Circuits and Systems, 2013, 4, 75-82 Published Online January 2013 (
New Hybrid Digital Circuit Design Techniques for
Reducing Subthreshold Leakage Power in Standby Mode
Manish Kumar1, Md. Anwar Hussain1, Sajal K. Paul2
1Department of ECE, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India
2Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
Received October 10, 2012; revised November 10, 2012; accepted November 17, 2012
In this paper, four new hybrid digital circuit design techniques, namely, hybrid multi-threshold CMOS complete stack
technique, hybrid multi-threshold CMOS partial stack technique, hybrid super cutoff complete stack technique and hy-
brid super cutoff partial stack technique, have been proposed to reduce the subthreshold leakage power dissipation in
standby modes. Techniques available in literature are compared with our proposed hybrid circuit design techniques.
Performance parameters such as subthreshold leakage power dissipation in active and standby modes, dynamic power
dissipation and propagation delay, are compared using existing and proposed hybrid techniques for a two input AND
gate. Reduction of subthreshold leakage power dissipation in standby mode is given more importance, in comparison
with the other circuit design performance parameters. It is found that there is reduction in subthreshold leakage power
dissipation in standby and active modes by 3.5× and 1.15× respectively using the proposed hybrid super cutoff com-
plete stack technique as compared to the existing multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) technique. Also a saving of 2.50×
and 1.04× in subthreshold leakage power dissipation in standby and active modes respectively were observed using
hybrid super cutoff complete stack technique as compared to the existing super cutoff CMOS (SCCMOS) technique.
The proposed hybrid super cutoff stack technique proved to perform better in terms of subthreshold leakage power dis-
sipation in standby mode in comparison with other techniques. Simulation results using Microwind EDA tool in 65 nm
CMOS technology is provided in this paper.
Keywords: Subthreshold Leakage Power; Standby Mode; Active Mode; Propagation Delay
1. Introduction
Design of low power circuit is necessary for portable
electronic devices that are powered by batteries as in-
creased power dissipation reduces the battery lifetime.
Low power dissipation by MOS transistors and its small
size for greater integration capacity are the major factors
behind shifting in technology from BJTs to MOSFETs.
High power dissipation is one of the major challenges of
integrated circuit design in deep submicron and nano-
scale technologies [1-5]. The demand for higher func-
tions with higher performance and lower power dissipa-
tion initiates the scaling of MOS transistors in every
technology generations. The contribution of dynamic
power in the overall power dissipation decreases with the
scaling of MOS transistors. Leakage power is expected to
increase 32 times per device by the year 2020 [6]. Re-
duction of the supply voltage, VDD is considered as the
most effective method to reduce the dynamic power,
which is directly proportional to the square of the supply
voltage, VDD. In order to maintain the same performance,
threshold voltage of the transistor is also reduced with
the scaling of the supply voltage. However, subthreshold
leakage current increases exponentially with the reduce-
tion of the threshold voltage of the MOS transistor, mak-
ing it critical for low voltage digital integrated circuit
design. Scaling of transistors in every technology genera-
tions also lead to increase in the subthreshold leakage
current. With rapid scaling in technology, the increase in
leakage current has made leakage power a significant
part in the overall power dissipation in both active and
standby modes. The major components of leakage power
dissipation are subthreshold leakage, gate leakage, gate
induced drain leakage, and forward biased diode leakage
[7]. Subthreshold leakage dominates the other leakage
components in deep submicron and nanoscale technolo-
Threshold voltage of transistors used in design of
digital circuits should be adjusted for maximum saving in
the leakage power dissipation. Circuit techniques play a
very important role to control the subthreshold leakage
power dissipation in both active and standby modes. Al-
ready some techniques, such as Multi-threshold CMOS
opyright © 2013 SciRes. CS
(MTCMOS) technique [8,9], Super cutoff CMOS tech-
nique [10], Stack technique [11-13] and Sleepy stack
technique [14] are available in literature to control the
subthreshold leakage power dissipation in deep submit-
cron and nanoscale technologies. Each technique has its
own advantages and disadvantages. Depending upon the
requirement and application, chip designers can choose
the appropriate circuit design technique.
