iBusiness, 2013, 5, 49-53
doi:10.4236/ib.2013.51b011 Published Online March 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ib)
Application of Moral Investment of Enterprise in
Constructing Harmonious Society
Sha Yanfei
College of Economics and Management,Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huaian,China,223001;School of Business,Nanjing Normal
University, Nanjing,China.
Email: shamst@163.com
Received 2013
The enterprise is the mainbody of the construction of harmonious society. The pivot to construct the harmonious society
is to increase the moral investment.The moral investment should be operational and it can be done in three steps. The
first step is to form the moral view. The second step is to make the decision on morality. The last step is to grip the
moral carrier.
Keywords: Enterprise; Moral Investment; Moral Carrier; Harmonious Society
1. Introduction
In the context of ethics, the best comment to harmonious
is “moderation” . The so-called moderation, that is, don't
go to extremes. Harmony has the outstanding quality,
emboding the coordinating ability of the inner relation-
ship around main body. Constructing the harmonious
society can't just rely on external environment and power,
more needs to be a inner of excellent quality as ethical
basis. Enterprise is the people's assembly and is the car-
rier of exchanging relationship of material and spirit in
enterprise inside and outside.Enterprise should intensify
moral devotion, forging excellent quality to become a
harmonious enterprise.
2. The Sollen Requirements of Harmonious
Society to the Enterprises
Building a harmonious society is an important task to the
present and future of China, it relates to the productive
forces and production relations, the economic base and
superstructure, economy and ethics, enterprise and soci-
ety and other major social relations. There is no shirking
the responsibility for the enterprise to building a harmo-
nious society
First, enterprises should become the basic material
carriers of building a harmonious society. Economy is
the basis, while economic growth and social develop-
ment is the only key to coordinate the interests of all par-
ties, to reduce tension, to narrow the gap between urban
and rural, to balance development among regions, and
it’s the important content of building a harmonious soci-
ety. If without the strong support of the material wealth
of the enterprise, the construction of harmonious society
can only be an ideal.
Second, enterprises should become the basic material
carriers in harmony with human and nature. Enterprises
produc products and services through the integration of
resources , creating wealth for society. At the same time,
enterprises are constantly transporting all kinds of waste
to the environment which directly affects people's quality
of life. What is most concern that the large number of
local and enterprises have not yet established the scien-
tific concept of development, only pursuing the mere
GDP growth while ignoring the endurance of environ-
ment and resources .
Third, enterprises should be the stabilizer to maintain
the social stability. That whether a company provides
adequate employment position to minimize the unem-
ployment rate is an important part of maintaining social
stability. Enterprise is the most important places of em-
ployment of social labor, the fundamental channel to
solve the social employment problem. Enterprises pro-
vide the community with a large number of jobs, thus
effectively safeguarding social stability. Imbalance in the
distribution of material wealth easily leads to the gap
between rich and poor, resulting in a tense labor rela-
tions between cadres and masses, while enterprise is the
first part of the social distribution. The first allocation
size of the enterprises and the structure reasonable or not
is related to the stability of enterprises. The historical
facts show that the instability of the enterprise often leads
to major social problems.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. IB
Application of Moral Investment of Enterprise in Constructing Harmonious Society
Fourth, enterprises should be space-time vector of the
people to live in harmony. Enterprises, especially SMEs
absorb a lot of the labor force , the enterprises’ economic
efficiency and the mode of distribution of profits directly
affects the income and living standards of employees,
thereby affecting the large and small families behind.
Enterprises, as the space of the material and production
activities, provides the working environment, working
places, working conditions, working atmosphere and
culture atmosphere for the employees which affect the
physical and mental health of employees; A long period
of time of staffs is spent in the enterprises. Enterprises
should practice the scientific concept of development to
achieve sustainable development and to provide material
and spiritual conditions for the employee.
Finally, ethical investment should be the starting point
of building a harmonious enterprise.Ethical investment of
enterprise is that an enterprise through the formation of
moral values, moral decision-making, grasping the moral
carrier and other forms achieve value-added of moral
elements. The harmony of the enterprise can be divided
into two parts: the internal harmony and external busi-
ness harmony. The core is to correctly handle the rela-
tionship between enterprises and stakeholders, taking the
obligation of enterprise citizenship. Moral value as a tool
can become an important means of harmoniously dealing
with the relationship between internal and external en-
terprise, as inputs to the building of a harmonious enter-
prise. Wang Xiaoxi (2002) considered morality as the
capital areas, was a force and a ability that can be put
into production so as to enhance the wealth of society
capacity. Compared with the construction of business
ethics and enterprise social responsibility, moral invest-
ment of enterprise more emphasizes the micro-level op-
erability and feasibility.
