Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 48-52 Published Online February 2013 (
Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology
under Distributed Environment
Taskeen Zaidi1, Vipin Saxena2
Department of Computer Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India.
Received December 6th, 2012; revised January 5th, 2013; accepted January 14th, 2013
During the past years, the distributed computing approach has become very popular due to various advantages over
centralized approach. In the distributed approach, the execution of a process has reduced and also it requires low cost
for installation. Many of the researchers are using the modeling approach for solution of the software and hardware ar-
chitecture research problems. The most popular approach of modeling is known as Unified Modeling Language based
on the object-oriented technology. In the present work, a method of deadlock detection is explained for the newly pro-
posed static step topology for the distributed network. In the step topology, the processes are taken as a task, sub task,
macro, subroutine, etc which are executed in reflexive and symmetric manners when the systems are interconnected to
each other under distributed environment and avoidance technique is also presented for the same. The deadlock detec-
tion technique is presented through a UML class model.
Keywords: Distributed System; UML Class Model; Step Topology; Deadlock Detection; Deadlock Avoidance
1. Introduction
In the current scenario, many of the software companies
are changing the layout of computing labs from the old
centralized computing approach towards the distributed
computing approach as it involves low cost and saves the
execution time of the tasks. Another advantage is that
distributed computing system does not share the global
clock. In the centralized approach, computing time of the
tasks is much more in comparison of the distributed ap-
proach as the deadlock occurs frequently in the central-
ized approach. In the distributed computing approach
deadlock situation can be handled by the use of mutual
exclusion i.e. synchronization of the tasks. The present
work is based upon a distributed kind of network con-
nected through the static step topology designed by the
authors; deadlock situations are detected and methods for
avoidance of these situations are elaborated. In the pre-
sent work, a static step topology is used for the high
speed National Knowledge Network (NKN) connectivity
and deadlock detection technique is defined for the exe-
cution of the processes/tasks or one transmits the infor-
mation in terms of files from one device to another de-
vice attached through the topology. A method of avoid-
ance is also explained. On the another aspects, modeling
is necessary before executing the research problems as it
saves the time and errors can be detected at the early
stages of the software development, therefore, in the cur-
rent scenario, many of the researchers are using the ob-
ject-oriented Unified Modeling Language to construct
the various models for the solution of the research prob-
lems, therefore, in the present work UML class model is
also designed for finding the conditions of deadlock and
a procedure to minimize the deadlock situations occur-
ring in the distributed environment.
2. Related Work
In the current scenario and due to evolution of high speed
network connectivity, many of the researchers share the
information at the remote by using the remote login or
transferring the information over the distributed network.
Sharing of information in form of files, data, audio, video
as well as mutual exclusion of tasks are well explained in
[1]. The static interconnection of the network plays an
important role for sharing the files and it is known as the
topology and an important reference Tanenbaum [2] has
described various types of topologies used to intercom-
nect the devices under distributed computing environ-
ment. Various kinds of topologies like centralized, de-
centralized and hybrid, which are used for modeling, and
internetworking of distributed systems are explained in
[3]. Another important reference is Hwang [4] which
describes all the aspects related to the software and hard-
ware architecture including the parameters affecting the
execution of the processes under the distributed comput-
ing environment. Due to evolution of the windows pro-
gramming, the tasks called as processes are synchronized
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Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment 49
when executed on the devices and obviously deadlock
will occur according to the conditions of deadlock and
these are well described by Milenkovic [5] and it consists
of necessary conditions for deadlock as well as avoid-
ance, prevention and detection of deadlock under distrib-
uted computing environment. For execution of the proc-
esses under distributed environment, mutual exclusion
takes place and processes are executed according to the
clock of the device and one of the important references is
Lamports [6] which has explained the execution of proc-
esses under distributed environment using time, clock
and ordering of events. Later on Ricart and Agrawala [7]
have modified the Lamport’s algorithm. Symmetric exe-
cution of processes using parallel operations is explained
by Maekawa [8]. Various Scientists have solved the prob-
lem of mutual exclusion for the distributed environment
by taking the concepts of graphs, sets, etc. By the use of
set theory, it is solved by Agrawal [9]. Suzuki and Ka-
sami [10] have described a token-based ring algorithm
for execution of processes.
Modeling plays an important role for the solution of
the research problem. Many of the researchers have used
the latest modeling language known as Unified Modeling
Language (UML) based on the object-oriented technol-
ogy to solve the software and hardware architecture
problems. First time in the literature, Unified Modeling
Language for solution of the hardware architecture prob-
lem is proposed by Gomma [11] for designing the con-
current, distributed, and real-time applications with UML.
Later on Pllana and Fahringer [12,13] have suggested
profiles for modeling of distributed and parallel applica-
tions by using UML. Let us describe some of the impor-
tant references based on the present aspects. Saxena and
Arora [14] have proposed UML modeling of a protocol
for establishing mutual exclusion in the distributed sys-
tem. Recently, Saxena and Zaidi [15] have proposed a
new topology called as static step topology for intercon-
nection of systems under distributed environment. Then,
UML Modeling of newly developed static topology call-
ed as step topology is done by Saxena and Zaidi [16] and
also compared with the well known bus topology. Saxena
and Zaidi [17] have also studied objective and impact of
NKN project as well as advantages, disadvantages and
difficulty faced by this project. A case study has also
been done by authors to compute percentage utilization
of NKN over the step topology. The authors [18] have
also modified the Lamport’s algorithm for the step to-
pology for execution of processes in reflexive and sym-
metric manners.
