2.07b
Compared with normal group, aP < 0.05; Compared with model group, bP < 0.05.
Table 3. The average optical density of AQP1, AQP2, and AQP3.
groups n AQP1 AQP2 AQP3
Normal group 9 0.289 ± 0.012 0.301 ± 0.022 0.389 ± 0.016
Model group 7 0.361 ± 0.010a 0.370 ± 0.027a 0.428 ± 0.015a
Fosinopril group 8 0.321 ± 0.010a,b 0.344 ± 0.012a,b 0.407 ± 0.065a,b
High doze group 7 0.325 ± 0.016a,b 0.334 ± 0.027a,b 0.406 ± 0.009a,b
Low doze group 7 0.317 ± 0.017a,b 0.337 ± 0.012a,b 0.403 ± 0.011a,b
Compared with normal group, aP < 0.05; Compared with model group, bP < 0.05.
Figure 1. HE stain in kidney tissue, HE × 400. (A) Normal group; (B) Model group; (C) Fosinopril group; (D) High-doze
group; (E) Low-doze group.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Figure 2. The expression of AQP 1 in kidney, DAB × 400. (A) Normal group; (B) Model group; (C) Fosinopril group; (D)
High doze group; (E) Low doze group.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Figure 3. The expression of AQP 2 in kidney, DAB × 400. (A) Normal group; (B) Model group; (C) Fosinopril group; (D)
High doze group; (E) Low doze group.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Figure 4. The expression of AQP 3 in kidney, DAB × 400. (A) Normal group; (B) Model group; (C) Fosinopril group; (D)
High doze group; (E) Low doze group.
et al. [7] applied the method of conventional eliminating
water with Astragalus Cyprinus carpio decoction to treat
nephrotic syndrome which was deficiency of both vital
energy and Yin in Spleen-organ and Kidney-organ, mainly
deficiency of vital energy, internal stagnation of fluid
dampness that edema of patients subsided rapidly, phy-
siccal recovery, urine volume gradually returned to nor-
mal. Wang Yibo et al. [8] applied Gold Cyprinus carpio
decoction to treat polyhydramnios with curative effect.
He Qiyang [9] applied Jiawei Cyprinus carpio decoction
to treat edema in 48 cases, the total effective rate was
91.7%. Yuan Haiyan et al. [10] applied Gold Cyprinus
carpio decoction to treat cancerous hydrothorax and as-
cites in 30 cases whose total efficiency was 93.33%. Gao
Cuixia et al. [11] applied modified Liyu Baizhu soup to
treat pregnancy edema in 60 cases, the total effective rate
was 86.6%.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that urin-
ary protein is a nutrient substances losing from human
body. Ancient book “SUWEN” pointed out that the Kid-
ney-organ dominating water metabolism, getting the es-
sence of Five-Zang-organs and Six-Fu-organs and hid-
ing. Therefore, main pathogenesis of albuminuria is that
the Spleen-organ can’t obtain the essence but sinking,
and the Kidney-organ can’t hide essence but letting down
[12]. A large number of proteinuria and nutrient sub-
stance losing for long term cannot normally nourish the
Five-Zang-organs will further aggravate the deficiency of
Spleen-organ and Kidney-organ and bring sorrow to
other organs if the disease is for a long time. Cyprinus
carpio decoction is sentient beings of flesh and blood,
belongs to high protein food, which has the effect of in-
vigorating Spleen-organ for promoting digestion and in-
ducing diuresis for reducing edema to replenish essence
and marrow so that heightening plasma protein and re-
ducing urinary protein excretion. The prescription before
applied to removing edema was Cyprinus carpio decoc-
tion polypharmacy. This experiment applied Cyprinus
carpio decoction unilateralism and the results showed
that urine protein excretion in Cyprinus carpio decoction
treatment groups was markedly reduced than that in
model group and suggested that Cyprinus carpio decoc-
tion could invigorate Spleen-organ, obtain essence, and
ingest Kidney-organ Qi in order to avoid downing.
