A Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5, 88-93
doi:10.4236/jsea.2012.512b018 Published Online December 2012 (http://www.scir p.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving Both
Text Attributes and Numeric At t ri b u t es
Liang Zhu1, Zhaoliang Xie1, Qin Ma2
1Key Laboratory of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hebei
University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China; 2Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Hebei University, Baoding,
Hebei 071002, China
Email: zhu@hbu.edu.cn, xiezhaoliang533@163.com, maqin@hbu.edu.cn
Received October 12, 2012
In many database applications, ranking queries may reference both text and numeri c attr ib utes, whe re t he ra nki ng f unc-
tions are based on both sema ntic distance s/similarities for text attributes and numeric d istances fo r numeric attributes. In
this paper, we propose a new m eth od for evaluating such t yp e o f ranking queries over a relational database. By statis tic s
and training, this method builds a mechanism that combines the semantic and numeric distances, and the mechanism
can be used to balance the effects of text attributes and numeric attributes on matchin g a give n query a nd tuple s in da-
tabase search. The basic idea of the method is to create an index based on WordNet to expand the tuple words semanti-
cally for te xt attribute s and on the i nformation o f numeric attributes. The ca ndidate results for a query are retrie ved by
the index and a simple SQL selection statement, and then top-N answers are obtained. The result s of extensive experi-
ments indica te that the performance of this new strategy is efficient and effective.
Keywords: Relational Datab ase; Ranking Query; Sema ntic Dista nce; N umeric Distance; WordNet
1. Introduction
A r elati onal ran king q uer y (or top-N query) is to find the
N tupl es that satisf y the quer y cond ition t he best but not
necessarily completely, and the results are sorted ac-
cording to a given ranking function. Researches on
top-N queries have intensified since late 1990s [1-3],
and most of the researches involve numeric attributes
and use a numeric distance function (say, Lp-norm dis-
tances, p =1 , 2 , and ) to reduce a massive result set of a
conventional query to a few of the most relevant an-
swers . However, there are many applications where
ranking queries involving both text attributes and nu-
meri c attributes are available for processing.
Example 1. Consider a database of used books with
schema: Books(id#, title, pr i ce, year,…). Suppose a
customer wants to buy a used book with title on “film”,
price around “$50” and year about “2000”, where title is
a text attribute with semantics, and pri ce and yea r are
two numeric attributes. Obviously, a book on algebra
with price = “$50” and year = “2000” is not the desired
result for the cus tomer though the values for pric e and
year exactly match that of the query respectively.
Another book on movie, however, with pri ce = “$53”
and year = “2001” maybe satisfy the need of the cus-
tomer .
Ipum99 Occ50
idx A29 A40 A50 num occ50
87197 42 2 20000 2 Airplane pilots and
6505 28 3 25000 3 Architects
80789 51 930 33000 930
Gardeners, except
farm, and
10860 9 999 999999 999 N/A (blank)
Figure 1 . Parts of IPUMS Census Database.
Exa mple 2. As shown in F igure 1, database IPUMS
has two relations Ipum99 and Occ50, which come from
[4]. In relation Occ50(num, occ50), its primary key num
is the value label of occ upation1950. Relatio n Ipum99
has 61 nu meric attributes where A29 is age, A50 means
income, and A40 is the foreign key referencing
Occ50.num. Furthermore, Ipum99 is added an attribute
idx by us as ide nti fier . A user is looking for the informa-
tion of a horticultu rist with age about 50from
IPUMS. Since there is no such word horticulturist” in
Occ50.occ50, the answer will be nothing by using the
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving bot h Text Attributes and Numeric Attributes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
traditional SQL selection statement. In fact, there is a
tuple (Gardeners, except farm, and groundskeepers,
age = 51, ) (with gray color) in IPUMS may be an
answer for the user.
Word Ne t::Similarity [5] is an open source Perl mod-
ule for measuring the semantic distance/similarity be-
tween two words; however, it is not easy for us to use
the source dir e ctly to evaluate ranking que ries [6].