3. The Possibility Analysis of Moral
Investment of Enterprise
Today, the business environment is increasingly complex.
The managers have to cope with external uncertainty in
the relatively complex way. Harmoniously managing the
enterprises and increasing moral investment become a
rational choice for enterprises. First, ethical supply has
become the consensus of the community, and society is
calling for a moral revival. Ethical investment depends
on the support of social environment. Ethical investment
will become possible only society approves, accepts and
demands moral. China's economic and society have de-
veloped to a certain level and have get the support of
other social norms (laws, political system). The commu-
nity generally calls for morality. The basic elements of
morality are mankind's common moral beliefs, such as
love, honesty, fairness, tolerance and so on. No countries,
nations, businesses and persons can exist without moral-
Second, a general increase in the quality of the staffs
makes ethical investment which have internal basis. The
point of ethical investment is to improve people's moral
qualities, to improve the old mode of possession. Wheth-
er it is through social education, family education, or
even enterprise education, the quality of the employees
generally improves, and they are more clear and initiative
to the understanding and need of morality and they have
the ability of moral awareness and moral behavior.
Therefore, enterprises can subjectively change the ethical
spirit throughout the economic activity and economic
behavior to an ethical habits and a moral ideal. “Good”
business leaders is not just men or women good at the
management techniques, but also a model with moral
integrity and professional expertise.
Third, the moral investment is in response to long-term
needs of the business interests. Based on the pursuit of
the interests of long-term, Business can be able to find
more effective means of economic management. Xu Da-
jian (2002) considered the economic management with
high efficiency was simply attributed to two aspects:
resources allocation of the matter and incentive con-
straints of people. We know that the role of people is
behind resources allocation of the matter. High efficiency,
long-lasting incentives is no doubt the ethics and moral-
ity. Unified and noble ethics will inspire the sacred feel-
ings of its members, it can offer daily production and
exchange activities with deeper meaning, and makes or-
dinary, mechanical, repetitive operation show color, so
that the workers' cooperation, loyalty and creativity are
excited, and economic life has the nature of a moral life.
Finally, ethical investment and investment of other
elements enhance the value of the element. Ethical in-
vestment and other elements investment( or known as
physical capital) has a symbiotic, depending on with
physical capital. The ethical investment born with the
physical capital investment and play its own unique fea-
tures. It converts into physical capital or promots physi-
cal capital to add value to get the meaning of their own
existence and social recognition. While the operation of
the physical capital also need the penetration and func-
tion of ethical investment from the inherent nature, it
will achieve the largest and most optimized value-added
of their own value because of the ethical investment.
Therefore, the most obvious manifestation of ethical in-
vestment is the value-added of physical capital and so
that it get the moral investment in both spiritual and ma-
terial aspects of the dual value, which particularly re-
flected in human capital.
4. The Form of Achievement to Moral
Morality, as elements, is different from labor, capital,
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Application of Moral Investment of Enterprise in Constructing Harmonious Society 51
land, entrepreneurs ability and other production factors in
the form and content. It’s difficult to be accounted for as
a dominant cost. But staff training and education, enter-
prise mission and strategy, management decision-making
are covered by ethical, and moral will infiltrate these
areas. Combined with the enterprise strategy, The form
of achievement to the ethical investment has three spe-
cific ways.
4.1. To Form Justice and Benefit Symbiotic
Business Ethics
Different morality determines different directions, dif-
ferent dynamics and different means of enterprises de-
velopment. Obviously, an unscrupulous business is not
sensitive in ethics, and the sensitivity of the different
business is not the same. This is related to both the en-
terprise itself in the socio-economic status and their own
moral heritage. Under the conditions of market economy,
market competition plays an important role on the moral-
ity. It promotes the intercom morality with the relatively
complete punishment mechanism in social motivation
and also has inhibitory effects on the formation of moral
values in social punishment. OU Yang Run-Ping (2003)
believed that enterprises could form three kinds of ethics:
justice and benefit co-exist, righteousness and compati-
bility. Commensalism meant that under normal circum-
stances, the justice would not damage the interest or in-
terest would not damage justice, which was the so-called
justice and benefit co-exist, as far as possible justice and
president were the same; In exceptional circumstances, it
was prevail to save the survival of the enterprise profits.
The enterprise of justice and benefit, or as "social re-
sponse" business, neither be the wicked, nor be the moral
leader, not profiteering, or pays the cost of more moral.
The so-called justice and benefit compatibility means
that profit must first seek justice, and the raising of the
righteous makes a profit. The enterprise is a product of
society, the enterprise’s value is to create value for cus-
tomers, and the development of enterprises relies on the
support of stakeholders, so enterprises must first keep
justice, and then get the benefit. The so-called coexis-
tence of justice and benefit means justice is at the head,
and then the interest. Enterprises inside focus on staff to
promote the comprehensive development of the staff.
