Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 2010, 2, 190-199 doi:10.4236/jilsa.2010.24022 Published Online November 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Daisuke Miyamoto1, Hiroaki Hazeyama2, Youki Kadobayashi2 1Information Security Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan; 2Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ikoma, Nara, Japan. E-mail:,, Received March 25th, 2010; revised August 25th, 2010; accepted September 16th, 2010. ABSTRACT This paper presents HumanBoost, an approach that aims at improving the accuracy of detecting so-called phishing sites by utilizing users’ past trust decisions (PTDs). Web users are generally required to make trust decisions whenever their personal information is requested by a website. We assume that a database of user PTDs would be transformed into a binary vector, representing phishing or not-phishing, and the binary vector can be used for detecting phishing sites, similar to the existing heuristics. For our pilot study, in November 2007, we invited 10 participants and performed a subject experiment. The participants browsed 14 simulated phishing sites and six legitimate sites, and judged whether or not the site appeared to be a phishing site. We utilize participants’ trust decisions as a new heuristic and we let AdaBoost incorporate it into eight existing heuristics. The results show that the average error rate for HumanBoost was 13.4%, whereas for participants it was 19.0% and for AdaBoost 20.0%. We also conducted two follow-up studies in March 2010 and July 2010, observed that the average error rate for HumanBoost was below the others. We therefore conclude that PTDs are available as new heuristics, and HumanBoost has the potential to improve detection accuracy for Web user. Keywords: Phishing, Personalization, AdaBoost, Trust Decision 1. Introduction Phishing is a form of identity theft in which the targets are users rather than computer systems. A phishing at- tacker attracts victims to a spoofed website, a so-called phishing site, and attempts to persuade them to provide their personal information. Damage suffered from phishing is increasing. In 2005, the Gartner Survey re- ported that 1.2 million consumers lost $929 million as a result of phishing attacks [1]. The modern survey con- ducted in 2008 also reported that more than 5 million consumers lost $1.76 billion [2]. The number of phishing sites is also increasing. According to trend reports pub- lished by the Anti-Phishing Working Group [3], the number of the reported phishing sites was 25,630 in March 2008, far surpassing the 14,315 in July 2005. To deal with phishing attacks, a heuristics-based de- tection method has begun to garner attention. A heuristic is an algorithm to identify phishing sites based on users’ experience, and checks whether a site appears to be a phishing site. Checking the life time duration of the is- sued website is well-known heuristic as most phishing sites’ URL expired in short time span. Based on the de- tection result from each heuristic, the heuristic-based solution calculates the likelihood of a site being a phish- ing site and compares the likelihood with the defined discrimination threshold. Unfortunately, the detection accuracy of existing heuristic-based solutions is nowhere near suitable for practical use [4] even though there ex- ists various heuristics discovered by former studies. In our previous work [5], we attempted to improve this ac- curacy by employing machine learning techniques for combining heuristics, since we assumed that the inaccu- racy is caused by heuristics-based solutions that cannot use the heuristics appropriately. In most cases, machine learning-based detection methods (MLBDMs) performed better than existing detection methods. Especially, an AdaBoost-based detection method showed the highest detection accuracy. In this paper, we propose HumanBoost, which aims at improving AdaBoost-based detection methods. The key concept of HumanBoost is utilizing Web users’ past trust decisions (PTDs). Basically, humans have the potential to identify phishing sites, even if existing heuristics can-
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 191 not detect them. If we can construct a database of PTDs for each Web user, we can use the record of the user’s trust decisions as a feature vector for detecting phishing sites. HumanBoost also involves the idea of adjusting the detection for each Web user. If a user is a security expert, the most predominant factor on detecting phishing sites would be his/her trust decisions. Conversely, the existing heuristic will have a strong effect on detection when the user is a novice and his/her PTD has often failed. In our study in November 2007, we invited 10 partici- pants and performed a subject experiment. The partici- pants browsed 14 simulated phishing sites and six le- gitimate sites, and judged whether or not the site ap- peared to be a phishing site. By utilizing participants’ trust decisions as a new weak-hypothesis, we let AdaBoost incorporate the heuristic into eight existing heuristics. The results show that the average error rate for HumanBoost was 13.4%, whereas that for partici- pants was 19.0% and for the AdaBoost-based detection method 20.0%. We then conducted a follow-up study in March 2010. This study had 11 participants with the al- most same conditions as the first. The results show that the average error rate for HumanBoost was 10.7%, whereas that for participants was 31.4% and for AdaBoost 12.0%. We also invited 309 participants and performed another follow-up study in July 2010. The results show that the average error rate for HumanBoost was 9.7%, whereas that for participants was 40.5% and for AdaBoost 10.5%. