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J. Serv. Sci. & Management, 2009, 2: 29-35 Published Online March 2009 in SciRes ( Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM Analysis of Service Processes Characteristics across a Range of Enterprises John Maleyeff 1 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hartford Campus. Email: Received November 10 th , 2008; revised January 15 th , 2009; accepted February 13 th , 2009. ABSTRACT The structure of services processes was explored using a database of 168 service processes that existed within a wide range of enterprises. The results indicate that applications within service science are not limited to the service industry and that service processes have many similar characteristics. The similarities exist across industry sectors (i.e., manu- facturing, service), customer types (i.e., internal, external) and enterprise size (large, SME). A few differences exist and their importance is discussed. It is suggested that an important field within the multidisciplinary umbrella of service science is organizational behavior. Keywords: service science, internal services, service marketing 1. Introduction Service delivery dominates activities performed by the workforce in the United States and other developed countries. For example, in July 2008, 79% of the U.S. workforce was employed in a service enterprise that was classified as one of the following: retail, government, education, health services, professional, business services, hospitality, leisure, or other services. The remaining 21% of the U.S. workforce was employed in enterprises clas- sified as farming, manufacturing, construction, or other goods producing [1]. But, of these “goods producing” workers, a significant number are also engaged in service delivery. For example, many workers within manufac- turing enterprises provide support or aftermarket services to users of their products (e.g., training, troubleshooting, or maintenance). Further, and perhaps more significantly, “goods producing” workers include internal support pro- viders that deliver value to customers inside the firm. These workers are positioned in various departments such as finance, marketing, engineering, human resources, or information technology. “Service Science” is an emerging academic discipline created in response to the need for organizations (busi- ++ness, industry, non-profits, government, healthcare, etc.) to better understand how to create, manage, and im- prove services for the benefit of consumers, internal enti- ties, and external partners [2]. The research reported in this article was an effort to contribute to the field of ser- vice science by studying the structure of services from a process-oriented perspective derived from lean manage- ment principles. Using a database created by the analysis of 168 service processes, the goal was to determine the similarities and differences among service processes that: 1) offer various types of services, 2) deliver value to in- ternal versus external customers, 3) exist within a large versus a small or medium enterprise (SME), 4) consist of transformations that are informational versus not infor- mational, and 5) exist within manufacturing versus ser- vice industries. The results of this research should be useful to manag- ers in both manufacturing and service enterprises, and academic researchers who are concerned with service improvement and service innovation. In the remainder of this article, background is provided that includes results from prior research and recent publications that address a variety of topics within service science, including the classification of services, the management of services for internal customers, and the analysis of service process characteristics. After the research methodology is ex- plained and the resulting data are tabulated, results are described. A discussion follows that places the results in a context appropriate for management decision makers. The paper concludes with recommendations on future research directions. 2. Background Although this research does not set out to create a new classification of services, similar services are combined for purpose of analysis and therefore a review of the relevant literature is warranted. Perhaps the most popular classification scheme was offered by Schmenner [3]. This classification separates services into four types based on two characteristics: 1) the level of customer interaction 30 JOHN MALEYEFF Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM and customization, and 2) the degree of labor intensity. The resulting classification includes the following four sets of service processes (the level of interaction & cus- tomization, and the level of labor intensity is indicated for each): the service factory (low, low), the service shop (high, low), the mass service (low, high), and the profes- sional service (high, high). Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons [4] provide a set of challenges that would need to be ad- dressed by managers within each class. Examples of other classification schemes and related efforts to provide typologies for services have focused on the level of direct customer contact [5], the amount of customer involvement [6], customers’ perceptions of services [7], and the amount of customization in the service output [8]. A thorough list of articles that address the classi- fication of services is provided by Cunningham et al. [7]. Whether or not any of the various service classification schemes have enhanced the management of services is an open question. For example, Verma [9] shows that only 4 of 22 important management challenges are affected by the differences in Schmenner’s classification scheme. Then again, Silvestro et al. [10] argued that service strat- egy, control, and performance measurement would differ for professional services, service shops, and mass ser- vices. The transition from tangible goods to