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Low Carbon Economy, 2010, 1, 1-7 doi:10.4236/lce.2010.11001 Published Online September 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids Rashad M. Kamel, Aymen Chaouachi, Ken Nagasaka Environmental Energy Engineering, Department of Electronics & Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Email:,, Received July 21st, 2010; revised August 27th, 2010; accepted August 27th, 2010. ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to evaluate the value of enhancement in voltage, amount of emission reduction and amount of power losses saving with using micro grids. The paper is divided in two parts, the first part evaluates the voltage improvement and power losses saving with micro (μ) sources (distributed generators like fuel cell, micro tur- bine, solar cell, wind turbine etc.). The obtained results indicate that using μ sources reduce voltage drop by about 3%, Also, it is found that using μ sources can reduce the power losses to more than one third of its value without using μ sources. The voltage at the buses near the μ sources location will suffer from small drop than the buses far from μ sources locations. The second part calculates amount of CO2, SO2, NOx and particulate matters emissions from main grid and from μ sources which forms micro grid. The results indicates that more penetration of μ sources in the power systems especially the renewable sources (solar and wind) will help in reducing or removing emission problems and solve the green house gas problems. Finally this paper proved with calculations that the micro grid can solve most of the problems which facing the conventional power system and keep the surrounding environment clean from pollution and the micro grid will be the future power system. Keywords: Micro Grid, Voltage Enhancement, Losses Saving, CO2, SO2, NOx and Particulate Matter Emissions 1. Introduction Increasing penetration of distributed generation (DG) resources to the low voltage (LV) grids, such as Photo- voltics, CHP micro-turbines, small wind turbines areas and possibly fuel cells, alters the traditional operating principle of the grids. A particularly promising aspect, related to the proliferation of small-scale decentralized generations (μ sources), is the possibility for parts of the network comprising sufficient generating resources to operate in isolation from the main grid, in a deliberate and controlled way. These are called micro grids and the study and development of technology to permit their ef- ficient operation has started with a great momentum [1-3]. With the efficient integration of small scale distributed generation into LV system and ability of supplying its own local demand customers, exporting energy to neighbor’s systems and providing ancillary services (flow manage- ment, voltage and frequency control capabilities) to the public systems, the development of micro grids has po- tential to bring a number of benefits into the system in term of [4]: Enabling development of sustainable and green elec- tricity: Clearly, electricity generated by renewable energy sources can substitute electricity supplied by conven- tional power plants with many benefits such as carbon emission reduction, reducing dependency on depleting fossil sources and sustainable and “free” energy sources which in the long term brings lower energy prices. Enabling larger public participation in the invest- ment of small scale generation: Economic appraisal for installing micro generation will likely require less com- plex analysis in contrast to large generation. With much smaller magnitude in the investment, and less complexity in trading electricity, the financial risks exposed to the investors are much lower. At a domestic level, the deci- sion to invest in such generation may be less motivated by financial gain and influenced by Individual’s will to 2 Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids contribute for clean environment. This will clearly enable larger public participation in contributing to the deploy- ment of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the form of micro generation. Reduction in marginal central power plants: Micro generation can displace the capacity of peak load or mar- ginal central power plants. Improved security of supply: With a considerable large number of installed micro generation, the total gen- eration margin increases. This will also directly increase the available capacity of supplying peak load condition. With a large number of generators, failure in a number of small generators will not have a considerable impact on the capability of supplying the demand. This is in contrast to systems which rely on a relatively small number of big generators. A failure of one large genera- tor may cause significant generation deficit and may lead to load shedding. Micro generation technologies also bring more diversity in the types of fuel that can be used to generate electricity. This is likely to increase the secu- rity of supply and reduce dependency on a particular type of fuel [5,6]. Reduction of losses: Currently, losses in a system which primarily relies on central generation are typically around 7%-10% of total electricity consumption per year [4]. The magnitude of losses is influenced by many factors such as the proximity of generation to loads, circuit im- pedances, loads, and profiles of loading in each circuit among others. Bearing in mind that losses are a quadratic function of the current, the largest losses occur during peak loading conditions of the circuit. As micro grid is able to supply its loads locally, it reduces the amount of power transfer from remote generation via transmission and distribution circuits. Hence, it will reduce system losses. This also leads to the reduction of total energy produced by central power plants. Thus, it will also re- duce Pollutants (CO2, NOx, SO2 and other particulate matter) from these plants. Enabling better network congestion management and control for improving power quality: The introduc- tion of micro generation in the LV networks will provide better capability of controlling power flows from the LV systems to the upper voltage networks. Hence, it may avoid the need for reinforcing the networks due to net- work congestion or voltage problems. Based on the previous discussion, using micro grid will help on voltage improvement, emission reduction and power losses saving. Many papers discussed the ef- fect of micro grid on voltage improvement, power losses reduction and emission reduction, but quantifying amount of improvement or reduction is not considered. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the micro grid on voltage enhancement, emission reduc- tion and losses saving. To conduct the proposed studies, the benchmark networks used for analysis and its data are described in Section 2 [single feeder and multi feeder networks]. Section 3 presents the daily load curves of the one feeder network (residential load) and three feeders network with three types of loads (residential, industrial and commercial loads). Section 4 shows the effect of the micro grid on voltage improvement and power losses saving for single feeder and multi feeders networks. Amount of emission reduction due to using micro grid is given in Section 5. Conclusions are stated in Section 6. 2. Benchmark Network Used for Analysis Bench mark network described in references [3] and [7] is used for analysis. Single line diagram with all buses marked is shown at the end of the paper (Figure 12). One feeder network includes 7 buses (buses 1-7) represent the residential loads. Industrial load (bus 8) represents the second feeder. The remaining buses (buses 9-16) feed commercial loads and represent the third feeder. Imped- ance of the network lines, data for μ sources used and renewable power time-series used [output KW/Installed KW] are given in Tables 1-3 respectively [7]. The units have been calculated in power base of 100 KVA and voltage base 400V. Bus 0 represents the main grid (distribution network). Micro turbine is located at bus 7, fuel cell is located at bus 6, and PV3 is located at bus 5 while wind turbine and PV2-5 are connected to bus 4. 3. Daily Load Curves for Single and Multiple Feeders Networks Aggregate daily load curves for single feeder (residential loads) and three feeders (residential, industrial and com- Table 1. Line data for micro grid. Sending BusReceiving Bus R (p.u.) X (p.u.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 1 9 10 11 9 13 10 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.0025 0.0001 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.021875 0.033125 0.0075 0.015 0.02125 0.02125 0.010625 0.010625 0.023125 0.023125 0.01 0.0001 0.00375 0.00375 0.00375 0.00375 0.004375 0.00875 0.005 0.010625 0.005625 0.005625 0.005625 0.005625 0.00625 0.00625 Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids3 Table 2. Data of the used μ sources. Unit ID Unit Name Minimum capacity (KW) Maximum capacity (KW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Micro tur- bine Fuel cell Wind PV1 PV2 PV3 PV4 PV5 2 1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 30 30 15 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Table 3. Renewable power time-series (Output KW/Installed KW). Hour Wind Power PV-time series Hour Wind Power PV-time series 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.364 0.267 0.267 0.234 0.312 0.329 0.476 0.477 0.424 0.381 0.459 0.39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.002 0.008 0.035 0.1 0.23 0.233 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.494 0.355 0.433 0.321 0.329 0.303 0.364 0.373 0.26 0.338 0.312 0.346 0.318 0.433 0.37 0.403 0.33 0.238 0.133 0.043 0.003 0 0 0 mercial loads) are shown in Figure 1. 4. Voltage Enhancement and Power Losses Saving Evaluation with Using Micro Grid Load flow program [8] is used to calculate the voltages at all nodes of the micro grid. Results are shown in Figures 2-7. The power factor is 0.85 lagging for residential and commercial consumers and 0.9 for the industrial ones. All calculations have been made at p.u of base Vbase = 400 V and Sbase = 100 KVA. The network data are pre- sented in Sections 2 and 3. It has also been assumed that in the μ sources the power electronic interface has been adjusted to give or absorb zero reactive power at all buses except fuel cell and micro turbine buses. At all time, we assume that the micro turbine and fuel cell op- erated at 84% of their maximum capacity (25 KW), and the renewable sources outputs powers as listed in Table 3. The dashed lines represent results without μ sources while the solid lines represent results with using μ sources. From the above results the following points can be raised: With using μ sources, in the two studied cases (sin- gle feeder and three feeder), the voltages at all buses are improved. Amount of improvement in case of single feeder network is better than three feeder case because amount 2 4 6 810 12 14 1618 20 22 24 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Hou r Power( KW ) One feeder Three feeder Figure 1. Daily load curves for one feeder and three feeders networks. 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage ( pu ) Main grid 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 1 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 2 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 3 Figure 2. Voltage at buses 1, 2, 3 and main grid for single feeder network with and without using μ sources. 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 4 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 5 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 6 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 7 Figure 3. Voltage of buses 4, 5, 6 and 7 for single feeder network with and without using μ sources. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE 4 Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 Hour Voltage ( pu ) Bus# 1 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 2 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 3 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 4 Figure 4. Voltage of buses 1, 2, 3 and 4 for three feeder network with and without using μ sources. 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 5 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 6 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 7 510 15 20 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 8 Figure 5. Voltage at buses 5, 6, 7 and 8 for three feeder network with and without using μ sources. 5101520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 9 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 10 5101520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 11 510 15 20 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 12 Figure 6. Voltage at buses 9, 10, 11 and 12 for three feeder network with and without using μ sources. 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 13 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 14 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 15 510 1520 0. 96 0. 98 1 1. 