Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 8-12
doi:10.4236/jsea.2013.63b003 Published Online March 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
Detecting Plants on Railway Embankments
Roger G. Nyberg1, Narendra Gupta1, S i ril Yella2, Mark Do u g h erty2
1Edinburgh Napier University, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Edinburgh, UK; 2Dalarna University, Department
of Computer Engineering, Borlange, Sweden.
Received 2013
This paper investigates problems concerning vegetation along railways and proposes automatic means of detecting
ground vegetation. Digital images of railway embankments have been acquired and used for the purpose. The current
work mainly proposes two algorithms to be able to achieve automation. Initially a vegetation detection algorithm has
been investigated for the purpose of detecting vegetation. Further a rail detection algorithm that is capable of identifying
the rails and eventually the valid sampling area has been investigated. Results achieved in the current work report satis-
factory (qualitative) detection rates.
Keywords: Railway Engineering; Railway Embankments; Condition Monitoring; Image Processing; Color
Segmentation; Railway Maintenance; Vegetation Detection
1. Introduction
A need for automated detection and characterization of
vegetation on railways (a subset of vegetation con-
trol/management) has been identified in collaboration
with local railway maintenance subcontractors and the
Swedish Transport Administration (STA)1.
If vegetation is permitted to grow uncontrolled, main-
tenance activities and relevant operations will become a
difficult task, if not impossible. Presence of vegetation
on railway embankments poses potential problems such
as reduction in the elasticity of ballast, increasing the
braking distance as a result of leaves falling on the tracks,
obscuring the view and so on [1]. Vegetation becomes
combustible during periods of hot weather. Fires can
damage the railway infrastructure. Pathogens and vermin
tend to propagate in areas of weed, causing complaints
from nearby residents and farmers [2]. Further usage of
herbicides in controlling vegetation poses serious threat
to the environment. As a result, railway authorities in
Sweden and to a large extent elsewhere in the world are
very much concerned [3-5]. This is due to lack of
knowledge concerning the status of vegetation on and
alongside railway embankments. Hence, periodic main-
tenance actions (e.g. inspections, mechanical harvesting,
spraying herbicides etc.) are employed to be able to con-
trol vegetation.
The first step in vegetation control/vegetation man-
agement is to detect and characterize the vegetation. To-
day this step solved by inspections carried out manually
by human inspectors walking along the tracks, or by train
drivers, or civilians who contacts the STA and make
them aware of the condition. In case of periodic mainte-
nance, e.g. chemical control using herbicides no charac-
terizing occurs at all [6].
Manual inspections are time consuming and expensive,
and is dangerous for the inspecting personnel. Addition-
ally the inspection results are highly dependent on the
individual judgment of the inspector. Instead of the
manual approach an automated solution is proposed
which can fully or partially replaces manual inspection
and is the current aim of this paper. The rest of this paper
is organised follows. Section 2 describes data acquisition.
Section 3 outlines algorithm design. Section 4 presents
the results achieved in the current work. The paper fi-
nally presents concluding remarks.
2. Image Aquisition
In the current work a Nikon DSLR D70s has been used
to acquire VIS images (~ 380 - 780 nanometers) by sys-
tematic sampling along railway sections. The DSLR was
mounted on a tripod stand 160 cm vertically above the
tracks (nadir view).
Digital images have been acquired at Bjorbo Railway
Station, Bjorbo, Sweden and N. Backa Industrial Area,
Borlange, Sweden. Images have been acquired in broad
daylight under normal weathering conditions. Please note
that no artificial light has been used. A total of 68 images
of railway embankments have been acquired for the pur-
1STA, Trafikverket:
Detecting Plants on Railway Embankments
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
3. Algorithm Design
Image processing is characterized by a need for extensive
experimental work during the test of proposed solutions
for a given problem [7]. Because no quantified require-
ments were given at the initialization of this work, and
because the application output will be evaluated by a
domain expert incrementally as new operations are added
to the application (for gradually improving functionality)
an evolutionary development (evolutionary prototyping)
model [8,9] was chosen
In the current work a vegetation detection algorithm
and a rail detection algorithm were designed. The latter
makes use of the output from the vegetation detection
Work flows described below can be found in Figure
1(a) and (b).
3.1. Vegetation Detection Algorithm
Initially an image has been loaded into memory and re-
sized to 30% of original size using bilinear interpolation.
Then the RGB color space was converted into HSV color
space. In any Hue-Saturation color space model (HS) the
hue (H) is invariant to brightness and highlights. Hue is
therefore considered to be an important feature in color
detection and segmentation [10].
Figure 1. (a) Vegetation algorithm, (b) Rail algorithm.
After the HSV conversion, the H and S channels were
divided, and followed by color segmentation in each
channel. The segmentation resulted in a region of interest
(ROI), defined by its high and low thresholds.