intangible equivalents, such as maps, videotapes, and newspapers, has also impacted the usefulness of traditional classifica- tion schemes [11]. Because the majority of the service processes studied in this research would be classified as an internal service, a review of the relevant literature is warranted. Davis [12] defined internal service operations as “behind-the-scenes routines, procedures, and activities that provide the nec- essary support to the company’s more visible functions.” With effects that are often hidden from the view of senior managers, internal services are often the first to be affected by downsizing or outsourcing [13]. The fact that internal service departments sometimes display an attitude that suggests superiority or independence can make them un- sympathetic victims within the corporate structure [14]. Research has shown that external customer satisfaction is enhanced by improved internal customer satisfaction [15]. It has been suggested, however, that many organi- zations are not equipped to understand how to deal with the challenges associated with internal service manage- ment [16]. Without a common understanding of how an internal service operates, mistakes are common. For ex- ample, technology is often implemented without an un- derstanding of the associated implications [17]. Similarly, an accountant may create budgets that motivate subopti- mal behavior due to arbitrary cost allocation schemes [18]. Johnston [15] argues that inadequate attention on internal services. He reported that, in the three major ser- vice journals between 1996 and 2006, only 8% of articles dealt with research into internal services. The majority of the services analyzed in this research would be classified as a professional service based on Schmenner’s scheme. But, it has been suggested that lit- tle agreement exists regarding the definition of a profes- sional service [19]. A definition suggested by Harte and Dale [20], who define a professional service as consisting of “intangible outputs, with qualitative rather than quan- titative criteria being the main measures for customer satisfaction, high buyer-interaction levels and lack of heterogeneity,” would appear to characterize professional services studied in this research. Professional services are also commonly associated with characteristics such as “specialist knowledge, autonomy, altruism, self-regulation, and a high degree of participation and customization” [21]. Laing and Lian [22] suggest a classification of profes- sional services based on the level of inter-organizational relationships, ranging from almost transactional to a fully integrated. Hausman [23] showed that customer relation- ships were more important than the professional compe- tence of service providers. Similarly, Day and Barksdale [24] suggest that service providers’ understanding of client needs and their communication skills are the main determinants of quality for clients of architectural and engineering firms. And, Ojasalo [25] provides a list of ten characteristics of a professional service based on an extensive literature review. Characteristics such as “a high degree of customer uncertainty” and “affected by characteristics of information”, as well as “a prob- lem-solving approach” are notably present in the list. Finally, various mechanisms that weaken customer rela- tionships in professional services have been studied by Ǻ kerlund [26]. In this research, the approach to organizing service processes to explore their underlying characteristics made use of lean management principles [27]. In particular, each transaction within the process is described as being value-added (a task that the customer cannot do or wishes not to do) or non-value-added (other tasks or activities such as inspecting work, moving documents from one department not to another, or various forms of delays). All non-value-added activities would be inherently wasteful, although some may be necessary in the short term due to the structure of the service process (e.g., a delay caused by moving documents from one department to another is necessary if the departments are not co-located). The use of a lean management approach is motivated by a desire to organize service processes so that groups are created that are likely to make use of similar im- provement or innovation approaches. To make an anal- ogy to manufacturing, an effort to reduce the setup time for a drilling process may not be concerned with the overall volume of production. Similarly, in a service, an effort to reduce errors during an information handoff may not be concerned with the whether or not the service offering was standard or customized. An example that illustrates the benefits of this approach is a hospital trauma team that learned how to improve the treatment of emergency patients by studying pit crews at automobile races [28]. JOHN MALEYEFF 31 Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM A qualitative study concluded that services delivered by organizations whose customers were other businesses were similar in structure to those services delivered by organizations whose customers were consumers [15]. But important differences have been reported between ser- vices for internal customers and those for external cus- tomers. These differences include the lack of choice pro- vided to internal customers [29], limited empathy be- tween service providers and internal customers [30], and inter-departmental dynamics that often lead to misunder- standings of priorities [31]. 