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the related work, and Section 3 explains our proposal. Section 4 describes our preliminary evalua- tion, and Section 5 presents a follow-up study. Section 6 discusses the availability of PTDs, the way for removing bias, and issues on implementing HumanBoost-capable system. Finally, Section 7 concludes our contribution. 2. Related Work For mitigating phishing attacks, machine learning, which facilitates the development of algorithms or techniques by enabling computer systems to learn, has begun to garner attention. PFILTER, which was proposed by Fette et al. [6], employed SVM to distinguish phishing emails from other emails. Abu-Nimeh et al. compared the pre- dictive accuracy of six machine learning methods [7]. They analyzed 1,117 phishing emails and 1,718 legiti- mate emails with 43 features for distinguishing phishing emails. Their research showed that the lowest error rate was 7.72% for Random Forests. Ram Basnet et al. per- formed an evaluation of six different machine learn- ing-based detection methods [8]. They analyzed 973 phishing emails and 3,027 legitimate emails with 12 fea- tures, and showed that the lowest error rate was 2.01%. The experimental conditions were differed between them, but machine learning provided high accuracy for the de- tection of phishing emails. Apart from phishing emails, machine learning was also used to detect phishing sites. Pan et al. presented an SVM-based page classifier for detecting those websites [9]. They analyzed 279 phishing sites and 100 legitimate sites with eight features, and the results showed the av- erage error rate to be 16%. Our previous work employed nine machine learning techniques [5], AdaBoost, Bag- ging, Support Vector Machines, Classification and Re- gression Trees, Logistic Regression, Random Forests, Neural Networks, Naïve Bayes, and Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. We also employed eight heuristics presented in [10] and analyzed 3,000 URLs, consisting of 1,500 legitimate sites and the same number of phish- ing sites, reported on [11] from Novem- ber 2007 to February 2008. Our evaluation results showed the highest f1 measure at 0.8581, lowest error rate at 14.15% and highest AUC at 0.9342; all of which were observed for the AdaBoost-based detection method. In most cases, MLBDMs performed better than the ex- isting detection method. Albeit earlier researches used machine learning, we find that there are two problems. One is the number of features for detecting phishing sites is less than that for detecting phishing emails. It indicates that the develop- ment of new heuristic for phishing sites is more difficult than that for phishing emails. The other is to lack the idea of protecting individual Web user. We considered that the protection methods should differ in each Web URL Actual Condition The user’s trust decision Heuristics #1 … Heuristics #N Site 1 Phishing Phishing Phishing … Legitimate Site 2 Phishing Legitimate Phishing … Phishing Site 3 Phishing Phishing Legitimate … Phishing … … … … … … Site M Legitimate Legitimate Legitimate … Phishing Figure 1. Example of PTD and its scheme.
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 192 user as long as phishing attacks target individual users. Our proposed HumanBoost aims at using past trust deci- sions as a new heuristic. It also enables the detection algorithm to customize for each Web user by machine learning processes describe in Section 3.2. 3. HumanBoost 3.1. Overview The key concept of HumanBoost is utilizing Web users’ past trust decisions (PTDs). Web users are generally re- quired to make trust decisions whenever they input their personal information into websites. In other words, we assumed that a Web user outputs a binary variable, phishing or legitimate, when the website requires users to input their password. Note that existing heuristics for detecting phishing sites, which we explain in Section 4.2, are similar to output binary variables denoting phishing or not-phishing. In HumanBoost, we assume that each Web user has his/her own PTD database, as shown in Figure 1. The schema of the PTD database consists of the website’s URL, actual conditions, the result of the user’s trust de- cision, and the results from existing heuristics. Note that we do not propose sharing the PTD database among us- ers due to the privacy concerns. The PTD database can be regarded as a training dataset that consists of N + 1 binary explanatory variables and one binary response variable. We, therefore, employ a machine learning tech- nique for studying this binary vector for each user’s PTD database. 