Engineering, 2013, 5, 137-141
doi:10.4236/eng.2013.51b025 Published Online January 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Advanced Burst Mode Control to Reduce the Standby
Power of Flyback Converter
Min-Sung Kim1, Hyoung-Woo Kim2, Ji-Hye Jang1, Ki-Hyun Kim2, Kil-Soo Seo2,
Nam-Kyun Kim2 and Young-Hee Kim1
1: Department of Electronic En gi neerin g, Changwon National University, Changwon, Rep ubli c of Korea
2: Power Semiconductor Research Center, Korea Electrotechnology Research Inst itute
28-1 Sungju-Dong, S ungsan-Gu, Changwon, 642-120 Republic of Korea
Received 2013
This paper we proposed advanced burst mode control technique to reduce the standby power consumption of the switch
mode power supply (SMPS). To reduce the standby power consumption, most of the converter use burst mode or skip
mode control technique. However Conventional standby mode control techniques have some problems such as audible
noise and poor regulation. In proposed techniques, basically, the burst mode control technique is employed to reduce
the fund amenta l switc hing fr equenc y while l imiti ng the p eak drai n curre nt. But, in proposed technique, to improve the
regulation characteristic, burst period of the proposed technique is shorter than that of the conventional burst mode
technique. And also, to reduce the switching loss increase due to the short burst period, burst switching signal of the
proposed technique is partially skipped. By using proposed advanced burst mode control technique, calculated standby
power is 0.695W while standby power of the conventional burst mode control is 1.014W.
Keywords: Standby power, Flyback converter, PWM IC, SMPS
1. Introduction
Many electrical and electronics devices operate in low
power or standby power mode, in readiness for an exter-
nally activated signal. This external signal can be acti-
vated by remote control, network connection, etc. Re-
cently, the standby mode is widely adopted for many
kinds of applications as users require devices that are
always available and can be remotely turned on and off.
Electronic devices operate in standby mode are always
on and consumes some electric energy required to supply
the micro-controller a nd other standby circuitry [1].
According to the report from Lawrence Berkley Na-
tional Laboratory (LBNL), the standby power in many
countries accounts for more than 10% ~ 15% of national
residential electr ic ity use [2-3].
Due to the necessity of standby power reduction in
electronic devices, many kinds of standby power control
techniques such as burst mode control, skip mode control,
etc., were invented. However, these kinds of techniques
have some disadvantages as shown in table 1 [4].
In thi s pap er, advanced burst mode control technique to
reduce the standby power consumption is proposed. In
proposed techniques, basically, the burst mode control
technique is employed to reduce the fundamental
switc hi n g fre quenc y while lim iting the peak d r a in current.
But, in proposed technique, to improve the regulation
characteristic, burst period is shorter than that of the
conventional burst mode technique. And also, to reduce
the switching loss increase due to the short burst period
of the proposed technique, burst switching signal is par-
tially skipped. By using proposed advanced burst mode
control technique, calculated standby power is 0.695W
while standby power of the conventional burst mode
control is 1.014W.
Table 1. Conventional standby mode control method
edom pikS noitaluger dooG
elbidua hgiH
edom tsruB elbidua woL
noitaluger rooP
2. Power loss of the converter
Figure 1 shows conventional circuit of the AC-DC fly-
back converter. When converter operates in standby
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
opl oss
l oss
mode, most of the power loss comes from passive com-
ponent such as resistor, inductor etc., and switching de-
vice such as power MOSFET. Generally, because of the
fundamental characteristics and poor controllability of
the passive component, power loss of the passive com-
ponent is hard to reduce. Therefore, most of the standby
power reduction techniques focused on reducing power
loss of the switching device. In this section, we analyze
the source of the power loss of the converter and pro-
posed novel standby power control technique to reduce
the standby power loss without characteristic degradation
of the converter.
Drive signal
Fig. 1 Conventiona l AC-DC flyback converter
2.1. Source of power loss
Power loss in start-up resistor
Before PWM IC begins operating, the VCC capacitor is
charged through the start-up resistor (Rstart). And this
resistor consumes power when PWM IC starting. Equa-
tion (1) shows the po wer loss in start -up resi s t or.
