fields without shifting isocenters. Some institutions, how-
ever, split longer tomotherapy treatment deliveries into
two deliveries so that the patient can be re-imaged half-
way through the treatment to ensure the patient remains
accurately positioned on the treatment couch. Without
treatment interruption, total treatment time would be ap-
proximately 3402.1 seconds. The need for patient seda-
tion is another component that could affect the overall
treatment time. Sedation is determined on a patient-by-
patient basis and can add a considerable amount of time
to the patient in the clinic. This time component however
does not directly affect the time the patient is at the
treatment unit and the length of time it takes to treat the
patient. Sedation would cause the patient to require addi-
tional time in pre-treatment clinical aspects. Because this
time is common to the three methods discussed in this
study, it is not considered to be a factor in the compari-
son analysis. 3D-CRT and SmartArc treatment methods
would be more advantageous than tomotherapy in terms
of maximizing patient comfort and clinical efficiency
while minimizing intrafraction patient movement.
5. Conclusion
The study served to show that SmartArc treatments achi-
eve slightly better PTV homogeneity, and was noted to
have reductions in maximum dose of selected organs at
risk when compared to tomotherapy and 3D-CRT plans.
Tomotherapy showed better target conformity. 3D-CRT
plans were shown to have the poorest PTV conformity
and homogeneity as well as the highest maximum doses
to the surrounding organs. The mean dose values to the
surrounding organs however, were shown to be lowest
with the 3D-CRT plans. Beam on times are significantly
greater for the tomotherapy plans as compared to the
other two methods with the 3D-CRT treatments having
the shortest beam-on time.
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