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![]() Communications and Network, 2010, 2, 183-186 doi:10.4236/cn.2010.23026 Published Online August 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN An Introduction to RFID Technology Sanjay Ahuja, Pavan Potti School of Computing, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida E-mail: {sahuja, pavan.potti} Received March 7, 2010; revised July 2, 2010; accepted July 30, 2010 Abstract RFID technology emerged some time back and was not used that much because of lack of standardization and high costs. Latest technologies have brought costs down and standards are being developed. Today RFID is mostly used as a medium for numerous tasks including managing supply chains, tracking livestock, preventing counterfeiting, controlling building access, and supporting automated checkout. The use of RFID is limited by security concerns and delays in standardization. This paper describes RFID technology and its applications in today’s world. Keywords: RFID, RFID Applications 1. Introduction According to Roy Want in [1], “Radio Frequency Identi- fication Technology (RFID) has moved from obscurity into main stream applications that help speed the handling of manufactured goods and materials”. Barcode is still the dominant player in supply chain industries and departmental stores. However RFID is replacing barcode technology and enjoys the major advantage of being independent of line of sight problems and scanning the objects from a distance. It offers the promise of reduced labor levels, enhanced visibility, and improved inventory management. Walmart has been one of the leaders in the large scale adoption of RFID technology [1, 2]. RFID tags have a memory capacity of 16 - 64 Kbytes which is far more than the barcodes (1 - 100 bytes) [3] and can store additional data such as manufacturer name and product specifications. The initial step of RFID was during World War II, when the British used it to identify whether planes belonged to “friend or foe”. Some technical problems resulted in the gunning down of allied planes and since then the use of RFID was limited to Defense and armed forces industries due to the cost factors. New advance- ments in science and technology have enabled usage in commercial applications. Large institutions, such as the US Department of Defense, have since implemented RFID which is now spreading to other organizations and industries [1]. Walmart is the second biggest user of RFID and investing significant resources to develop its applications. Security problems still prevailing about RFID technology is the fear that people can easily build RFID readers with lower costs and can read data from an RFID chip without knowledge and maybe even alter the data. For example, someone could use the RFID reader on an inexpensive product and upload the data to a chip that is on an expen- sive product, thereby getting the latter for a lower price. Another example is about retrieving data from unsecured RFID enabled mobiles. RFID advantages can be briefly explained as follows: Reader can read and write data to RFID tags with out direct contact and no line of sight problem. Data from the multiple RFID tags are accessed by the reader by radio waves. No maintenance costs; RFID can work under different environments and can be used effectively for over 10 years. Fast read and write with the time taken for read/write being a few milliseconds. Modern RFID tags are made with very good memory capacities ranging from 16 - 64 Kbytes which is many times more than a typical barcode. RFID tags can work with GPRS and has been used for tracking. RFID tags can also integrate with other technologies. For example, it is used with wireless sensor net- works for better connectivity. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. RFID principles are discussed in Section 2, Section 3 discusses RFID applications, and Section 4 discusses RFID security and technical solutions. Conclusions are listed in Section 5. ![]() S. AHUJA ET AL. 184 2. RFID Principles Different types of RFID tags exist, but are broadly classified as active or passive. An active tag requires a power source and is either connected to a powered de- vice or to a battery and is often limited by the lifetime of its source. Being dependent on a powered source puts limitations on Active RFID tags. Cost, size, lifetime make them impractical for regular use. On the other side, Passive RFID is of interest because of the fact they are independent of power source and maintenance. Passive RFID also have advantages of long life and being small enough to fit into a practical adhesive label. Hence passive RFID tags are used for many applications and this paper focuses more on passive RFID tags. A passive RFID tag consists of mainly three parts: an an- tenna, a semiconductor chip attached to the antenna, and some encapsulation to protect the tag from the environ- ment. As explained before, passive RFID tags don’t carry any powered device and became active only upon expo- sure to external energy. The RFID reader does the work for activating and communicating with the tag. The passive RFID tag antenna captures energy from the reader and is responsible for communicating the data between tag and reader. Roy Want states in [1], “Two fundamentally different RFID design approaches exist for transferring power from the reader to the tag: magnetic induction and electromagnetic (EM wave capture). These two designs take advantage of the EM properties associated with an RF Antenna – the near field and the far field”. Both technologies can transfer enough power to a remote tag, usually the power levels will be in the range of 10μW and 1 mW which is very minimal when compared to regular Intel 4 processor power levels 50W. Near-field is the most common approach used for implementing passive RFIDs, and used for near range communications. It has the physical limitations of range. The range of communication of near field technology depends upon the formula c/2Пef where c is the speed of light and f is the frequency. It has the limitation that frequency of operation increases as the distance decreases. One more limitation is the energy available for induction as a func- tion of distance. These physical limitations have led to far field communication and far field communications depend upon backscattering. 3. Applications of RFID RFID applications are very broad and open in nature. First we discuss daily use applications followed by a case study. RFID is used as a medium for numerous tasks including managing supply chains, tracking livestock, preventing counterfeiting, controlling building access, supporting automated checkout etc. RFID is also used as a means of providing security to differentiate pirated copies of video and audio discs by sticking RFID stickers to the discs. Another widely popular example for RFID application is RFID based toll gates. Electronic payment of toll collecting using E-ZPass is a wide spread application. E-ZPass tags are RFID transponders attached to the car license plate and sends account information to the equipment built into lane-based or open toll collection lanes. The toll system will charge from a pre-entered credit card or sends a check. A latest enhancement to this technology is sending the bill details instantly to the user’s mobile phone. And this technique is also used to track stolen cars and other vehicles by police departments with the use of GPRS and RFID. Another popular application of RFID