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Applied Mathematics, 2010, 1, 534-541 doi:10.4236/am.2010.16071 Published Online December 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM Second-Order Duality for Continuous Programming Containing Support Functions Iqbal Husain1, Mashoob Masoodi2 1Department of Mat hem at ic s, Jaypee University of Technology, Guna, (M.P), India 2Department of Stat i st i c s, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Sri na g ar , Kashmir, India E-mail:, Received June 25, 2010; revised November 4, 2010; acce pte d November 9, 2010 Abstract A second-order dual problem is formulated for a class of continuous programming problem in which both objective and constrained functions contain support functions, hence it is nondifferentiable. Under second- order invexity and second-order pseudoinvexity, weak, strong and converse duality theorems are established for this pair of dual problems. Special cases are deduced and a pair of dual continuous problems with natural boundary values is constructed. A close relationship between duality results of our problems and those of the corresponding (static) nonlinear programming problem with support functions is briefly outlined. Keywords: Continuous Programming, Second-Order Invexity, Second-Order Pseudoinvexity, Second-Order Duality, Nonlinear Programming, Support Functions, Natural Boundary Values 1. Introduction Second-order duality in mathematical programming has been extensively investigated in the literature. A second- order dual formulation for a non-linear programming problem was introduced by Mangasarian [1]. Later Mond [2] established various duality theorems under a condi- tion which is called “Second order convexity”. This con- dition is much simpler than that used by Mangasarian [1]. In [3], Mond and Weir reconstructed the second-order and higher order dual models to derive usual duality re- sults. It is remarked here that second-order dual to a ma- thematical programming problem presents a tighter bound and because of which it enjoys computational advantage over a first order dual. Duality and optimality for continuous programming have been widely investigated by many authors in the recent past, notably, Mond and Hanson [4], Bector, Chandra and Husain [5], Mond and Husain [6] and Chen [7] and other cited references in these expositions. Chen [7] was the first to identify second-order dual formulated for a constrained variational problem and established various duality results under an involved in- vexity- like assumptions. Husain et al. [8] have presented Mond-Weir type duality for the problem of [7] and by introducing continuous-time version of second-order invexity and generalized second-order invexity, validated various duality results. Recently, Husain and Masoodi [9] have studied Wolfe type duality for a class of nondiffe- rentiable continuous programming problem and estab- lished relationship between these results and the duality results of Husain et al. [10] for nonlinear programming problems with support functions. In this paper, we formulate a Wolfe type second-order dual to a class of nondifferentiability continuous pro- gramming containing support functions. The popularity of this type of problems seems to originate from the fact that, even though the objective function and or/constraint functions are non-smooth, a simple representation of the dual problem may be found. The theory of non-smooth mathematical programming deals with more general type of functions by means of generalized sub-differentials. However, square root of positive semi-definite quadratic form and support functions are amongst few cases of the nondifferentiable functions for which one can write down the sub-or quasi-differentials explicitly. Here, var- ious duality theorems for this pair of Wolfe type dual problems are validated under second-order invexity and second-order pseudoinvexity conditions. The special cases as in [1] are derived. A pair of Wolfe type dual variational problems with natural boundary values rather than fixed end points is presented and the proofs of its duality results are indicated. It is also shown that our second-order duality results can be considered as dy- namic generalizations of corresponding (Static) second- order duality results established for nonlinear program- I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 535 ming problem with support function, considered by Hu- sain et al. [10]. 