3.2. Theoretical Background In this study we employ the Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) [12] algorithm that learns a strong algorithm by combining a set of weak algorithms ht and a set of weight αt : ttada hH (1) The weights are learned through supervised training off-line. Formally, AdaBoost uses a set of input data { xi, yi : i = 1, … , m} where xi is the input and yi is the classi- fication. Each weak algorithm is only required to make the correct detections in slightly over half the time. The AdaBoost algorithm iterates the calculation of a set of weight Dt (i) on the samples. At t = 1, the samples are equally weighted so Dt (i) = 1/m. The update rule consists of three stages. First, AdaBoost chooses the weight as shown in (2). t t t 1 ln 2 1 (2) where ε t = Pri~Di [ht (xi) ≠ yi]. Second, AdaBoost updates the weights by (3). iit iit t t tyxhe yxhe Z iD D t t )( if )( if )( 1 (3) where Z t is a normalization, factor, ∑ Dt+1 (i) = 1. Finally, it outputs the final hypothesis as shown in (1). We have two reasons of employing AdaBoost. One is that it had performed better in our previous comparative study [5], where it demonstrated the lowest error rate, the highest f1 measure, and the highest AUC of the AdaBoost-based detection method, as mentioned in Sec- tion 2. The other is that we expect AdaBoost to cover each user’s weak points. Theoretically, the boosting algorithms assign high weight to a classifier that correctly labels a site that other classifiers had labeled incorrectly, as shown in (3). Assuming that a user’s trust decision can be treated as a classifier, AdaBoost would cover users’ weak points by assigning high weights to heuristics that can correctly judge a site that the user is likely to misjudge. 4. Experiment and Results To check the availability of PTDs, we invited partici- pants and performed a phishing IQ test to construct PTDs, in November 2007. This section describes the dataset description of the phishing IQ test, introduces the heuris- tics that we used, and then explains our experimental design and finally show the results. 4.1. Dataset Description Similar to the typical phishing IQ tests performed by Dhamija et al. [13], we prepared 14 simulated phishing sites and six legitimate ones, all of which contained Web forms in which users could input their personal informa- tion such as user ID and password. The conditions of the sites are shown in Table 1. Website 1, 4, 7, 12, 13, 19 were actual company web- sites, but these sites contained defective features that could mislead participants into labeling them as phishing. Websites 1 and 12 required users to input their password, though they employed no SSL certification. Website 4 was Goldman Sachs with the domain name webid Since “gs” can imply multiple meanings, the domain name can confuse participants. Similarly, web- site 13 contained “clientserv” in its domain name. Web- site 7 was Nanto Bank, a Japanese regional bank mainly operating in Nara Prefecture, where almost all the par- ticipants lived, but its domain name www2.paweb. an- which gives no indication of the bank’s name. Website 19 was Apple Computer Inc. and employed a valid SSL, but web browsers displayed an alert window because of its accessing non-SSL content.
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 193 The rests were phishing sites. Websites 5, 11, and 15 were derived from actual phishing sites based on a report from Other phishing sites were simulated phishing sites that mimic actual websites by using the phishing practices described in the followed sections. 4.1.1. Confusing URL Websites 2, 6, 16, and 17 were made to look like well- known sites, but with slightly different or confusing URLs. A phishing attacker (phisher) registering a similar or otherwise legitimate-sounding domain name such as is increasingly common. Website 6 was hosted at, with two “v”s in- stead of a “w” in its domain name. According to the phishing IQ test conducted by Dhamija [13], the phishing site that fooled the most participants was an exact replica of the Bank of the West homepage and hosted at this domain name. 4.1.2. IP Address Abuse Websites 10 and 14 employed IP address abuse; instead of showing the domain name, the IP address appears in the browsers’ address bar. For website 10, a phisher copied the contents of the actual Citibank homepage into a website and created URLs using IP addresses. The IP address does not point Citibank, but some participants would not be aware of this and think the site is legiti- mate. 4.1.3. IDN Abuse Websites 9 and 18 employed International Domain Name (IDN) abuse, modern phishing technique. Fu et al. indi- cated [14] that the letter “а” in the Cyrillic alphabet is instance, the URL of website 9 is www.xn--pypal-4ve. com, which is clearly different from Yet, the domain name can be shown as a www.pаypal. com in web browsers. Table 1. Conditions of each website. # Website Real / Spoof Lang Description 1 real EN URL ( 2 Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ spoof JP URL (, similar to the legitimate URL ( 3 PayPal spoof EN URL ( ... %6f%6d) (URL Encoding Abuse) 4 Goldman Sachs real EN URL (, SSL 5 Natwest Bank spoof EN URL (, derived from 6 Bank of the West spoof EN URL (, similar to the legitimate URL ( 7 Nanto Bank real JP URL (, SSL, third party URL 8 Bank of America spoof EN URL ( (URL Scheme Abuse) 9 PayPal spoof EN URL (, first “a” letter is a Cyrillic small letter “а” (U+430) (IDN Abuse) 10 Citibank spoof EN URL (IP address) (IP Address Abuse) 11 Amazon spoof EN URL (, contains “amazon” in its path, derived from 12 Xanga real EN URL ( 13 Morgan Stanley real EN URL (, SSL 14 Yahoo spoof EN URL (IP address) (IP Address Abuse) 15 U.S.D. of the Treasury spoof EN URL ( , derived from 16 Sumitomo Mitsui Card spoof JP URL (, similar to the legitimate URL ( 17 eBay spoof EN URL ( 18 Citibank spoof EN URL ( シテイバンク .com), is pronounced “Shi Tee Ban Ku”, look-alike “Citibank” in Japanese Letter) (IDN Abuse) 19 Apple real EN URL (, SSL, popup warning by accessing non-SSL content 20 PayPal spoof EN URL (, (URL Scheme Abuse)
