L. Werhagen, K. Borg / Pain Studies and Treatment 1 (2013) 1-3 3
Ta bl e 2 . Pain its character and intensity according to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after treatment with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IvIg) in the three PPS patients.
Patient number Classification of pain before
treatment VAS before treatment Classification of pain after
treatment VAS after
1 Neuropathic 80 Neuropathic 80
2 Nociceptive neuropathic 75 Neuropathic 25
3 Nociceptive neuropathic 40 - 90 Neuropathic 15 - 40
ing of an inflammatory reaction. In order to confirm
these studies with larger patient materials are required.
Besides the low number of patients reported in th e pre-
sent study this study can be critized in other ways. The
classification of pain is difficult and the patients are in
age when concomitant diseases are commonly found.
However, the patients were before and after treatment
examined by the same physician and interviewed ac-
cording to a structured questionnaire and no other con-
comitant disorder was found. However, with the back-
ground of the results of this and other studies it is of im-
portance to further analyze pain in PPS adequately and to
further develop criteria for selection of PPS for treatment
with IvIg based on clinical and molecular data.
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