External stakeholders shared interests, continue to create
value for customers, in harmony with nature, and pursue
sustainable development. Obviously, Righteousness and
Symbiosis is the highest state of enterprise ethics, Pana-
sonic, Haier Group, the world-famous enterprises are the
practice of morality, not only won the praise of the world,
also received a huge economic benefits.
4.2. Making Moral Decision
Making moral decision first must fulfill their moral re-
sponsibility according to the enterprises and select the
appropriate climbable moral goals. The enterprise is a
target entity, having both economic goals and moral ob-
jectives. Economic target itself is flawed, often paying
more attention to objects than to men, even though the
emphasizing on man, also paying more attention to the
material needs and economic interests, while ignoring the
people's spiritual needs and moral interests. The goal of
business’s ethics is about people and society in general
welfare of value orientation. Goal of the enterprises’ eth-
ics is stressed that any act of the enterprise has moral
values, not just economic value. Compared with the en-
terprise economic goals, the fundamentally different is
the relationship between altruism and self-serving and
relationship between justice and profit. The moral goal is
the fair value of the last line of defense, which requires
that enterprise motivation is not purely self-serving, and
should respect the legitimate interests of others as a pre-
requisite to obtain their own interests exist. Facts have
proved that economic goals and moral goals are the pre-
mise and only talking about the goals of economic goals
and morality enterprise is ultimately the most uneco-
nomical; and only talking about moral goals not speaking
the economic goals of the enterprise would ultimately
damage the moral.
Taking the fact that the economic goals and moral ob-
jectives does not correspond to the state into account,
when moral enterprises make decisions, they will first
remove the unethical business decisions, and choose the
best from several groups of economic decision-making.
In this regard, it can refine moral goals to identify the
most important moral goal to be met first. Xu Dajian
(2002) believed that the principle not infringing the
rights of others was better than the principle in favor of
the rights of others, in other words, when some practices
were conducive to the interests of many people while
they would infringe the basic rights of some people, it
should follow the principles of justice, fairness and ab-
andons this approach. On the problem of not infringe the
rights of others, the right to life and safety take prece-
dence over other basic rights. Under certain historical
conditions, the principle of economic efficiency takes
precedence over the economic principle of fairness.
4.3. Grasp the Moral Carrier
Moral investment requires to infiltrate the moral among
the other factors of production and also to be reflected in
a series of material carriers.
4.3.1. Grasp the Institutional Carrier
Systematically, any kinds of organizations are a major
obstacle of the ethical behavior, the enterprise organiza-
tional structure is formed an obstacle to moral behavior
opyright © 2013 SciRes. IB
Application of Moral Investment of Enterprise in Constructing Harmonious Society
at least in three aspects: the division of labor, the disper-
sion of decision-making authority, level command sys-
tem. Because of more and more professional and sophis-
ticated division of labor, the employees can only under-
take highly specialized local work, because they can only
limited understand the results of their work, increasing
the difficulties of coordination and communication, so
they will lose an important prerequisite for being respon-
sible for the behavior and reflecting on ethical. Therefore,
the division system of the enterprise is limited, at least to
be able to ensure that the enterprise have the necessary
opportunities of communication and coordination, ena-
bling the employees to have the responsibility space of
self-discipline. To the enterprise level command, is fre-
quently used in the system which to implement the stra-
tegic intent, but it will also bring serious ethical problems.
Its effectively implementation, operation must be based
on the decision-makers’ wise, righteousness and reason,
otherwise it will appear similarly to the terrible conse-
quences of the Nazi regime. In this sense, the leader-
ship’s moral character relates to the enterprise’s extinc-
tion. It is necessary that moral input would solve the
problems of the enterprise's inherent hierarchy and com-
mand system replaced by democratic, scientific deci-
The implementation of the internal institutionalization
of enterprise ethics is important to grasp the moral carrier.
The so-called Internal institutionalization of the enter-
prise ethics refers to, in the building of the internal or-
ganizational philosophy and behavior, except for those
non-ethical behavior’s motivation and incentives, import
the correct moral judgment baseline, and as this a man-
agement system for standardizing the behavior of all em-
ployees. In the internal institutionalization of ethical
management, the priority of the work of the American
enterprises is to develop an enterprise moral behavior.
