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Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2010, 1, 1-17 doi:10.4236/jsip.2010.11001 Published Online November 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 1 Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Henning Thielemann Institut für Informatik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany. Email: Received September 26th, 2010; revised November 11th, 2010; accepted November 15th, 2010. ABSTRACT We are looking for a mathematical model of monophonic sounds with independent time and phase dimensions. With such a model we can resynthesise a sound with arbitrarily modulated frequency and progress of the timbre. We propose such a model and show that it exactly fulfils some natural properties, like a kind of timeinvariance, robustness against non-harmonic frequencies, envelope preservation, and inclusion of plain resampling as a special case. The resulting algorithm is efficient and allows to process data in a streaming manner with phase and shape modulation at sample rate, what we demonstrate with an implementation in the functional language Haskell. It allows a wide range of appli- cations, namely pitch shifting and time scaling, creative FM synthesis effects, compression of monophonic sounds, ge- nerating loops for sampled sounds, synthesise sounds similar to wavetable synthesis, or making ultrasound audible. Keyword s: Pitch Shifting, Time Stretching, Wave Table Synthesis 1. Introduction An example of our problem is illustrated in Figure 1. Given is a signal of a monophonic sound of a known con- stant pitch. We want to alter its pitch and the progression of its waveshape independently, possibly time-dependent, possibly rapidly. The sound must not contain noise por- tions such as speech does. We also do not try to preserve formants, that is, like in resampling, we accept that the spectrum of harmonics is stretched by the same factor as the base frequency. E.g. a square waveform shall remain squarem and so on. For some natural instruments this is appropriate (e.g. guitar, piano) whereas for other natural sounds this is inappropriate (e.g. speech). With the paper we like to contribute the following: 1) In Subs ection 2.1 we specify our problem. In Subsec- tion 2.2 we propose a mathematical model for monophonic sounds given as real functions. This model untangles phase and time and allows us to describe frequency mod- ulation and waveshape control. In Subsection 2.3 we show how we utilize this model for phase and time modification and we formulate natural properties of this process. 2) Section 3 is dedicated to theoretical details. To this end we introduce some notations and definitions in Sub- section 3.1 and Subsectio n 3.2. We investigate the prop- erties (Subsectio n 3.3.7), and we prove that our model Figure 1. A typical use case of our method: From the above signal of a single tone we want to compute the signal below. That is, we want to alter the pitch while maintaining the progression of its waveshape and without knowing, how the signal was generated. satisfies these properties exactly. That is, our method is altogether theoretically sound. (I could not resist that pun!) 3) The problems of handling discrete signals are treated in Section 4, including notes on the implementation in the purely functional programming language Haskell. 4) We suggest a range of applications of our method in Section 5. 5) In Section 6 you find a survey of related work and Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 2 in Section 7 we compare some results of our method with the ones produced by the similar wavetable synthesis. 6) We finish our paper in Section 8 with a list of issues that we still need to work on. 2. Continuous Signals: Overview 2.1. Problem If we want to transpose a monophonic sound, we could just play it faster for higher pitch or slower for lower pitch. This is how resampling works. But this way the sound becomes also shorter or longer. For some instru- ments like guitars this is natural, but for other sounds like that of a brass, it is not necessarily so. The problem we face is that with ongoing time both the waveform and the phase within the waveform change. Thus we can hardly say what the waveshape at a precise time point is. If we could untangle phase and shape this would open a wide range of applications. We could independently control progress of phase (i.e. frequency) and progress of the waveshape. 2.2. Model The wish for untangled phase and shape leads us straight forward to the model we want to propose here. If phase and shape shall be independent variables of a signal, then our signal is actually a two-dimensional function, map- ping from phase and shape to the (particle) displacement. Since the phase ϕ is a cyclic quantity, the domain of the signal function is actually a cylinder. For simplicity we will identify the time point t in a signal with the shape parameter. That is, in our model the time points to the insta nt a ne o u s s hape. However, we never get signals in terms of a function on a cylinder. So, how is this model related to real-word oned imensional audio signals? According to Figure 2 the easy direction is to get from the cylinder to the plain au- dio signal: We move along the cylinder while increasing both the phase and shape parameter proportionally to the time in the audio signal. This yields a helical path. The phase to time ratio is the frequency, the shape to time ratio is the speed of shape progression. The higher the ratio of frequency to shape progression, the more dense the helix. For constant ratio the frequency is proportional to the speed with which we go along the helix. We can change phase and shape non-proportionally to the time, yielding non-helical paths. When going from the one-dimensional signal to the twodimensional signal, there is a lot of freedom of inter- pretation. We will use this freedom to make the theory as simple as possible. E.g. we will assume, that the one- dimensional input signal is an observation of the cylin- drical function at a helical path. Since we have no data for the function values beside the helix, we have to guess them, in other words, we will interpolate. This is actually a nice model that allows us to perform many operations in an intuitive way and thus it might be of interest beyon d pitch shifting and time scaling. 