Vol.2, No.9, 989-996 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
An exploratory study on perceived relationship of
alcohol, caffeine, and physical activity on hot
flashes in menopausal women
Jay Kandiah, Valerie Amend*
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Ball State University, Muncie, USA;
*Corresponding Author: vaamend@bsu.edu
Received 30 May 2010; revised 25 June 2010; accepted 1 July 2010.
This study examined the effects of caffeine, al-
cohol, and physical activity (PA) on the per-
ceived frequency and severity of hot flashes in
menopausal women. Female employees at a
Mid-Western university were invited to partici-
pate in an on-line survey. The 26-itemized Wo-
men’s Health Survey (WHS) included questions
regarding demographics, menopausal stage, ex-
perience of hot flashes, consumption of caf-
feinated beverages and alcohol, and participa-
tion in PA. One-hundred and ninety-six women
completed the study. Ordinary Least Squares
regressions revealed PA, caffeine, and alcohol
intake were significant in predicting the severity
of hot flashes (R2 = 0.068, F(6,180) = 2.195, p =
0.046), though they did not predict frequency of
hot flashes (R2 = 0.043, F(6,184) = 1.39, p = 0.221).
Participation in aerobic PA increased frequency
of hot flashes (p = 0.031); while higher intensity
of aerobic PA had an inverse relationship on
both frequency and severity of hot flashes (p =
0.011, p = 0.003, respectively). Spearman corre-
lations demonstrated a positive relationship
between caffeinated soda intake and frequency
(r = 0.17, p = 0.06) and severity (r = 0.19, p = 0.04)
of hot flashes. Beverage consumption and PA
may predict severity of hot flashes in women.
Less frequent, higher intensity aerobic PA may
lead to fewer, less severe hot flashes.
Keywords: Hot Flashes; Caffeine; Alcohol; Physical
Menopausal hot flashes, with varying degrees of severity,
are a significant concern for women across the world.
There are more than 40 million women in the United
States over the age of 40, and it is estimated that ap-
proximately 46 million women in the U.S. will have
reached menopause by the year 2020 [1]. Seventy-five
percent of women over the age of 50 will experience hot
flashes to some degree. For some, eight to ten flashes a
day is not uncommon, interfering with their daily lives
(North American Menopause Society) [2]. Episodes may
last from 30 seconds to five minutes, generally averag-
ing four minutes [1]. Women with hot flashes are more
likely to experience disturbed sleep, depressive symp-
toms and significant reductions in quality of life as
compared to asymptomatic women [3]. These symptoms
may continue to occur for 5 years or more [4]. Geo-
graphic variation in the frequency of this phenomenon
may be related to the diet and lifestyle of the area [1].
However, little research is available on the relationship
of these factors to hot flashes.
A hot flash is described as a transient episode of flush-
ing, sweating and a sensation of heat, often accompanied
by palpitations and a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes
followed by chills [5]. While the exact cause and mecha-
nism is not well understood, there is a prevailing theory.
As estrogen levels are decreased in women, due to sur-
gery, chemicals, or age, the temperature regulation me-
chanism in the hypothalamus is affected. As a result, the
core body temperature is lowered, and the threshold be-
tween acceptable and unacceptable body heat levels is
more easily crossed. This causes signals to be sent to the
rest of the body to release heat, causing perspiration
from the sweat glands, leading to the dramatic rise in
skin temperature associated with menopausal hot flashes
Several factors have been studied for their contribu-
tions to the severity and frequency of hot flashes in
menopausal women. Among those are dietary intake,
biological factors, and modifiable behaviors. Studies
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
have also demonstrated a link between inten sity and
frequency of physical activity and characteristics of hot
flashes. Some have found that increased activity leads to
increase in menopausal symptoms; while others show
that a more active lifestyle may lead to a decrease in
occurrence [6-10]. According to current studies, women
have reported alcohol consumption as precursors to hot
flashes, with research both supporting and refuting this
claim [1-3,5,9-11]. Others report a link between caffeine
ingestion and menopausal symptoms; however, minimal
research has been completed on this factor [7].
