first bubble in the case of auto-injection. Although their
results are not confirmed for the physical parameters they
have considered, similar results are found in slightly dif-
ferent situations. Unfortunately, the enhanced trapping
by the static magnetic field is only observed in a small
range of the various values of the physical parameters. It
seems that, close to the saturation level, when self-injec-
tion leads to the injection of a charge close to the maxi-
mal charge allowed by the beam-loading limit, adding a
static magnetic field does not enhance the particle trap-
It is shown that a current is created in a plane perpen-
dicular to the direction of propagation of the wave which
intensifies the initial static field which is applied.
Finally, it is confirmed in this paper that a constant
magnetic field is a very important controlling knob for
improving the charge of the beam in the LWFA process
in the case of self-injection.
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