2.3. Interpolation Principle An application of our model will firstly cover the cylind- er with data that is interpolated from a one-dimensional signal x by an operator F and secondly it will choose some data along a curve around that cylinder by an oper- ator S. The operator that we will work with here has the structure ()() () , k Fx txktk ϕϕ κϕ ∈ =+ ⋅−− ∑ where κ is an interpolation kernel such as a hat func- tion or a sinus cardinalis (sinc). Intuitively spoken, it lays the signal on a helix on the cylinder. Then on each line parallel to the time axis there are equidistant discrete data points. Now, F interpolates them along the time direc- tion using the interpolation kernel κ . You may check that ( ) ,Fx t ϕ has period 1 with respect to ϕ . This is our way to represent the radian coordinate of the cylinder within this section. The observation operator S shall sample along a he- lix with time progression v and angular speed α : ( )() .Sy tyv tt α =⋅⋅ ⋅ Interpolation and observation together, yield ( )()( ) () () ( ) . k Mx tSFxt x tkkvtk αα ∈ = =⋅+ ⋅−⋅− ∑ This operator turns out to have some useful properties: 1) Time-i nva r iance In audio signals often the absolute time is not i mpor- tant,but the time differences. Where you start an audio recording should not have substantial effects on an oper- ation you apply to it. This is equivalent to the statement, that a delay of the signal shall be mapped to a delayed result signal. In particular it would be nice to have the property, that a delay of the input by vt⋅ yields a delay by t of the output. However this will not work. To this end consider pure time-stretchin g ( ) 1 α = applied to grains, and we become aware that this property implies plain resampling, which clearly changes the pitch. What we have at least, is a restricted time invariance: You have a discrete set of pairs of delays of input and output signal that are mapped to each other wherever the helices in Figure 2 cross, that is wherever ( ) vt α − ⋅∈ . However, the construction F of our model is time invari a nt in the sense: Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 3 ( )() ( )() 10 10 ,, xtxt x Fx tFxt ϕτϕ τ = − ⇒= −− (1) 2) Linearity Since both F and S are linear, our phase and time modification process is linear as well. This means that physical units and overall magnitudes of signal values are irrelevant (homogeneity) and mixing before interpo- lation is equivalent to mixing after interpolation (additiv- ity). ( ) Homogeneity M xMx λλ ⋅=⋅ (2) ( ) AdditivityM xzMxMz+=+ (3) 3) Resampling as special case We think, that pitch shifting and time scaling by factor 1 should leave the input signal unchanged. We also think, that resampling is the most natural answer to pitch shift- ing and time scaling by the same factor v α = For in- terpolating kernels, that is (){ }() 01,\ 0 :0k jkj= ∀∈= this actually holds. ( )() Mx txv t= ⋅ 4) Mapping of sine waves Our phase and time manipulation method maps sine wav es to sine waves if the kernel is the sinus cardinalis normalized to integral zeros. ( )( ) 1 :0 sin : otherwise t kt t t π π = =⋅ ⋅ Choosing this kernel means WHITTAKER interpola- tion. Now we consider a complex wave of frequency α as input for the phase and time modification. ( )() exp 2 11 , 22 xt iat a bn n b π = ⋅⋅ = + ∈ ∈− (4) ( )() ( ) Mexp 2xtibv + nat π =⋅⋅⋅⋅ (5) Note that for 1 2 frac a = , the WHITTAKER interpo- lation will diverge. If 0b= , that is the input frequency a is integral, then the time progression has no influence on the frequency mapping, i.e. the input freq uenc y a is mapped to a α ⋅ . We should try to fit the input signal as good as possible to base frequency 1 by stretching or shri nk in g, since then all harmonics have integral fre- quency. The fact, that sine waves are mapped to sine waves, im- Figure 2. The cylinder we map the input signal onto (black and dashed helix) and where we sample the output signal from (grey). plies, that the effect of M to a more complex tone can be described entirely in frequency domain. An example of a pure pitch shift is depicted in Figure 3. The peaks correspond to the harmonics of the sound. We see that the peaks are only shifted. That is, the shape and width of each peak is maintained, meaning that the envelope of each harmonic is the same after pitch shifting. 5). Preservation of envelope Consider a static wave x, i. e. ( )() 1txt xt∀=+ ,that is amplified according to an envelope f. If interpolation with k is able to reconstruct f and all of its translates from their respective integral values, then on the cylinder wave and envelope become separated ()( )() ,Fx tftx ϕϕ = ⋅ and the overall phase and time manipulation algorithm modifies frequency and time separately: ( )()() Mx tfv txt α =⋅⋅ ⋅ Examples for κ and f are: 1) κ being the sinus cardinalis as defined in item 4 and f being a signal bandlimited to ( ) 11 22 ,− , 2) ( ] = 1,0 κχ − and f being constant, 3) ( )() = max0,1tt κ − and f being a linear func- tion, 4) κ being an interpolation kernel, that preserves pol ynomial func tions up to degree n and f being such a polynomial function. Figure 3. The first graph presents the lower part of the ab- solute spectrum of a piano sound. Its pitch is shifted 2 oc- taves down (factor 4) in the second graph. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 4 3) κ being an interpolation kernel, that preserves polynomial functions up to degree n and f being such a polynomial function. 3. Continuous Signals: Theory In this section we want to give proofs of the statements found in Section 2 and we want to check what we could have done alternatively given the properties that we found to be useful. You can safely skip the entire section if you are only interested in practical results and applica- tions. 3.1. Notation In order to give precise, concise, even intuitive proofs, we want to introduce some notations. In signal processing literature we find often a term like ( ) xt being called a signal, although from the context you derive, that actually x is the signal and thus ( ) xt denotes a displacement value of that signal at time t. We like to be more strict in our paper. We like to talk about signals as objects without always going down to the level of single signal values. Our notation should reflect this and should clearly differentiate between signals and sig- nal values. This way, we can e.g. express a statement like “delay and convolution commute” by ()( ) =t xyxty∗∗ (cf. (22)) which would be more difficult in a pointwise and correct (!) notation. This notation is inspired by functional programming, whe re functions that process functions are called high- er-order functions. It allows us to translate the theory described here almost literally to functional programs and theorem prover modules. Actually some of the theo- rems stated in this paper have been verified using PVS [1]. For a more detailed discussion of the notation, see [2]. In our notation function application has always higher precedence than infix operators. Thus Qx t→ means ( ) Qx t→ and not ( ) Qx t→ . Function application is left associative, that is, ( ) Qx t means ()( ) Qx t and not ( ) ( ) Qxt . This is also the convention in Functional Analysis. We use anonymous functions, also known as lambda expressions. The expression xY denotes a function f where ( ) =xf xY∀ and Y is an ex- pression that usually contains x . Arithmetic infix op er- ators like “ + ” and “ ⋅ ” shall have higher precedence than the mapping arrow, and logical infix operators like “ = ” and “ ∧ ” shall have lower precedence. That is, ( ) =tf tf ττ − means ( )() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) =tf tgtfg τ ττ −+ −+ . 1) Definitio n (Function set). With AB→ we like to denote the set of all functions mapping from set A to set B . This operation is treated right associa- tive, that is, ABC→→ means ()A BC →→, not ()ABC→→ . This convention matches the convention of left associative function application. 3.2. Basic functions For the description of the cylinder we first need the no- tion of a cyclic quantity. 