The Feasibility of Treatment for Skin Diseases Using the Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. MPS
pletely disappeared. This clinical effect of USA on pru-
rigo nodularis is similar to that of cryotherapy. The con-
tinued absence of pruritus after cryotherapy may be due
to sensory nerve damage and impairment of nerve regen-
eration. Other effects of cryosurgery on the dermis in-
clude marked edema, distortion of cells, and a decrease
in capillary circulation with resultant extravasation of
erythrocytes [6]. We expect that USA may be effective
via the same mechanism as that of cryotherapy.
The cause of osmidrosis has been the topic of several
papers, it is generally agreed that the odour originates
from bacterial decomposition of sweat secreted from
apocrine glands. To treat severe cases, various types of
surgical methods have been introduced [7]. Of these
procedures, manual shaving had the lowest recurrence
rate for malodor. CO2 laser vaporization had results
similar to manual shaving except for a clinically higher
recurrence rate. Liposuction had advantages such as
small invisible scars and the least number of surgical
complications, but it had a high rate of dissatisfaction in
postoperative malodor. Therefore, removal of subcuta-
neous apocine glands by manual subdermal shaving is
the effective method. However, many problems with
wound healing were reported: hematoma, seroma, skin
necrosis, and severe scarring. The use of ultrasonic aspi-
rator allowed us to remove apocrine glands with scar less,
and the USA offers a safe and effective method.
Even though the USA offers a safer way to treat of
skin diseases, it still should be used with care to avoid
potential complications such as skin necrosis via a ther-
mal effect. Burns can occur if the operator presses too
hard or the device is allowed to remain stationary. How-
ever, this problem can be avoided simply by moving the
hand piece tip across the region with small, uninterrupted,
brush-like strokes. In our department, the treated area is
cooled by ice or irrigation with saline maintained at 4˚C
throughout the operation. Topical steroids are applied to
the affected area for a few days postoperatively to pre-
vent burn.
4. Acknowledgements
The authors gratefully thank Dr. Shinsaku Aiba and Mr.
Satoshi Kohira for his critical cooperation in preparing
this article.
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