3. Methodology A total of 168 service systems were included in this study. Each service system was analyzed by a professional em- ployee of the organization who was very familiar with the activities associated with the delivery of the service and had access to customers of the service. Most of the ser- vices were primarily for internal customers, but many served primarily external customers, and some served both internal and external customers in about equal measure. No single analyst studied more than one service. All of the analysts were enrolled in a part-time graduate management program on the Hartford, Connecticut cam- pus of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in a three-credit course called Service Operations Management. The 168 service systems did not constitute a random sample nor were they carefully selected in a controlled experiment. However, the range of firms represented and the services chosen was broad, albeit biased due to the disproportionate number of scientists and engineers in the student body. Sixty-three different enterprises were rep- resented. One large corporation dominated the group, constituting 52 of the 168 services. For each service system, the analyst was asked to per- form a comprehensive study of its structure (by creating a process map or flowchart to illustrate how the various activities interact to provide the service), identify cus- tomers as either internal or external (or both), ask several customers to list strengths and weaknesses of the process, and list key performance dimensions important to cus- tomers. The resulting reports followed a standard tem- plate that allowed for easy tabulation of key results. A database was created to capture important data re- lated to each service process. It includes, for each service: the name of the enterprise within which the service took place (these data were not available for 8 services), the size of the enterprise (classified as a large enterprise or a SME), the type of enterprise-manufacturing or service (these data were not available for 10 services), a brief description of the process, the number of employees di- rectly involved with service delivery (these data were not available for 104 services), the number of departments or functions directly involved with service delivery, the primary type of customer (classified as internal, external, or both), and an indication of whether or not information was the key service transformation. The data were placed into a MINITAB worksheet in preparation for tabulation and statistical analysis. 4. Service Process Types While studying the 168 reports, it became apparent that a finite number of specific types of value-added activities took place, most involving informational transformations. While listing these activities, it was clear that many seem- ingly dissimilar service possesses consisted of similar sets of transformations (e.g., an audit to determine if a worker is following standard protocol and the testing of a material to determine if it meets specifications both involve evalua- tion of actual performance and comparison to a standard). An exhaustive qualitative analysis of the 168 service processes resulted in the classification of six service process types. This set should not be considered compre- hensive because the sample of services was not random. It would, however, serve to create an effective analysis structure for this research. Table 1 shows the six service process types, along with examples of each type and the number of occurrences of each type in the database. Most of the service process types would be classified as a professional service using Schmenner’s classification scheme, because they have high levels of both customi- zation and customer contact. In most cases, however, employees delivering a service did not hold strong alle- giance to their professions as would, for example, law- yers or physicians. One type that would not always oper- ate as a professional service would be “gathering,” the collection and reporting of information that is often dis- seminated to a wide variety of customers and not always customized for each customer’s use. In these cases, the service would be classified as a mass service. A few other examples of services that would not be classified as a pro- fessional service would be found in each type. Table 1. Service process types Type Description Examples No. Trouble- shooting Solves a customer’s problem IT help desk Parts return Root cause investigation Complains handling 26 Gathering (and sub- sequent document- ing) Provides instruc tions or summarizes informa- tion for use by others Installation instructions Maintenance guidelines Accounting statements Accident reporting Environmental Compliance 21 Evaluation Determine whether or not a specification or a standard is met Auditing Design change Laboratory testing Part inspection Bill payment 38 Analysis Determine if re sources should be allocated for a requested purpose Proposal writing Sales quoting Data analysis New business analysis 20 Planning Planning, track ing, and controlling pro jects and other activities Software integration Project management Metric tracking Employee orientation Recruitment 40 Consulta- tion Provide specific exper- tise to assist customers Tool design Forecasting Software development Supplier selection Logistic support 23 32 JOHN MALEYEFF Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM Table 2. Summary of results by service type Service Type (No.) Internal Only External Only Internal & External Average # Functions Median # Employees Information Delivery Troubleshooting (26) 38% 46% 16% 4.6 10.0 85% Gathering (21) 86% 10% 4% 4.5 10.0 100% Evaluation (38) 79% 13% 8% 4.8 16.0 100% Analysis (20) 70% 20% 10% 5.9 14.0 100% Planning (40) 65% 20% 15% 5.3 20.0 83% Consultation (23) 56% 30% 14% 5.0 8.0 83% Overall (168) 66% 23% 11% 5.0 12.0 91% 5. Analysis & Results Table 2 lists, by type, the percentage of services with primarily internal customers, the percentage of services with primarily external customers, the percentage of ser- vices for both internal and external customers, the aver- age number of organizational functions (e.g., internal departments) directly involved with the delivery of the service, the median number of employees directly in- volved in the delivery of the service, and the percentage of services whose transformations were informational. For the results reported in this section, details on the sta- tistical routines are included in the Appendix. 