Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 20 12, 5, 204-207
doi:10.4236 /js ea.2012.512b039 Published Online December 2012 (
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
A Application of Cloud Computing and IOT in Logistics
Dongxin Lu1, Qi Teng2
1Software College, Nan chang Uni vers ity, Nanchang, China; 2 Software Coll ege , Nanchang University, Nanchang, China.
Received 2012
This paper analyzes the characteristics of cl oud co mputi ng and IOT (internet of t hings), int rod uce a logistics operation
based on cloud computing and IOT, which establish a logistics information interchange, data exchange to meet the
business requ irements of the various types of logistics public information platform.
Keywords: Cloud Computing; IOT; Public Information Platform
1. The logistics
1.1. The Definition of Logistics
Logistics refers to use of modern information technolo-
gies and equipment, takes the goods from suppliers to
receive accurate, timely, accurate, secure, quality and
quantity of rationalization, door to door service mode and
service processes.
It is the management of the flo w of resources, between
the point of origin and the point of destination in order to
meet some requirements, for example of customers or
corporations. The resources managed in logistics can
include physical items as food, materials, equipment,
liquids and staff as well as abstract items as information,
particles and energy. The logistics of physical items
usually in volves the inte gration of infor mation flow, ma-
terial handling, production, packaging, inventory, trans-
portation, warehousing and oftentimes security. Fur-
thermore the complexity of logistics can be modeled,
analyzed, visualized and optimized by dedicated simula-
tion software. Minimizing time and use of resources are
common goals. [1]
Logistics appears with the emergence of commodity
products, with the development of commodity products,
so logistics is an ancient traditional economic ac ti vit y.
However, t his traditional log istics system has a b ig prob-
lem, Figure 1 is an example of the traditio nal logistics
model, we can find that bet ween the supplier and the sale
there is no connection, the inventory throughout the
supply chain is opaque and the information cannot be
shared. Such not smooth logistics system will cause the
reaction rate is lower and costs increase accordingly.
1.2. The Logistic s Information Manag ement
Logistics is that part of the supply chain which plans,
implements and controls the efficient, effective forward
and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and re-
lated information between the point of origin and the
point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal
require ments. Logistics information management is a
unified planning and organization of logistics informa-
tion resources, and controls logistics information collec-
tion, processing, storage, retrieval, transfer and applica-
tion reasonably [1]. So that coordinated the logistics
supply chain, achieved information shared and interac-
tion, reduced information redundant and errors, assisted
decision support, improved customer relationship, even-
tually realize a height unified in information, funds,
business and logistics, and achieve the purpose of im-
pro ving the c omp etiti veness of sup ply c hain o f the logis-
Quality logistics information platform means that the
demand for logistics can enjoy faster, cheaper services,
improve its efficiency or quality of life [2]. Than the
public logistics information appears in form of platform
mode, belon ging to the portal o f the logistics in formation
A Application of Cloud Computing and IOT in Logistics
Copyright © 2012 SciR es. JSEA
Figure 1 . The traditional logistics model
platform, it toward more diversity on the service scope
and improves a greater scope of information exchange.
The public logistics information has two different types
of value trend ; the one is the public information of a
government-led investment, which is not for profit, and
the other is the profitability corporate-led investment,
there is a clear competition in the market. Figure 2
sho ws this kind of public logistics information platform.
The public information pla tfo rm is to integrate the re-
sources of the whole society so that the enterprises can
achieve interconnection of information networks, can
share the information resources to the society, can make
full use of all resources in the areas of economic and so-
cial development, reduce operational costs and increase
economic and social benefits.
2. The Cloud Computing
2.1. The Theory o f Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is the result of Distributed Computing,
Parallel Co mputing a nd Grid Computing, which split the
large calculating processing program into several small
sub programs automatically by the network, finally the
large amou nt of data which stored in distr ibuted comput-
er products work together with the processor resources so
that the relevant calculation distribution i n the distributed
computer, rather than the local computer [3]. It’s a busi-
ness model provides the IT resources, data and applica-
tion as a service to users through t he network.
The goal of building cloud computing system is to
move t he inde pendentl y, per sonal c alculat ions whic h run
on a PC or on a single server to a cloudserver that
have a huge number of data. This “cloud ” server handles
user requests, and output the results, its a core system
based on data computing and processing [3].
2.2. The Architecture of Cloud Computing
The architecture of cloud computing is divided into two
parts of service and management.
Figure 2. The public logistics information model.
In service, it mainly provides all kinds of services
based on cloud to users; it contains a total of three le-
vels [4]. One is software as a service, or SaaS for shot,
this layer provides the application to users with a
web-based way; second is platform as a service, or
PaaS for short, this layer provides the development
and deployment of application as a service to users;
the last layer is infrastructure as a service, or IaaS for
short, it provides various elements of the underlying
computing (such as virtual machine) and storage re-
sources as a service to users. Form the users point of
view, this three services are independent, because of
the services they provide are completely different, and
different user-oriented. But from a technical point of
view, the se three layers have certain dependencies. For
example, a SaaS products and services not only need
to use SaaS layer technology, but also need the de-
velopment and deployment platform provided by the
PaaS layer or directly deploys on the computing re-
sources provided by the IaaS layer, and the PaaS
products and services is also likely to build above the
IaaS layer services.