2. Pre-requisites and Expression of the Problem Let =,Iab be a real interval, :nn IR RR :nn m andI RRR be twice continuously diffe- rentiable functions. In order to consider ,,txt xt where :n x IRis differentiable with derivative x , denoted by x x and , the first order of with respect to x tandxt , respectively, that is, 12 12 ,,,,, ,, TT xx nn xx xxx x Denote by x x the Hessian matrix of , and x the mn matrix respectively, that is, with respect to x t, that is, 2 ,,1,2, , xx ij ij n xx , x the mn matrix 11 1 11 22 2 12 12 n n x mm m nmn xxx xx x xx x The symbols ,, x xx xxx and have analogous representations. Designate by X the space of piecewise smooth func- tions :n x IR, with the norm x xDx , where the differentiation operator D is given by t a uDx xtusds , Thus dD dt except at discontinuities. We incorporate the following definitions which are required in the subsequent analysis. Definition 2.1 (Second-Order Invex): If there exists a vector function ,, n txx R where :nn n IR RR and with 0 at t = a and t = b, such that for a scalar function ,,txx , the func- tional ,, I txxdt where :nn IR RR satisfies 1 ,,,, 2 ,, ,,, T II T TT xx I txxdttxxptGptdt txxDtxxGpt dt then ,, I txxdt is second-order invex with respect to where2 2 x xxxxx GDD , and ,n p CIR, the space of n-dimensional continuous vector functions. Definition 2.2 (Second-Order Pseudoinvex): The functional ,, I txxdt is said to be second-order pseudoinvex with respect to if 0 1 ,, ,,. 2 T TT xx I T II DGptdt txxdttxxptGptdt Definition 2.3 (Second-Order Quasi-Invex): The functional ,, I txxdt is to be second-order qua- si-invex with respect to if 1 ,,,, 2 0. T II T TT xx I txxdttxxptGpt dt DGtptdt Consider the following nondifferentiable continuous programming problem (CP) with support functions of Husain and Jabeen [11]: (CP): Minimize ,, | I f txxS xtKdt Subject to 0 x axb (2.1) ,,|0,1,2,,, jj g txxSxtCjmtI (2.2) where f and g are continuously differentiable and each Cj ,(j=1,2,…,m) is a compact convex set in Rn. In [11], Husain and Zamrooda derived the following optimality conditions for the problem (CP): Lemma 2.1 (Fritz-John Neccesary Optimality Condi- tions): If the problem (CP) attains a minimum at x xX , there exist rR and piecewise smooth func- tion :m yI Rwith 12 ,,, m yty tytyt, :n zI Rand :,1,2,, jn wI Rjm, such that 1 ,, ,, ,,,, , mjjj xj T xx r ftxxztytgtxxwt Drf txxytg txxtI 1 ,, 0, mT jj j j ytgtxx xtwttI |, T x tzt SxtKtI |,1,2,,, Tjj x twt SxtCjmtI I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 536 ,,1,2,,, jj ztKwtCjmtI ,0,rytt I ,0,ryttI The minimum x of (CP) may be described as normal if 1rso that the Fritz John optimality conditions re- duce to Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. It suffices for 1rthat Slater’s condition holds at x . Now we review some well known facts about a sup- port function for easy reference. Let be a compact set inn R, then the support func- tion of is defined by max: , T Sxtxt vtvttI A support function, being convex everywhere finite, has a subdifferential in the sense of convex analysis i.e., there exist , n ztR tI , such that ()()() ()T SytS xtytxtzt From [12], the subdifferential of Sxtis given by ,such that. T SxtzttIxtztSxt For any setn A R, the normal cone to A at a point x tA is defined by () ()()0, n A NxtytRytztxtztA It can be verified that for a compact convex set B, () () B ytN xtif and only if () (), T SytBxtyt t I 3. Second Order Duality The following problem is formulated as Wolfe type dual for the problem (CP): (CD): Maximize 1 ,, ,, m TT T jj j j I f tuuu tztytgtuuutwt 1 2 T ptHt