Switc hing loss from switching device
When converter operates in standby mode, due to the
switching loss from switching device such as power
MOSFET, converter consumes standby power. Switch-
ing loss is comprised of driving loss from the gate drive
circuit of the PWM IC and capacitive turn-on loss from
po wer MOSFE T.
Driving loss depends on total gate charge, gate to
source vo l tage and operating f req uenc y.
And capacitive turn-on loss depends on MOSFET out-
put capacitance, drain to source voltage and operating
Power loss in PWM IC
PWM IC also consumes standby power and it depends
on oper ating voltage and curre nt.
Table 2 shows specification of the commercial switch-
ing de vi ce and control IC for flyback converter. By using
this specifica tion a nd equatio n ( 1) ~ (4), we can calcula te
standby power loss of the conventional flyback conver-
Table 2. Simple specification of switching device and
control IC
Output capacitance : 200pF Input Charge : 63n C
Rds(ON) : 0.85 ohm
CI lortnoC
Driving s ignal vol tage : 15V
Ope rati ng frequency : 50kHz Duty ratio : 8 7%
Ope rati ng cur rent : 3mA
Calculated standby power loss of the conventional
flyback converter is about 1.014W.
2.2. Conventional standby power control
Start-up c ircuit
As mentioned in the previous section, start-up resistor
consumed power when PWM IC starting. To reduce
power loss from the start-up resistor, it is needed to
replace it to internal current source which consist of high
voltage device such as JFET. Before PWM IC starting,
the internal current source supplies the internal bias and
VCC capacitor. After VCC capacitor is charged, internal
current source is disabled and PWM IC b egins s witchin g.
Reducing t he switching frequency of driving signal
Figure 2 shows reducing the switching frequency of
the driving signal techniques which is widely used to
reduce the switching losses in the power MOSFET and
hysteresis losse s i n the tran s former.
Normal mode operation, F
= above 20kHz
Skip mode operation
Burst mode operation
Several kHz
Above 20kHzSeveral hundred Hz
Fig. 2 Freque ncy r educ tion technique
swgsgat elossfVQP
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
However, reducing the switching frequency lowers
switching loss in power MOSFET, it also cause a
problem such as audible noise or poor regulation of the
converter output. To reduce the audible noise, it is
needed to limit the peak drain current. However, it also
lowering the converter efficiency. Therefore, the
optimum value of peak drain current is determined by
trade-off between converter efficiency and audible noise.
And also, to reduce the poor regulation problem, it is
required to increase the period of switching signal from
several hundred Hz to several tens Hz or several kHz.
But it may cause an audible noise problem or increase
the s witchin g losses.
Auxiliar y pow er supply
If the power of the application is higher than 200W, due
to the large output capacitance of the power MOSFET
which used in high power application, reducing the
switching freq uency has limitatio n in lowering switchin g
losses. Therefore, auxiliary power supply is used to
reduce the standby power.
Output v oltage drop or disconnectio n
Output voltage drop or disconnection techniques are
also used to reduce the standby power of the converter.
However, these kind of techniques have some problems
such as high cost, lo wering the converter efficiency, etc.
2.3. Proposed stan dby power contro l techn iqu e
As mentioned in the previous section, skip and burst
mode control techniques have some disadvantages such
as audible noise, poor regulation. Therefore, we pro-
posed advanced burst mode control technique to over-
come the problems of the conventional standby mode
control techniques without increase of standby power
In the proposed technique, basically the burst mode
control technique is employed to reduce the fundamental
switching frequency while limiting peak drain current.
However, to improve the regulation characteristic, burst
period of the proposed technique is shorter than conven-
tional burst mode control technique. But short burst pe-
riod means s witching losse s of the proposed technique is
higher than t hat of t he conve ntio nal one. So, as shown in
the fi gure 3, s witchi n g signa l o f the proposed burst mode
operatio n is partiall y skip to r educe the switching losses.