2) Definition (Cyclic quantity). Intuitively spoken, cyclic (or periodic) quantities are values in the range [ ) 0,1 that wrap around at the boundaries. More precisely, a cyclic quantity ϕ is a set of real numbers that all have the same fractional part. Put differently, a periodic quan- tity is an equivalence class with respect to the relation, that two numbers are considered equivalent when their diffe r enc e is integral. In terms of a quotient space this can concisely be written as . ϕ ∈ 3) Definition (Periodisation). Periodisation c means mapping a real value to a cyclic quantity, i.e. choosing the equivalence class belonging to a representative. ( ) { } : c pcp p qqp ∈→ ∀∈=+ = −∈ It holds ( ) 0c= . We define the inverse of c as picking a representative from the range [ ) 0;1 . ( ) [ ) 1 1 0,1 c c ϕ ϕϕ − − ∈→ ∀∈ ∈∩ In a computer program, we do not encode the elements of by sets of numbers, but instead we store a rep- resentative between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1. Then c is just the function, that computes the fractional part, i.e. c t = tfloor t.− A function y on the cylinder is thus from ( ) V×→ , where V denotes a vector space. E.g. for V= we have a mono signal, for V= × we obtain a stereo signal and so on. The conversion S from the cylinder to an audio sig- nal is entirely determined by given phase control curve g and shape control curve h. It consists of picking the val- ues from the cylinder along the path that corresponds to these control curves. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ,hg S VV∈ ×→→→ (6) ( )( )( ) ( ) , , hg Sytyht gt∈ (7) For the conversion F from a prototype audio signal to a cylindrical model we have a lot of freedom. In Section 2.3 we ave seen what properties a certain F has, that we use in our implementation. we will going on to check what choices for F wehave, given that these properties hold. For now we will just record, tha t ( ) ( ) ( ) FV V∈→→ ×→ 3.3. Properties 3.3.1. Time-Invariance 4) Def inition (Translation, Rotation). Shifting a signal x forward or backward in time or rotating a waveform with respect to its phase shall be expressed by an intuitive arrow notation that is inspired by [3,4] and was already successfully applied in [2]: ()( )() xt xt ττ →=− (8) ()( )() xt xt ττ →=+ (9) For a cylindrical function we have two directions, one for rotation and one for translation. We define analo- gous l y ( ) ( ) ( )() ,, ,yt yt ταϕτϕ α → =−− (10) ( ) ( ) ( )() ,, ,ytyt ταϕτϕ α → =++ (11) The first notion of time-invariance that comes to mind, can be easily expressed using the arrow notation by ()( ) ( ) ,0t FxtFxtc∀→= → . However, this will not yield any useful conversion. Shifting the time always includes shifting the phase and our notion of time-invariance must respect that. We have already given an according definition in (1) that we can now write us- ing the arrow notation. 5) Definition (Time-invariant cylinder interpolation). We call an interpolation operator F time-invariant when- ever it satisfies ()( ) ( ) ,xtFxtFxtct∀∀→ =→ (12) Using this definition, we do not only force F to map translations to translations, but we also fix the factor of the translation distance to 1. That is, when shifting an input signal x, the according model Fx is shifted along the unit helix, that turns once per time difference 1. Enforcing the time-invariance property restricts our choice of F considerably. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()( ) ( ) , , 0, 0, Fx t Fx tctct F xtct ϕ ϕ ϕ =←− =←− We see, that actually only a ring slice of ( ) Fx t← time point zero is required and we can substitute ( )() 0,Ix Fx ϕϕ = I is an operator from ( ) ( ) VV→→ → , that turns a straight signal into a waveform. Now we know, that time-invariant interpo- lations can only be of the form ()()( ) ( ) ,FxtI xtct ϕϕ =→− (13) or more concisely ()()( ) ,FxtI xtct ϕϕ = →→ (14) The last line can be read as: In order to obtain a ring slice of the cylin drical model at time t, we have to move the signal, such that time point t becomes point 0, then apply I to get a waveform on a ring, then rotate back that ring correspondingly. We may check, that any F defined this way is indeed timeinvariant in the sense of (12). ()( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , , ,, Fx xt Ix tc Ixtc I xttctct Fxtc t Fxt ct τϕ τϕ τ τ ϕτ τ τττ τϕ τϕ → =→← − = ←−− =←−−−− − = −− = → 3.3.2. Linearity We like that our phase and time modification process is linear (as in (2) and (3)). Since sampling S from the cy- linder is linear, the interpolation F to the cylinder must be linear as well. ( ) ( ) Homogeneity Additivity F xFx F xzFxFz λλ ⋅=⋅ += + The properties of F are equivalent to ( ) ( ) I xIx I xzIxIz λλ ⋅=⋅ +=+ 3.3.3. Static wave preservation Another natural property is, that an input signal consist- ing of a wave of constant shape is mapped to the cylinder where each ring contains that waveform. A static wave- form can be written concisely as wc . It denotes the function composition of w and c , that is, w is applied Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 6 to the result of c , for example ()( )( ) ( ) 2.3 =0.3w cwc . Thus w and wc both represent periodic functions, but w has domain and thus is periodic by its type, whereas wc is an ordinary real function, that happens to satisfy the periodicity property ()=1() wc wc . We can write our requirement as ()()( ) ,= .tFwc tw φ ϕϕ ∀∀ As an example we have a constant interpolation ( ) ()( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 , Ix xc Fxtxt cct ϕϕ − − = =+− We illustrate the constant interpolation in Figure 4, but with a sine wave, that does not have frequency 1, and thus looks for the interppoow it preserves static waves. We can consider an input signal of the form wc as a wave with constant envelope and we will generalise this to other envelopes in Sub s ection 3.3.6. 3.3.4. Mapping of Pure Sine Waves We like to derive, how frequencies are mapped when converting from an audio signal to the cylindrical model and observing the signal along a different but uniform helix. To this end, we need an interpolation that maps sine waves to sine waves. Actually, the Whittaker inter- polation has this property. ( ) ( ) sin sin 1lim 1 :0 sin : otherwise t ct t t t τ τπ τπ π π → ⋅ =⋅ = =⋅ ⋅ Figure 4. Constant interpolation (below) of a sine wave (above) that is out of sync. The interpolation picture repre- sents the surface ( ) ,1yt ϕ = − and a white dot repre- sents 1. The sine wave can be found in the interpolation image at the right border of each of the skew stripes. Along the ver- tical line from bottom to top you find the first period of the input signal, where “first” is measured from time point 0. ()( )() ,sin 1Fx txct τϕ ϕτ τ ∈ = ⋅− ∑ (15) Since ϕ ∈ , when τϕ ∈ then τ assumes all values that differ from ( ) 1 c ϕ − by an integer. The infi- nite sum ( ) f τϕ τ ∈ ∑ shall be understood as [ ] ( ) , lim nnn f τϕ τ →∞ ∈− ∑ . The proof of F being time-invariant according to time-invariance is deferred to kernel-interpola tion-time - invariant, where we perform the proof for any interpo- lating kernel, not just 1sinc . We will now demonstrate, that 1sinc -interpolation preserves sine waves and how frequencies are mapped. Mapping a complex sine wave to the cylinder Since exponential laws are much easier to cope with than addi- tion theorems for sine and cosine, we use a complex wave defined by ( ) 1= exp2.cis tit π ⋅ For the following derivation we need the Whittaker- Shannon interpolation formula [5] in the form () 11 , 22 b∀∈− ()( )()( ) ( ) 11 =11 1 k cis bksinc tkcis btsine tk cisbt ∈ ⋅ ⋅−⋅⋅− = ⋅ ∑ (16) We choose a complex wave of frequency a as input for the conversion to the cylinder. The fractional fre- quency part b and the integral frequency n are cho- sen as in decompose-freque ncy n are chosen as in (4) ( )() ( ) 11 22 1 , x tcisat with abn n b = ⋅ = + ∈ ∈− This choice implies the following interpolation result ( )()() ( )()()() ( )()() ( )() ( ) ( ) ()( ) ( ) 1 ,1sin 1 ,11sin1 because 11sin1 11 1 ,1 k k Fx tcisact Fxtcis acis aktk ab cisacisb ktk cis acis bt cisbtn Fx tcisb tnc τ ϕ ττ τϕ ϕτ τ ττ ττ τ ϕϕ ∈ ∈ ∈ − =⋅⋅ − ∀∈ =⋅ ⋅⋅⋅−− −∈ =⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅−− =⋅⋅⋅− =⋅+ ⋅ =⋅+ ⋅ ∑ ∑ ∑ (17) The result can be viewed in Figure 5. We obtain, that for every t the function on a ring slice ( ) ,Fx t ϕϕ is a Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 7 Figure 5. The sine wave as in Figure 4 is interpolated by WHITTAKER interpolation. Along the diagonal lines you find the original sine wave. sine wave with the integral frequency n that is closest to a. That is, the closer a is to an integer, the more harmon- ics of a non-sine wave are mapped to corresponding harmonics in a ring slice of Fx . Mapping a complex wave from the cylinder to an audio signal For time progression speed v and frequency α we get ( )() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 , 1 because 1 1 ztFxvt cat cis bvtnccat cc cis bvtnat cisbvnat τ ττ − − =⋅⋅ =⋅⋅+⋅⋅ ∀∈ −∈ =⋅⋅+ ⋅ ⋅ =⋅+⋅ ⋅ This proves (5). 3.3.5. Interpolation using kernels Actually, for the two-dimensional interpolation F we can use any interpolation kernel κ , not only sinc1 as in (15). ()( )() ,Fx txt τϕ ϕτκ τ ∈ = ⋅− ∑ (18) The constant interpolation corresponds to ( ] 1,0 κχ − = Linear interpolation is achieved using a hat function. 6 Lemma (Time invariance of kernel interpolation). The operator F defined with an interpolation kernel as in (18) is time-invariant according to Definition 5. Proof. ( )()( )()() ( )()( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , ,, cd Fxdtxd t x dtdd x td Fxdcdt τϕ τϕ τϕ ϕτκ τ τκ τ τκ τ ϕ ∈ ∈ ∈− →= →⋅− =−⋅ −−− =⋅−− = → ∑ ∑ ∑ Conversely, we like to note, that kernel interpolation is not the most general form when we only require time- invariance, linearity and static wave preservation. The following considerations are simplified by rewrit- ing general kernel interpolation to a more functional style using a discretisation operator and a mixed discrete/con- tinuous convolution. 7) Definition (Quantisation). With quantisation we mean the operation that picks the signal values at integral time points from a continuous signal. () () ( )() QV V nQxn xn ∈→→→ ∀∈ = (19) Here is, how quantisation operates on pointwise mul- tiplied signals and on periodic signals: ( ) QxzQx Qz⋅= ⋅ (20) ()( )() ( ) 0nQw cnwc∀∈ = (21) 8) Definition (Mixed Convolution). For uV∈→ and x∈→ then mixed discrete/continuous convo- lution is defined by ()()()() k u x tukxtk ∈ ∗ =⋅− ∑ We can express mixed convolution also by purely dis- crete convolutions: ( ) ( ) ( ) Qu xtuQxt∗←=∗ ← It holds ( )() uxt uxt∗→=∗→ (22) because translation can be written as convolution with a translated DIRAC impulse and convolution is associative in this case (and generally when infinity does not cause problems). Thus we will omit the parentheses. We like to note, that this example demonstrates the usefulness of the functional notation, since without it even a simple state- ment like (22) is hard to formulate in a correct and un- ambiguous way. These notions allow us to rewrite kernel interpolation (18): ()()() ( ) ( )() , , k Fx tx ktk tFx tQx τϕ ϕτκτ τϕϕτ κτ ∈ ∀∈=+⋅−+ ∀∈=←∗→ ∑ (23) The last line can be read as follows: The signal on the cylin der along a line parallel to the time axis can be ob- tained by taking discrete points of x and interpolate them using the kernel κ . 3.3.6. Envelope preservation We can now generalise the preservation of static waves from Subsec tio n 3.3.3 to envelopes different from a con- stant function. 9) Lemma. Given an envelope f from → and an interpolatio n kernel κ that preserves any translated version of f, i.e. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 8 ( ) ,tQft ft κ ∀←∗= ← (24) then and only then, a wave of constant shape w enve- loped by f is converted to constant waveshapes on the cylinder rings enveloped by f in time direction: ( ) ( ) ()( )() ,F fwctftw ϕϕ ⋅=⋅ (25) Proof. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() ( ) ( ) ( )() ,tFfwct Q f wc Qfw c w Qf τϕ ϕ τκτ τϕ κτ ϕτκ τ ∀∈ ⋅ =⋅← ∗→ =← ⋅←∗→ =⋅← ∗→ Now the implication (24) ⇒ (25) should be obvious, whereas the conve r se (25) ⇒ (24) can be verified by setting ( ) 1w ϕϕ ∀= .This special case means that the envelope f used as input signal is preserved in the sense ()( ) ,Fftft ϕ = 10) Corollary When we convert back to a one-dimensional audio signal under the condition (24), then the time control only affects the envelope and the phase control only affects the pitch: ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() ,hg SFfwcf hwg⋅=⋅ 3.3.7. Special Cases As stated in item 3 of Section 2.3 we like to have resam- pling as special case of our phase and time manipulation algorithm. It turns out, that this property is equivalent to putting the input signal x on the diagonal lines as in Fig- ure 4 and Figure 5. We will derive, what this imposes on the choice of the kernel κ when F is defined via a ker- nel as in (23). 11) Lemma. For F defined by ( )() ,tFx tQx τϕϕτ κτ ∀∈=←∗ → it holds ()( ) ( ) ,xtxtFxtct∀∀∈ = (26) if and only if ,Q κδ = that is, κ is a so called interpolating kernel. Here, δ is the discrete DIRAC impulse, that is ( ) 1 :0 0: k kkotherwise δ = ∀∈ = Proof. “ ⇒ ” ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () ,x txtFxtct Qx ttt κ ∀∀∈ = = ←∗→ consider only t∈ and rename it to k ( )() ( ) ( ) ()( ) ( ) ( ) x kxkQxkkk Qx k xQxQ Qx QxQdiscrete convolution κ κ κ κ ∀∀ ∈=←∗→ = ∗ ∀=∗ = ∗ “ ⇐ ” Conver sely, every interpolating kernel _ asserts (26): ( )() ( ) ( ) ()() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()( ) ( ) 0 0 0 0 0 x kxkQxkkk Qx t QQx t Qxt Q Qx t xt xt κ κ κ κ δ ∀∀ ∈=→∗→ = ←∗ = ←∗ = ←∗ = ←∗ = ← = Now, when our conversion from the cylinder to the oned imensional signal does only walk along the unit he- lix, we get general time warping as special case of our method: ()( )() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , , hc h SFxtFxh tc h t t xht xh = = = For idh= we get the identity mapping, for ( ) ht vt=⋅ we get resampling by speed factor v. 4. Discrete Signals For the application of our method to sampled signals we could interpolate a discrete signal u containing a wave with period T, thus getting a continuous signal x with ( ) ( ) n T x un= and proceed with the technique for con- tinuous signals from Section 2. However, when working out the interpolation this yields a skew grid with two al- ternating cell heights and a doubled number of parallelo- gra m cells, which seems to be unnatural to us. Additional- ly it would require three distinct interpolations, e.g. two distinct interpolations in the unit helix direction and one interpolation in time direction. Instead we want to propose a periodic scheme where we need two interpolations with the same parameters in unit helix (“step”) direction and one