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Communications and Network, 2010, 2, 152-161 doi:10.4236/cn.2010.23023 Published Online August 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN Compromise in CDMA Network Planning Stephen Hurley, Leigh Hodge School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK Email: Received June 7, 2010; revised August 16, 2010; accepted August 20, 2010 Abstract CDMA network planning, for example in 3G UMTS networks, is an important task whether for upgrading existing networks or planning new networks. It is a time consuming, computationally hard, task and generally requires the consideration of both downlink and uplink requirements. Simulation experiments presented here suggest that if time is a major consideration in the planning process then as a compromise only uplink needs to be considered. Keywords: CDMA, Network Planning, Optimization, Simulation 1. Introduction The past decade has seen the emergence of many compu- tational approaches for cellular network site selection, configuration and dimensioning. Many of these contribu- tions have paid attention to planning wide-area FTDMA systems such as second generation GSM where planning is generally carried out using a downlink transmission model and independent criteria for coverage and capacity, e.g [1]. A number of researchers have considered the rather more complex problem of network planning for UMTS networks. Amaldi et al ([2-5]) propose a mathematical programming model which accounts for both the uplink and downlink directions as well as for base station con- figuration issues including location, height, tilt and azimuth. To allow solutions to be sought in reasonable time, approximate solutions are sought via application of the tabu search meta-heuristic. In [6] and [7], Zhang, Yang, et al. propose a mathematical framework for UMTS network planning that considers fast power control, soft handover and pilot signal power in the uplink and down- link directions. Again, solutions are sought via the ap- plication of meta-heuristics (SA and evolutionary SA). Ben Jamaa et al. ([8,9]] propose an approach which em- ploys a multi-objective GA (MOGA) to simultaneously optimize capacity and coverage by adjusting antenna parameters and common channel transmitted powers (antenna locations fixed). A multi-objective fitness func- tion is employed which can consider objectives such as coverage, capacity and cost. The result of the MOGA is a Pareto set of non-dominated solutions. For third generation systems such as UMTS, the planning problem is significantly more complex than for FTDMA systems due to the dependency between capacity and coverage. The underlying CDMA protocol requires that on each link, a target signal to noise ratio (SNIR) is maintained, and consequently per-link power allocation is required before user service coverage and cell load can be accurately assessed. However, determining this is non-trivial as one user transmission is seen as interference by all other users, making coverage/capacity evaluation sensitive to other users. Transmission power minimization is important and the real-time UMTS system achieves this by fast power control. However for modeling pur- poses, this is costly to repeatedly simulate because all links are required to frequently re-evaluate their SNIR and adjust power accordingly. Whitaker R. M. et al describe two efficient heuristic al- gorithms that enable the evaluation of service coverage and cell loading in both the uplink and downlink direc- tions. In this paper, we investigate the application of these heuristics to the problem of cell planning for UMTS networks. The cell planning problem (CPP) is concerned with the selection of antennae from a set of candidate antennae, and the configuration of these an- tennae, such that an optimal configuration is achieved. As for the frequency assignment problem (FAP), the CPP has NP-complete computational complexity. This dictates that exact solutions to the CPP cannot be at- tained in practice. Hence we consider a meta-heuristic optimization approach. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the model and Section 3 provides a brief overview of the uplink and downlink service cov- erage/load evaluation heuristics. Section 5 outlines the S. HURLEY ET AL.153 optimization problem and the meta-heuristic employed. A number of test problems are defined in Section 5 and the results and analysis of applying our optimization ap- proaches to these problems can be seen in Section 6. 