With new data regarding the association between
these variables and characteristics of menopausal hot
flashes, the need to more clearly define lifestyle recom-
mendations for menopausal women has arisen. The pur-
pose of this research study was to examine the effects of
consumption of caffeine, alcoholic beverages, and phy-
sical activity on the perceived frequency and severity of
hot flashes in menopausal women.
2.1. Participants
Female employees at a Mid-Western University were
invited to participate in an on-line survey. The inclusion
criteria for participants were: 1) 40 years of age; 2)
devoid of taking medications for treatment of meno-
pausal symptoms; 3) absence of smoking; and 4) educa-
tional status of sixth grade or higher. The recruitment
email informed participants of the following parameters
related to the study: their random selection, criteria for
participating, purpose of research procedures, and ap-
proximate time needed to participate in the study. Sub-
jects were informed that by completing and submitting
the survey, they were giving their consent. Duration for
completion of the survey was one month. Ball State
University’s Institutional Review Board approved all
aspects of this study.
2.2. Instrumentation
The 26-itemized Women’s Health Survey (WHS), de-
veloped by the researchers, was accepted for face valid-
ity by three experts (two dietitians, one physician). Re-
liability was established by utilizing a small (n = 20)
sample of subjects other than the study population who
were of similar characteristics. Subjects took the survey
twice, with two weeks between each administration.
Test-retest results were observed from the same partici-
pants to assess similarity of answers for each test. The
Kappa coefficients from the test-retest ranged from a
low of 0.44 to 1.00, with a median coefficient of 0.77.
Except for two questions where the Kappa coefficient
could not be calculated due to zero variance in responses,
all coefficients were statistically significant (see Appen-
The WHS included questions regarding demographics,
stage of menopause, hot flashes, average daily consump-
tion of caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and participation
in physical activity. Caffeinated beverages were divided
into subcategories based on usual number of servings.
Weekly consumption of coffee, tea, and cocoa were
listed as eight fluid ounces (236.56 mL), while energy
drinks and soda were 12 fluid ounces (354.84 mL). In-
take of caffeinated pills, diet pills containing caffeine,
and dark chocolate were also recorded. Usual weekly
intake of alcoholic beverages was divided into subcate-
gories, namely, beer (12 fluid ounces, 354.84 mL), white
wine or champagne (5 fluid ounces, 147.85 mL), red
wine (5 fluid ounces, 147.85 mL), and mixed drinks
(1.5-2 fluid ounces, 44.36-59.14 mL). Usual physical
activity per week assessed separately 30 minute intervals
of aerobic (e.g. running) and strength activity (e.g.
weight lifting). Usual intensity of physical activity was
measured using descriptors mild (don’t break a sweat
during activity), moderate (break a light sweat), or heavy
intensity (break a sweat, heart rate very increased).
Usual daily frequency and severity of hot flashes were
evaluated with rating scales. The subjective 10-point
rating scale ranged from 1 being very mild (a warm sen-
sation without sweating or disruption of normal activity)
to 10 being very severe (heat sensation with sweating
that may have interrupted daily activities) [5].
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Separate ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions were
used to evaluate frequency and severity of hot flashes.
Level of self-reported physical activity, average daily
caffeine, and alcohol intake were the predictors. Spear-
man rank correlations were used to examine the rela-
tionships of categories of beverage intake levels with hot
flash frequency and severity. This analysis was per-
formed in order to look at beverages individually after
excluding those who never consumed the beverage in the
last week. Significance was established at p < 0.05.
3.1. Demographics and Menopausal
One-hundred and ninety-six women successfully com-
pleted the study. As observed in Table 1, more than half
were 50-59 years, Caucasian, and in the naturally post-
menopausal reproductive stage. Most participants had
experienced hot flashes (81.1%), and were not taking
medications (92.9%) or using alternative therapies
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
(91.3%). Mean number of hot flashes ± standard devia-
tion (SD) were 2.2 ± 1.5 per week, while the mean usual
severity ± SD was 3.26 ± 2.58 on a scale of one to ten.