interpolation in the skew “leap” direction. This in- Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 9 terpolation scheme is also time-invariant in the sense of item 1 in Subsection 2.3 and Definition 5 when we re- strict the translation distances to multiples of the sam- pling period. The proposed scheme is shown in Figure 6. We have a skew coordinate system with steps s and leaps l. We see, that this scheme can cope with non-integral wave periods, that is, T can be a fraction (in Figure 6 we have 11 3 T= ). Whenever the wave period is integral, the leap direction coincides with the time direction. The grid nicely matches the periodic nature of the phase. The cyclic phase yields ambiguities, e.g. a leap could also go to where l′ is placed, since this denotes the same signal value. We will later see, that this ambiguity is only temporary and will vanish at the end (29). Thus we use the unique represent- ative ( ) 1 c ϕ − of ϕ . To get ( ) ,ls fro m ( ) 1 ,tc ϕ − we have to convert the coordinate systems, i.e. we have to solve the simultaneous linear equations ( ) 1 1 1 1 t roundT l c roundT Ts T ϕ − ⋅ ⋅= − where round is any rounding function we like. E.g. in Figure 6 it is round T = 4. Its solution is ( ) 1 ltc st TlroundT ϕ − = − =⋅ −⋅ (27) Using the interpolated input x we may interpolate y li- nearly ( )()( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) round frac , lerp,frac t roundT R TT rls lerp ytxxl ηξλ ξληξ λλ λ ϕ + =⋅+ −=+⋅ − =− = (28) or more detailed ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )()() round lerp,1 frac lerpunround,round1 fracs ,lerp , nlT+ s aun uns bT unT yta bfracl ϕ = ⋅ = + = +++ = Actually, we do not even need to compute s since by expa ns io n of s the formula for r can be simplified and it is frac s = frac r. From l we actually only need frac l. This proves, that every representative of ϕ could be used in (27). frac roundr = tT l T⋅− ⋅ (29) Figure 6. Mapping of the sampled values to the cylinder in our method. The variables s and l are coordinates in the skew coordinate system. ( )() ( ) ( ) () () ( ) ( ) lerp lerpround round1 n = r a = un,un + 1frac r b = un + T, un + T + frac r 4.1. General Interpolations Other interpolations than the linear one use the same computatio ns to get frac l and r, but they access more values in the environment of n, i.e. ( ) roundunj kT++⋅ for some j and k. E.g. for linear interpolation in the step direction and cubic interpolation in the leap direction, it is { }{} 0,1,1, 0,1, 2jk∈ ∈− . 4.2. Coping with Boundaries So far we have considered only signals that are infinite in both time directions. When switching to signals with finite time domain we become aware that our method consumes more data than it produces at the boundaries. This is however true for all interpolation methods. We start considering linear interpolation: In order to have a value for any phase at a given time, a complete vertical bar must be covered by interpolation cells. That happens the first time at time point 1. The same consid- eration is true for the end of the signal. That is, our me- thod always reduces the signal by two waves. Analo- gously, for k node interpolation in leap direction we lose k waves by pitch shifting. If we would use extrapolation at the boundaries, then for the same time but different phases we would some- times have to interpolate and sometimes we would extrapolate. In order to avoid this, we just alter any [ ) 0,1t∈ to 1t= and limit t accordingly at the end of the signal. 4.3. Efficiency The algorithm for interpolating a value on the cylinder is actually very efficient. The computation of the interpola- tion parameters and signal value indices in (29) needs constant time, and the interpolation is proportional to the number of nodes in step direction and the number of nodes in leap direction. Thus for a given interpolation type, generating an audio signal from the cylinder model Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 10 needs time proportional to the signal length and only const a nt memory additional to the signal storage. 4.4. Implementation A reference implementation of the developed algorithm is written in the purely functional programming language Haskell [6]. The tree of modules is located at http://code. In [7] we have already shown, how this language fulfils the needs of signal processing. The absence of side effects makes functional programming perfect for parallelisation. Recent progress on parallelisation in Haskell [8] and the now wide avail- ability of multi-core machines in the consumer market justifies this choice. We can generate the cylindrical wave function with the function Synthesizer.Basic.Wave.sampledTone given the interpolation in leap direction, the interpolation in step direction, the wave period of the input signal and the input signal. The result of this function can then be used as input for an oscillator that supports parametrised waveforms, like Synthesizer.Plain.Oscillator.shapeMod. By the way, this implementation again shows how func- tional programming with higher order functions supports modularisation: The shape modulating oscillator can be used for any other kind of parametrised waveform, e.g. waveforms given by analytical functions. This way, we have actually rendered the tones with morphing shape in the figures of this paper. In an imperative language you would certainly call the waveform being implemented as callback function. However due to aggressive inlining the compiled program does not actually need to callback the waveform function but the whole oscillator process is expanded to a single loop. 4.5. Streaming Due to its lazy nature, Haskell allows simple implemen- tation of streaming, that is, data is processed as it comes in, and thus processing consumes only a constant amount of memory. If we apply our pitch shifting and time stret- ching algorithm to an ascending sequence of time values, streaming is possible. This applies, since it is warranted, that r T is not too far away from t. Since [ ) 0,1fracl ∈ it holds round 0, rT tTT −∈ (50) Thus we can safely move our focus to roundtT T⋅− in the discrete input signal u, which is equivalent to a combined translation and turning of the wave function on the cylinder. What makes the implementation complicated is the handli ng of boundaries. At the beginning we limit the time parameter as described in Subsection 4.2. How- ever at the end, we have to make sure that there is enough data for interpolation. It is not so simple to limit t to the length of input signal minus size of data needed for interpolation, since determining the length of the input signal means reading it until the end. In- stead when moving the focus, we only move as far as there is enough data available for interpolation. The function is implemented by Synthesiz e r.Pl a in. Osc il- lator.shapeFreqModFromSampledTone. 5. Applications 5.1. Combined Pitch Shifting and Time Scaling With a frequency control curve f and a shape control g we get combined pitch shifting and time scaling out of our model using the conversion ,fg S ∫ (see (7)). 