Researches on semantic search in IR and SW (sema n-
tic web) have gained attention since 1990s. Taking the-
saurus ontol ogy na vigati on as a step i n query expansion,
many query expansion techniques are employed in key-
word search, say, query ter ms are expanded to WordNet
synonyms and meronyms, using the Boolean OR opera-
tions available i n most web search engines [7]. Different
from the above query expansion techniques in IR and
SW, we discuss semantic match between query words
and tuple words in relational databases via tu p le expan-
In recent years, ontologies have been used to build
applicatio ns in database com munity [8, 9]; however, it i s
a challenging jo b to construct efficient ontologies [9, 6].
Our method is different from the ontology-based tech-
niques. Firstly, instead of dealing with the challenge of
constructing ontology, we create a simple table main-
tained by RDBMS, and store information of index and
ranki ng funct ion into the table. Secondly, our strategy is
more general since it is based on WordNet. Finally, our
techniques are more efficient than the above ontolo-
gy-based methods due to the efficiency of RDBMS.
Another different yet related research topic is key-
word search in relational databases [10-12], which sup-
ports free-form keyword search in relational databases
without necessarily requiring the users to know the da-
tabase schema. Keyword search may be suitable for any
text attribute, but it is exact search without dealing with
semantic match. For instance, it cannot return the books
on “movie” for the quer y keywordfilm”. If query words
match exactly tuple words, the results of semantic search
will contain those of keyword search, and improve the
effecti v eness of keyword search b y us ing our metho d.
There are t wo challe n gi ng p ro b lems for evaluating the
type of relatio nal ranking queries i n this p aper. The first
is how to design a good semantic distance function that
measure the semantic simila r ity between the query
words and the tuple words, [6] presented a solution for
this problem. The second is how to combine the seman-
tic and numeric distances. We empl oy statistics and
training to solve the problem, and create an index to
process ranking queries in terms of semantic and nu-
meric matching in database search. Moreover, this work
is a continuation of the work in [6], which studied the
processing of rela tional ranking queries only with text
attributes, witho ut numeric attr ibutes.
2. Problem Definition and Ranking
Assume that R0(idx, A, B1, B2, …, Bm, …) is a relation
with identi fier idx, where A is a text attribute with natu-
ral l angua ge semantics and B1, B2, …, Bm are m numeric
attributes. Using the project operatio n
A(R0) (duplicate
tuples are eliminated), we get a new relation R(tid, A)
with ident ifie r tid. Furthermore, R0 is added by an
attribute FKid that is the foreign key referencing R.tid,
and the n the schema of R0 becomes R0(idx, A, B1, B2, ,
Bm, …, FKid). Or, let R(tid, A) and S(idx, B1, B2, ,
Bm, , FKid) be two relations and S.FKid be the fore ign
key referencing R.tid, then R0 = R S with S.FKid =
Let t be a tup le in R0, then t[A] = (tw1, tw2, …, twn) is
the word -stri ng with n wor ds o n the te xt attribute A, a nd
t[Bj] = bj is the numeric value on t he attribute Bj (1 j
m). For simplicity, we de note t = (tA, b1, b2, …, bm)
where tA = (tw1, tw2, …, twn), and call twi a tuple word
and bj a tuple value (1 i n, 1 j m).
As defined in [6], given a tuple word w, its kinship
words include the five kinds of words in WordNet: (1)
word w itself, (2) morph, (3) synonyms, (4) the imme-
diate hyponyms (subordinates), and (5) the immediate
hypernyms (superordinates). The s et of all kinship wo rds
of w is denoted by K(w). For instance, the kinship word
set of computersis K(computers) ={computers, com-
puter, data processor, machine, internet site, calcula-
tor, …}.
Consider a ranking query q = (qA, q1, q2, …, qm),
where qA = (qw1, qw2, …, qwk) is a wo rd-st ring with k
query words, and qj is a numeric value (1 j m). For
tuple t = (tA, b1, b2, …, bm) in R0, denote pj = |qj bj| (1
j m), and dA = d(qA, tA) that is the se man tic distance
between qA and tA defined by Definition 1 to 3 in [6].
Moreover, dA belongs to the interval (0, 1].
We need to find a mechanism c o mbi ni ng t he s e ma nti c
and numeric distances dA and pjs, which can be used to
evaluate the query q over the relation R0, i.e., to define a
ranking function d(q, t ) =
(dA, p1, p2, …, pm).