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 194 4.1.4. URL Scheme Abuse The URLs of websites 8 and 20 contained an at-mark (@) symbol. When the symbol is used in a URL, all text before it is ignored and the browser references only the information following it as a hostname. For website 8, the URL is Even if it seemed like, web browsers would ignore this and would be directed to 4.1.5. URL Encoding Abuse URL encoding is an accepted method of representing characters within a URL that may need special syntax handling to be correctly interpreted. This is achieved by encoding the character to be interpreted with a sequence of three characters. This triplet sequence consists of the percent character “%” followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the octet code of the original charac- ter. For instance, the US-ASCII character set represents a letter “s” with hexadecimal code 73, so its URL-encoded representation is %73. Website 3 glossed over its domain name by URL encoding abuse to make the domain name mimic that of PayPal, Inc. 4.2. Heuristics Our experiment employs eight types of heuristics, all of which were employed by CANTINA [15]. To the best of our knowledge, CANTINA is the most successful tool for combining heuristics, since it has achieved high ac- curacy in detecting phishing sites without using the URL blacklist. 4.2.1. Age of Domain (H1) This is a check of whether the domain was registered more than 12 months ago. If it was, the heuristic deems it a legitimate site. Otherwise it deems it a phishing site. A shortcoming of this heuristic was that newly created le- gitimate sites are not registered in one year. In this case, the heuristic will fail. Another shortcoming is that do- main names of many phishing sites were in fact regis- tered over a year ago. Especially, modern phishing sites are often discovered on a host owned by legitimate company. Some vulnerability in that host allowed a phisher to penetrate it and set up a phishing sites. In such cases, the domain name was often registered long time ago, and thus, the heuristic fails to classify it correctly. 4.2.2. Known Images (H2) This is a check of whether a page contains inconsistent use of well-known logos such as those of eBay, PayPal, Citibank, Bank of America, Fifth Third Bank, Barclays Bank, ANZ Bank, Chase Bank, and Wells Fargo Bank. For instance, if a site contains eBay logos but is not on an eBay domain, the heuristic deems it a phishing site. However, the function of pattern-matching in a digitized image might lead to many misjudgments. In the other case, this heuristic also fails when legitimate sites em- ploy these logo files. Even if a company has a business relationship with PayPal and uses the PayPal logo in its website, the heuristics labels this as a phishing site. 4.2.3. Suspicious URL (H3) This is a check of whether the site URL contains an at-mark (@) symbol or a hyphen (-) in the domain name. If so, the heuristic deems it a phishing site because phishing attackers are likely to use these symbols in their domain name of a phishing site. The weakness of the heuristics are that some legitimate sites, (e.g., aist-, use a hyphen in their domain name. Several phishing sites also do not have an at-mark or a hyphen in their domain name. 4.2.4. Suspicious Links (H4) Similar to the Suspicious URL heuristic, this one checks if a link on the page contains an at-mark or a hyphen. The weak points of this heuristic are same as those of the Suspicious URL heuristic. 4.2.5. IP Address (H5) This is a check of whether the domain name of the site is an IP address. Though legitimate sites rarely link to pages via an IP address, phishers often attract victims to phishing sites by IP address links. The heuristic fails if the URL of a phishing site uses a fully qualified domain name, or that of a legitimate site is an IP address. 4.2.6. Dots in URL (H6) This is a check of whether the URL of the site contains five or more dots. According to Fette et al. [6], dots can be abused for attackers to construct legitimate-looking URLs. One technique is to have a sub-domain. Another is to use a redirection script, which to the user may, for instance, appear like a site hosted at, but in reality will redirect the browser to In both of these examples, either by the inclusion of a URL into an open redirect script or by the use of a number of sub-domains, there are a large number of dots in the URL. The heuristic fails if there are fewer than five dots in the URL of a phishing site. For instance, a phishing site, which was reported November 2008 and placed at, includes only four dots. Conversely, the URLs of some legitimate sites can have five or more dots. 4.2.7. Forms (H7) This is a check of whether the page contains web input