3.2. Physical Activity
More than half the subjects reported participating in
aerobic physical activity 0-2 times per week (n = 110,
56.2%) and at moderate intensity (n = 89, 45.4%). In
reference to strength activity, 60.2% participated 0-2
times per week with 38.3% performing at light to mod-
erate intensity. Mean ± SD weekly participation in 30
minutes of aerobic physical activity and strength exer-
cises were 2.48 ± 1.25 times and 1.51 ± 0.724, respec-
tively (Table 2).
3.3. Caffeine and Alcohol
Based on reported intake of caffeinated beverages (ma-
jority consumed 0-3 servings of each beverage), total
mean ± SD caffeine intake was 1144 mg ± 1008 mg,
while total mean ± SD servings of alcohol was 2.52 ±
Table 1. Demographics and menopausal characteristics of parti-
cipants (n = 196).
Characteristic Description n* (%)
Age 40-44 21 (10.7)
45-49 37 (18.9)
50-54 54 (27.6)
55-59 50 (25.5)
60 + 34 (17.3)
Ethnicity White 187 (95.4)
African-American 6 (3.1)
Hispanic 1 (0.5)
Asian/Pacific Islander 1 (0.5)
Reproductive Stage Pre-menopausal 32 (16.3)
Peri-menopausal 28 (14.3)
Menopausal 11 (5.6)
Naturally postmenopausal 81 (41.3)
Post-menopausal due to
surgery, chemotherapy, or
44 (22.4)
Currently using
Yes 15 (7.7)
No 179 (91.3)
Currently taking
medications for
Yes 13 (6.6)
No 182 (92.9)
Have experienced
hot flash
Yes 159 (81.1)
No 36 (18.4)
Table 2. Subjects participation in 30 minutes of physical activ-
ity (PA) per week (n = 196).
Characteristic Description N (%)*
Aerobic PA
Frequency 0 times 46 (23.5)
1-2 times 64 (32.7)
3-4 times 48 (24.5)
5-6 times 23 (11.7)
7-8 times 11 (5.6)
> 8 times 4 (2.0)
Intensity Don’t participate 38 (19.4)
Light 47 (24.0)
Moderate 89 (45.4)
Heavy 21 (10.7)
Strength PA
Frequency 0 times 118 (60.2)
1-2 times 60 (30.6)
3-4 times 14 (7.1)
5-6 times 4 (2.0)
Intensity Don’t participate 116 (59.2)
Light 39 (19.9)
Moderate 36 (18.4)
Heavy 2 (1.0)
3.46 servings per week. The median reported weekly
intake of caffeine and alcohol among participants were
1080 mg and 1.20 servings, respectively.
Although 196 women participated in this research,
due to insufficient information, only data for 188 were
analyzed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression.
Overall, the regression results revealed that the effects of
self-reported physical activity, average daily caffeine,
and alcohol intake were not significant in predicting the
frequency of hot flashes (R2 =0.043, F(6,184) = 1.39, p =
0.221). However, after controlling for the other inde-
pendent variables, the regression indicated that, rela-
tively, more participation in aerobic physical activity
increased frequency of hot flashes (B= 0.241, β = 0.20, p
= 0.031); while higher intensity of aerobic physical ac-
tivity had an inverse relationship (B = –0.423, β =
–0.261, p = 0.011). All other variables remained statisti-
cally insignificant (Table 3).
Overall, regression analysis also revealed a small, but
statistically significant effect of physical activity, caf-
feine, and alcohol on severity of hot flashes (R2 = 0.068,
F(6,180) = 2.195, p = 0.046). Interestingly, after controlling
for all other independent variables, the regression indi-
cated that relatively, higher intensity of aerobic exer-
cise decreased severity of hot flashes (B = –0.875, β=
–0.315, p = 0.003) (Table 3).
Spearman rank correlations showed a small relation-
ship between higher consumption of caffeinated soda for
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
both frequency (r = 0.17, p = 0.06) and severity (r = 0.19,
p = 0.04) of hot flashes. No significant relationship be-
tween the other caffeinated or alcoholic beverages and
hot flashes was revealed (Table 4).