Modern medicine thought that the urine will appear
big molecular protein to format albuminuria when nega-
tive charge in glomerular filtration membrane reduced
and cribriform foramina of filtration membrane opened
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Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis 129
under pathological condition, glomerular filtration barrier
cannot prevent plasma protein leaking and plentiful pro-
tein leached to the glomerular filtration exceeding the
renal tubular reabsorption capacity. Animal experiments
and clinical observations found that the proteins leached
by glomerular filtration could induce glomerular epithe-
lial cell injury to promote glomerular sclerosis, renal tu-
bular damage, interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration
and fibrosis, so the renal unit decreased gradually and
eventually progressed to chronic renal failure. This ex-
perimental results showed that urine protein in 12 h of
rats in model group increased and appeared the symp-
toms of hypoalbuminemia, high sodium, hyperkalemia,
different degree of edema accordant with the retention of
sodium and water in primary nephrotic syndrome. The
experiment showed that renal glomerular capillaries con-
gestive of model group rats were expanded and conges-
tive, inflammatory cell infiltration. Mesangial cells and
the basement membrane were diffuse hyperplasia and
edema in renal interstitium clearly. Renal tubular epithe-
lial cells were swelling, renal tubular dilataltion, protein
cast. The renal glomerulus, kidney tubules and the stro-
ma of fosinopril group and the treatment of groups were
significantly palliative than that in model group for show
pathological changes. The urinary protein in 12 h de-
creased, serum albumin and total protein improved, se-
rum sodium and potassium levels reduced, edema of the
limbs relatively lighten, and renal pathological damage
mitigated after the rats were interfered by Cyprinus car-
pio decoction, which suggested Cyprinus carpio decoc-
tion might mitigate renal pathological damage, reduced
albuminuria, increaced serum albumin and total protein
and so on.
4.2. The Effects of Cyprinus carpio Decoction on
the Expression of Aquaporins in Rats with
Adriamycin Nephrosis
AQP1 expressed in the apical plasma membrane of
epithelial cell in renal proximal tubule and thin segment
of medullary loop, yet matrix membrane rarely expressed,
and mainly mediated water reabsorption of the original
urine [13]. AQP1 protein was approximately 4% of the
total protein in renal proximal tubular brush border. Most
of AQP1 expressed through high osmotic pressure regu-
lation lateral to the basement membrane and needed not
induced from the intracellular osmotic gradient on it [14].
Sodium chloride, urea, betaine, heat shock proteins and
so on together regulated the expression level of AQP1
induced by osmotic pressure [15]. It was reported that
AQP1 could promote the proximal tubule cell to migrate
and played a role in the response of proximal convoluted
tubule to injury [16]. The experiments in vitro showed
that AQP1 deletions might reduce the permeability of the
proximal tubule and medullary loop descending thin sec-
tion, the fluid reabsorption capacity to destroye the coun-
tercurrent multiplier system [17]. Our experimental re-
sults was accordant with above reports.
AQP2 expressed in the apical membrane of renal distal
tubule and collecting duct principal cells to be the main
targets that antidiuretic hormone regulated the collecting
duct water permeability [18]. About 10% of glomerular
filtration liquid participated in AQP2 was absorbed when
glomerular filtration liquid flowed through the collecting
duct accordingly concentrated the urine. The short-term
regulation of urine concentration mainly completed the
shuttle transporter of AQP2 from the cells to the luminal
membrane and played the role of water reabsorption on
AQP2. However, the long-term regulation could add the
expression of AQP2 in the renal medulla. Urine concen-
trating function of the small rants with AQP2 deletions or
mutations damaged could cause severe nephrogenic dia-
betes insipidus [19].
AQP3 distributed in the whole collecting duct system
from the renal cortex to renal papillary, mainly played dis-
persion in water that transfer AQP2 into cells [18]. AQP3
was also affected by antidiuretic hormone regulation [20],
but had no shuttle transfer mechanism. AVP stimulation
cannot cause membrane content increased rapidly [21].
The former experiments indicated that the expression
level of AQP3 in nephrotic syndrome up regulated [22].
Rat models knockout AQP3 manifested as severe diabe-
tes whose water intake and urine volume insipidus in-
creased more than 12 times than wild rats, and the urine
osmotic pressure significantly decreased [23]. Water in-
take and urine volume of mouse model knockout AQPl/
AQP3X2 increased above 20 times imported that differ-
ent urinary mechanism barrier has additive effect [24].
This study indicated that AQP1 expressed in the cell
membrane of renal proximal tubule and medullary loop
thin segment, AQP2 expressed in renal distal tubule and
the luminal side of collecting duct cells, and AQP3 ex-
pressed in renal collecting duct epithelial cells. The ex-
pression of AQP2, AQP1 and AQP3 in the renal tissue of
rats in the model group significantly enhanced comparing
to the control group, yet Cyprinus carpio decoction groups
significantly reduced than model group, and no signifi-
cant difference between fosinopril group and Cyprinus
carpio decoction groups. The results suggested that Cy-
prinus carpio decoction might pass downwardly the ex-
pression levels of AQP1, AQP2 and AQP3 in tubular,
decrease renal re-absorption fluid to relieve renal edema.
This topic revealed molecular mechanisms Cyprinus car-
pio decoction can relieve nephrotic edema, still provided
a favorable theoretical basis for nephropathy therapy at
the same time.
5. Conclusion
This study suggested that Cyprinus carpio decoction
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Effects of Carpio Decoction on the Structure of Kidney in Rats with Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
could reduce the urinary protein excretion and alleviate
pathological lesion and edema with adriamycin-induced
nephropathy by decreasing the expressions of AQPs in
6. Acknowledgements
This study was supported by grant-in-aids for The Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No.
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