2. Model The uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) dedicated channels and the pilot signal is included in our model. Parameters are described in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 and are defined relative to the link direction under consideration. The terms cell, antenna and transmitter are used interchangeably when describing aspects of coverage. A number of candidate antenna locations are defined for a given region. A planning/optimization process is em- ployed to select and configure antennae based on defined objectives. Discrete test points from the region are used to sample service coverage. Each test point is a physical position (expressed in two dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates). Two types of test point are defined in our Table 1. Global parameters. Symbol Description W CDMA chip rate. Ri Data rate for service i. SA Set of all antennas in the working region. Sptp The set of covered pilot test points. Sstp The set of service test points. Ostp An ordering of the stp. Table 2. Uplink parameters. Symbol Description pUL xy Received power from stp x at a cell y. Iown Total received power from stp active in cell y. Ioth Total received power from stp active in cells other than y. Iy Total received power from all active stp. N Noise power seen at the antennas receiver in an empty cell. (Eb/No)* UL Target threshold for Eb/No ratio at an stp for the dedicated UL channel (service dependent). ηUL,y Uplink load at cell y. Table 3. Downlink parameters. Symbol Description Iown Total power received from serving cell (all links and pilot). Ioth Total power received from all cells other than the serving cell. α Orthogonality Factor. Pn Noise power (thermal and equipment) seen at a test point. pDL xy Power allocated by cell y for stp x as received at stp x. ppilot xy Pilot power from cell y as received at stp x. (Ec/Io)pilot Target threshold for pilot Ec/Io ratio. (Eb/No)* UL Target threshold for Eb/No ratio at an stp for a dedicated DL channel (service dependent). ηDL,y Downlink load at cell y. PtxTotaly Total of allocated transmit powers in cell y. Ptxmaxy Maximum transmit capability of cell y. ηpilot,y Proportion of Ptxmaxy allocated for pilot signal at cell y. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL. 154 model: service test points (stp) and pilot test points (ptp). The ptp are used to assess pilot signal quality. At an stp, quality of both UL and DL dedicated channels are as sessed for a particular service, which is defined prior to evaluation. 2.1. Test Point Coverage and Cell Load The pilot signal is transmitted at a proportion pilot,y of the maximum cell power. A ptp x is served by antenna y when the received energy per chip relative to the total spectral density Ec/Io at least meets the target Ec/Iopilot. Letting Iy = Iown + Ioth, then x is served if and only if: pilot xy co p ilot y pE/I N+I (1) An stp is covered in a particular link direction if energy per bit relative to spectral noise density (Eb/No) at least meets the required target threshold. For an stp x connected to antenna y, x is UL covered if and only if: UL * xy UL iy xy p WEb/No RI pN (2) In the downlink, for an stp x and serving antenna y, x is DL cover ed if and only if: DL * xy D L iown othn p WEb/No RI (1-α)+I +p (3) There are various ways in which cell loading can be assessed. Wideband power-based measurement is used in this model because it directly identifies the resources being allocated. The downlink load at cell y is estimated by: y DL,y y PtxTotal η=Ptxmax (4) while the uplink load at cell y is estimated by: y UL,y y I η= I +N (5) Note that a ptp’s ability to be served depends on downlink cell load. Consequently a ptp is covered if and only if it is served when all cells y are operating at max- imum permitted downlink load . Covered ptp can see the pilot signal independent of traffic and are collec- tively denoted Sptp. max DL ,y To ensure that an stp can see the pilot signal, it is required that Sstp Sptp. A list Ostp of the set Sstp is also required to specify the order in which stp are prioritized for admission. The ordering is defined based on the received signal strength from the best serving antenna with those with the strongest signal given priority. 