Several studies have examined the effect of lifestyle
factors on hot flashes, however, to date; no research has
focused simultaneously on the effect caffeine and alco-
hol consumption and physical activity had on the fre-
quency and severity of hot flashes in women over the
age of 40.
Findings from the present study related to frequency
of workouts and incidence and severity of hot flashes
are congruent with previous research. Whitcomb and
colleagues looked at the relationship between physical
activity prior to the time of the last menstrual period
and hot flashes [6]. This population based study using
512 peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women
found highly active women (reported exercising > 16
times per month) were significantly more likely to
have moderate to severe hot flashes (OR = 1.70, p =
0.01) and daily hot flashes (OR = 1.79, p < 0.01) than
less active women (report exercising 0-15 times per
month). Similarly, Thurston, et al., found a higher in-
cidence of subjective hot flashes after physical exer-
tion (OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 0.99-2.25; p = 0 .05), although
regular aerobic exercisers had fewer hot flashes than
sporadic exercisers [7].
Table 3. Ordinary least squares regression analysis of the influence of alcohol, caffeine, and physical activity on frequency and se-
verity of hot flashes (n = 188).
Note: 1R2 = 0.043, F(6, 184) = 1.39, p = 0.221; Dependant variable: Q8 In the last week, how many hot flashes have you had? 2R2 = 0.068, F(6,180) = 2.195, p =
0.046; Dependant variable: Q9 In the last week, how would you rate the usual severity of hot flashes?
B Std.Error Beta t Sig
Frequency of Hot Flashes1 Constant 2.406 0.360 6.688 0.000
How many times in the last week did you participate in
30 minutes of aerobic physical activity? 0.241 0.111 0.200 2.17 0.031
How intense would you rate your participation in aero-
bic activity? –0.423 0.165 –0.261 –2.554 0.011
How many times in the last week did you participate in
30 minutes of strength exercises? –0.259 0.285 –0.125 –0.909 0.364
How intense would you rate your participation in
strength exercise? 0.339 0.257 0.186 1.316 0.19
Total estimated caffeine for the week (mg) 0.000 0.000 0.026 0.327 0.744
Total servings of alcohol for the week 0.019 0.035 0.044 0.550 0.583
Severity of Hot Flashes2 Constant 4.789 0.611 7.842 0.000
How many times in the last week did you participate in
30 minutes of aerobic physical activity? 0.188 0.190 0.092 0.994 0.322
How intense would you rate your participation in aero-
bic activity? –0.875 0.286 –0.315 –3.056 0.003
How many times in the last week did you participate in
30 minutes of strength exercises? 0.004 0.486 0.001 0.008 0.993
How intense would you rate your participation in
strength exercise? 0.260 0.443 0.083 0.585 0.559
Total estimated caffeine for the week (mg) 0.000 0.000 –0.047 –0.595 0.552
Total servings of alcohol for the week –0.055 0.060 –0.074 –0.931 0.353
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 4. Spearman correlations between caffeinated beverages
and frequency of hot flashes.
Frequency of Hot Flashes n r Sig.