Fresh vegetation is mostly greenish in nature (due to
the content of chlorophyll). Preliminary examination on
the image set showed that the H lower threshold was
suited to be: 1/12 + ((3/12 - 1/12) / 2) and the H high
threshold to be 3/12. The result using a hue-mask only
was not good enough due to the often dark, brownish,
and grayish environment appearing on railway embank-
ments. Therefore, in order to exclude dark colors a satu-
ration mask was implemented using 0.3 as the lower
threshold and 1.0 as the higher. These HS-threshold val-
ues can be visualized in figure 1b as the sector bounda-
ries which are used as a HS-mask on Figure 2(a).
At this stage the segmented vegetation was very de-
tailed with crisp edges (e.g. the foliage is visible). In fact
the segmented vegetation was too detailed for the appli-
cation purpose, as every single straw of grass does not
have to be accounted for. Therefore the morphological
operation of filling holes was applied to reduce richness
in details.
At the end, very small vegetation (pixel) clusters and
single white pixels were removed using morphological
opening, which reduces small objects by morphological
eroding operation followed by a morphological dilation
operation which restores the shape of the remaining ob-
jects. As a result bigger grass tufts (clusters) were high-
lighted and grass straws etc disappeared. A good discus-
sion concerning morphological operations can be found
elsewhere [7].
The resulting output mask in Figure 3(a) represents
the vegetation found in the original image, see Figure
3(b). The mask can be tuned by function arguments to
represent quantitatively more or less vegetation depend-
ing on the requirements. Today there are no measure-
ments concerning vegetation in the regulations set by the
Figure 2. (a) Part of HSV color space, (b) HS Mask.
Figure 3. (a) Output mask showing detected vegetation, (b)
Original image.
Detecting Plants on Railway Embankments
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
3.2. Rail Detection Algorithm
The rail detection algorithm is aimed at essentially solv-
ing the system’s need of being informed of its relative
position above the tracks and railway embankment. This
is useful if a camera is set up incorrectly, or gets dislo-
cated while acquiring images resulting in another view
than desired. If an intelligent system knows what features
are supposed to appear in the area of interest it can dis-
regard images which do not include those features. The
algorithm finds the two rails (if present) and then isolates
a trapezium shaped area, i.e. the valid sampling area
(VSA) defined by the boundaries: left rail - image top
boundary – right rail - image bottom boundary.
Initially the same resized original image (as the one
used in the detecting vegetation) has been used. This
image was converted into a grey level image having 256
grey levels. Then, in order to enhance contrast, a histo-
gram stretch operation was applied, this to spread out the
lightest and darkest parts of the image and thus making
the lightest parts white and the darkest parts black. All
the other grey levels are then distributed evenly between
those, thus enhancing contrast.
In the next step the vegetation is hidden on the en-
hanced grey-level image by applying the inverse of the
output mask produced by the vegetation algorithm, Fig-
ure 3(a).
Subsequently, a two-dimensional linear motion filter
[7] was applied. The filter blurs the image in the direc-
tion of travel, as if the camera was mounted on a track-
bound vehicle. The influence of non-important objects
such as stones, branches, bolts, debris etc are reduced by
using the linear motion filter, but the rails are still visu-
ally dominant, see Figure 4(a).
Thereafter the blurred grey-level image was the re-
duced into a binary image, using Otsu’s method [11],
which essentially calculates an automatic optimum
global threshold. This was followed by a morphological
erosion operation, to reduce the amount of less signifi-
cant lines in the image, see Figure 4(b).
The following step was to find all edges in the image
using the Canny edge detector [12]. Preliminary exami-
nation showed that the required parameters for high and
low threshold levels could be chosen automatically by
MATLAB. Likewise the Gaussian sigma parameter
Figure 4. (a) Motion Blur, (b) Otsu image segmentation and
(which describes the standard deviation of a Gaussian
smoothing filter) indicated to give the best final results
having a value of 3. As the sigma gets higher in value the
binary image content tends to get more and more dis-
The purpose of the previous steps was primarily to re-
duce of the number of components in the image. A sub-
sequent morphological dilation operation was made to
thicken the existing lines in the image, and thus merging
nearby lines. This will improve the upcoming operation
of finding connected components (i.e. lines).
The connected components were extracted from the
binary image with a connectivity of eight for the con-
nected components. The number of components was then
reduced to eight by analyzing the size of the components.
Next step was to find the longest lines (presumably the
rails) using the Hough Linear Transform function [13]. In
order to get satisfying results, experiments showed that
line segments shorter than 1/3 of the image height should
be disregarded. After finding the longest lines, these lines
were (if necessary) extended to the image top/bottom
border using the common linear Equation (1):
y = kx + m, where k = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = tan(a) (1)
where k and m designate constants. The constant k de-
termines the slope or gradient of that line, and the con-
stant term m determines the point at which the line
crosses the y-axis.