ptdt Subject to 0uaub (3.1) 1 ,, ,, ,, ,,0, u mT jj j uj T uu ftuuztytgtuu wt DftuuytgtuuH tpttI (3.2) ,,,1,2,, jj ztKw tCtIjm (3.3) 0,ytt I (3.4) where 2 ,, ,, 2,, ,, ,, ,, T uuu u T uuu u T uuu u Htftuuytg tuu D ftuuytgtuu Dftuuytgtuu If 0,pttI , the above dual becomes the dual of the problem studied in [11]. Theorem 3.1 (Weak duality): Let x tX be a feasible solution of (CP) and 1 ,,, ,utytztw t 2,..., , m wt wtpt be feasible solution for (CD). If for all feasible 12 ,,,,,,,, m x tutytztwtwt wtpt and with respect to = ,,txu ( ),.,.T I ift ztdt and 1 ,.,. . mjj j jI ytgtwtdt second-order invex . Or 1 (),.,..,.,. . m TT jj j j I iiftz tytgtwtdt is second-order pseudoinvex then. inf (CP) ≥ sup (CD). Proof: 1 1 ,, |,,,,2 m TTT T jj j j II f txxS xtKdtftuuutztytgtuuutwtptHtptdt 1 1 ,,,,,, 2 m TT TT jj j j II II f txxxtztdtftuu utztdtytgtuuutwtdtptHtptdt 1 ,, ,,,, 1, 2 m TTTT TT jjj uu j III T I f tuuztDftuuFt ptdtptFt ptdtytgtuuutwtdt ptHt ptdt I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 537 (using 2 2 x xxx xx F tf DfDf and the second-order invexity of ,.,..) T I f tztdt 1 ,, ,,,,,, 11 22 m tb TT TTjjj uu u ta j I I TT II f tuuztDftuuF tptdtftuuytgtuuutwtdt ptFtptdtptHtptdt 1 1 ,, ,,,, 11 22 u m m TT TT Tjj jjj j u j j II I TT II y tgtuuwt DytgtuuGtptdtytgtuuutwtdt ptFt ptdtptHtptdt 1 1 ,, ,, 11 22 u m m TTTTT Tjj jjjj u j j II I TT II ytgtuuwtDytgGt ptGt ptdtytgtuuutwtdt ptFt ptdtptHt ptdt 1 111 ,, 222 mTT TTT jj j jIIII ytgtxxutwtdtptGt ptdtptFtptdtptHt ptdt 1 ,,| 0 mT jj j jI ytgtxx SxtCdt This implies, 1 1 ,, |,,,,2 m TTT jj j j II f txxSxtKdtftuuutztytgtxxutwtptHtptdt yielding, inf (CP) ≥ sup (CD). (ii) From (3.2), we have 1 0,,,,,,,, mTT T Tjjj uuu j I f tuuztytgtuuutwtDftuuytgtuuH tptdt 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, u mT Tjjj uj I tb TT TT uu uu ta f tuuztytgtuuwt DftuuytgtuuH tptdtfyg (by integrating by parts) Using boundary conditions (2.1) and (3.1), we have 1 ,,,,,, ,,0 u mTT Tjjj T uuu j I f tuuztytgtuuwtDf tuuytg tuuHtptdt This, in view of second-order pseudo-invexity of 1 ,.,., , m TT jj j j I f tztytgtwtdt yields, 1 1 ,, ,, 1 ,,,, 2 m TT jj j j I m TTT jj j j I f txxxtztytgtxxxtwtdt f tuuutztytgtuuutwtptHtptdt I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 538 1 1 ,, |,, | 1 ,,,, 2 mjj j j I m TTT T jj j j I ftxxS xtKytgtxxS xtCdt f tuuutztytgtuuutwtptHtptdt Using (2.2) and (3.4) together with | T x tzt SxtK and |, ,1,2,, Tjj x twtSxtC tIjm This gives, 1 ,, | 1 ,,,, 2 I m TTT jj j j I ftxxSxt Kdt f tuuutztytgtuuutwtptH tptdt That is, inf (CP) ≥ sup (CD). Theorem 3.2 (Strong Duality): If x tXis a local (or global) optimal solution of (CP) and is also normal, then there exist piece wise smooth factor:m yI R, :n zI Rand :(1,2,,) jn wI Rjm such that 12 ,,, ,,,,0 m xtyt zt wt wtwtpt is a feasible solution of (CD) and the two objective values are equal. Furthermore, If the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 hold, the 12 ,,, ,,,,() m x tytztwtwt wtpt is an optimal solution of (CD). Proof: From Lemma 2.1, there exist piecewise smooth functions :m yI R,:n zI R and :(1,2,,) jn wI Rjmsatisfying ,, ,, ,,,, 0, mT jj j xx ji T xx f txxztytg txxw D ftxxytgtxxtI ,, ,, ,,,, 0, mT jj j xx ji T xx f txxztytg txxw D ftxxytgtxxtI ,, 0, mT jj j x ji ytgtxx wtI |, T x tzt SxtKtI |,1,2,,, Tjj x twt SxtCjmtI ,,1,2,,, jj ztKw tCjmtI 0,ytt I Hence 12 ,,, ,,,,0 m xtyt zt wt wtwtpt sa- tisfies the constraints of (CD) and 1 1 ,,,, 2 ,, m TTT T jj j j I I f txxutztytgtxxxtwtptHtptdt ftxxSxt Kdt (3.5) That is, the objective values are equal. Furthermore, for every feasible solution, we have 1 1 ,,,, 2 m TTT T jj j j I f txxutztytgtxxxtwtptHtptdt 1 1 ,,,, 2 m TTT T jj j j I f tuuutztytgtuuutwtptH tptdt So, 12 ,,,,,, m x tytztwtwtwt is op- timal for the problem (CD). Theorem 3.3 (Converse duality): Let f and g are thrice continuously differentiable and 12 ,,,,,,, m x tytztwtwt wtpt be an optimal solution of (CD). If the following conditions hold: (A1): The Hessian matrix H(t) is non-singular, and (A2): TT x x tHt tDtHt t