3. Background
3.1. Distributed System
A distributed system is an autonomous collection of com-
puter systems, which connects the resources and users
through message passing technique. It provides trans-
parency, openness, reliability, scalability to the devices
connected and also allows data sharing, resource sharing,
audio and video sharing and reduces the cost of infra-
structure. A representation of devices under distributed
environment is shown in Figure 1.
3.2. A Process/Task
A Process as shown in Figure 2 is defined as tasks, sub-
tasks, macro, subroutine, and a computer program run-
ning concurrently with other programs executed by using
processor. Process Execution Controller (PEC) i.e. proc-
essing_unit is fully responsible to execute the processes/
tasks. A UML class diagram of process is represented
below with attributes and methods.
3.3. Deadlock
In operating system, deadlock is defined as a condition in
Figure 1. A distributed system.
Figure 2. UML class for process.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment
which two or more processes are competing for resources
and each waits for other to finish its task and thus dead-
lock occurs. It arises because one process is requesting
for resources which is already taken by another waiting
process and which in turn is requesting for resource that
is held by another waiting process. It is a common prob-
lem occurs in distributed system. The necessary and suf-
ficient conditions of deadlock [5] are given below:
1) Mutual Exclusion—only one process is allowed to
use the resources at one time; other processes are put in
the suspended queue;
2) Hold and Wait—a process is requesting for re-
sources which is held by another process;
3) No Preemption—the resources which are held by
one process can not release if it is being used by other
4) Circular Wait—a process is waiting for resources
held by another process which is already waiting for re-
source by another process, a cycle formed and deadlock
4. UML Modeling for Deadlock Detection
On the basis of above aspects, a static step topology as
shown in the Figure 3 is considered in which one step
consists of three nodes and processes can share the re-
sources by message passing technique.
In the above Figure N1, N2, …, NM show the devices
which are arranged as per the step. The detailed descrip-
tion of the topology can be found in [15]. In this figure,
devices are attached on high speed NKN network con-
nectivity. The speed of data transfer from one device to
another device is 1 Gbps which can be extended up to 10
For detecting the deadlock conditions in the step to-
pology over NKN network, a general UML class model
is proposed in Figure 4 which shows the static behavior
of the problem in which attributes and operations are
grouped together to form a class. The figure represents
the class diagram for deadlock condition, the processes
Figure 3. A static step topology.
Deadl ock
PEC busy
Resources not
Deadlock removed
Transfer output
Figure 4. Class diagram for deadlock detection.
are executed by assigning threads controlled by Thread
class, then the process enters into the PEC through a
class named as Ready_queue; resources are allocated to
each process, if the PEC is busy and resources are not
allocated then the processes have to wait in the sus-
pended queue controlled by Suspended_queue class; if
any process waits for a long time for resources after
sometime, time out condition occurs and either older
process will die or rollback and then finally deadlock is
removed and then process is synchronized and enters into
PEC which is responsible for execution of the process
and after being executed the resultant sends back to the
memory controlled by Memory class.
5. Deadlock Detection and Avoidance
On the basis of the above UML class model, the follow-
ing cases arise on the NKN network in which devices are
connected through static step topology as shown the Fig-
ure 3:
Case 1: Reflexive Situation of Deadlock
This situation of deadlock arises on the single node.
Let us consider a single node N1 as shown in Figure 3,
when a process P1 on node N1 needs resources which are
executing on other nodes then the process P1 and other
processes in queue on N1 will become in the deadlock
situation. This situation is represented as reflexive situa-
tion and the avoidance method from deadlock is given
Avoidance: The reflexive situation of the deadlock can
be avoided through the mutual exclusion of the processes
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Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment 51
in which resources are allocated to the processes as per
the incoming request of the resources then at a time only
one process can execute inside the critical section and
after finishing the execution of process resources are
released and next process will enter inside the critical
section then in this situation no deadlock will occur.
Processes synchronization will occur inside the critical
Case 2: Symmetric Situation of Deadlock
The symmetric situation of deadlock arises when two
nodes N1 and N2 are participating for execution of the
processes and connected under step topology as shown in
Figure 3 and they communicate through message pass-
ing technique, then following two cases arise:
1) When multiple processes are going to execute on
node N1 as per the scheduling algorithm then if resources
are allocated to the younger processes then older proc-
esses which are waiting from a long time for resources
will die and deadlock will occur.
2) If the process on the either node N1 or N2 will wait
for a long time for resources then the processes will die
(time out) due to wait and die condition after some time
and deadlock will occur.
Avoidance: In the first case, the deadlock situation can
be handled by making a priority queue of the processes.
If the older processes are rolled back by giving priority
over younger processes then deadlock can be avoided.
In the second case, if the resources are available, re-
sources which are allocated and resources which will be
released by other processes are known to the other proc-
esses which are trying to execute on either N1 or N2 and
they communicate about the resources as said above
through message passing technique, then deadlock will
not occur.
6. Conclusion and Future Scope of Work
From the above it is concluded that the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) is used to construct a model for the
deadlock situation occurring in the static step topology.
Two cases in the form of reflexive and symmetric dead-
lock are discussed and corresponding avoidance methods
are explained. The present work can be extended for
validation of the proposed UML model through Markov
chain or Finite State methods.
7. Acknowledgements
Our thanks are due to University Grants Commission
(UGC), New Delhi, India for providing financial assis-
tance to carry out this work.
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Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSEA
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