Energy drinks
(12 fl. oz. serving) 2 NA** NA**
Caffeinated hot tea
(8 fl. oz. serving) 60 –0.005 0.969
Caffeinated iced tea
(8 fl. oz. serving) 78 –0.016 0.887
Caffeinated soda
(12 fl. oz. serving) 123 0.173 0.055
Hot chocolate or cocoa
(8 fl. oz. serving) 19 0.214 0.378
Dark chocolate
(8 fl. oz. serving) 99 0.102 0.314
Red wine (5 fl. oz. serving) 51 0.091 0.527
Alcoholic beer products
(12 fl. oz. serving) 37 –0.025 0.881
White wine/champagne
(8 fl. oz. serving) 55 0.097 0.481
Mixed drinks
(1.5-2.0 fl. oz. serving) 30 –0.227 0.227
Severity of Hot Flashes
Energy drinks
(12 fl. oz. serving) 2 NA* NA*
Caffeinated hot tea
(8 fl. oz. serving) 60 0.033 0.804
Caffeinated iced tea
(8 fl. oz. serving) 77 –0.087 0.449
Caffeinated soda
(12 fl. oz. serving) 121 0.189 0.038
Chocolate or cocoa
(8 fl. oz. serving) 20 –0.010 0.967
Dark chocolate
(8 fl. oz. serving) 97 0.059 0.563
Red wine (5 fl. oz. serving) 49 0.229 0.114
Alcoholic beer products
(12 fl. oz. serving) 34 –0.032 0.858
White wine/champagne
(8 fl. oz. serving) 53 –0.015 0.918
Mixed drinks
(1.5-2.0 fl. oz. serving) 28 –0.149 0.449
The inverse relationship found between intensity of
physical activity and severity of hot flashes supports the
findings of Sievert et al. [10]. Women who participated
in heavy exercise (enough to speed up breathing and
heart rate, at least two times per week) were significantly
less likely to report both hot flashes and night sweats (p
= 0.05) compared to those participating in minimal exer-
cise (no exercise, or light exercise less than once per
In contrast, Sternfield and colleagues investigated the
effects of regular exercise prior to the final menstrual
period [8]. There was no association between habitual
physical activity and menopausal hot flashes. Research
also revealed regular physical activity did not signifi-
cantly affect the frequency of menopausal symptoms
such as hot flashes (p = 0.291). Similar observations
were reported by Riley et al., indicating no significant
relationship exists between habitual exercise and fre-
quency or intensity of hot flashes (OR = 1.3; 95% CI =
0.78-2.16) [9].
Limited studies have looked at the effect of caffeine
on hot flashes. Even though the present study demon-
strated a there was a perceived relationship between caf-
feinated soda and frequency and severity of hot flashes
(r = 0.17, p = 0.04; r = 0.19, p = 0.04), Thurston et al.,
found an increased likelihood of objective hot flashes
(OR = 1.51; CI = 1.18-3.81; p = 0.003) after caffeine
consumption [7].
Regression analysis revealed alcohol and caffeine
consumption had no influence on frequency or severity
of hot flashes. On the contrary, earlier studies have
shown significant relationships existed between alcohol
intake and hot flashes. Freeman and colleagues [11],
found alcohol to be a significant predictor of hot flashes
(OR 1.10, p = 0.002). Observations were also noted by
Sievert et al. revealing daily alcohol consumption sig-
nificantly increased the risk of hot flashes (p < 0.01) [10].
Riley and colleagues noted in peri-menopausal women a
significant correlation prevailed with consumption of 1-5
drinks per day and bothersome hot flashes (OR = 0.52,
CI = 0.31-0.86) [9].
This research was limited to a homogeneous ethnic
group of faculty and staff at a Mid-Western University.
Recommendations for future research related to hot
flashes include: 1) assessment of participants BMI; 2)
incorporation of a larger and diverse ethnic group, with
varying age and geographical location; 3) comparison of
recreational activity to various levels and types of aero-
bic activity; 4) treatment of hot flashes using comple-
mentary and alternative medicine; 5) measurement of
actual hot flashes using objective and subjective infor-
mation; 6) comparison of co-morbidities such as obesity,
diabetes, and hypertension and their contributory roles
to menopausal symptoms and hot flashes.
Health professionals and scientists need to find a con-
nection to other modifiable behaviors to decrease the
occurrence and symptoms of hot flashes. In doing so, a
better understanding of the physiological challenges
women face can be gained, so appropriate intervention
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
strategies could be implemented to improve quality of
[1] Philp, H.A. (2003) Hot flashes - A review of the literature
on alternative and complementary treatment approaches.
Alternative Medicine Review, 8(3), 284-302.
[2] North American Menopause Society (NAMS) (2004)
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Position of the North American menopause society.
Menopause, 11(1), 11-33.
[3] Taylor, M. (2002) Alternative medicine and the per-
imenopause: An evidenced based review. Obstetrics and
Gynecology Clinics of North America, 29(3), 555-573.
