system, it can be concluded that the use of CR system is
cost beneficial when compared to film based system.
5. Conclusion
For the years starting from 2008 to 2012, the average
value of the net difference between the costs and benefits
for the conventional film based system is −83.38 where
as for the CR System it is 22.06. Based on the principles
of Cost Benefit Analysis it can be concluded that the
system with a net positive difference is more cost benefi-
cial than the other. Apart from the initial cost of the CR
System, based on the data collected from the center a
total of 581566 images were produced with the total cost
incurred using film based system being USD 4,652,528.
If the same number of images were produced using a CR
system the total cost incurred would have been USD
82,600. Taking into consideration the cost of a new CR
system to be USD 120,000, the overall cost for producing
the images is USD 202,600. It is observed that an amount
of USD 4,449,928 could have been saved over the period
of 5 years starting from 2008 to 2012 (up to June) by
using the CR system at BMC. With the help of the above
two analysis it can be concluded that the use of computed
radiography is definitely more cost effective for use at
BMC, when compared to the conventional x-ray radio-
graphy. Considering the fact that center’s staff is well
trained in using the CR system, it is economical to use
this system with respect to the operational and recurring
costs when compared to the conventional x-ray film ra-
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