lar boson came from the scalar hidden lepton conden-
sate. Consequently, the remnant of the Higgs boson as
the Standard Model Higgs boson adopted the existence
of the hidden lepton condensate, and became the Avatar
Higgs boson.
The two possibilities for the Standard Model Higgs
boson that adopts the hidden lepton condensate are the
pure Standard Model Higgs boson and the dual particle
consisting of the Standard Model Higgs boson and the
non-Standard Model hidden lepton condensate. The de-
cay of the pure Standard Model Higgs boson follows the
decay modes of the Standard Model.
vidence for th
Being outside of the Standard Model of the elec-
troweak interaction, the hidden lepton condensate cannot
decay into the particles in the electroweak interaction,
and decay into diphoton via the internal annihilation of-
particle-antiparticle. As a result, the decay of the dual
particle generates excess diphoton deviated from the
Standard Model. The experimental ee ex-
ss diphoton is inconclusive [18-20].
4. Summary
It is proposed that all elementary particles including lep-
tons, quarks, and gauge bosons can be placed in the pe-
riodic system of elementary particles. The periodicity is
derived from the two sets of seven mass orbitals where
seven comes from the seven extra dimensions in the
al membrane in the string theory. The
uent masses are in good agreement with
ensate as a composite of
calculated constit
the observed values by using only four known constants:
the number of the extra spatial dimensions in the
eleven-dimensional membrane, the mass of electron, the
mass of Z boson, and the fine structure constant.
It is proposed that the Higgs boson itself is a virtual
zero-energy gauge boson by borrowing energy from and
returning energy to the particles in the electroweak in-
teraction. When a massless particle in the electroweak
interaction absorbs the Higgs boson, the Higgs boson
becomes the longitudinal component of the massless par-
ticle, resulting in the massive particle. At the benning
the universe, all particles in the electroweak interac-
tion were massless. The symmetrical borrowing of en-
ergy from the particles and the asymmetrical returning of
energy by the absorption of the Higgs boson resulted in
the asymmetrical breaking of electroweak interaction and
the remnant of the Higgs boson from the absence of the
absorption of the Higgs boson by photon. The remnant of
the Higgs boson adopted the existence of the scalar hid-
den lepton condensate and returned the borrowed energy
to photon.
The observed Higgs Boson at the LHC is the Standard
Model Higgs boson that adopts the existence of the hid-
den lepton condensate. The hidden lepton is in the for-
bidden lepton family, outside of the three lepton fami-
lies of the Standard Model. Being forbidden, a single
hidden lepton cannot exist alone; so it must exist in the
lepton cond
lar Taxonomy: String, Quark, Had-
ron, Nuclear, Atomic and Chemical Molecule Periodic or
Invariant Systemic Publish-
ing, Section 7, 2
ger, et al., (Particle Data Group), “Electroweak
, No. 11, 1989, pp. 1043-
n leptons and their corresponding antileptons. The
calculated average mass of the hidden lepton condensate
is 128.8 GeV in good agreements with the observed 125
or 126 GeV.
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