In this paper, four new digital circuit design techniques
namely, hybrid multi-threshold CMOS complete stack
technique, hybrid multi-threshold CMOS partial stack
technique, hybrid super cutoff complete stack technique
and hybrid super cutoff partial stack technique are pre-
sented. These techniques are applied to a two input AND
gate to evaluate their performance. It is found that the
proposed techniques give improved performance in terms
of reduced subthreshold leakage power dissipation in
standby mode as compared with the other techniques
available in the literature [8-14].
2. Subthreshold Leakage Power Dissipation
Subthreshold or weak inversion conduction current is the
current flow between source and drain region in a MOS
transistor, even when gate voltage, VGS is below the
threshold voltage, VTH of the MOS transistor. It is due to
the minority carrier drift through the channel from the
drain to the source region in weak inversion region. Fig-
ure 1 shows the flow of subthreshold leakage current in
an nMOS transistor, when VGS is less than VTH of the
transistor. Figure 2 [15] shows the variation of minority
carrier concentration along the length of the channel for
an n-channel MOSFET biased in the weak inversion re-
gion. This figure shows that the concentration of minor-
ity carriers in weak inversion region is small, but not zero.
Subthreshold leakage power dominates the other leakage
power components because of the necessity to use low
threshold voltage transistors to maintain the desired per-
formance of the device. This leakage power should be
minimized through new and improved circuit design
techniques. This leakage power dissipation is undesirable
in digital circuit design.
According to BSIM4 MOSFET model, the equation
governing this subthreshold leakage current can be ex-
pressed as [16]
ox T
Here VGS, VDS and VBS are the gate to source, drain to
source, and bulk to source voltages respectively, μ de-
notes the carrier mobility, Cox is the gate oxide capaci-
tance per unit area, W and L denote the channel width
and channel length of the transistor, K is the Boltzmann
constant, T is the absolute temperature, q is the electrical
charge of an electron, VT is the thermal voltage, VTH0 is
the zero biased threshold voltage, γ is body effect coeffi-
cient, η denotes the drain induced barrier lowering coef-
ficient, and n is the subthreshold swing coefficient.
Equation (1) reveals that the subthreshold leakage current
is a strong function of the threshold voltage and the
voltages of all the four terminals of the MOS transistor.
The Berlkeley Short-Channel IGFET model [17] is
used for the calculation of the threshold voltage of a
MOS transistor and is expressed as:
12THFB sssDD
 
 (3)
where VFB is the flatband voltage, φs is two times the
Fermi potential, K1, and K2 terms represent the non-uni-
form doping effect, and η denotes the drain induced bar-
rier lowering coefficient.
3. Circuit Design Methodology Adopted for
Reducing Subthreshold Leakage Power in
Standby Mode
Subthreshold leakage power reduction in standby mode
is significant in burst mode type circuits, where compu-
Figure 1. Subthreshold leakage current in an nMOS tran-
Figure 2. Variation of minority carrier concentration in an
nMOS transistor in weak inversion.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CS
tation occurs only during short burst intervals, and the
system is in standby mode for the majority of the time
[18]. The wastage of useful battery power during long
standby period is highly undesirable. New circuit tech-
niques must be devised to control the subthreshold leak-
age power dissipation in standby mode for burst mode
applications. Portable battery operated devices that re-
main in standby mode for most of the times are greatly
affected by standby subthreshold leakage power loss.
Existing circuit design techniques must therefore be
modified in such a way that it curbs the draining of bat-
tery current when it is not operational. Table 1 [19]
shows the dependence of subthreshold leakage current on
MOS device parameters. Increasing the threshold voltage
of the MOS transistor is an effective way to reduce sub-
threshold leakage power dissipation.
Stack effect or Self-Reverse bias effect is the phe-
nomenon where subthreshold leakage current decreases
due to two or more series connected turned off transistors.
Stacking of transistor is done by replacing transistor of
width W with two series connected transistors of width
W/2. Figure 3 shows the natural stacking of nMOS tran-
sistors in a two input NAND gate. When both nMOS
transistors Q1 and Q2 are turned off, then the intermediate
node voltage, VQ raises to a positive value due to the
presence of a small drain current.
