Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics Vol.02 No.13(2014),
Article ID:52435,5 pages
A Survey of the Implementation of Numerical Schemes for the Heat Equation Using Forward Euler in Time
Pedro Pablo Cárdenas Alzate
Department of Mathematics, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia
Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Received 16 September 2014; revised 17 October 2014; accepted 22 October 2014
We establish the conditions for the compute of the Global Truncation Error (GTE), stability restriction on the time step and we prove the consistency using forward Euler in time and a fourth order discretization in space for Heat Equation with smooth initial conditions and Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Global Truncation, Forward Euler, Heat Equation
1. Introduction
In this paper we have considered the heat equation
with smooth initial conditions and Dirichlet boundary conditions
. Using forward Euler in time and fourth order discretization
space, we compute the Global Truncation Error (GTE), the stability restriction on
the time step,
also we prove consistency and finally we prove the convergence for this scheme.
Much attention has been paid to the development, analysis and implementation of
accurate methods for the numerical solution of this problem in the literature. Many
problems are modeled by smooth initial conditions and Dirichlet boundary conditions.
A number of procedures have been suggested (see, for instance [1] - [3] ). We can
say that three classes of solution techniques have emerged for solution of PDE:
the finite difference techniques, the finite element methods and the spectral techniques.
The last one has the advantage of high accuracy attained by the resulting discretization
for a given number of nodes [4] - [7] . Let
denote the grid-size in the spatial direction and
the gridsize in the time direction. By using forward Euler in time, and the fourth
order discretization from the previous problem in space, the heat equation reads:
We’ll assume that the discretizations used near the boundaries have the same order [8] and [9] .
2. Global Truncation Error (GTE)
There are three equivalent ways of computing the Global Truncation Error for this case.
Way 1. We can always go back to the definition of the GTE. Let
be the true solution at stage
, and
be the solution returned by the scheme at stage
. Therefore
We consider de LTE
So that at stage,
we have
a vector taking care of the boundary conditions and
is a matrix. Since
we get at stage
We now wish to estimate this quantity: first using the triangle inequality, we get
Now, taking stability into account, we can see that.
we get
Now, assuming that initial error is not too large, we have
Finally, we can conclude that the
Way 2. The GTE can be estimated by computing the LTE
and imposing stability to it
Way 3. We can also compute the one-step-error for the scheme. This quantity is basically
equal to
since it is computed as follows
then substitute the true solution and compute the difference of the two sides
We can then estimate the GTE by summing up the one-step error at each stage
3. Stability Restriction
We start by computing the stability restriction one has to impose on. We apply Von
Neumann stability analysis to the scheme: Letting
denote the wave number, we get
Now, let
So that
This guarantees that
Now, in order to make sure that
we must have
4. Consistency and Convergence
We know that a discretization scheme [10] for a PDE is consistent provided that
is the LTE. We compute it by substituting the true solution in the scheme and by
using Taylor expansions
goes to 0 as
go to 0. Therefore, we can say that the scheme is consistent.
Lastly, since we proved that the scheme is consistent and stable, by Lax equivalence
theorem, we prove that the scheme is convergent. (By the above, since the GTE is,
it goes to 0 as
We can see that Lax Equivalence Theorem for PDEs holds provided the scheme is linear (which
is the case here). It may not hold for non-linear schemes.
Another way to get the one-step error for the scheme is to combine the LTE for the temporal and spatial discretization, as follows.
LTE for forward Euler is
and the LTE for the spatial discretization is
This is equivalent to the previous method for getting the one-step error.
I would like to thank the referee for his valuable suggestions that improved the presentation of this paper and my gratitude to Department of Mathematics of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Colombia) and the group GEDNOL.
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