3. Evaluation Heuristics Calculating off-line transmission power for target Eb/No attainment on a link requires knowledge of interference levels or equivalently cell loads. However, interference/cell loads depend on per-link transmission powers. This dependency has led to the analytical characterization of the problem [11]. We employ an algorithmic approach which initially over-estimates interference/cell loading and then uses a feedback mechanism to iteratively update and reduce the conservative error. When this feedback mechanism is applied, the heuristic can converge to a state where inaccuracy in power allocation and cell loading is negligible. From this, stp coverage and cell loads can be directly obtained. Detailed discussion of the uplink and downlink evalu- ation heuristics used here can be found in [10]. 4. Optimization Problem It is assumed that for optimization, the objective is to select/activate and configure (where appropriate) a subset of antennae from the set of candidate antennae such that coverage is maximized for a specified number of active transmitters. After experimentation with a number of meta-heuristics it was determined that tabu search (TS) was the most effective approach for this optimization problem. The TS algorithm employed is summarized in Figure 1. A detailed description of the TS meta-heuristic can be found in [12]. The operation of our tabu search approach can be cha- racterized by the following components: starting con- figuration; moves; evaluation type and cost function. 4.1. Starting Configuration The starting configuration can impact on the final con- figuration achieved by the TS. Having investigated a number of starting configurations (i.e., all transmitters inactive, all transmitters active, random transmitters active and Halton configuration - approximately random uniformly distributed) it has been shown that whilst the Generate starting configuration. Evaluate cost of starting configuration. Set best_cost_so_far = 0. Initialise memory structures. FOR i = 0 to max_iteratations DO Evaluate all possible moves. Sort moves on cost (prioritization). Accept first move where move is non-tabu or is tabu but meets aspiration criteria. Update memory structures. IF cost of configuration after move improves upon best_cost_so_far THEN Set best_configuration = current configuration. Set best_cost_so_far = cost of current configuration. END IF END FOR Figure 1. Generic tabu search algorithm Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL.155 effectiveness of each starting configuration is dependent on the problem scenario and other parameter settings, starting with all transmitters inactive leads to the best solutions in general. 4.2. Moves A range of different moves are employed by the TS. At each iteration of the TS, the impact of each of the available moves is evaluated by applying the move to each candidate antenna in order to determine the best possible move at that instance. The quality of each move is determined by the cost function. A range of moves have been imple- mented from which a subset of moves can be selected for evaluation: • Activate an inactive transmitter i.e. make operational. • Deactivate an active transmitter i.e. shut down. • Swap transmitters: • Deactivate an active transmitter and activate a randomly selected inactive transmitter . • Activate an inactive transmitter and deactivate a randomly selected active transmitter . • Determine the best azimuth for a transmitter - the azimuth for a given transmitter is varied (controlled by azimuth_increment) such that all available azimuth configurations in the sector are evaluated. The configuration with the best cost can then be determined. • Determine the best tilt for a transmitter - the tilt for a given transmitter is varied (controlled by tilt_increment) such that all available tilt configurations in the range tilt_max to tilt_min are are evaluated. The configuration with the best cost can then be determined. 