Intuitively, the ranking function d(q, t) should satisfy
the fo llowing: First, a smaller d(q, t) indicates closer the
pair (q, t). Second, d(q, t) needs to balance the effects of
dA and pjs i n matc hi ng q wit h t. Finall y, it sho uld be easy
to implement.
To obtain d(q, t), we use the statistics of the domain s
of B1, B2, , Bm and training.
Since the semantic di stance dA (0, 1], we normalize
it by scientific notation, dA =
h, where 1.0
<10.0, and h is a no nnegative number (i.e., h 0, if h = 0,
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving both Text Attributes and Numeric Attributes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
we define 0 = 0), say, dA = 0.001041 = 1.041×10
3. W e
will see that h (the ab solute value of the expo nent) p lays
an important r ole in the ranking function d(q, t).
In collecting statistics, there is a step of cleaning data
and removing outlier, and then we get Min(Bj) and
Max(Bj) of numeric attribute Bj (1 j m). Based on the
semantics of attribute Bj, we obtain its reasonable unit
Zj >0, say, Zyear= 1 for attrib ute year and Zprice = 0 .01 for
price respectively in database BOOK.
Let Mj = Max(Bj) Min(Bj) =
j × 10
, where 1.0
j <10.0 (Mj 0, obviously. If Mj = 0, let Mj := Zj then
Mj > 0 ). If Mj 1, we have cj 0, else if 0<Mj <1, let
Mj := Mj /Zj, and pj:= pj /Zj, then Mj 1 and cj 0.
Let ej := cj + 1 1, for 1 j m. By using the sta tis-
tics and t rainin g in our experiments, we obtain the rank-
ing function d(q, t) =
(dA, p1, p2,, pm) below.
d(q, t) = dA + Σ
eh /
For example, in our experiments for relation Books
(title, price, year,…) with 56180 tuples. price is in (0,
1000] (except 633 tuples with price > 1000), and year
belongs to [1958, 2008] (except 651 tuples with year <
1958). Let attribute A, B1 and B2 be title, price and year
respectively, then M1 = 1000 0 = 1000 = 1.0 ×103, M2
= 2008 1958 = 50 =5.0×101, and the n c1 = 3, c2 = 1, e1
= c1+1 = 4 and e2 = c2+1=2. Thus, d(q, t) = dA +
( p1/1000)h/4 + (p2/50) h/2.
For query q, we will return dis-N tuples defined in [6]
to replace top-N ones. Let T be a set of tuples, a tuple
tT is called a dis-N tuple of q, if d(q, t) minN {d(q, ti)
| ti T}, whic h means the Nth minimum value in the set
{d(q, ti) | ti T }.
3. Creation of sn-Index
We extend w-index in [ 6] to sn-index ( stand s for seman-
tic and numeric index) in t his s ection.
3.1. Information Stored in sn-Index
A relation is employed to store the information in
sn-index, which is called IndexTable with schema In-
dexTable(id#, Word, Size, dbNSize, DBValue, BValue,
bSize), say, (2490, nights, 2, 2, '47898,0,3,1;2413,0,…',
'47898,8185,10.80,1997;…', 3) is a tuple in IndexTable
for database BOOK.
The attribute Word indicates the kinship word of tuple
words, and the relevant information will be stored in the
attribute DBValue. The value of DBValue is a string
wi th f orm “ tid,d,n ,f ;tid,d,n,f;…; where “tid,d,n , f ;” is a
node, d = 0 , 1 , . . . , 5 , “d = i” is the subscript i of s eman-
tic distance di defined by Definition 1 in [6] , n is the
number of tuple words in the tuple with tid, and f is the
frequency in the set of kinship words of the tuple. The
attribute Size is the number of tids associated with kw,
and the duplicate tids are counted repeatedly. The
attribute dbNSize means the number of nodes in DBVa-
Attribute BValue is a string as “tid,id x , b1,b 2,,bm;
tid,idx,b1,b2,,bm;…;”, where tid,idx, b 1,b 2,,bm;is a
node, tid is the identifier of a tuple in the relation R(tid,
A), and idx is that in R0(idx, ). The attrib ute bSize
means the number of nodes in BValue.
