u=kq (7)
1/2 e
t=1/(k q) (8)
u: Initial adsorption rate, (mg/g·min); t
Half-adsorption time (min)
To judge the sorption belongs to physical adsorption or
chemical adsorption, the second-order rate constants are
used to estimate activation energy of XO adsorption on
EG using Arrhenius Equation (9). Plots of lnk versus 1/T
is used to evaluate Ea, and it is found less than 20.0
kJ/mol (as shown in Table 5). So, the adsorption between
EG and XO is mainly physical adsorption.
Lnk=LnA - Ea/(RT) (9)
A: The re-exponential factor, g/(mg·min); Ea: The ad-
sorption activation energy, kJ/mol
4. Conclusion
This study has provided an insight into the adsorption
characteristics of EG for XO.
Thermodynamics study illustrates: adsorption of XO on
EG is a spontaneous process, and the adsorption isotherm
is type II. Adsorption process is affected by multifactor,
not only the initial concentration, temperature, but also
the ionic strength of solution. High XO initial concentra-
tion and ionic strength are propitious to adsorbance.
Kinetic study illustrates: adsorption kinetics can be well
described by the pseudo second-order kinetic model.
Initial adsorption rate increases with the increase of
temperature. Active energy of adsorption is less than 20
kJ/mol; and the sorption between EG and XO belongs to
physical adsorption.
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