4.3. Evaluation Type When evaluating moves, cost functions are employed in conjunction with an evaluation type. The evaluation type defines the evaluation heuristic used to determine service (i.e. uplink or downlink evaluation heuristic) and any constraints on the feedback mechanism employed to determine total load. In its least constrained form the iterative feedback mechanism repeats until the variation in the load is less than a predefined threshold. Iterating to convergence may require much iteration. This is time consuming and additional iterations achieve decreasing returns. As a result, in order to achieve an acceptable runtime for the TS (which need to perform large numbers of evaluations) the number of feedback iterations is con- strained when employed for evaluating moves, only run- ning to convergence for the final TS solution. 4.4. Cost Function TS requires that a cost is associated with problem con- figurations such that an optimal or near optimal con- figuration can be sought. A weighted cost function is employed to enable the following objectives to be con- sidered: 1) Meet the constraint on the number of transmitters. 2) Maximise coverage. 3) Favour configurations with lower total loads. The tabu search seeks to minimize the total cost of a configuration, defined as: total_cost = (covg_cost *wc ) + (actv_cost * wa) + (ld_cost * wl) (6) where wc, wa and wl are weightings for coverage cost, active cost and load cost respectively. Coverage cost is defined as covg_cost = 100 – coverage (7) where coverage is the percentage of stp that are covered in the downlink or uplink direction. Active cost is defined as actv_cost = trans_thrs – active_trans (8) where trans_thrs is the desired number of active trans- mitters and active_trans is the number of active trans- mitters. Load cost is defined as ld_cost = ηDL (9) for all active transmitters in the downlink direction and ld_cost = ηUL (10) for all active transmitters in the uplink direction. It should be noted that as some objectives are competing (e.g. coverage and total load) it may not be possible to determine the configuration which exhibits the optimal trade-off between objectives. This would require a more complex (and time consuming) multi-objective approach. 5. Experimentation The purpose of experimentation is to compare the per- formance of network configurations generated using up- link and downlink evaluation heuristics. Performing optimization for both link directions is time consuming. Consequently, it would be useful if we could identify an optimization configuration that provides a good trade-off between optimizing for uplink and for downlink, i.e., a single approach that produces network configurations that perform well in both link directions. Whilst this trade-off may not be acceptable when producing final configurations, it could be beneficial in preliminary stages of network planning where some accuracy can be traded for the decreased evaluation time associated with optimizing for a single link direction. 5.1. Test Problems All experiments consider a 3km x 3km transmission re- gion containing 36 directional candidate antennae lo- Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN 156 • DL optimize and evaluate configuration for DL and UL percentage coverage/service, and load. cated at 12 uniformly distributed sites. Eight different problem scenarios have been considered as summarized in Table 4. Each scenario consists of a number of uni- formly distributed stp with defined service requirements. Different scenarios have been generated by varying the number of stp considered and the distribution of services over these stp. Scenarios 5a, 5b and 5c have the same number of stp and number of stp with each service re- quirement, but a different distribution of these services over the stp. Signal attenuation is defined by the Hata path loss model. • UL optimize and evaluate configuration for DL and UL percentage coverage/service, and load. This enables us to determine how well configurations optimized in one link direction perform with respect to the opposite link direction. Further analysis is undertaken to determine: 1) Coverage Difference (’Covg Diff’ column in the tables) - the difference between uplink and downlink coverage for each instance of a problem scenario. This gives an indication of how optimizing for one link direc- tion impacts on the other. 