R. A. Wysk et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 917-926
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JBiSE
During animal testing studies #1, antimicrobial de-
vices were found to be electrically disconnected proxi-
mal to the tibial cavity insertion point of 2 rats, render-
ing the devices electrically ineffective. If these 2 devices
are considered as control instead of antimicrobial devic-
es, the F-test concludes that there is a statistically sign-
ificant difference between antimicrobial devices and con-
trol devices at 95% confidence level. In addition, each
device design was compared with others to determine
any statistical significance. Strictly statistically speaking,
only antimicrobial device #1 and antimicrobial device #6
showed significant difference from the controls among
all six design iterations. Although 2 out of 3 animals
implanted with working antimicrobial device #1 tested
staph free, the device tip often penetrated the soft tissue
and caused irritation to the animals. On the other hand,
antimicrobial device #6 also resulted in 2 out of 3 ani-
mals being staph free but eliminated the problem associ-
ated with damaging the soft tissue.
An early conjecture in this research was that a bacteri-
cidal environment would be created if we could get bac-
teria to conduct Ag+. The hope was to create this envi-
ronment within a bone because getting traditional antibi-
otics to penetrate the bone while the antibiotics are still
viable can be very difficult. A basic design concept was
developed and had to go through several iterations gov-
erned by rat comfort after implant as well as bactericidal
performance. Interestingly, the first and the last device
design iterations showed the greatest efficacy.
Based on the surgeries, pathology results and statisti-
cal analysis, the rat osteomyelitic model described in lit-
erature is validated, since all animals without an antimic-
robial device were infected. More importantly, the resu-
lts show that properly configured electrically stimulated
silver is an effective bactericidal agent for indwelling
devices. Of all the surgeries performed using the bacteri-
cidal devices, there is a statistically significant difference
between using no device and an antimicrobial device. As
the antimicrobial devices and surgical procedures were
refined throughout the study, the effectiveness of the
devices was found to be improved. In the last set of sur-
geries, 67% of the harvested animals were free of Sta-
phylococcus aureus even after they were inoculated with
the bacteria and given no antibiotics. The bactericidal
device as configured has a definite ability to reduce/
eliminate bacterial infection. Using such a bactericidal
device in conjunction with a standard treatment of anti-
biotics should have a profound effect on the number of
residual hardware associated bacterial infections.
The technology and designs tested within this study are protected
under U. S. Patent as owned by ArgentumCidalElectrics, Inc.. It is only
with their support that device modifications and manufacturing could
be properly completed and controlled.
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