5.2. Wavetable synthesis Our algorithm might be used as alternative to wavetable synt he si s in sampling synthesisers [9]. For wavetable synthesis a monophonic sound is reduced to a set of waveforms that is stored in the synthesiser. On replay the synthesiser plays those waveforms successively in small loops, maybe fading from one waveform to the next one. If we do not reduce the set of waveforms, but just chop the input signal into wave periods, then apply wavetable synt he si s with fading between waveforms, we have something very similar to our method. In Figure 7 we compare wavetable synthesis and our algorithm using the introductory example of Figure 1. In this example both the wavetable synthesis and our method perform equally well. If not stated otherwise, in this and all other figures we use linear interpolation. This minimises artifacts from boundary handling and the results are good enough. 5.3. Compression Wavetable synthesis can be viewed as a compression scheme: Sounds are saved in the compressed form of a few waves in the wavetable synthesiser and are decom- pressed in realtime when playing the sound. Analogously we can employ our method for compression of mono- phonic sounds. For compression we simply shrink the time scale and for decompression we stretch it by the reciprocal factor. An example is given in Figure 8. The shrinking factor, and thus the compression factor, is limited by non-harmonic frequencies. These are al- ways present in order to generate envelopes or phasing effects. Consider the frequency a that is decomposed into bn+ in (4), no pitch shift, i.e. 1 α = , and the shrinking factor v. According to (5), the frequency bn+ is mapped to bv n⋅+ In order to be able to decompose bv n⋅+ into bv⋅ and n again on decompression, it Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 11 Figure 7. Pitch shifting performed on the signal of Figure 1 using linear interpolation in both directions. Above is the result of wavetable synthesis, below is the result of our me- thod. Figure 8. We show how a piano sound is altered by com- pressio n and decompression. The top-most graph is the original sound. The graphs below are the results of com- pression and decompression with cubic interpolation by the associated factors in the left column. Because the interpola- tion needs a margin at beginning, we have copied the first two periods when compressing and decompressing. must be ( ) 11 22 ,bv⋅ ∈− . This implies, that if b is the maximum absolute deviation from an integral frequency, that you want to be able to reconstruct, then it must be 1 2b v ⋅ < . The mapping of frequencies can be best visualised using the frequency spectrum as in Figure 9. Note how the peaks become wider by the compression factor while their shape is maintained. The resolution is divided by the compression factor, and this is why the compressed- data actually consumes less space. The shape of a peak expresses the envelope of the according harmonic and widening it, means a time shrunken envelope. If we compress too much, then peaks will overlap and we get aliasing effects on decompression. Aliasing can be suppressed by smoothing across the same phase of all waves. That is, for the monophonic sound x with period T and a smoothing filter window w, we should compress ( ) roundxw T∗↑ instead of x. We use the up arrow for the upsampling operator where /:0 mod ,0:0mod kc k wk c kcw ckc Actually, we could use the frequency spectrum not only for visualising the compression (or pitch-shifting), but we could also use the frequency spectrum itself for compres- sion. The advantages would be simpler anti-aliasing (we would just throw away values outside bands around the harmonics) and we could also strip high harmonics, once they fall below a given threshold. The advantage of com- puting in the time-domain is, that it consumes only linear time with respect to the signal length, not liear-logarithmic time like the FOURIER transform, that it can be applied in a streaming way and allows to adapt the compression fac- tor to local characteristics of a sound. For instance, you may use a shrinking factor close to 1 for fast varying por- tions of the signal and use a larger shrinking factor on slowly modulated portions. Figure 9. The first graph presents the lower part of the ab- solute spectrum of a piano sound. This is then compressed Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 12 by a factor 4 in the second graph. 5.4. Loop Sampled Sounds Another way to save memory in sampling synthesisers is to loop sounds. This is especially important in order to get infinite sounds like string sounds out of a finite storage. Looping means to repeat portions of a sampled sound. The problem is to find positions of matching sound characteris- tics: A loop that causes a jump or an abrupt change of the waveform is a nasty audible artifact. Especially in samples of natural sounds there might be no such matching posi- tions, at all. Then the question is, whether the sample can be modified in a way that preserves the sound but provides fine loop boundaries. Several solutions using fading or time reversal have been proposed. Our method offers a new way: We may move the time for th and back while keeping pitch constant. In Figure 10 we show two reasonable time control curves. Both control curves start with exactly reproducing the sampled sound and then smoothly enter a cycle. Actually, we copy the first part verbatim instead of running time stretching with factor 1, since our method cannot repro- duce the beginning of the sound due to interpolation margins. The cycle of the first control curve consists of a sine, that warrants smooth changes of the time line. However with this control, interferences are prolonged at the loop boundaries, which is clearly audible. It turns out that the second control curve, namely the zig-zag curve, sounds better. It preserves any chorus effect and the change of the time direction is not as bad as expected. A nice property of this approach is that the loop dura- tion is doubled with respect to the actually looped data. In contrast to that, a loop body generated by simple cross-fading of parts of the sound, say, with a VON HANN window, would half the loop body size and sounds more hectically. Since the time control affects only the waveform, it is warranted that at the cycle boundaries of the time control the waveforms of the time manipulated sound match, too. In order to assert the also the phases match you have to choose a time control cycle length that is an integral mul- tiple of the wave period. 5.5. Making Inaudible Harmonics Audible Remember, that our model does not preserve formants. Anothe r application, where this is appropriate, is to process sounds, where formants are not audible anyway, namely ultrasound signals. Our method can be used, to make monophonic ultrasound signals audible by de- creasing the pitch and while maintaining the length. In Figure 11 we show an echolocation call of a bat. It is a chirp from about 35 kHz to 25 kHz sampled at 441 kHz. The chirp nature does not match the requirements of our algorithm, so it is not easy to choose a base frequency. We have chosen 25 kHz and divide the frequency by factor 5 while maintaining the length. Unfortunatel y the waves have no special form that we can preserve. So this examp le might serve a demonstration of the robustness of our algorithm with respect to non-harmonic frequen- cies and the preservation of the envelope. In the same way our method might be used to increase the pitch of infrasound. 