3.2. Procedure of Creating sn-Index
Reconstructing w-index in [6], we obtain sn-index as
sho wn i n Figure 2. Sn -index consists of four parts: (1) a
hash table wi th a hash function h(), its each bucket con-
tains a pointer pWnPointer which points to a node in
wn-list; (2) one wn-list, its node has struc ture {iRow, kw,
size, dbNSize, bSize, pDBList, pBList}; (3) s db-lists, the
structure of the node is {tid, d, n, f}; (4) s b-lists, node
structure {tid, idx, b1, b2, , bm}. The main difference
between sn-index and w-index in [6] is that b-lists (i.e.,
Bij’s in Figure 2) are added. The algorithm of creating
sn-index is sho wn as follows:
Figure 2. Structure of sn-index.
Step 1. For the special character string tA = (tw1, ,
twn), calculate its hash value h=h(tA); check the pointer
pWnPointer in the bucke t of t he hash t able , and wn-list,
(1) If pWnPointer is NULL, or (tw1, , twn) is not in
(a) Create a new db-list, and a dbNode as tid =
tA.tid, d := 1 (means the special case), n := 1
and f :=1. Insert the dbNode into the db-list.
(b) Using tid above, search (idx, b1, b2, , bm)
from R0 (or from S) b y the fol l o win g the SQ L
selection statement
Select idx, B1, B2, , Bm from R0 where
FKid = tid
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving bot h Text Attributes and Numeric Attributes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
Let z be the size of the result set {(idx, b1,
b2, , bm)}, Create a new b-list, and z
bNode(s), insert the bNode(s) into the b -list.
(c) Create a wnNode for wn-list, kw:= (tw1, ,
twn), and dbNSize:=1 and bSize:= z. Insert the
wnNode into wn-list according to t he alphabet
order of kw.
(d) Get the pointers pDB L i st, pBList and
(2) Else if the string t is found out in wn-list, then in-
crease dbNSize by 1 in the wnNode with t, create
a dbNode as above, and let it be the first node of
the db-list. Additionally, by the SQL selection
statement as (b) above, get a result set {(idx, b1,
b2, , bm)} with siz e z 1. Create z bNode(s), in-
sert the node(s) into the b-list, and increase bSize
by z.
Step 2. For each tuple word twi t, and eac h kinship
word kw of twi, get h=h(kw), check pWnPointer in the
bucket of the hash table, and wn-list,
(1) If pWnPointer is NULL, or kw is not in wn-list,
do the same jobs as the above (1) in Step1 ex-
cept for replacing tA by kw and defining d = k, k
{0, 1, …, 5} such that dk is d(kw, twi) in De-
finition 1 in [6].
(2) Else if kw has be en in wn -list, then get its db -list
and b-list. There are two cases.
Case 1, in the db-list, there is a dbNode with
dbNode.tid = t.tid, replacing d by the
smaller if the two distances are different,
and increasing f by 1, that is OK.
Case 2, if no dbNode in the db-list satisfies
dbNode.tid = t.tid, increase dbNS i ze by 1
in the wnNode with kw, creat e and insert a
new dbNode into the db-list according to
the increasing order of distance d. In addi-
tion, by the SQL selection statement as (b)
above, get a result set {(idx, b1, b2, , bm)}
with size z 1. Create z bNode(s), insert
the node( s) into the b -li s t , and bSize:= z.
Step 3. Storing sn-index.
To evaluate query q, we use two storing strate g ie s.
Strategy-1, the entire sn-index is in main memory.
Strategy-2 will store db-lists and b-lists in fixe d d i sk a nd
only load the hash table and wn-list into main memory.
4. Evaluation of Ranking Query
For query q = (qA, q1, q2,, qm), firstly, matching the
query words with kinship words of R(tid, A) via
sn-index, we obtain the set T (= {tid}) of identifiers of
candidate tuples, and compute the semantic distances
between q and its candidate tuples, and then ge t the set L
of information of numeric attributes by each identifier
tid in T; secondly, compute d(q, t) =
(dA, p1, p2,, pm)
between q and each of its cand idate tuples, and then ob-
tain {idx}, which is the sorted set of identifiers of dis-N
results according to d(q, t); finally, we retrieve the dis-N
tupels from underlying database and display the ranked
To get the set T is an important step for query
processing. The intermediate results are stored in a tem-
porary list, denoted by T-List. Its node has the structure
{tid, d[K], dA} where K is the maximum number of
query words for qA = (qw1,…, qwk). If k > K, let qA =
(qw1, …, qwK) (K = 30 in our implementatio n s). The
intermediate results for obtaining set L are saved in a
temporary list L-List, and the str uct ur e of i ts node is {dA,
p1, p2, …, pm, d, tid, idx}
We discuss Strate g y-2 of storage first (i.e., we only
load the hash tab le and wn-list in main memory).