5.1 Most Services Served Internal Customers Table 2 shows that about two-thirds of services had only internal customers and less than one-fourth of the ser- vices had only external customers. The prevalence of services for internal customers was relatively high for all service types, but there was a significant difference in their prevalence across service types (p=0.005). Specifi- cally, the prevalence of services for internal customers was lower for troubleshooting services. With this cate- gory removed, no difference was evident across the ser- vice types in the prevalence of services for internal cus- tomers (p=0.169). 5.2 Services Consist of Inter-Departmental Proc- ess Flows Table 2 shows that the number of functions (i.e., depart- ments) involved directly with delivering the service av- eraged 5.0 functions. And, there was no significant dif- ference in the number of functions across service types (p=0.684). Similarly, the median number of employees directly involved with delivering the service was 12.0, and there was no significantly difference in the number of employees across service types (p=0.745). Figure 1 pro- vides the distribution of the number of functions that par- ticipate in delivering each service. It appears to be very likely that a service process will cross more than a few departmental lines within an enterprise. 5.3 Information Transformations were Dominant Table 2 shows that a predominance of informational transformations took place, although some variation ex- isted across service types (p=0.012). The gathering, evaluation, and analysis service types all consisted exclu- sively of services that provide information. But, well over 80% of services classified as troubleshooting, planning, and consultation also consisted of informational trans- formations. Examples of cases where information was not the main transformation included the coordination of part’s receipt from vendors, the repair of a mechanical device, and the dispensing of drugs by a pharmacy. In all of these services, however, information was an important secondary output that needs to be managed effectively. 5.4 Services for Internal Customers are Similar to Services for External Customers Table 3 shows that, when comparing services meant for internal customers with those meant for external custom- ers, no differences were found in three key characteristics. First, there was no difference in the number of functions involved in service delivery (p=0.470). Second, there was no difference in the number of employees involved in service delivery (p=0.653). And third, there was no dif- ference in the prevalence of information related services (p=0.522). Number of Functions Frequency 242220181614121086420 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 1. Distribution for number of functions delivering a service Table 3. Summary of results by customer Customer (No.) Average # Functions Median # Employees Information Delivery Internal (111) 5.2 14.0 93% External (38) 4.6 10.0 87% Both (19) 4.7 12.0 89% Overall (168) 5.0 12.0 91% JOHN MALEYEFF 33 Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM 5.5 Manufacturing and Service Enterprises Pro- vide Similar Services When comparing services found in manufacturing enter- prises with those found in service enterprises, the mix of service types was similar (p=0.663). Table 4 shows that no differences were evident in four key characteristics. First, there was no difference in the mix of customers (p=0.258). Second, there was no difference in the number of functions involved in service delivery (p=0.124). Third, there was no difference in the number of employees in- volved in service delivery (p=0.344). And fourth, there was no difference in the prevalence of information re- lated services (p=0.692). 5.6 Large Enterprises and SME’s Provide Ser- vices with Some Differences When comparing services found in large enterprises with those found in a SME, the mix of service types within the enterprises was similar (p=0.167). Table 5 shows that services found within large enterprises were more likely to have primarily internal customers (p=0.003). But, when comparing services in a large enterprise to services in a SME, no differences were evident in three other key characteristics. First, there was no difference in the num- ber of functions involved in service delivery (p=0.329). Second, there was no difference in the number of em- ployees involved in service delivery (p=0.228). And third, there was no difference in the prevalence of information related services (p=0.756). The results of the analysis of enterprise size were re- peated when analyzing data for the large corporation that was disproportionately represented in the sample of ser- vices, with one exception. This exception was that, within this corporation, more employees were involved with the delivery of a service (p=0.001). Specifically, the median number of employees delivering the service was 40 ver- sus a median of 10 for other organizations. This result may be of interest, because the large corporation operates with a rigorous “standard work” policy that could result in tasks that were easily performed by more than a select few individuals. 5.7 Services with Information Transformations May be Similar to Other Services Table 6 shows that, when comparing the many services that consisted of an informational transformation with the few services that consisted of another type of transforma- tion, no differences were evident in the number of func- tions involved in service delivery or in the number of employees involved in service delivery. These results should not be considered conclusive, because only 15 of the services involving deliverables other than information. 