5.6. FM synthesis Since we can choose the phase parameter per sample, we can not only do regular pitch shifting, but we can also apply FM synthesis effects [10]. An FM effect alone could also be achieved with synchronised time warping, however with our method we can perform pitch shifting, time scaling and FM synthesis in one go. See Figure 12 for an example. 5.7. Tone Generation by Time Stretching The inability to reproduce noise can be used for creative effects. By time stretching we can get a tone out of every sound. This is exemplified in Figure 13. If we stretch time by a factor n for a specific period T (source and tar- get period shall be equal), then in the spectrum the peak for each harmonic of frequency 1 T is narrowed by a factor n. Figure 10. Two possible time control curves for generating a loopable portion of a sampled sound. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 13 Figure 11. Echolocation call of Nyctalus noctula. The time values are seconds. Figure 12. Above is a sine wave that is distorted by sgn p v vv ⋅ for p running from 1 2 to 4. Below we applied our pitch shifting algorithm in order to increase the pitch and change the waveshape by modulating the phase with a sine wave of the target frequency. 6. Related Work The idea of separating parameters (here phase and shape) that are in principle indistinguishable is not new. For example it is used in [11] for separation of sine waves of considerably different frequencies. This way a numeri- cally problematic ordinary differential equation is turned into a well-behaved partial differential equation. Also the specific tasks of pitch shifting and time scal- ing are addressed by a broad range of algorithms [12]. Some of them are intended for application on complex music signals and are relatively simple, like “Overlap and Add” (OLA), “Synchronous Overlap and Add” (SOLA) [13,14], or the three-phase overlap algorithm using cosine windows presented in [15]. They take seg- ments of an audio signal as they are, rearrange them and reduce the artifacts of the new composition. Other me- thods are based on a model of the sound. E.g. “pitch-syn chrono us overlap-add” (PSOLA) is roughly based on the excitation + filter model for speech [16-18], sinusoidal models interpret sounds as mixture of sine waves that are modulated in amplitude and frequency [19], even more sophisticated models treat sounds as mix of sine waves, transients and a residual [20]. There are also methods specific to monophonic sig-nals, like wa- vetable synthesis [9] and advanced methods, that can cope with frequency modulated input signals [21]. In the following two sections we like to compare our met ho d with the two methods that are most similar to the one we introduced here, namely with wavetable synthesis and PSOLA. 6.1. Comparison with Wavetable Synthesis When we chop our input signal into wave periods and use the waves as wavetable, then wavetable synthesis be- comes rather similar to our method [9]. Wavetable syn- thesis also preserves waveforms, rather than formants, it allows frequency and shape modulation at sample rate. However, due to the treatment of waveforms as discrete objects, the wavetable synthesis cannot cope well with non-harmonic frequencies (Figure 16). Thus, in waveta- ble synthesisers, phasing is usually implemented using multiple wavetable oscillators. A minor deficiency is, that fractional periods of the input signal are not sup- ported. The wavetables always have to have an integral length. We consider this deficiency to be not so impor- tant, since when we do not match the wave period exact- l y, this will appear to the wavetable synthesis algorithm as a shifting waveform. But that algorithm must handle var ying waveshapes anyway. The wavetables in a wavetable synthesiser are usually created by a more sophisticated preprocessing than just chopping a signal into pieces of equal length. However, for comparison purposes we will just use this simple procedure. Chopping and subsequent wavetable synthesis can also be interpreted as placing the sample values on a cylinder and interpolating between them. It yields the pattern shown in Figure 14. T he variable s denotes the “step” direction, which coincides with the direction of the phase in this scheme. The variable l denotes the “leap” direc- tion, which coincides with the time direction. In order to fit the requirement of a wave period of 1 we shrink the discrete input signal. Say, the discrete input signal is u, the wave period is T, that must be integral, and the real input signal is x, that we define at some discrete fraction- al points by ( ) ( ) n T x un= and at the other ones by in- terpolation. In Figure 14 it is 4T= and for example ( ) ( ) 1.7, 0.6yc is located in the rectangle spanned by the time points 6; 7; 10; 11. For simplicity let us use linear interpolation as in (28). We would interpolate () () ( ) ( )() ( ) ()()( ) ( ) ( )() 1.70.6 = lerplerpu6; u70:4; lerpu10; u110.40.7 yc In general for ( ) ,yt ϕ we get ( ) () () ( ) ( ) ()( )() ( ) ( ) 1 frac lerp,1 frac ,lerp,1 frac r T rrr r rxururr tc ytx xt τϕ ϕ ττ − ∀∈=− ∀∈ =+ = + = + or more detailed Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 14 Figure 13. A tone generated from pink noise by time stret- chi ng. The source and the target period are equal. The time is stretched by factor 4. ( ) ( )()() ( ) () ()() ( ) ( )()() 1 lerp,1fracs lerp,1 frac ,lerp,frac. s Tc n Tts aunun bun TunTs y tabt ϕ ϕ − = ⋅ = ⋅+ = + =+ ++ = The handling of waveform boundaries points us to a problem of this method: Also at the waveform boundaries we interpolate between adjacent values of the input signal u. That is, we do not wrap around. This way, waveforms can become discontinuous by interpolation. We could as well wrap around the indices at waveform boundaries. This would complicate the computation and raises the question, what values should naturally be considered neighbour s. We remember, that we also have the ambi- guity of phase values in our method. But there, the am- biguity vanishes in a subsequent step . 6.1.1. Boundaries If we have an input signal of n wave periods, then we have only 1n− sections where we can interpolate li- nearly. Letting alone that this approach cannot recon- struct a given signal, it loses one wave at the end for li- near interpolation. If there is no integral number of waves, then we may lose up to (but excluding) two waves. For interpolation between k nodes in time direc- tion we lose 1k− waves. Of course, we could extrapo- late, but this is generally problematic. That is, the wavetable oscillator cuts away between one and two waves, whereas our method always reduces the signal by two waves. Thus the wavetable oscillator is slightly more economic. 