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 195 forms. It scans the HTML for <input> tags that accept text and are accompanied by labels such as “credit card” and “password”. If this is the case, the heuristic deems it a phishing site. Unfortunately, this heuristic fails in la- beling whenever phishers uses digital images of such words rather than using actual text. 4.2.8. TF-IDF-Final (H8) This is a check of whether the site is phishing by em- ploying TF-IDF-Final, an extension of the Robust Hy- perlinks algorithm [14]. When the heuristic attempts to identify phishing sites, it feeds the mixture of word lexi- cal signatures and the domain name of the current web site into Google. If the domain name matches the domain name of the top 30 search results, the web site is labeled legitimate. Some phishing sites, however, can be made to rank more highly in search results by manipulation of the search result page. 4.3. Experimental Design We used a within-subjects design, where every partici- pant saw every website and judged whether or not it ap- peared to be a phishing site. In our test we asked 10 par- ticipants to freely browse the websites. Each partici- pant’s PC was in-stalled with Windows XP and Internet Explorer (IE) version 6.0 as the browser. Other than con- figuring IE to display IDN, we installed no security software and/or anti-phishing toolbars. We also did not prohibit participants from accessing websites not listed in Table 1. Some participants therefore inputted several terms into Google and compared the URL of the site with the URLs of those listed in Google’s search results. In this experiment, we used the average error rate as a performance metric. To average the outcome of each test, we performed 4-fold cross validation and repeated in 10 times. However, we considered that the experiment in- volved a small, homogeneous test population; therefore it would be difficult to generalize the results toward typical phishing victims. We will discuss our plan for removing the bias in Section 6. 4.4. Experiment Results First, we invited 10 participants, all Japanese males, from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. Three had completed their master’s degree in engineering within the last five years, and the others were master’s degree students. We let participants to label the websites de- scribed in Table 1. The results by each participant are shown in Table 2. A hash mark (#) denotes the number of websites in Table 1, P1 - P10 denote the 10 participants, “F” denotes that a participant failed to judge the website, and the empty block denotes that a participant succeeded in judging it correctly. Next, we determined the detection accuracy of the AdaBoost-based detection method. We used eight heu- ristics and outputted a binary variable representing phishing or not-phishing. The detection results by each heuristic are shown in Table 2, where H1 - H8 denote eight heuristics in which numbers are correspond to Sec- tion 4.2. Finally, we measured the detection accuracy of Hu- manBoost. We constructed 10 PTD databases. In other Table 2. Detection results by each participant and heuristic, in November 2007. Participants Heuristics # P1 P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 P 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 P10 H1H2 H 3 H 4 H 5 H 6 H 7 H 8 1 - - - - - - FF- - - - - - - F - - 2 F F - - - - - - - - - - - FF F F - 3 - F - - - - - - - - FF- FF F - - 4 - - F - - F - - F- - F- - - - - - 5 - - - - - - FF- - - - F - F - F - 6 - F F - F F - - - - - FF FF F F - 7 F F - F - F - - - - - F- - - - F F 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - FF F F - 9 - - - - - - - - - - FF- FF F - - 10 - - - F - - - - - - - FF- - F - - 11 - - - - - - F- - - FFF F F F - - 12 - - - - - - F- F- - F- - - - F F 13 - F F - - - - - - - - - - - - - F - 14 - - - - - - F- - F- F FF F F - 15 - - - F - - - - - - - F- - F F - - 16 - F - F - - - F - - FFF F F F - - 17 - F - F - - - F - - - FFFF - F - 18 - - - - - - - - - - FF - - F - 19 F - - F - - FFF - - F- - - - F - 20 - - F - - - - - - - - - - FF F F -
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 196 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Average AdaBoost 0%10%20% 30%40%50% 60%70%80%90%100% 15.0% 35.0% 20.0% 30.0% 5.0% 15.0% 25.0% 30.0% 15.0% 0.0% 19.0% 19.4% 21.7% 1.1% 17.2% 6.1% 17.8% 16.1% 15.6% 18.9% 0.0% 13.4% 20.0% ParticipantAdaBoost HumanBoost Figure 2. Average error rates of each participant, adaboost-based detection method, and HumanBoost in the pilot study, in November 2007. words, we made 10 types of 20 * 9 binary vectors. Under the same conditions described above, we calculated the average error rate for each case of HumanBoost. The results are summarized in Figure 2, where the gray bars denote the error rate of each participant, the white bar denotes the average error rate of the AdaBoost-based detection method, and the black bars denote that of HumanBoost. The average error rate for Human-Boost was 13.4%, 19.0% for the participants and 20.0% for the AdaBoost-based detection method. The lowest false positive rate was 19.6% for HumanBoost, followed by 28.1% for AdaBoost and 29.7% for the par- ticipants. The lowest false negative rate was 8.5% for HumanBoost, followed by 13.5% for AdaBoost, 14.0% for the participants. We found that the average error rate of some partici- pants increased by employing HumanBoost. We ana- lyzed the assigned weights and found that some heuris- tics were assigned higher weights than such users’ trust decision. For instance, participant 9 had labeled three legitimate sites as phishing sites, whereas the existing heuristics had labeled these three sites correctly. His trust detection was therefore inferior to that of existing heuris- tics and we assumed that this is the reason for the in- crease in error rate. 5. Follow-up Study Increasing the number of participants essentially enables us to generalize the outcome of HumanBoost. In this section, we explain the two cases of the follow-up stud- ies performed in 2010. Note that the pilot study was per- formed in November 2007 and the follow-up studies were performed in March 2010 and July 2010, therefore may be difference based on the demographics of the par- ticipants and substantial media coverage about phishing. 