(1) No r malization of qA. We remove some symbols,
character strings or stop words, and replace some of
them by normal strings for qA. Denoted again by qA =
(qw1, , qwk).
(2) For each qwi qA (i= 1, …, k), calculate hash
value h=h(qwi), and check qwi in wn-list. If qwi is found
out, we get the wnNode in wn -lis t, and t he n use the SQ L
selection statement
select from IndexTable whe re id# = wnNode.iRow
to obtain dbNode(s). For each dbNode, we save the val-
ues i nto T-List , and co mpute dA= d(qA, tA), then obtain T.
(3) If above T≠∅, for each tidT, we get its corres-
ponding bNode(s) by using select statements from In-
dextable, store them into L-List, compute d :=
p1, , pm), and then obtain the set L (={idx}) of candi-
date dis-N tuple identifiers.
(4) Given a po sitive inte ger N, we get the set of dis-N
tuple identifiers LN L; then, we ob tain t he d is-N tuples
of the query q by using the SQL selection sta tement as
the followin g format:
Select R0.*, R.A from R0, R where (R0.FKid = R.tid)
and (R.idx in LN) and
(5) Display the dis-N tuples sorted by d(q, t).
Next, we discus s Strategy-1 of stor age, i.e., t he entire
w-index is saved into main memory. The query
processing is similar to the above situations, except for
steps (2) and (3), we can get dbNode(s) and bNode(s)
from sn-index directly, without using select statements.
Thus, the response time of Strategy-1 will be smaller
than that of Strategy-2.
Example 2 (cont.). For the dis-5 query “a ho rticu l-
turist with age=50 and income=30000” against IPUMS,
the answers with f o rm (idx, tA, age, income, d(q, t)) are
t1: (80789, tA, 51, 33000, 0.609496),
t2: (07296, tA, 48, 25000, 0.729997),
t3: (77380, tA, 37, 30600, 0.747815),
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving both Text Attributes and Numeric Attributes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
t4: (43851, tA, 51, 21894, 0.763280), and
t5: (73792, tA, 47, 25000, 0.766698),
where tA = t[occ50] = Gardeners
except farm, and
5. Experimental results
Our experiments are carried out using Microsofts SQL
Server 2000 and VC++6.0 o n a P C with Windows XP,
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400/3.10GHz 3.09GHz CPU, and
2.98GB memory. In addition, WordNet 2.1 and its API
functi ons, ODBC, and OD BC API functions are use d.
Datasets: We use two real datasets. The first one is
IPUMS with two relations that is a fragment of US
Censu s Bureau data [4]. T he relation Occ50(num, occ50)
contains 286 tuples with 2 attributes. The relation
Ipum99(idx, FKnum, age, income, ...) has 61 attributes
and 88443 tuples, where age is A29, income is A50, and
FKnum is A40 that is the foreign key referencing
Occ50.num. R0 = Ipum99 Occ50 with FKnum= num.
Pa rt of IPUMS is shown in Example 2 in Section 1.
The second dataset BOOK comes from the Library at
Beijing University of Technology, which is the record
set of English books in the Library, and produces two
relations. One is Books(id#, isbn , title, author, publisher,
price, yea r, FKid) having 56180 tuples. The other rela-
tion Titles(tid , title) has 48107 tuples (duplicate titles are
removed). In addition, Books and Titles act as R0 and R
respectively. Books.id# corresponds to R0.idx, and
Books.FKid is the foreign ke y referencing Titles.tid.
Attributes tid, A, B1, and B2 described in Section 2
correspond num, occ50, age and income for IPUMS,
and tid , title, price and year for BOOK, respectively.
Space cost of sn-index: Str ate g y-1 and Strateg y-2 are
used for IPUMS and BOOK respectively. The main
memory space costs are: index-space-IPUMS is about
3.6MB, and index-space-BOOK about 3MB.