Many enterprises assemble it into a booklet, to do many
provisions on the project. Such as IBM's codes of con-
duct of the acceptance of gifts: if the value of accepted
gifts are higher than non-ordinary relationships, or when
sends money to the home or office, you must report to
the superiors, then the higher will return the gift or other
appropriate treatments. Setting Ethics Committee and
ethical responsibilities in the enterprise, is also an im-
portant part of grasping the moral carrier. Moral respon-
sibilitties persons is responsible for day-to-day moral
management, prevention and control crisis incidents. The
Ethics Committee is a special meeting which the enter-
prises regularly convened to deal with business ethics
issues. When the enterprise is ready to enter new areas or
make major decisions, the committee should make the
following moral standards, researches the ethical issues
in the report and improves the program. The committee
majority consists of the operating personnel, absorbing
the person in charge of personnel, marketing, finance,
production and other departments to participate. There-
fore, the Ethics Committee is the highest decision-mak-
ing body of the enterprise moral management.
4.3.2. Grasp the Product Carrier
Although the product is a thing, any product all is spiri-
tual thing. First of all, any product is designed which all
according to the people’s level of understanding about
technological and cultural and technology path. It can be
said, how many products there are that so many different
cultural and technological materialized body. Secondly,
any product is also all the materialization of the human’s
moral values or moral quality, and Han amount of prod-
ucts in the moral ultimately determines the quality of the
product. Han amount of moral and ethical of the product
is mainly composed of the elements of the product’s hu-
manization designing, production responsibility and the
basic concept of production. The product’s humanization
designing requires that designers not only to pay atten-
tion to the physical needs of the people, that focus on the
natural attributes and make products to meet the needs of
the people’s value in use of the product, but also to pay
attention to people's spiritual needs, and make new
products to meet the people’s demands for the product
value, including aesthetic values , moral values . The
product designing is foundation, the production is the key.
Good product designing is not equal to produce the
products which meet the design requirements, and the
high quality design is not meaning the high-quality
products. The spirit of creating customer value should
permeate all links and all aspects of the manufacture of
products. Strictly, a desire of creating a brand and de-
velopment enterprises should not appear a failed product
in the production process, in the event that appears, the
product should not be out of the factory door and not sell.
Many well-known enterprises in China have an experi-
ence of destroying the unqualified products, one is to
notice the social, the enterprise products are all qualified
products; second is to educate their employees , that the
qualified products are the employees responsibility and
the crystallization of conscience.
4.3.3. Grasp the Vividness Carrier
The enterprise image is a holistic concept, including
product image, brand image, price image, staff image,
but each image contains the moral image, in other word,
enterprise image eventually attributed to the moral image.
Enterprises in general adopt the CI strategy to build en-
terprise image. CI strategy inputs new vitality for enter-
prise ethics. CI strategy is based on quality products,
focusing on reputation, excellent service, pursuing un-
derstanding and trust of the public enterprises to establish
a better enterprise image outside. This requires enter-
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Application of Moral Investment of Enterprise in Constructing Harmonious Society
opyright © 2013 SciRes. IB
prises to pay attention to social ethics, focusing on busi-
ness ethics, and conscientiously fulfill their social respon-
sibility, public-spirited undertakings and more strictly
regulate the behavior of employees at the same time, and
actively cultivate a good awareness of professional ethics
for employees. This moral construction and ideological
education under the overall control of the CI strategy that
actively establishes the staff’s image are clearly more to
life than the traditional top-down simple moral preaching.
It combines education and training of employees and
normative constraints which is strong operational so that
it can input it to inject new vitality for the moral.
4.3.4. Grasp the Public Opinion Carrier
The public opinion of enterprise can be divided into a
formal opinion and informal public opinion. Publicity
formal opinion can be created by the enterprise's internal
publication, network and broadcast. The informal opin-
ion is often helped by the conversation at rest of work.
Business leaders should take full advantage of public
opinion vector, so that they can understand the business
moral situation and the mind of employees, and be better
able to do staff moral education, using entrepreneurial
spirit, the values to command staff and to form a strong
cohesion. Employees use the carrier of the public opinion
and continue to receive moral education, strengthening
moral cultivation. Of course, all this must be established
in the correct direction of public opinion on this end,
therefore, the staff responsibility for moral opinion
shoulder the important task of the moral guide. Their
own moral sensitivity, moral consciousness, moral train-
ing degree is the basis of the exercise of the functions of
public opinion.
5. Conclusion
Enterprise's three levels moral method makes more op-
erable moral investment to construct a harmonious en-
terprise. Moral input of enterprise is different from the
general inputs, but moral investment can bring more
long-last benefits than other inputs, but also by moral
devotion, other elements of the value of inputs can be
guaranteed and are constantly amplification. Both the
quantity and quality of moral investment are related to
the enterprise's own strategic, and also can in turn affect
enterprise development strategies. Through the moral
investment, enterprise is not only harmonious to internal
relations, also the external relations.
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