In some cases there are three or more lines left in the
image, but at most two of them can represent the rails,
e.g. see Figure 5(a), where there are still two lines to the
left both defining the same singular steel rail. Hence
everyone but one of these lines defining the same rail
must be eliminated. This was solved by letting the lines
compete against each other as players do in a Round-
Robin tournament fashion. This means every line (i.e.
player) meets every other line once. The lines are the
previously extracted lines. Initially all lines are candi-
dates of representing the two steel rails. The number of
matches is computed as in (2)
numMatch = (n*(n-1))/2 (2)
where n is the number of line candidates. Every “match
result” was recorded in a match look-up-table (LUT).
The match LUT contained of numMatch rows and four
Figure 5. a. Rails detected in binary image, b. super im-
posed on the original image.
Detecting Plants on Railway Embankments
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
columns. The 1st and 2nd column contains the line ids.
The 3rd and 4th column represents the distance (differ-
ence in pixels) between the two lines first and second
endpoints (only x-values), in the current match. The
match LUT was then evaluated using these criteria:
First criterion: If the distance between the two lines
(in the current ”match”) is close to the rail gauge distance,
then add these pair of lines to the candidate set, then con-
tinue evaluate towards the second criteria.
Else if, the pair of lines not rail candidates, so disre-
gard their match. Note that one of the rails in a pair might
be a candidate on its own together with some other line
within correct distance, but that would be apparent in
another match against some other line.
Second criterion: If the first criterion was met, then: If
there is only two pair of lines in the set, i.e. one match
left in the match LUT, then these lines are selected to
represent the two rails in the image.
Else if, there are more than two pair of lines in the
candidate set, and then select the pair of lines which has
the smallest angle θ given by (3):
u v = |u| |v| cos θ (3)
where u and v denotes the two vectors (i.e. the line pair
representing rails. C denotes the (for each image) the
image height in pixels. |u| and |v| denotes the length
(magnitude) of |u| and |v| respectively, as in (4)
|u| = ((x3-x1)2+C2) and |v| = ((x4 – x2)2 + C2) (4)
If two lines in a match have an angle θ = 0 then these
lines are deemed to be parallel. Note that only two lines
should be left, each representing one of the two steel
The selected lines define a trapezium limited by the
rails and the image upper and lower boundary. This area
was selected to be the VSA in which to compute the
plant cover [14,15]. The vegetation algorithm has already
produced a mask of all vegetation in the full image area,
so the area was reduced to the VSA (see section 3A). The
plant cover in the trapezium was calculated as in (5)
(Number of vegetation pixels)/(Number of trapezium pix-
els) (5)
4. Results and Discussion
The rail detection algorithm finds every rail in the image
set, equaling a hit rate of 100%. It finds the rail even
when the rail appearance is different, i.e. different de-
grees of rustiness and shininess, and rail orientation, and
despite the outdoor weather conditions, i.e. uncontrolled
lighting conditions. Additionally, with help of the vege-
tation algorithm it computes the vegetation cover in the
valid sample area, a trapezium area, i.e. between the two
rails and the upper and lower image boundary.
There are no measurements concerning vegetation set
by STA in their regulations or handbooks. This problem
is inherited when inspecting vegetation, because there is
nothing to validate against. The output of the vegetation
detection algorithm is a mask representing the cover at-
tribute (See [14,15]). Although there are no measure-
ments to evaluate against, the results are comparable with
each other, relatively, and can serve as a first step to-
wards a standardization of how to quantify vegetation on
railway embankments.
Today when railway vegetation control contracts are
signed (between the STA and a subcontractor) none of
the involved actors are aware the status of vegetation.
The status of vegetation often becomes apparent when
maintenance actions are to be carried out on-site and are
hence not economically viable.
5. Conclusion
The main objective of this work was twofold as follows:
Firstly to investigate problems of vegetation inspections
on railway embankments as well as to investigate current
day vegetation control/management activities, and sec-
ondly to propose algorithms showing how to automate
future inspections of a restricted area on a railway em-
bankment. In this work a vegetation detection algorithm
and a rail detection algorithm was designed and imple-
mented in order to reveal the vegetation status along
railways. Future work includes near-infrared imagery to
better detect the light reflected by green chlorophyll
plants. Further on, because the allowed herbicide Gly-
phosate has problems of killing woody plants, an auto-
mation of identifying problematic plants would be bene-
ficial. An identification of woody plants, including their
spatial location, can then result in targeted mechanical
harvesting, i.e. a condition-based maintenance can be
enforced, often leading to reduced costs. A similar ap-
proach as in this experiment can be later carried out by
mounting a digital camera on a vehicle that is capable of
running on tracks.
6. Acknowledgment
Special thanks to the Swedish Transport Administration
(Trafikverket), and Scandinavian Track Group (STG),
RailDoc AB, and Infra Tech Consulting AB (ITC) during
the identification process of common problems for
maintenance subcontractors and national railway admin-
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