Workloads: We build a program to create a workload
that is a set of 100 queries for each database. First, we
choose 100 tuples from R randomly, and then for each
tuple t, select 1~10 kinship word (s) from K(t) randomly,
where the numbers of simple queries with 1~3 words
and complex queries with 4~10 words are both 50. We
classify t hem int o 10 groups Gi (i =1, 2, , 10 ), and the
query in Gi has i search word(s). The size of Gi is ran-
For the legends in the following figures, the suffixes
“1”, “2”, , and 100” indicate the dis-1, dis-2, , and
dis-100 queries, respectively.
5.1. Elapsed Time
Figure 3 illustrates the average elapsed time for execut-
ing all queries in eac h Gi for IPUMS by four teen curves
itN’s and dtN’s, which stand for index-times and
DB-time’s respectively. The seven curves it1 to it100 are
(almost) the same, and are related to queries, but not to
N (N = 1, 2, , 100), whic h are from 11 to 230 millise-
conds. The other seven curves dt1 to d t100 are the costs
of retrieving tuples from DB by using SQL selection
statements for the natural join of Ipum99 and Occ50,
which are smal l er than 600 milliseconds.
the number of query words (ipums)
elapsed time (ms)
dt1 dt2 dt3 dt10 dt20 dt40 dt100
it1 it2 it3 it10it20it40it100
Figure 3. The elapsed times for IPUMS
Figure 4 shows the elapsed time with fo urteen curves
for BOOK. The seven curves it1 to it100 are (almost)
the same, and are related to queries, b ut not to N (N = 1 ,
2, , 100), which are between 34ms and 346ms. Curves
dt1 to dt100 show the average elapsed times for access-
ing database to retrieve tuples. The result sets are dif-
ferent for various dis-N queries. The larger N means the
longer the elapsed time. The DB-times are less than
20ms for 1 N 3. If 10 N 100, the DB-times are
between 50 and 300ms.
the number of query words (book)
elapsed time (ms)
dt1 dt2 dt3 dt10dt20dt40 dt100
it1it2it3it10it20 it40 it100
Figure 4. The elapsed t imes for BOOK
5.2. Precision
It is difficult to confirm whether one of tuples retrieved
matches a query semantically by a computer, and it is
too big a job to recognize se mantic match manuall y for a
large dataset [6]. Therefore, the traditional recall for
evaluating IR systems is not suitable for measuring se-
mantic match when the dataset is large, and then we
Evaluating Relational Ranking Queries Involving bot h Text Attributes and Numeric Attributes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
report only precision . Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the av-
erage precision for IPUMS and BOOK respective ly.
We can see that a smaller N has a larger precision;
therefore, a smaller N indicates more matching tuples
appear in its dis-N results. The precisions for IPUMS
are 1, 0.93, 0.90, 0.73, 0.62, 0.5 2, and 0.44 for N = 1, 2,
3, 10, 20, 40, and 100, respectivel y. The precisions for
BOOK are 0.93, 0.86, 0.78, 0.63, 0.55, 0.45, and 0.34
for N = 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 40, and 100, respectively.
the number of query words (ipums)
p1p2p3 p10
p20 p40 p100
Figure 5. Precisions for IP U MS
the number of query words (book)
p1 p2p3 p10
p20 p40 p100
Figure 6. Precisions for BOOK
6. Conclusions
We proposed a new method to evaluate relational ra nk-
ing queries that reference both text attributes and nu-
meri c attributes. The meth od builds a ranking function
combining the semantic and numeric distances, and
creates an index based on WordNet to expand the tuple
words semantically for a text attribute and on the infor-
mation of numeric attributes. Thus, the results for a
query are retrieved by the index and a simple SQL se-
lection statement for the natural join of relations, and
ranked accord ing to the ranking function. We conducted
extensive experiments to measure the performance of
this new technique using two real datasets. The results of
experiments demonstrated that our strategy is efficient
and e ffective.
7. Acknowledgements
T hi s wo r k is supported in part by NSFC ( 61170039) and
the NSF of Hebei Province (F2012201006). The authors
would also like to express their gratitude to Professor
Weiyi Meng for providing many helpful suggestions.
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