6. Discussion The study of services, and in particular the field of ser- vice science, may have greater relevance than conven- tional wisdom would dictate. For example, the results detailed above have implications for managers of both manufacturing and services enterprises because few critical differences exist in services found within manu- facturing and service enterprises. Perhaps Albrecht [30] was correct in suggesting that the manufacturing-service distinction is becoming blurred and that “the only real distinction anymore is the relative proportion of tangible and intangible value sold and delivered.” In addition, services delivered to either internal or external customers, as well as those found in any size organization, possess more similarities than differences. Table 4. Summary of results by enterprise focus Enterprise Focus (No.) Internal Only External Only Internal & External Average # Functions Median # Employees Information Delivery Manufacturing (87) 71% 17% 12% 5.3 14.5 92% Services (71) 62% 28% 10% 4.7 10.0 90% Overall (158) 66% 23% 11% 5.0 12.0 91% Table 5. Summary of results by enterprise size Enterprise Size (No.) Internal Only External Only Internal & External Average # Functions Median # Employees Information Delivery Large (118) 74% 16% 10% 5.2 15.0 92% Small/Medium (40) 48% 40% 12% 4.8 8.0 90% Overall (158) 66% 23% 11% 5.0 12.0 91% Table 6. Summary of results by transformation Transformation (No.) Internal Only External Only Internal & External Average # Functions Median # Employees Informational (153) 67% 22% 11% 5.0 12.0 Other (15) 53% 33% 14% 4.8 5.0 Overall (168) 66% 23% 11% 5.0 12.0 34 JOHN MALEYEFF Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM The results also provide some insight into special or- ganizationally-based challenges in service improvement and service innovation. Given the average of 5 functions per service process, it is likely that change efforts would be hampered by ownership confusion, lack of commit- ment, competing reward systems, and other organiza- tional barriers. Further, an individual manager’s motiva- tion to improve a service may be affected by the rela- tively few employees within each department that take part in the delivery of each service that flows through that department (roughly 2 employees per department). Strong leadership is necessary to overcome organizational barri- ers and bring cross-functional teams together for im- proving processes. The predominance of information transformations in all service types is an important aspect of service im- provement and innovation. The importance of informa- tion transformations in internal services has been noted previously by Maleyeff [32]. He also offered suggestions on the types of actions that managers should take, in- cluding a recommendation to focus improvement efforts on controlling the important information rather than the physical manifestations of information (documents, blue- prints, and other tangible forms of service output). The abil- ity to understand and control information flow would ap- pear to be an important skill for managers of any service. 7. Conclusions & Future Work It would be a mistake to consider the applications within service science to be limited to the service industry. Ser- vice processes have similar characteristics, regardless of whether they exist within manufacturing enterprises or service enterprises, and regardless of whether or not the customer is internal or external. Further, with the confir- mation that service processes can be expected to flow through more than a few departments within an enterprise, perhaps the most important field within the multidisci- plinary umbrella of service science is organizational be- havior. It appears that service processes share a number of common characteristics that should interest researchers and practitioners in this field. Many suggestions may be offered for extending this research. An improved service classification scheme, specifically designed to compliment service improvement and innovation efforts, may be useful. A more thorough and far reaching analysis of the specific value-added tasks that make up service processes could lead to a bet- ter understanding of how to modularize efforts at im- provement and innovation. That is, perhaps researchers can help find approaches to solve certain problems that have universal rather than local application. It would also be interesting to determine if the results found here would be repeated within a more robust sample of services. Fi- nally, studies of how customer satisfaction is affected by service process characteristics would be helpful. For ex- ample, for the large corporation that disproportionately represented the sample studied in this research, does their “standard work” policy translate to higher levels of satis- faction compared with similar enterprises that allow for more flexibility in service delivery? 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In all of the cases analyzed and reported in this article, homogeneity was confirmed and the resulting residuals were found to be normally distributed with a common variance. A transformation to the natural log of the number of functions was necessary to ensure normality of residuals. Mood’s median test was used for analyses to determine if a certain characteristic (e.g., enterprise size, service type) affected the number of employees involved directly in delivering the service (a one-way ANOVA was not used because the distribution of the number of employees was highly skewed and a few outliers existed). For analyses to determine if a certain characteristic (e.g., enter- prise size, service type) affected a binary variable (e.g., internal or external customer, informational or not informa- tional), a two-sample hypothesis test for proportions was used. Chi-square hypothesis tests were used for analyses to determine if differences in the service types affected a cer- tain binary variable (e.g., prevalence of internal customers, prevalence of informational transformations). (Edited by Vivian and Ann) |