Table 1. Dependence of subthreshold leakage current on
MOS transistor parameters.
Transistor parameter Dependence of subthreshold
Transistor width (W) Directly proportional
Transistor length (L) Inversely proportional
Temperature (T) Exponential increase
Transistor threshold voltage
Increases by an order of magnitude
with 100 mV decrease
Input voltage (VGS) Exponential increase
Figure 3. Natural stacking of nMOS transistors in a two
input NAND gate.
Positive potential
Qat the intermediate node
between two turned off stacked transistors has following
effects [19,20]:
1) VGS of Q1 becomes negative;
2) VBS of Q1 becomes negative, causing an increase in
VTH of Q1 due to an increase in the body effect of Q1;
3) VDS of Q1 decreases, resulting in less drain induced
barrier lowering.
From Equation (1), it is observed that a negative VGS,
an increase in the body effect (negative VBS), and a re-
duction in VDS (less drain induced barrier lowering) re-
duce the subthreshold leakage current exponentially in
standby mode.
4. Proposed Hybrid Circuit Techniques
In this section, we propose four new digital circuit tech-
niques namely, hybrid MTCMOS complete stack tech-
nique, hybrid MTCMOS partial stack technique, hybrid
super cutoff complete stack technique and hybrid super
cutoff partial stack technique, for the reduction of sub-
threshold leakage power dissipation in standby modes.
First two techniques are grouped as hybrid MTCMOS
stack technique and last two techniques as hybrid super
cutoff stack technique. Proposed techniques are dis-
cussed as follows.
4.1. Hybrid Multi-Threshold CMOS Stack
This technique combines the advantages of both
MTCMOS and Stack techniques. This proposed hybrid
technique is further classified, as given above, into two
types depending on the stacking of transistors.
4.1.1. Hybrid Multi-Threshold CMOS Complete
Stack Technique
The proposed logic circuit for hybrid MTCMOS com-
plete stack technique is shown in Figure 4. In this tech-
nique, a high threshold voltage pMOS transistor (sleep
pMOS transistor) is inserted between VDD and the pull up
network and a high threshold voltage nMOS transistor
(sleep nMOS transistor) is inserted between the pull
down network and GND. Then stacking of all transistors
(high VTH sleep pMOS, high VTH sleep nMOS and low
VTH transistors of the logic circuit) are done by replacing
each transistor of width W with two series connected
transistors of width W/2. During standby mode, the sleep
signal is active high, making the stacked sleep transistors
in cutoff state. So, the logic circuit is disconnected from
VDD and GND. This reduces the subthreshold leakage
power dissipation significantly by utilizing stacking ef-
fect in both high VTH sleep nMOS and sleep pMOS tran-
sistors during their cutoff states. The high VTH nMOS and
pMOS stacked sleep transistors are turned on during
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CS
normal or active circuit operation, when the sleep signal
is active low.
4.1.2. Hybrid MTCMOS Partial Stack Technique
The proposed logic circuit for hybrid MTCMOS partial
stack technique is shown in Figure 5. In this technique, a
high VTH pMOS transistor (sleep pMOS transistor) is
inserted between VDD and the pull up network and a high
VTH nMOS transistor (sleep nMOS transistor) is inserted
between the pull down network and GND. Then stacking
of only high VTH sleep pMOS and high VTH sleep nMOS
transistors are done. In this technique, stacking of low
VTH nMOS and pMOS transistors of the logic circuit is
not performed. Here, only partial stacking of high VTH
sleep pMOS and sleep nMOS transistors are done to re-
duce the overall circuit propagation delay in active mode.
During standby mode (when sleep signal is active high),
the stacked high VTH sleep pMOS and sleep nMOS tran-
sistors are turned off, thereby, reducing significant sub-
threshold leakage power dissipation. In active mode, the
stacked sleep transistors are turned on. The circuit propa-
gation delay using this technique in active mode is
slightly reduced as compared to the previous technique
because of partial stacking of transistors (stacking of
only sleep pMOS and sleep nMOS transistors).
Figure 4. Logic circuit using hybrid MTCMOS complete
stack technique.