5.2. TS Configuration 2) Maximum DL Coverage Difference (’Max DL Covg Diff’ column) - for each instance of a problem scenario the maximum percentage DL coverage (’Max % DL Covg’ column) for all optimization approaches is identified i.e. the maximum percentage DL coverage obtained from the DL or UL optimized AS or ASBTBA method. From this, the Maximum DL Coverage Difference is deter- mined (by subtracting the coverage obtained for a problem instance from the maximum percentage DL coverage value), i.e. this indicates how well an optimization ap- proach performs with respect to the best result. Conse- quently, this value gives an indication of which optimi- zation approach performs best for each problem instance, and over all problem instances (based on the mean val- ue). The tabu search was constrained to run for a maximum of 400 iterations and terminate after 50 iterations in which there is no improving move. For each scenario and evaluation heuristic, two sets of moves are employed: 1) Activate/deactivate transmitter and swap transmitter activity (AS). 2) Activate/deactivate transmitter, swap transmitter activity, best tilt and best azimuth (ASBTBA)1. These sets of moves were selected in order to investigate the impact of tuning the configuration of the antennae. 6. Results 3) Maximum UL Coverage Difference (’Max UL Covg Diff’ column) - as Maximum DL Coverage Difference, but in the uplink direction. In this section we present the results of optimization for each problem scenario. For each problem scenario, a number of problem instances are considered, each with different constraints on the maximum number of antennae allowed. Four optimization approaches are considered: 6.1. Sample Results 1) DL optimisation heuristics with AS Due to the volume of results generated from experimen- tation, only a subset of results is presented here2. For Problem 1, the results of all optimization approaches i.e. AS and ASBTBA are included (see Tables A1 to A4 in Appendix A). For other problems, the results for optimiza- tion approach ASBTBA are presented only (see Tables 2) DL optimisation heuristics with ASBTBA 3) UL optimisation heuristics with AS 4) UL optimisation heuristic with ASBTBA On completion of the TS the resulting configuration is evaluated for the opposite link direction, i.e.: Table 4. Problem scenarios. No. stp assigned per service type Scenario No. stp Pilot 12.2 kbps 64kbps144 kbps 384 kbps Total Capacity Req (kbps) 1 441 100 220 44 44 23 20,668 2 441 147 0 294 0 0 18,816 3 441 392 0 0 49 0 18,816 4 961 630 220 44 44 23 20,668 5a, 5b, 5c 961 299 440 88 88 46 41,336 6 3721 1116 1675 372 372 186 169,235 1For best tilt and best azimuth moves, an increment of 1 degree is ap- p lied. 2A complete set of results can be found in Appendix B at: S. HURLEY ET AL.157 Table 5. Analysis summary. Link Direction/ Optimisation Highest Mean DL Covg Highest Mean UL Covg Lowest Mean Covg Lowest Mean Max DL Covg Lowest Mean Max UL Covg Lowest Combined Mean Covg Method Difference Differnece Difference Difference DL AS 1 3 1 DL ASBTBA 2, 3, 4, 5a, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6 5b, 5c, 6 UL AS 3 3 2 UL ASBTBA 1,2,3,4,5a, 1, 2, 4, 5a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 1, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6 5b, 5c, 6 5b, 5c, 6 5b, 5c, 6 A5 to A18 in Appendix A) as these performs best in gen- eral (see Section 6.2). 6.2. Analysis of Results and Conclusions In order to compare the effectiveness of the different optimization approaches, we examine for each scenario which approach gives the best performance with respect to a number of metrics: 1) highest mean DL % coverage (’Highest Mean DL Covg’ column); 2) highest mean UL % coverage (’Highest Mean UL Covg’ column); 3) lowest mean coverage difference (’Lowest Mean Covg Difference’ column), i.e. for each scenario which method gives the lowest Coverage Difference value; 4) lowest mean maximum DL coverage difference (Lowest Mean Max DL Covg Difference’ column) i.e. for each scenario which method gives the lowest mean Maximum DL Coverage Difference value; 5) lowest mean maximum UL coverage difference (Lowest Mean Max UL Covg Difference’ column), i.e. as above but defined for UL, and 6) lowest combined (i.e., DL and UL) mean coverage difference (’Lowest Combined Mean Covg Difference’ column) i.e. for each scenario which method gives the lowest value when adding the maximum DL and UL coverage difference means. The results