5.1. A Case of the Follow-up Study in March 2010 Our follow-up study had 11 new participants, aged 23 to 30. All were from the Japan Advanced Institute of Sci- ence and Technology. All were Japanese males, two had completed their master’s degree in engineering within the last five years, and the others were master’s degree students. Before conducting the follow-up study, we modified the dataset described in Table 1. Due to the renewal of PayPal’s website during 2007 - 2010, we updated web- sites 9 and 20 to mimic the current PayPal login pages. Particularly, Nanto Bank, website 6 in Table 1, had changed both the URL and the content of its login page. Nanto Bank is also not well-known in Ishikawa Prefec- ture, where the participants of the follow-up study lived. We therefore changed website 6 to Hokuriku Bank (an- other Japanese regional bank in Ishikawa). The domain name of Hokuriku Bank is, the same as Nanto Bank. In March 2010, invited 11 participants and asked them to label 20 websites as legitimate or phishing. Different from the pilot study described in Section 4, we prepared printed documents to expedite this experiment. Instead of operating a browser, participants looked at 20 screen shots of a browser that had just finished rendering each website. Additionally, showing a browser screen shot is often used for phishing IQ tests. The detection results by each participant and each heuristic are shown in Table 3. A hash mark denotes the number of websites, P11 - P21 denote the 11 participants, H1 - H8 denote the eight heuristics, “F” denotes that a participant or heuristic failed to judge the website, and the empty block denotes that a participant or heuristic succeeded in judging correctly. We also calculated the average error rate for each participant, the AdaBoost- based detection method, and HumanBoost. The results are shown in Figure 3, where the gray bars denote the error rate of each participant, the white bar denotes the average error rate of the AdaBoost-based detection method, and the black bars denote that of Hu- manBoost. The lowest error rate was 10.7% for Human- Boost, followed by 12.0% for AdaBoost and 31.4% for the participants. The lowest false positive rate was 15.4% for AdaBoost, followed by 18.1% for HumanBoost and 39.9% for the participants. The lowest false negative rate was 6.1% for HumanBoost, followed by 8.4% for AdaBoost and 25.9% for the participants. In comparison
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 197 Table 3. Detection results by each participant and each heuristic in the follow-up study, in March 2010 Participants Heuristics # P11 P 12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 H1H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 1 - - - - - F - - - FF- - - - - F F - 2 - F - - - - - F- - - - F- FF F F - 3 - - F FF - - - F- - FF- FF F - - 4 F - - - - - - FF- - - - - - - - - - 5 - - F - - - - - - - - - FF- F - F - 6 - - - F- - F- F- - - FFFF F F - 7 - F F FF - FF - - F- - - - - - F F 8 - - F - - F - - F - - - F- FF F F - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - FF- FF F - - 10 F - - - - F - - F- - - FF- - F - - 11 - - F F- - - - F- - FFFFF F - - 12 - - - - - - - - FF- - F- F- - F - 13 - F F - F - - FF - F- F- - - - F - 14 - - - - - F - - FF- FFFFF F F - 15 - F - FF - - - - - - - F- - F F - - 16 - F F F F F F F- F- - FFFF F - - 17 - - F F - F - - F - - - - FFF - F - 18 - - - - - F - - - - - - FFF- - F - 19 F - F FF F - - - - F- F- - - - F - 20 - - F F - F - - F - - - F - FF F F - P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 Average AdaBoost 0%10% 20%30%40%50%60% 70%80% 90%100% 15.0% 25.0% 50.0% 45.0% 30.0% 45.0% 15.0% 25.0% 55.0% 20.0% 20.0% 31.4% 11.1% 7.8% 11.1% 11.7% 7.8% 13.9% 11.1% 6.7% 13.9% 13.3% 9.4% 10.7% 12.0% Participant AdaBoostHumanBoost Figure 3. Average error rates of each participant, adaboost-based detection method, and HumanBoost in the follow-up study, in March 2010 to the pilot study, the average error rate in participants increased due to the difference in the experimental de- sign; the pilot study allowed participants to operate a browser but the follow-up study did not. However, we observed that HumanBoost achieved higher detection accuracy. 5.2. A Case of the Follow-up Study in July 2010 In order to collect more users’ PTDs, we recruited par- ticipants via Internet research company. In this section, we summarize the results briefly. Of the recruited 309 participants, 42.4% (131) were male and 57.6% (178) were female. Age ranged from 16 to 77 years old. 48.2% of participants (149) were office workers, and 19.7% (61) were households and 5.8% (18) were students. Of the students, 66.7% (12) were Bache- lors, 11.1% (2) were high school students, 5.6% (1) was a master’s degree student. They mainly lived around Tokyo area. We therefore changed website 6 to Tokyo Tomin Bank (another Japanese regional bank in Tokyo). The domain name of Tokyo Tomin Bank is also The other conditions of this study are the same as the follow up study described in Section 5.1. In July 2010, recruited 309 participants looked at 20 screen shots and judged whether the site seems to be phishing or legitimate. Based on the detection results, we also calculated the average error rate for each participant, the AdaBoost- based detection method, and HumanBoost. The lowest error rate was 9.7% for HumanBoost, followed by 10.5% for AdaBoost and 40.5% for the participants. The lowest false positive rate was 18.3% for AdaBoost, followed by 19.5% for HumanBoost and 57.4% for the participants. The lowest false negative rate was 5.5% for HumanBoost, followed by 7.1% for AdaBoost and 33.2% for the par- ticipants. 6. Discussion 6.1. Comparative Study with SVM As mentioned in Section 2, the limited numbers of heu- ristics is one of the biggest issues on detecting phishing sites. We attempted to utilize users’ PTDs as a new heu-