Figure 5. Logic circuit using hybrid MTCMOS partial stack
4.2. Hybrid Super Cutoff Stack Technique
This hybrid technique combines the advantages of both
Super cutoff CMOS (SCCMOS) and Stack techniques.
The proposed hybrid technique can further be classified
into two types, namely hybrid super cutoff complete
stack technique and hybrid super cutoff partial stack
technique, depending on the stacking of transistors.
4.2.1. Hybrid Super Cutof f Complete Stack
This technique is similar to hybrid MTCMOS complete
stack technique. The only difference lies in the use of
low VTH sleep pMOS and low VTH sleep nMOS transis-
tors. Figure 6 shows the logic circuit using this hybrid
technique. In this technique, positive and negative gate
voltages are used to completely turnoff sleep pMOS and
sleep nMOS transistors respectively in standby mode.
During standby state (when sleep signal is active high),
the subthreshold leakage power dissipation reduces ex-
ponentially because of the use of negative and positive
gate voltages to nMOS and pMOS sleep transistors re-
spectively and also due to the stacking effect in series
connected cutoff stacked sleep transistors. In active mode,
these sleep transistors having low VTH are turned on and
thus provide low resistance input-output path. In active
mode, the circuit propagation delay using this technique
is reduced as compared to the hybrid multi-threshold
CMOS stack technique because of the use of low VTH
sleep transistors.
4.2.2. Hybrid Super Cutof f Partial Stack Technique
This hybrid technique is similar to hybrid MTCMOS
partial stack technique. The difference lies in the use of
low VTH sleep nMOS and pMOS transistors. Figure 7
shows the logic circuit using this technique. During
standby mode, the subthreshold leakage power dissipa-
tion reduces exponentially because of use of negative and
positive gate voltages to nMOS and pMOS sleep transis-
tors respectively and also due to stacking effect in series
connected cutoff stacked sleep transistors. The major
Figure 6. Logic circuit using hybrid super cutoff complete
stack technique.
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advantage in using this technique is further reduction in
the overall circuit propagation delay in active mode as
compared with the hybrid super cutoff complete stack
technique because of the use of only partial stacking of
sleep pMOS and sleep nMOS transistors.
simulated layout diagrams of a two input AND gate us-
ing hybrid super cutoff complete stack and hybrid super
cutoff partial stack techniques respectively. Figure 10
shows the output waveform of a two input AND gate in
presence of a sleep signal.
Subthreshold leakage power dissipation was measured
by combining all possible input vectors. The voltage
magnitude of input vector should always be less than the
threshold voltage of the normal transistor of the logic
circuit. Sleep nMOS and sleep pMOS transistors were
turned off during measurement of subthreshold leakage
power dissipation in standby mode while for its meas-
urement in active mode, all sleep nMOS and sleep pMOS
transistors were turned on. Subthreshold leakage power
dissipation in active and standby modes for a two input
AND gate for each input combination were measured for
50 ns time interval.
5. Result and Discussion
To compare the performance, the proposed techniques
are applied to a two input AND gate. The performance
parameters such as subthreshold leakage power dissipa-
tion in active and standby modes, dynamic power dissi-
pation and propagation delay of a two input AND gate
were analysed in 65 nm technology using existing [10-16]
and proposed hybrid techniques. Layouts of a two input
logic AND gate using various techniques were simulated
using Microwind EDA tool at a temperature of 27˚C and
VDD of 0.7 V. The threshold voltage of high VTH transis-
tor was taken as two times of VTH of normal transistor of
the logic circuit. The threshold voltage of normal nMOS
and pMOS transistors (low VTH) were taken as 0.20 V
and 0.20 V respectively. Figures 8 and 9 show the
Dynamic power dissipation was measured by applying
input pulse signals of same frequency with a fixed delay
between them. Two input pulse signals of VDD of 0.7 V
and frequency of 250 MHz were applied to a two input
AND gate. All sleep nMOS and sleep pMOS transistors
were turned on during measurement of dynamic power
dissipation. The dynamic power dissipation was meas-
ured for a two input AND gate for 50 ns time interval.
Propagation delay of the logic circuit was measured
from the trigger input edge reaching 50% of VDD to the
circuit output edge reaching 50% of VDD.