6.2. Comparison with PSOLA Especially for speech processing, we would have to pre- serve formants rather than waveshapes. The standard method for this application is “(Time Domain) Pitch- Synchronous Overlap/Add” (TDPSOLA) [16,17]. PSO- LA decomposes a signal into wave atoms that are rear- ranged and mixed while maintaining their time scale. The modulation of the timbre and the pitch can only be done at wave rate. As for wavetable synthesis it is also Figure 14. Mapping of the sampled values to the cylinder in the wavetable-oscillator method. The grey numbers are the time points in the input signal. true for PSOLA, that due to the discrete handling of waveforms, non-harmonic frequencies are not handled well. Incidentally, time shrinking at constant pitch with our met ho d is similar to PSOLA of a monophonic sound. For time shrinking with factor v and interpolating with kernel κ our algorithm computes: ( )( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) () () ( ) ( ) ( )() , 1 with k k z ty vtc t xtkvt tk xt kvt k d tdt κ κ κκ ∈ ∈ = ⋅ =+⋅⋅− + =+⋅− ⋅− ↓=⋅ ∑ ∑ () ()() ( ) 1 k zxkk v κ ∈ =←⋅ →↓− ∑ We see that the interpolation kernel _ acts like the segment window in PSOLA, but it is applied to different phases of the waves. For v = 1, only the non-translated x is passed to the output. Intuitively we can say, that PSOLA is source oriented or push-drive n, since it dissects the input signal into segments independent from what kind of output is re- quested. Then it co mputes where to put these segments in the output. In these terms, our method is target oriented or pull-driven, as it investigates for every output value, whe re it can get the data for its construction from. Actually, it would be easy to add another parameter to PSOLA for time stretching the atoms. This way one could interpolate between shape preservation and for- mant preservation. 7. Results and Comparisons Finally we like to show some more results of our method and compare them with the wavetable synthesis. In Figure 15 we show, that signals with band-limited amplitude modulation can be perfectly reconstructed, except at the boundaries. Although we do not employ WHITTAKER interpolation but simple linear interpola- tion the result is convincing. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 15 In Figure 16 we apply our method to a sine with a freq uency that is clearly distinct from 1. To a mono- phonic pitch shifter this looks like a rapidly changing waveform. As derived for WHITTAKER interpolation in (17) our method can at least reconstruct the sine shape, however the frequency of the pitch shifted signal differs from the intended one. Again, the used linear interpola- tion does not seem to be substantially worse. We also like to show how phase modulation at sample rate can be used for FM synthesis combined with pitch shifting. In Figure 17 we use a sine wave with changing distortion as input, whereas in Figure 18 the sine wave is not distorted, but detuned to frequency 1:2, which must be treated as changing waveform with respect to fre- quency 1. As a kind of counterexample we demonstrate in Fig- ure 19, how the boundary handling forces our method to limit the time parameter to values above 1 and thus it cannot reproduce the beginning of the sound properly. For completeness we also present the same sound trans- posed by PSOLA in Figure 20. Please note that the examples have a small number of periods (7 to 10) compared to signals of real instruments (say, 200 to 2000 per second). On the one hand, graphs Figure 15. Pitch shifting performed on a periodically am- plitude modulated tone using linear interpolation. The fig- ures show from top to bottom: The input signal, the signal recomputed with a different pitch (that is, the ideal result of a pitch shifter), the result of wavetable oscillating, the result of our method. Figure 16. Pitch shifting performed on a sine tone with a frequency that deviates from the required frequency 1. The graphs are arranged analogously to Figure 15. Figure 17. Above is a sine wave that is distorted by sgn p v vv⋅ for p running from 1 2 to 4. Below we ap- plied our pitch shifting algorithm in order to increase the pitch and change the waveshape by modulating the phase with a sine wave of the target frequency. The graphs are arranged analogously to Figure 15. Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 16 Figure 18. Here we demonstrate FM synthesis where the carrier sine wave is detuned. The graphs are arranged ana- logously to Figure 15. Figure 19. Pitch shifting performed on a percussive tone. The graphs are arranged analogously to Figure 15. of real world sounds would not fit on the pages of this journal at a reasonable resolution. On the other hand, Figure 20. Pitch shifting with the tone from Figure 19 that preserves formants performed by PSOLA. only for those small numbers of periods we get a visib le- difference between the methods we compare here. How- ever, if you are going to implement a single tone pitch shifter from scratch you might prefer our method, be- cause it handles the corner cases better and the complex- ity is comparable to that of the wavetable oscillator. Also for theoretical considerations we recommend our method since it exposes the nice properties presented in Section 2. 7.1. Conclusions We shall note that despite the differences between our method and existing ones, many of the properties dis- cussed in Section 2.3 hold approximately also for the existing methods. Thus the worth of our work is certainly to contribute a model where these properties apply ex- actly. This should serve a good foundation for further development of a sound theory of pitch shifting and time scaling. It also pays off, when it comes to corner cases, like FM synthesis as extreme pitch shifting. 8. Outlook In our paper we have omitted how to avoid aliasing ef- fects in pitch shifting caused by too high harmonics in the waveforms. In some way we have to band-limit the waveforms. Again, we should do this without actually constructing the two-dimensional cylindrical fu nc tion. When we use interpolation that does not extend the fre- quency band, that is imposed by the discrete input signal, then it should be fine to lowpass filter the input signal before converting to the cylinder. The cut-off frequency must be dynamically adapted to the frequency modula- tion used on conversion from the cylinder to the audio signal. We could also handle input of varying pitch. We would then need a function of time describing the fre- quency modulation which is used to place the signal nodes at the cylinder. This would be an irregular pattern and renders the whole theory of Section 3 useless. We had to choose a generalised 2D interpolation scheme. 9. Acknowledgements I like to thank Alexander Hinneburg for fruitful discus- sions and creative suggestions. I also like to acknowledge Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP 17 Sylvain Marchand and Martin Raspaud for their com- ments on my idea and their encouragement. Finally I am grateful to Stuart Parsons, who kindly permitted usage of his bat recordings in this paper. REFERENCES [1] S. Owre, N. Shankar, J. M. Rushby and D. W. J. Stringer- Calvert, “The Prototype Verification System,” PVS Sys- tem Guide, 2001. [2] H. Thielemann, “Optimally Matched Wavelets,” PhD. Thesis, Universität Bremen, March 2006. [3] G. Strang, “Eigenvalues of ( ) 2H↓ and Convergence of the Cascade Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , Vol. 44, 1996, pp. 233-238. [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, “Factoring Wavelet Transforms into Lifting Steps,” Journal of Fourier Anal- ysis and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1998, pp. 245-267. [5] R. W. Hamming, “Digital Filters,” Signal Processing Series, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, January 1989. [6] S. P. 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