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 198 ristic and incorporated it into existing heuristics by using AdaBoost. Though AdaBoost has two advantages as ex- plained in Section 3.2, checking whether the PTDs are useful for other machine learning techniques is neces- sary. In this section, we employ Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is also one of the typical machine learning techniques for classification. We used SVM to incorpo- rate heuristics instead of AdaBoost, and calculated the average error rate in the cases of with and without users’ PTDs. To clarify our explanation, we named the method of using eight existing heuristics with SVM as SVM-based detection method. We also named Hu- manSVM, the method of incorporating PTDs into exist- ing heuristics. First, we calculated the average error rates by using the dataset in the pilot study, as described in Section 4. The conditions are the same as the pilot study, excepting a machine learning method. The results showed that the average error rate for HumanSVM was 14.3% and that for SVM-based detection method was 21.7%. Second, we used the dataset in the follow-up study performed in March 2010, described in Section 5.1. The results showed that for HumanSVM was 11.4% and that for SVM-based detection method was 18.3%. Finally, we calculated the average error rates by using the dataset in the follow-up study performed in July 2010, described in Section 5.2. The result showed that the av- erage error rate for HumanSVM was 11.2%, for SVM- based detection method was 18.9%. We observed that the average error rates were de- creased by using PTDs in the all cases. We also observed that the average error rates in HumanSVM (14.3%, 11.4%, and 11.2%) were higher than that in HumanBoost (13.4%, 10.7%, and 9.7%). Albeit HumanBoost per- formed better than HumanSVM, we assumed that the utilization of PTDs is available as a new heuristic for detecting phishing sites. 6.2. Removing the Bias In this section, we discuss our plan for removing the bias. Removing bias is generally important for a partici- pant-based test. Though we used cross validation, the presence of bias can still be assumed due to the biased dataset and/or biased samples. Especially, we assumed that labeling our prepared websites was much difficult than labeling the typical phishing websites and/or legitimate sites. As explained in Section 4.1, we designed our study referred to the typical phishing IQ tests. Since the almost of our prepared web- sites contained traps, participants often failed to label the sites. These traps also hindered the existing heuristics to classify websites. It might result the average error rates remained still higher. We positioned our laboratory tests as a first step, and decided to perform a field test in a large-scale manner. One approach toward field testing is implementing a HumanBoost-capable phishing prevention system. This is possible by distributing it as browser-extension with some form of data collection and getting a large popula- tion of users to agree to use it. 6.3. Issues on the Implementation of HumanBoost-Capable Systems Here we consider some issues that arise in implementing a HumanBoost-capable system. Imagine if HumanBoost has been available in phishing-prevention systems. The HumanBoost-capable system’s weak point is that always works after the user finishes making a trust deci- sion. Generally, phishing-prevention systems are to pre- vent users from visiting phishing sites. Apart from these systems, HumanBoost requires users to judge if their confidential information can be input to the site. Another problem is difficulty in convincing users to reconsider their trust decisions. When users attempt to browse a phishing site, typical phishing prevention sys- tems display an alert message. In HumanBoost, such messages would be shown after making the trust decision. If the user relies on his/her trust decision, the Human- Boost-capable system will not work if the system alerts correctly. To solve these problems, the HumanBoost-capable system should have the ability to cancel the input or the submission of users’ confidential information, instead of blocking the phishing site. The system should monitor such events, e.g., inputting any data to input forms and/or clicking buttons. The system should also hook these event handlers not to send any information if the site deems to be phishing. It is possible to implement such system as a browser-extension, as mentioned in Section 6.2. The HumanBoost-capable system should also have an interface that can expedite users re-making trust deci- sions. For instance, the system shows an alert window by interrupting users’ browsing. The alert window should contain some text which convince user that the reason of the site seems to be phishing. It is also possible to im- plement such system as a browser-extension. 7. Conclusions In this paper, we presented an approach called Human- Boost to improve the accuracy of detecting phishing sites. The key concept was utilizing users’ past trust decisions (PTDs). Since Web users may be required to make trust decisions whenever they input their personal information into websites, we considered recording these trust deci-