Table 2 shows various performance parameters meas-
urement of a two input AND gate using existing [8-14]
and proposed hybrid techniques.
Subthreshold leakage power dissipation in active and
standby modes of a two input AND gate are compared
using existing [10-16] and proposed techniques in Figure
11. Subthreshold leakage power dissipation of a two in-
put AND gate in standby mode in 65 nm technology is
Figure 7. Logic circuit using hybrid super cutoff partial
stack technique.
Figure 8. Layout of a two input AND gate using hybr id supe r cutoff complete stack technique .
Figure 9. Layout of a two input AND gate using hybrid super cutoff par t ial stac k te chnique.
Figure 10. Output waveform of a two input AND gate in presence of a sleep signal.
Table 2. Performance parameter measure ments of a two input AND gate.
Subthreshold leakage power (in nW)
Reference Technique
Active mode Standby mode
Dynamic power (in μW) Propagation delay (in sec.)
[8-9] MTCMOS 186.00 7.00 0.87 14.2 × 1012
[10] Super cutoff CMOS 168.00 5.00 0.78 21.2 × 1013
[11-13] Stack 110.00 18.00 0.98 22.1 × 1012
[14] Sleepy stack 172.00 19.00 1.12 18.7 × 1012
Proposed Hybrid MTCMOS complete stack 169.00 03.00 1.68 32.1 × 1012
Proposed Hybrid MTCMOS partial stack 157.00 03.40 1.45 19.1 × 1012
Proposed Hybrid Super cutoff complete stack 161.00 02.00 1.52 41.2 × 1013
Proposed Hybrid super cutoff partial stack 147.00 02.45 1.36 31.8 × 1013
better using the proposed hybrid super cutoff stack tech-
nique. The proposed hybrid super cutoff stack technique
proved to perform better in terms of subthreshold leakage
power dissipation in standby mode in comparison with
other techniques. Results show that the subthreshold
leakage power dissipation in standby and active modes
are reduced by 3.5× and 1.15× using the proposed hy-
brid super cutoff complete stack technique as compared
to the existing multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) tech-
nique. Also a saving of 2.5× and 1.04× in subthreshold
leakage power dissipation in standby and active modes
are observed using hybrid super cutoff complete stack
technique as compared to the existing super cutoff
CMOS (SCCMOS) technique. It is also observed that the
propagation delay reduces sharply in comparison to
MTCMOS technique; however dynamic power dissipa-
tion increases slightly vis-à-vis super cutoff CMOS tech-
nique. Although dynamic power dissipation is slightly
higher, the proposed technique is very much effective for
the applications, specially, where the reduction of sub-
threshold leakage power dissipation in standby mode is
warranted for.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CS
Figure 11. Subthre shold le akage power in active and standby modes.
6. Conclusion
Subthreshold leakage power reduction in standby mode
is very much essential for burst mode type circuits,
where computation occurs only during short burst inter-
vals, and the system is in standby mode for the majority
of the time. The wastage of useful battery power during
long standby period is highly undesirable. Portable elec-
tronic appliances such as cell phones and pagers are used
in active mode for a very short time interval. These ap-
pliances drain their useful battery power for a very long
standby period. Similarly, the leakage of battery power in
portable laptop during standby mode is highly undesir-
able. Subthreshold leakage reduction techniques during
the standby mode can significantly reduce the leakage in
burst mode applications. The proposed hybrid super cut-
off stack technique proved to perform better in terms of
subthreshold leakage power dissipation in standby mode
in comparison with other techniques. It is found that
there is reduction in subthreshold leakage power dissipa-
tion in standby and active modes by 3.5× and 1.15× re-
spectively using the proposed hybrid super cutoff com-
plete stack technique as compared to the existing multi-
threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) technique. Also a saving
of 2.50× and 1.04× in subthreshold leakage power dis-
sipation in standby and active modes respectively were
observed using hybrid super cutoff complete stack tech-
nique as compared to the existing super cutoff CMOS
(SCCMOS) technique for a two input AND gate in 65
nm technology. The proposed hybrid super cutoff stack
technique proved to perform better in terms of lower
subthreshold leakage power dissipation in standby mode
in comparison with other existing techniques.
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