I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 539 20, x tDHttt I 0,ttI Then x t is feasible solution of (CP), and 1 ,, 0, mT jj j j ytgtxx xtwttI . In addi- tion, if the hypotheses in Theorem 3.1 hold, then x t is an optimal solution of the problem (CP). Proof: Since 12 ,,,,,,, m x tytztwtwt wtpt is an optimal solution for (CD), then there exist piece wise smooth :n I R and:m IR such that fol- lowing Fritz John type optimality conditions [7] are sa- tisfied: 1 1 ,,,, 2 1 ,, ,,,, 2 ,, ,, ,, 0, mT jj xx x j TTT T xxx x x x TT xx xxx x x xx T xxx x x ftxxztytgtxxwtptHtpt Dftxxyt gtxxptHtpttftxxyt g Dftxxyt gHtptDftxxyt g DftxxytgHtptt I (3.6) 2 1 ,,20,,1,2,, 2xxxxxx xx TT jjjjjjj g txxxtwtptg pttgDgDgptttIIm (3.7) 1 ,,,,,, ,,0, mT jj j xxx j f txxztytgtxxwtD ftxxytgtxxHt pttI (3.8) T K x ttNzt (3.9) ,1,2,, j Tjj j C x tyttyt Nwt jm (3.10) 0, T tptHt tI (3.11) 0, T tyt tI (3.12) ,() 0,ttI (3.13) ,(),() 0tt tI (3.14) By the singularity of H(t), (3.11) implies, ()()0,tpt tI (3.15) If 0 , then 0,ttI and so 0,t tI . This contradicts (3.14), Hence 0 1 11 22 ,, 0, x mTTT jjj xxx x x j TT T xxx xxxx xx TT xxx xxxx xx fztytgwtptHtptDfytgptBtpt tf ytgDfytgHtpt D fytgD ftxxytgHt pttI (3.16) Using the expression of H (t) and (3.16), this gives 20, TT x T x p tHt ptDptHt pt ptDHt pttI This, in view of the hypothesis (A2) implies, yields, 0,ptt I (3.17) The relations (3.9) and (3.10) imply T K x tNzt ,1,2,, j Tj C and xtNwtjm which respectively yields, |, T x tzt SxtK tI and |,1,2,,, Tjj x twt SxtCjmtI The relation (3.7) with 0,ptt I and (3.12) gives 1 ,, 0, mjj j j ytgtxx xtwttI (3.11) The relation (3.7) with 0, ,pttI 0, jt I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 540 tI and |,, T x tzt SxtKtI yields ,,|0,1,2,, , jj g txxS xtCjmtI That is, x is feasible to (CP). Now, in view of |, T x tzt SxtKtI and (3.11) and 1 1 ,,,, 2 ,, | m TTT T jj j j I I f txxxtztytgtxxxtwtptHtptdt ftxxSxt Kdt This, along with the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, yields that x tis an optimal solution of (CP). 4. Special Cases Let for ,tIBt positive semi-definite matrices and continuous on I. Then 12|, T x tBtxt SxtKtI where 1, T K Btzt ztBtzttI Replacing |Sxt K by 12 T xt Btxt and suppressing each |j Sxt C, j=1,2,…,m from the constraints of (CD), we have following problems treated by Husain and Masoodi [9] (CP2): Minimize 12 ,, T I f txxxtBtxtdt Subject to 0 x axb ,, 0, g txxt I (CD): Maximize 1 ,,,, 2 TT T I f tuuut Btztyt gtuuptHtptdt Subject to 0ua ub ,,,,,,,,0, TTT uu u f tuuutBtztytgtuuDf tuuytg tuuHtpttI 1,0 . T ztBtztt Iyt 5. Problems with Natural Boundary Conditions In this section, we formulate a pair of nondifferentiable dual variational problems with natural boundary values rather than fixed end points. The proofs for duality theo- rems for this pair of dual problems is omitted as they follow immediately on the basis of analysis of the pre- ceding section and, of course, slight modifications are needed on the lines of [12]. The problems are: (CP0): Minimize ,, | I f txxSxtKdt Subject to ,,|0,,1,2, , j g txxSxtCtIjm (CD0): Maximize 1 ,, ,, m TT T jjj j I f txxxtztytgtxxxtw t 1 2 T ptHt ptdt Subject to 1 ,, ,, ,, ,,0, mjj j xx j T xx ftxxztytgtxxwt D ftxxytgtxxHt pttI ,,1,2,,, jj ztKwtCjmtI 0,ytt I ,,,, 0, T xx ta ftxxyt gtxx ,,,,0, T xx tb ftxxyt gtxx 6. Nonlinear Programming Problems If all functions in the problems (CP0) and (CD0) are in- dependent of t, then these problems will reduce to the I. HUSAIN ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. AM 541 following nonlinear programming problems studied by Husain et al. [10]. (CP1): Minimize | f xSxtK Subject to |0,1,2,, jj g xSxtCjm (CD1): Maximize 1 1 2 mT TjjTjT j f uuztyt guuwtpHp Subject to 1 0' ,,1,2,,., mT jj j u j jj fuzty tguw tHp zKw Cjm where . T uu uu Hfuygu 7. References [1] O. L. Mangasarian, “Second and Higher Order Duality in Non linear Programming,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 51, 1979, pp. 605-620. [2] B. 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