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Table 4. Power consumption.
Power Consumption
# of
# of
Port TCAMs Partitioned
128 K 16 3447.87 2432.89 29.44
256 K 16 5129.00 3660.05 28.64
512 K 16 7612.31 5488.88 27.89
1024 K 16 11274.00 8207.60 27.20
5. Conclusion
The purpose of IP router is to make a decision on a rout-
ing path to use and to forward a packet corresponding to
the decided route. An existing router, which stores a pre-
fix in the routing table, has a difficulty to meet QoS re-
quirement from rapidly expanding internet environmen t—
keep speeding up and adding new routes. The contribu-
tion of the proposed scheme is mainly to reduce routing
table updating time and also the power consumption at
the same time. The new design improves the routing ta-
ble updating time by storing new prefix in routing table
in unsorted manner: The worst case updating time in ex-
isting design O(N) reduces to O(1). In order to do this,
the routing table is partitioned per output port, while the
SRAM that stores a prefix length is directly connected to
each partition of the routing table. This allows partitioned
TCAMs to be employed in the design for shorter delay
and lower power consumption. The logic of priority en-
coder and another logic related to existing SRAM are
replaced to simple selection logic. This removes not only
the needs for ordering the table by prefix length but also
the lookup process for finding an output port.
6. Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by the Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research Foun-
dation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Educa-
tion, Science an d Technology (2012R1A1A2004615).
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