Carbonation Resistance and Anticorrosive Properties of Organic Coatings for Concrete Structures 73
Table 6. Carbonation depth after one year of physical ex-
Nano HP Conv
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
depth (mm) 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 23
Nano_1 HP_2 Conv_3
Figure 4. Carbonation depth after the application of the
phenolphthalein indicator in the left side of the mortar.
three major categories were studied regarding their pro-
tection level against corrosion by chloride ions and car-
bonation, which are the two most common mechanisms
of reinforcement corrosion. In marine areas there is a
significant probability for rebars to be corroded by chlo-
ride ions, while carbonation problem exists in rural en-
vironment and in the interior of the structures. From the
results, the following can be drawn:
High performance coatings and specifically the poly-
urethane coating exhibited the most protective be-
havior against chloride induced corrosion as it pre-
sented the highest Rp values and very low mass loss
values. Regarding carbonation, in both physical and
accelerated exposure, no carbonated areas were re-
vealed. However, it should be noted that high per-
formance systems are environmentally harmful due to
the organic solvents that contain.
Regarding nano-coatings, Nano_1 coating appeared
improved than conventional coatings towards chlo-
ride ions corrosion, whereas the other two nano-sys-
tems were equal with the traditional coatings. As far it
concerns carbonation, Nano_1 coating appeared rather
weak, since in both physical and accelerated condi-
tions did carbonate more than Conv_1 coating. Its
behavior, however, was not worse than the silicon-
acrylic traditional system.
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