[4] Sturdee, D.W. (2008) The menopausal hot flash:
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[5] Kronenberg, F. (2004) Hot flashes: Phenomenology,
quality of life, and search for treatment options. Experi-
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[6] Whitcomb, B.W., Whiteman, M.K., Langenberg, P.,
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and risk of hot flashes among women in midlife. Journal
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[8] Sternfield, B., Quesenberry, C.P. and Husson, G. (1999)
Habitual physical activity and menopausal symptoms: A
case control study. Journal of Women’s Health, 8(1), 115-
[9] Riley, E.H., Inui, T.S., Kleinman, K. and Connelly, M.T.
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[10] Seivert, L.L., Oberdweyer, C.M. and Price, K. (2006)
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[11] Freeman, E.W., Sammel, M.D., Grisso, J.A., Battistini,
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Women’s Health & Gender-Based Medicine, 10(1), 67-76.
Appendix: Women’s Health Survey
1. Age (years)
a. 40-44
b. 45-49
c. 50-54
d. 55-59
e. 60 or over
2. Ethnicity
a. White
b. African-American
c. Hispanic
d. Asian/Pacific Islander
e. Other
3. Are you a smoker?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Do you currently take any medications to treat
menopausal symptoms?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Are you currently using any alternative thera-
pies to treat menopausal symptoms (e.g. black
cohosh, dong quai root, ginseng, kava, red clo-
ver, soy)?
a. Yes
b. no
6. What is your current reproductive stage?
a. Pre-menopausal (regular menstrual cy-
b. Peri-menopausal (last menstrual period
within the last 3 months)
c. Menopausal (last menstrual period
within the last year)
d. Naturally Post-menopausal (last men-
strual period more than 12 months
e. Post-menopausal due to surgery or ch-
7. Have you ever had a menopausal hot flash? (An
episode of flushing, sweating, and a sensation
of heat, often accompanied by palpitations and
a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes followed by
a. Yes
b. No
8. In the last week, how many hot flashes have you
a. 0
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
9. In the last week, how would you rate the usual
severity of the hot flashes? 1 being very mild
(a warm sensation without sweating or disrup-
tion of normal activity) and 10 being very se-
vere (heat sensation with sweating that may
have interrupted daily activities)?
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
a. Did not experience hot flashes
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4
f. 5
g. 6
h. 7
i. 8
j. 9
k. 10
10. In the last week, how many times did you par-
ticipate in 30 minutes of aerobic physical ac-
tivity (running, swimming, hiking, walking,
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 3-4
d. 5-6
e. 7-8
f. More than 8
11. How intense would you rate your participation
in aerobic activity?
a. Don’t participate
b. Light (don’t break a sweat)
c. Moderate (break a light sweat, heart rate
d. Heavy (break a sweat, heart rate very in-
12. How many times per week do you participate in
30 minutes of strength exercises (weight lifting,
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 3-4
d. 5-6
e. 7-8
f. More than 8
13. How intense would you rate your participation
in strength exercises?
a. Don’t participate
b. Light (don’t break a sweat)
c. Moderate (break a light sweat, heart rate
d. Heavy (break a sweat, heart rate very in-
14. In the last week, how many times did you con-
sume caffeinated coffee (8 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
15. In the last week, how many times did you
consume energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull, Sobe;
12 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
16. In the last week, how many times did you
consume caffeinated hot tea (8 ounce serv-
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
17. In the last week, how many times did you
consume iced tea (8 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
18. In the last week, how many times did you
consume caffeinated soda (e.g. Coke, Pepsi,
etc, 12 ounce)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
19. In the last week, how many times did you
consume hot chocolate or cocoa (8 ounce
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
20. In the last week, how many times did you
J. Kandiah et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 989-996
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
consume dark chocolate (at least 1 ounce
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. 13-15
g. 16-18
h. More than 18 per week
21. In the last week, how many times did you
take caffeine pills (e.g. no-doz, vivarin, 1-
200 mg pill)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
22. In the last week, how many times did you take
caffeinated diet pills?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
23. In the last week, how many times did you
consume red wine (1 serving, 5 ounce gla-
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
24. How many times per week do you consume
alcoholic beer products (12 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
25. How many times per week do you consume
wine (not red; 5 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12
26. How many times per week do you consume
mixed drinks (1.5-2 ounce serving)?
a. Never
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. 7-9
e. 10-12
f. More than 12