Averagely, minimum 60% of the conventional burst
mode switc hing signal is skipped.
Figure 4 shows switching signal of the conventional
(lower side) and proposed (upper side) burst mode oper-
ation as a function of feedback voltage variation. When
converter operates in standby mode, conventional burst
mode technique generates switching signal when feed-
back voltage decreasing phase (inside of the dashed line).
However, proposed burst mode technique generates
switching signal when both side of feedback voltage in-
creasing and decreasing phase ( inside of t he strai ght line).
So, regulation characteristic of the proposed technique is
improved. And also, as mentioned above, switching sig-
nal of the proposed burst mode operation is partially skip,
standby power consumption is not increase.
Fig. 3 Switching signal of the conventional and proposed
burst mode operation
Fig. 4 Switching signal of the pro posed and conve n-
tional burst mode as a function of feedback voltage
3. Schematic and simulation result of the
proposed burst mode control
Schematic of the proposed burst mode control
Control part of the proposed burst mode control tech-
nique is composed of four comparators (COMP1 ~
COMP4) and two gates as shown in figure 5. Each of the
comparators has different reference voltage. Table 3
shows reference voltages of the comparators.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Fig. 5. Schematic of the proposed burst mode control
Table 3. Reference voltages of the comparators
rebmun rotarapmoC
egatlov ecnerefeR
PWM IC enters advanced burst mode operation when
feedback voltage drops below 600mV. Switching contin-
ues until feedback voltage drops below 500mV. And
switching is partially skipped until feedback voltage
drops below 400mV. After feedback voltage drops below
400mV, switching resumes until feedback voltage drops
below 300mV. When feedback voltage drops below
300mV, switching stops and the output voltage of the
conver ter starts to drop. This causes the feedback voltage
to rise. When feedback voltage rises above 300mV,
switching r esumes. If switching ski p period is long, feed-
back voltage possibly rise due to the possibility of the
converter output voltage drop. However, switching skip
period is too short and switching resumes again before
converter output voltage starts to drop. So, feedback vol-
tage drop s until it passes 300mV. After the feedbac k vol-
tage drops below 300mV, as mentioned above, feedback
voltage rise. Burst mode witching starts when rising
feedback voltage passes 300mV and continues until
feedback voltage reaches 600mV. When feedback voltage
rise above 600mV and converter still operates in standby
mode (means light or no load), feedback voltage then
falls and the advanced burst mode proces s repeats.
Simulation result
Figure 6 shows simulation result of the proposed burst
mode control circuit.
As shown in the figure, when feedback voltage drops
below 600mV, burst mode operation starts. And it con-
tinues until feedback voltage drops below 300mV. As
mentioned previous section, to reduce the switching
losses, burst mode switching signal is partially skipped.
By using parameters from table 1 and proposed ad-
vanced burst mode control technique, calculated standby
power is about 0.695W. However, about 60% of the cal-
culated standby power comes from the start-up resistor.
So, if we replace the start-up resistor to high voltage cur-
rent source then calculated standby power may be lower
than 0. 3W.
Fig. 6 Simulation result of the prop osed bu rst
mode control circuit
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed advanced burst mode con-
trol technique to reduce the standby power of the con-
verter. In proposed advanced burst mode control tech-
nique, burst period is shorter than conventional burst
mode control to improve the regulation characteristic and
burst switching signal is partially skipped to reduce the
switching losses. Calculated standby power consump-
tions are 0.695W and 1.014W for the proposed advanced
burst mode control and conventional burst mode control,
respectively, yielding about 30% improvement in the
standby power consumption. The standby power con-
sumption can be enhanced to 0.3W for the proposed
technique when start-up resistor of the converter is re-
placed to high voltage c ur re nt so ur ce .
5. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by Industrial Strategic Tech-
nology Development Program funded by the Ministry of
Knowledge Economy (MKE, Korea) (10039239, “De-
velopment of Power Management System SoC Support-
ing Multi-B a tte ry-Cells and Multi-Energy-Sources for
Smart Phones and Smart Devices”).
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
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