Creat ive Educati on
2012. Vol.3, Supplement, 130-135
Published Online December 2012 in SciRes (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ ce) DOI:10.4236/ce.2012.38b027
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Division Technique Training Tool for Problem Solving
Methods of IPR
Gil Su Yoon1, You Heon Kim2, Sung Ju Lim1
1Pukyong National University, Interdisc iplinary Program of Intellectual Property,
Graduate School, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
2Korea Invention & Promotion Association, Invention and Promotion Association, Korea
Email: gilsuyoon@gm ail.com
Received 20 1 2
We have de velop ed a t rai ning t ool of di visi on t echni q ue a mong 5 tec hni ques i n ASIT f or p r oblem sol vin g
method for Intellectual Property Right. Even though with its good capability, there were no applicable
training tool to use for division traini ng because of it s easy disa ssembled shape with small disturbance. To
develop a divis i on tec hni que tr a ini ng tool, we ha ve ap pli ed ASIT t o gam e T. We ha ve chosen game shap e
parts with magnetic rubber and board as the plate coated with zinc. The adhesive strength of the game
shape parts to board is enough to ke ep fixed posit ion even in turn down. D eveloped tool is expected to use
for the e-learning of problem solving training for student education and lifelong education. It is under
Korean utility model application. E-learning w ith op en resour ces incl uding b enefi cial tra ining f or sol ving
problem will develop together in foundation of life-long education. This division training device is pro-
posed to younger generation as the educational auxiliary training tool for problem solving method. We
have ap pli ed for Kor ean p atent of t he lif ting met hod of methan hydr ate whic h ca n be ext ended t o var ious
fields of IPR.
Key words: Divis ion Technique; ASIT; Tr aining Tool; Pr oblem Solving Method; Intellectual Property
Problem Solving Methods
We are making d ecisions ever y day from a mere tri fle to im-
portant things. Making correct decision is quite important. Our
future is full of vagueness which we don’t know about. It is
news to us at all. So we should not afraid of our failures. There
is a proverb that “Failure is but the threshold of success.” We
should not afraid of failure in our youth days. We can expe-
rience indirectly by reading books and OCW resources et al.
There are many techniques for solving problems. Especially 3
types of thinking method, Brainstorming, TRIZ and ASIT will
be overviewed among them.
Brains torming
Brainstorming is a usual group meeting technique designed
to generate a large number of ideas for the solution to a prob-
lem. Osborn proposed that groups could double their creative
output by using the method of brainstorming. Although brains-
torming has become a popular group technique, researchers
have generally failed to find evidence of its effectiveness for
enhan cing either quantity or qu ality of ideas generat ed (Brains-
torming 2010). Well known international consultant company
IDEO uses brainstorming method very well for developing new
products (Ideo 2010). Thinkmap is a kind of program for
brainstorming. When we concentrate on a specific topics, we
are apt to efflu ent many things unrelated to the topic. It is not to
be blamed and it is only natural for human who uses right and
left cerebral simultaneously.
TRIZ is a r o man iz ed acr onym for Ru ssian “Teoriya Resh eni ya
Izobretatelskikh Zadatch” meaning “The theory of solving in-
ventor’s problems” or “The theory of inventor’s problem solv-
ing”. It was developed by a Soviet engineer and researcher
Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues starting in 1946. TRIZ, in
contrast to techniques such as brainstorming which is based on
rando m idea generat ion, aims to create an algori thmic app roach
to the invention of new systems, and problem solving as Figure
1 (TRIZ 2010).
Even though and LG and Samsung and many companies have
developed new products with the application of TRIZ there are
many tools such as contradiction matrix, Su-Field analysis,
ARIZ (Algorithm for TRIZ), it needs much training and expe-
riences t o apply TRIZ to solve real problems.
ASIT (Advanced Systematic Inventive Thinking), is a mod-
ified version of TRIZ by Israel prof. Roni Horowitz. He mod-
ified the complication of TRIZ into 5 simple methods such as
Figure 1.
Stru ctural diagram of TRIZ (from Wikipedia).