is in animal tracking. Using RFID tags to track animals is not a new application, but it has evolved from the usage of detecting of missed cattle to the tracking of its movements and behavior. The RFID tags are even used to control out- breaks of animal diseases. Today technology has trans- formed into human implantation of RFID tags. RFID based wristbands and clothes embedded with RFID tags are used to track prisoners. The RFID tags are also used in the health care industry; an RFID tag is used to store the patient’s medical history. RFID tag is scanned each time to know the developments and changes of the patient’s health condition and medi- cation. RFID tags are often used for medical transactions. RFID tags can also be used in airline industry to track the baggage of the passengers [4]. Walmart is conducting trials to explore a cart integrated with an RFID reader and a wireless mobile computer authorized to make payments as customers add items to the cart. The system displays prices and then authorizes a batch payment when the customer finishes shopping. If a customers RFID mobile is also tuned with credit details, the pay- ment is also done electronically. Bluetooth is one potential option for providing connectivity, but its usage is hindered by the time it consumes for device discovery and service discovery processes [5]. Salminen et al in [5] used RFID technology to enhance Bluetooth connection establishment and com- pared the results with and without using RFID and showed that their approach dramatically increase the performance. Even though Bluetooth is one of the leading means of communicating between devices, the limiting factor for it is the time it takes for device discovery process. And when the user is looking for a specific ser- vice offered by other Bluetooth enabled devices it takes more time and is often unnecessary. So the work in [5] authors suggests that the RFID system be used to as a means to initiate a Bluetooth communication channel between the user’s terminal and the services in the en- vironment. Establishing connection between two Blue- tooth devices is a two step process. The first step is to search for the devices in its neighborhood called Device Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN ![]() S. AHUJA ET AL.185 Discovery, and the second step is to look for the available services and their characteristics called Service Discovery. So to decrease the time of communication, Salminen at al in [5] the stored address and the attributes of the pro- vided service in RFID tags so that the Bluetooth con- necting device is quickly aware of the services offered by other devices. A typical Bluetooth device takes about 10.24 seconds for connecting with other Bluetooth enabled devices and some times it exceeds that time with multiple Bluetooth devices in the environment. Com- pared with Bluetooth, RFID takes only a few milliseconds for communication which is much faster. Another research area for RFID is in the field of Wireless Sensor networks which are a mixture of both sensors and RFID tags and are used for better connectivity and communica- tion [6]. RFID is also used for Activity Recognition and Visual Tracking [7]. 4. RFID Security and Technical Solutions 4.1. RFID Security The major and primary security concern of RFID is that anyone can access the RFID data because there is no line of sight problem and be able to gather data. In addition, people are cloning RFID tags and using them just as the way it was done for credit cards before. Preventing effective cloning of RFID tags is still an open and challenging problem. Criminals with RFID readers could scan crowds for high-value banknotes. And terrorists could scan digital passports to target specific nationalities. Currently the research is on-going on RFID malware [8]. RFID malware can be grouped into three distinct categories: exploits, worms, and viruses. RFID exploits are traditional hacking attacks that are identical to those found on the Internet like buffer overflows, code inser- tion, and SQL injection attacks. RFID worms and viruses are simply RFID exploits that copy the original exploit code to newly appearing RFID tags. The main difference between the two is that RFID worms rely on network connections whereas RFID viruses do not. 4.2. Technical Solutions One of the problems of RFID tags is that customers often forget to remove the tags from clothes after purchase and this gives the chance of tracking customers. The better solution is to use EPC kill command as a pro-privacy technology after selling the products. Another alternative to prevent leaking of data from RFID tags is the use of cryptography as measure of privacy. This in turn results in an additional problem of key management and the level of encryption standards and its cost. A different approach is using Tag passwords so that a tag could emit important information only if receives the right password. The dilemma is in the reader having to know the tag identity. Another solution is using a timer based mecha- nism that the causes the tag to change the password periodically with a predefined mechanism. Another solu- tion is the use of Blocker tags, i.e. using two tags and blocker tag creates an RF environment that is hostile to RFID readers. But a simple and effective solution to prevent leakage of data from RFID tags is differentiating the reader with their energy levels. This was based on assumption that criminals will maintain more distance than valid RFID readers and the power levels will be different. For details on RFID security protocols, readers are referred to [9,10]. 5. Conclusions RFID is still in a developing phase and more is in the pipeline in terms of new applications. Among applica- tions already developed, RFID tags are being used in clothing for billing and security purposes. RFID tags are embedded inside animals for tracking purposes. RFID tags embedded in uniforms can be used to know the number of hours an employee spends to complete a par- ticular task. There are several associations that are pro- testing against the use of RFID to track people fearing the impact on people’s social life and privacy. Clearly the extent to which use RFID is to be used is still an open debate. A lot of research on RFID tags is ongoing including on embedding these with other devices, especially mobile devices. RFID manufacturers and users are looking for proper standardization and regulation of RFID. As prices fall further and technological improvements con- tinue to occur, RFID technology is expected to become economically and technically more viable and impact our daily lives as more applications are developed. 6. References [1] Roy Want, “An Introduction to RFID Technology,” IEEE CS and IEEE ComSoc, Vol. 5, No. 1, Santa Clara, 2006, PP. 25-33. [2] Ron Weinstein, “RFID: A Technical Overview and Its Application to the Enterprise,” IT Professional, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 27-33. [3] Klaus Finkenzeller, “RFID Handbook,” 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ciudad Real, 2003. [4] Badri Nath, Franklin Reynolds, Roy Want, “RFID Tech- nology and Applications,” IEEE CS and IEEE ComSoc, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, pp. 22-24. [5] Timo Salminen, Simo Hosio and Jukka Riekki, “Enhanc- ing Bluetooth Connectivity with RFID,” Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN ![]() S. AHUJA ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. 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