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users’ Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA 199 sions for learning purposes. We simply assumed that the record can be described by a binary variable, represent- ing phishing or not-phishing, and found that the record was similar to the output of the existing heuristics. As our pilot study, in November 2007, we invited 10 participants and performed a subject experiment. The participants browsed 14 simulated phishing sites and six legitimate sites, and judge whether or not the site ap- peared to be a phishing site. We utilized participants’ trust decisions as a new heuristic and we let AdaBoost incorporate it into eight existing heuristics. The results showed that the average error rate for Hu- manBoost was 13.4%, whereas that of participants was 19.0% and that for AdaBoost was 20.0%. We also con- ducted the follow-up study in March 2010. This study invited 11 participants, and was performed in the same fashion of the pilot study. The results showed that the average error for HumanBoost was 10.7%, whereas that of participants was 31.4%, and that for AdaBoost was 12.0%. Finally, we invited 309 participants and per- formed the follow-up study in July 2010. The results showed that the average error rate for HumanBoost was 9.7%, whereas that of participants was 40.5% and for AdaBoost was 10.5%. We therefore concluded that PTDs are available as new heuristics and HumanBoost has the potential to improve detection accuracy for Web user. We then checked if PTDs are useful for another ma- chine learning-based detection method. For a case study, we employed SVM and measured detection accuracy in the cases of with and without PTDs. The results showed that the utilizing PTDs increased the detection accuracy. We therefore concluded that the PTDs are available as new heuristics and HumanBoost has the potential to im- prove detection accuracy for Web user. 8. Acknowledgements We thank to members of the Internet Engineering Labo- ratory at the Nara Institute Science and Technology and Shinoda Laboratory at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology for attending our experiments. REFERENCES [1] T. McCall and R. Moss, “Gartner Survey Shows Frequent Data Security Lapses and Increased Cyber Attacks Dam- age Consumer Trust in Online Commerce,” 2005. _11. html [2] C. Pettey and H. Stevens, “Gartner Says Number of Phishing Attacks on U.S. Consumers Increased 40 Per- cent in 2008,” April 2009. page.jsp?id=936913 [3] Anti-Phishing Working Group, “Phishing Activity Trends Report-Q1, 2008,” August 2008. http://www.apwg. com/reports/apwgreport_Q1_2008.pdf, 0 [4] Y. Zhang, S. Egelman, L. Cranor and J. Hong, “Phinding Phish: Evaluating Anti-Phishing Tools,” Proceedings of the 14th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, USA, February 2007. [5] D. Miyamoto, H. Hazeyama and Y. Kadobayashi, “An Evaluation of Machine Learning-Based Methods for De- tection of Phishing Sites,” Australian Journal of Intelli- gent Information Processing Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2008, pp. 54-63. [6] I. Fette, N. Sadeh and A. Tomasic, “Learning to Detect Phishing Emails,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web, Canada, May 2007, pp. 649-656. [7] S. Abu-Nimeh, D. Nappa, X. Wang and S. Nair, “A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Phish- ing Detection,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual An- ti-Phishing Working Groups eCrime Researchers Summit, USA, October 2007, pp. 60-69. [8] R. Basnet, S. Mukkamala and A. H. Sung, “Detection of Phishing Attacks: A Machine Learning Approach,” Stud- ies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 226, February 2008, pp. 373-383. [9] Y. Pan and X. Ding, “Anomaly Based Web Phishing Page Detection,” Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Com- puter Security Applications Conference on Annual Com- puter Security Applications Conference, USA, September 2006, pp. 381-392. [10] Y. Zhang, J. Hong and L. Cranor, “CANTINA: A Con- tent-Based Approach to Detect Phishing Web Sites,” Proceedings of the 16th World Wide Web Conference, China, May 2007, pp. 639-648. [11] Open DNS, “Phishtank-Join the Fight against Phishing,” [12] Y. Freund and R. E. Schapire, “A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of On-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting,” Journal of Computer and System Science, Vol. 55, No. 1, August 1997, pp. 119-137. [13] R. Dhamija, J. D. Tygar and M.A. Hearst, “Why Phishing Works,” Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2006, pp. 581-590. [14] A. Y. Fu, X. Deng, L. Wenyin and G. Little, “The Meth- odology and an Application to Fight against Unicode At- tacks,” Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, USA, July 2006, pp. 91-101. [15] T. A. Phelps and R. Wilensky, “Robust Hyperlinks: Cheap, Everywhere, Now,” Proceedings of the 8th Inter- national Conference on Digital Documents and Elec- tronic Publishing, September 2000, pp. 28-43.