02 Hour Voltage( pu ) Bus# 16 Figure 7. Voltage of buses 13, 14, 15 and 16 for three feeder network with and without using μ sources. of power produced by the μ sources is less than the power demand by loads of the three feeder, also the μ sources are far from loads of industrial (bus 8) and com- mercial (buses 9-16) feeders. The largest drop of the voltage is about 4.5% with- out μ sources, because we assume that the voltage at the main grid (distribution network) equal to 1 p.u., if we assume that the voltage at the distribution network less than 1 p.u (due to voltage drop in the transmission net- work) as actually occur, the voltage drop without using μ sources will be more than 4% and may be reach to 8%. The total power losses for one feeder and three feeder networks at the same conditions mentioned before are evaluated and the results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. From the above figures, the following points can be summarized: The total power losses with using μ sources is less than the losses when μ sources are not used, because us- ing μ sources reduces the distance between the load and generation and also, reduce the current flowing from the main grid. In addition, in our analysis, we calculated the losses in the transformer which connect the main grid with the micro grid network. If we take the losses in the upper distribution and transmission networks, the amount of losses will exceed the calculated value. For single feeder network, at lightly load μ sources production will feeds the load and export the remaining power to the distribution grid which make the losses with using μ sources larger than losses without μ sources. 5. Emission Reduction Evaluation with Using μ Sources In order to evaluate the potential of environmental bene- fits from the micro grids, data about the emissions from Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids5 05 10 15 20 25 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 Hour Power losses (KW) with micro sources without micro sources Figure 8. Total losses for single feeder network with and without μ sources. 05 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hou r Power losses ( KW ) with micro sources without micro sources Figure 9. Total losses for three feeders network with and without μ sources. the main grid and data about the emissions of the μ sources should be taken into account. The emissions for which calculations are made are: CO2, SO2, NOx and particulate matters. 5.1. Emissions of the Main Grid The production of the μ sources displaces power from the main grid. Thus the emissions avoided are an average value of the main grid emissions multiplied by the pro- duction of the μ sources. In our study, typical values of emissions have been used as shown in Table 4 [7]. Table 4. Typical values of emissions from the main grid. Pollutants gr/KWh CO2 SO2 NOx Particulate Matters 889 1.8 1.6 0.501 5.2. Impact of μ Sources From the installed μ sources the ones that consume fuels have emissions which are significantly lower than the ones in the main grid. Where as the renewable such as wind and solar energies have zero emissions in their op- eration. It is assumed that the fuel burned by the Micro turbine and the fuel cells is natural gas. Table 5 gives the data used for our analysis [7]. 5.3. Results and Discussions Amounts of emissions with and without using μ sources for single feeder and three feeder networks are shown in Figures 10 and 11. According to the results obtained in the previous fig- ures the following point can be summarized: Using μ sources has large effect in reducing the amount of emissions on CO2, SO2, NOx and particulate matters, but the reduction in SO2, NOx and particulate matters is greater in percentage than CO2 reduction due to the fact that the fuel burning units use natural gas that has lower emission levels in particulate matters, NOx and SO2 compared to thermal stations that use Heavy Oil. Table 5. Typical emission data for μ sources. Unit nameCO2 coeff. (gr/KWh) NOX coeff. (gr/KWh) SO2 coeff. (gr/KWh) Parti. Matters (gr/KWh) Micro Turbine Fuel Cell Wind1 PV1 PV2 PV3 PV4 PV5 724.6 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.004 0.003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.041 0.001 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 20 30 20 40 60 80 100 Hour CO2 emissions( Kg ) 010 20 30 0 50 100 150 200 Hour SO2 emissions ( gr ) 010 20 30 0 50 100 150 Hour NOX emissions ( gr ) 010 20 30 0 20 40 60 Hour Particulate Matters emissions ( gr ) SO2 emissions (gr) CO2 emissions (Kg) N OX emissions (gr) Figure 10. Amount of CO2, SO2, NOx and particulate mat- ters emissions for one feeder network with and without μ sources. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE 6 Carbon Emissions Reduction and Power Losses Saving besides Voltage Profiles Improvement Using Micro Grids Copyright © 2010 SciRes. LCE 010 20 30 0 50 100 150 200 Hour CO2 emission( Kg ) 010 20 30 0 100 200 300 400 Hour SO2 emission ( gr ) SO2 emissions (g r ) 010 20 30 0 100 200 300 400 Hour NOX emission ( gr ) 010 20 30 0 50 100 Hour Particulate matters emission ( gr ) Figure 11. Amount of CO2, SO2, NOx and particulate mat- ters emissions for three feeder network with and without μ sources. In our study, the amount of power produced by re- newable energy is small (15% of the μ sources power), if the renewable sources increases, amount of emissions reduction will be more than the value shown in the pre- vious figures. CO2 emissions ( K g) 6. Conclusions Distributed generation (DG) operation can improve the voltage profile in the micro grid nodes especially at the feeder where μ sources are installed. Therefore the in- stallation of DG sources seems to be a solution in im- proving the voltage profile within a micro grid during times of low voltages (peak loads). It is found that when the power produced by μ sources sufficient to loads, the voltage drop at all buses has a negligible values, also, using micro grid will decrease the amount of power losses because the power which produced by μ sources will consumed locally with the load near from the μ N OX emissions (gr) Figure 12. Single line diagram for three feeder network. Current Distortion Evaluation in Traction 4Q Constant Switching Frequency Converters 7 sources which prevent current from flowing or circulat- ing in the networks transmission lines. Results showed that using μ sources has more effects in reducing all types of emissions especially when the μ sources contains many renewable sources such as wind and solar energy sources. 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