In management, it mainly dominated by cloud man-
agement, its function is to ensure the entire cloud
computing center to run security, stabilit y, and can be
effectively managed. Figure 3 is a display of the ar-
chitecture of cloud computing.
3. The Internet of Things
3.1. The theory of Internet of Things
The internet of things, short for IOT, is a concept of
network for information exchange and communication
through extending or stretching its client to goods and
goods on the basis of the inte r net [5], We can also under-
stand this concept as through radio frequency identifica-
tion (RFID), infrared sensors, global positioning systems,
information sensing devices or other laser scanners agreed
by the agreement, connected to the Internet to exchange
information and communicate in order to achieve intelli-
gent identification, location, tracking, monitoring, and
mana gement. Figure 4 sho ws the model of IOT.
A App l i c ation of Cloud Computing and IOT in Logistics
Copyright © 2012 SciR es. JSEA
Figure 3 . The architect ure of cloud computing.
Figure 4 . The model of IOT.
3.2. The Characteristics of IOT
The IOT has the mainly characteristics as follows:
First, a comprehensive sense, namely uses of RFID,
sensors, and QR code anytime, anywhere access to the
information of objects.
Second, reliable delivery, through the integration of
various telecommunication and network, the informa-
tion of objects can be delivered accurately at exact
time .
Third, intelligent processing, namely analyses and
processing huge amount of data and information and
controls the objects intelligently by using of cloud
computing, fuzzy recognition and other smart tech-
4. The Public Information Service Platform
of Logistics
4.1. The Concept of the Public Information
Service P la tform of Logistics
The public information service platform of logistics is
innovatio n model of logistics information management.
The platform relies on the technology of cloud compu-
ting and internet of things, with powerful data analysis,
information exchange, mass storage, intelligent
processing and other capacities, and combining the hy-
per-scale computing resources with the technology of
RFID, QR code, GPS/GIS, mobile communication and
3G network to achieve efficiency, accurate, fast, and
comprehensively management and improve the level of
services in the l ogistics industry.
4.2. The Principles of the Public Information
Service Plat for m of Logistics
Firstly, establish a large-scale cloud computing re-
source center which is based on the architecture of
cloud computi ng to ach ieve data exchange and unified
management in all companies, organizations, institu-
tions, departments, and ensure all types of logistics
information response rapidly.
Secondly, use the technology of IOT, take advantage
of its technology of RFID [6], GPS /GIS, high speed
internet to re alize the infor mation updated in real time,
improve the operation and intelligent management,
rich logistics operation management and improve
business efficiency.
Thirdly, establis h standardizatio n working procedures,
namely deploy all kinds of generic software and IOT,
etc., on cloud computing resource center to improve
the capacity of data exchange, and personnel can
through a unified interface for standardized operation
and management with a clear division of labor [7].
These procedures can also monitor all logistics by us-
ing of the technology of IOT in time.
Foully, take advantage of the technology of cloud
computing and IOT above to build a public informa-
tion platform of logistics which meet the busi ness re-
quir ements [8]. Figure 5 shows the framework of the
public information platform.
4.3. The Advantages of the Public Information
Platform of Logistics
Safe and reliable, it no longer depends on a variety of
relative isolation of business systems, cloud compu-
ting model enabled centralized backup, fault tolerance,
information management and guarantee the safe and
Efficient, the information updates in real-time and
interact with data, the coordination time can be greatly
shortened, with the standardized operation and man-
agement, the system response time and efficiency
have been improved.
Centralized monitoring, the centralized information
resource center make regulators easy to analyze data,
mana ge information and wa tch business.
Low price, the unified infrastructure management re-
duces IT management and maintenance; resources,
on-demand, avoids waste of resources and improves
the production efficiency and competitiveness.
A Application of Cloud Computing and IOT in Logistics
Copyright © 2012 SciR es. JSEA
Figure 5. The public information service platform of
Energy conservation, the unified large-scale infra-
structure management center can reduce the accom-
modation and the engine equipment; the virtualized
and cloud computing can increase resource utilization
and reduce hardware purchases; the real-time infor-
mation exchange avoids repetitive tasks and reduces
staffing; the intelli gent task scheduling make transport
tasks integrated and the mana ge ment of tra nspo rt lin ks
intensive .
4.4. The Significances of the Public Information
Platform of Logistics
Promote the structure of the national economy, adjust
and refine its structure.
Promote the development of the internal division and
specialization of the circulation industry; the efficie n-
cy of the emergence and development of logistics cir-
culation can be also improved.
Promote the rationalization of enterprises internal
structures that enterprises can organi ze the logistics
activities reasonably and meet the requirements of the
5. Conclusion
With the development of science and technology, making
full use of scientific and technological knowledge for
social development and contributing to mankind are the
subjects of our freshmen. This article introduce the pub-
lic information platform of logistics was built based on
cloud computing and IOT, this platform can improve the
efficiency of logistics circulation, and enterprises can
organize the logistics activities reasonably, which can be
reasonably use of resources, efficient logistics services
and regional economic coordination and development.
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