Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, 4, 463-467 Published Online April 2013 (
Construction of Exactly Solvable
Ring-Shaped Potentials
Arup Bharali1*, Ngangkham Nimai Singh2
1Bajali College, Pathsala-781325, Assam, India
2Department of Physics, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India
Email: *
Received January 2, 2013; revised February 1, 2013; accepted February 10, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Arup Bharali, Ngangkham Nimai Singh. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
We propose a method for construction of exactly solvable ring-shaped potentials where the linear homogeneous second-
order differential equation satisfied by special function is subjected to the extended transformation comprising a coor-
dinate transformation and a functional transformation to retrieve the standard Schrödinger polar angle equation form in
non-relativistic quantum mechanics. By invoking plausible ansatze, exactly solvable ring-shaped potentials and corre-
sponding angular wave functions are constructed. The method is illustrated using Jacobi and hypergeometric polynomi-
als and the wave functions for the constructed ring-shaped potentials are normalized.
Keywords: Schrödinger Equation; Extended Transformation; Special Function; Ring-Shaped Potential; Normalization
1. Introduction formation and a functional transformation on second-
order differential equation for a particular special function
to mould the differential equation to the standard Schröd-
inger polar angle equation form. The coordinate transfor-
mation is the basic transformation required to change the
characteristics of the differential equation, while the func-
tional transformation is essential to retrieve the Schröd-
inger polar angle equation form. By invoking suitable
ansatze, exactly solvable ring-shaped potentials and their
angular wave functions are constructed. The special func-
tions are found to be the multiplicative factors in the an-
gular wave functions and the wave functions are normal-
ized. In standard literature, the Schrödinger equation for a
specific exactly solvable ring-shaped potential is solved
by transforming it to a differential equation satisfied by a
particular special function [1,2,9], but the ethics of the
present work is not to solve Schrödinger equation to ob-
tain wave functions for a particular ring-shaped potential,
but to construct exactly solvable ring-shaped potentials as
well as their angular wave functions starting from second-
order differential equations satisfied by special functions.
The fundamental nature of the adopted method for trans-
forming a solvable differential equation to a particular type
bearing some physical significance would have a wide
range of applicability not only in quantum mechanics but
in other branches of science also.
Generation/construction of exactly solvable quantum me-
chanical potentials is an important topic of fundamental
research; as such type of research always incorporates
new ideas and/or mathematical techniques to quantum
mechanics. Again, exactly solvable potentials are essen-
tial for the successful implementation of approximate
methods in the study of practical quantum systems. The
study of quantum systems with non-central potentials is
an upcoming field of research for the theoreticians. The
quantum systems with non-central potentials have been
studied extensively in quantum chemistry and nuclear
physics in the context of organic molecules and deformed
nuclei respectively in non-relativistic regime. Different
methods applied by various authors to obtain exact solu-
tions of Schrödinger equation for bound states with non-
central potentials, are the factorization method [1], the
standard approach [2], the path integral representation [3],
the Nikiforov-Uvarov method [4-6], the supersymmetric
approach [7], etc. Here, we apply a method for construc-
tion of exactly solvable ring-shaped potentials starting from
the linear homogeneous second-order differential equa-
tions satisfied by the special functions. We perform the ex-
tended transformation [8] consisting of a coordinate trans-
The plan of the paper is as follows: in Section 2, for-
*Corresponding author.
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