of this summary analysis can be seen in Table 5 which indicates the optimization method/ sce- nario combination that gives the best result for each of the above six metrics. As expected, the results show that including antenna configuration moves during optimiza- tion leads to increased coverage3.The results show that the DL ASBTBA optimization approach generally leads to the best downlink coverage and therefore the best i.e. lowest mean maximum DL coverage difference. Simi- larly the UL ASBTBA approach is consistently the best in terms of uplink. Furthermore UL ASBTBA leads to the best (lowest) combined mean coverage difference i.e. for scenarios 1,3,4,5a,5b,5c and 6. This indicates that although opti- mization using the UL ASBTBA approach does not lead to the best levels of downlink coverage (though it is competitive in many places as illustrated by low mean maximum DL coverage difference values) it does result in the best overall combined mean coverage difference indicating that it performs better in terms of DL coverage than DL optimization does in terms of UL coverage. As a result, where time for planning a network is limited, the experimental results presented here suggest that a com- promise in many cases is to optimize for uplink only rather than optimizing in both the uplink and downlink directions. 7. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Science Research Council. 8. References [1] S. Hurley, “Planning Effective Cellular Mobile Radio Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Cardiff, Vol. 51, No. 2, March 2002, pp 243-253. [2] E. Amaldi, A. Capone, F. Malucelli and F. Signori, “Optimization Models and Algorithms for Downlink UMTS Radio Planning,” Proceedings of Wireless Communications and Networking, Milan, Vol. 2, March 2003, pp. 827-831. [3] E. Amaldi, A. Capone, F. Malucelli and F. Signori, “A Mathematical Programming Approach for W-CDMA Radio Planning with Uplink and Downlink Constraints,” Proceedings of the Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. Vol. 2, October 2003, pp. 806-810. [4] E. Amaldi, A. Capone, F. Malucelli and F. Signori, “Radio Planning and Optimization of W-CDMA Sys- tems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Personal Wireless Communications, Vol. 2775, 2003, pp. 437-447. [5] E. Amaldi, A. Capone and F. Malucelli, “Radio Planning and Coverage Optimization of 3G Cellular Networks,” Wireless Networks, Vol. 14, No. 4, August 2008, pp. 435-447. [6] J. Zhang, J. Yang, M. E. Aydin, and J. Y. Wu, “Mathematical Modelling and Comparisons of Four Heuristic Optimization Algorithms for WCDMA Radio Network Planning,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2006, Vol. 3, June 2006, pp. 253-257. 3This is also confirmed by Amaldi et al in [2] who have also shown tha t it is preferable to simultaneously optimize antenna location and con- figuration than to do so separately. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL. 158 [7] J. Yang, M. E. Aydin, J. Zhang and C. Maple, “UMTS Base Station Location Planning: a Mathematical Model and Heuristic Optimisation Algorithms,”Communications, Vol. 1, No. 5, October 2007, pp. 1007-1014. [8] S. B. Jamaa, Z. Altman, J. M. Picard and B. Fourestie, “Multi-objective Strategies for Automatic Cell Planning of UMTS Networks,” Proceedings of the Vehicular Technology Conference, Vol. 4, May 2004, pp. 2420-2424. [9] S. B. Jamaa, Z. Altman, J. M. Picard and B. Fourestie, “Combined Coverage and Capacity Optimisation for UMTS Networks,” Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, Moulineaux June 2004, pp. 175-178. [10] R. M. Whitaker, S. Allen and S. Hurley, “Efficient Offline Coverage and Load Evaluation for CDMA Network Modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, No. 7, August 2009, pp 3704-3712. [11] L. Mendo and J. M. Hernando, “On Dimension Reduc- tion for Next Generation Microcellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions of Communications, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2001, pp. 243-248 [12] F. W. Glover and M. Laguna, “Tabu Search,” Springer, 1997. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL.159 Appendix A Table A1. Scenario 1 - DL Optimised (AS). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 97.7324 4.91592 93.424 6.92558 4.3084 97.9529 0.2205 97.5057 4.0817 13 12 96.5986 3.85497 92.9705 6.77027 3.6281 97.5057 0.9071 96.6916 3.7211 11 11 95.9184 4.51131 88.8889 5.65139 7.0295 96.6508 0.7324 93.424 4.5351 9 9 93.424 3.67729 80.7256 4.75283 12.6984 93.424 0 89.5692 8.8436 7 7 90.0227 3.61884 73.2426 4.2 16.7801 90.0227 0 85.6208 12.3782 Mean 94.73922 85.85032 8.8889 0.372 6.71194 Table A2. Scenario 1 - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 97.9529 5.45044 93.8776 6.90332 4.0753 97.9529 0 97.5057 3.6281 13 12 97.5057 5.54612 90.7029 5.94145 6.8028 97.5057 0 96.6916 5.9887 11 11 95.2381 4.56179 89.5692 5.69875 5.6689 96.6508 1.4127 93.424 3.8548 9 9 92.7438 4.30398 85.7143 4.98792 7.0295 93.424 0.6802 89.5692 3.8549 7 7 90.0227 3.69683 79.8186 3.9371 10.2041 90.0227 0 85.6208 5.8022 Mean 94.69264 87.93652 6.75612 0.41858 4.62574 Table A3. Scenario 1 - UL Optimised (AS). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 11 97.2789 4.23953 97.5057 8.27713 0.2268 97.9529 0.674 97.5057 0 13 10 95.9184 3.75661 95.6916 7.2764 0.2268 97.5057 1.5873 96.6916 1 11 11 94.7846 3.8032 93.424 6.22613 1.3606 96.6508 1.8662 93.424 0 9 9 91.61 3.14089 89.5692 5.12837 2.0408 93.424 1.814 89.5692 0 7 7 87.9819 2.88475 81.1791 4.09059 6.8028 90.0227 2.0408 85.6208 4.4417 Mean 93.51476 91.47392 2.13156 1.59646 1.08834 Table A4. Scenario 1 - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff ULCovg Covg Diff 15 12 97.5057 4.39257 97.5075 8.29146 0.0018 97.9529 0.4472 97.5075 0 13 11 96.3719 4.33431 96.6916 7.24909 0.3197 97.5057 1.1338 96.6916 0 11 9 96.6508 3.28007 93.1973 6.17624 3.4535 96.6508 0 93.424 0.2267 9 9 91.1565 2.98996 89.1156 5.4 2.0409 93.424 2.2675 89.5692 0.4536 7 7 89.1156 3.37209 85.2608 4.08703 3.8548 90.0227 0.9071 85.6208 0.36 Mean 94.1601 92.35456 1.93414 0.95112 0.20806 Table A5. Scenario 2 - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 92.0635 7.76091 91.3832 8.12563 0.6803 92.0635 0 93.424 2.0408 13 12 89.7959 6.94523 86.6213 7.26294 3.1746 89.7959 0 89.3424 2.7211 11 11 85.7143 6.02062 82.7664 6.6 2.9479 85.7143 0 83.22 0.4536 9 9 79.3651 4.92076 75.737 5.10716 3.6281 79.3651 0 77.3243 1.5873 7 7 71.4286 3.97083 68.4807 4.1063 2.9479 71.4286 0 68.9342 0.4535 Mean 83.67348 80.99772 2.67576 0 1.45126 Table A6. Scenario 2 - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 90.4762 6.80249 93.424 8.68051 2.9478 92.0635 1.5873 93.424 0 13 12 87.9819 5.60654 89.3424 7.8 1.3605 89.7959 1.814 89.3424 0 11 11 83.22 5.42435 83.22 6.48371 0 85.7143 2.4943 83.22 0 9 9 78.2313 4.23473 77.3243 5.3544 0.907 79.3651 1.1338 77.3243 0 7 7 70.9751 3.65601 68.9342 4.16268 2.0409 71.4286 0.4535 68.9342 0 Mean 82.1769 82.44898 1.45124 1.49658 0 Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL. 160 Table A7. Scenario 3 - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 98.8662 2.15203 99.5465 7.59356 0.6803 99.5465 0.6803 100 0.4535 13 12 99.093 2.55291 99.093 5.97961 0 99.093 0 99.7732 0.6802 11 10 98.6395 2.67339 98.1859 5.05613 0.4536 98.6395 0 99.093 0.9071 9 9 97.9592 3.08148 97.2789 4.58512 0.6803 97.9592 0 97.9592 0.6803 7 6 96.3719 2.44903 95.9184 3.82552 0.4535 96.5986 0.2267 96.5986 0.6802 Mean 98.18596 98.00454 0.45354 0.1814 0.68026 Table A8. Scenario 3 - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 99.3197 2.45275 100 6.94763 0.6803 99.5465 0.2268 100 0 13 11 99.093 2.50739 99.7732 6.52997 0.6802 99.093 0 99.7732 0 11 10 98.1859 2.21099 99.093 5.88246 0.9071 98.6395 0.4536 99.093 0 9 9 97.5057 2.25701 97.9592 5.01653 0.4535 97.9592 0.4535 97.9592 0 7 7 96.5986 2.44812 96.5986 4.02627 0 96.5986 0 96.5986 0 Mean 98.14058 98.6848 0.54422 0.22678 0 Table A9. Scenario 4 - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 12 98.231 3.48392 95.0052 5.71615 3.2258 98.3351 0.1041 98.231 3.2258 13 12 98.4391 4.22513 96.0458 5.90235 2.3933 98.4391 0 97.9188 1.873 11 10 97.8148 4.23715 92.82 4.91646 4.9948 97.8148 0 96.7742 3.9542 9 9 97.0864 4.48578 92.5078 5.04474 4.5786 97.0864 0 95.3174 2.8096 7 7 95.3174 3.85111 89.4901 4.2 5.8273 95.3174 0 93.3403 3.8502 Mean 97.37774 93.17378 4.20396 0.02082 3.14256 Table A10. Scenario 4 - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 15 11 98.0229 3.93876 98.231 7.83294 0.2081 98.3351 0.3122 98.231 0 13 11 98.0229 4.08886 97.9188 7.36299 0.1041 98.4391 0.4162 97.9188 0 11 10 97.1904 3.7737 96.7742 6.17889 0.4162 97.8148 0.6244 96.7742 0 9 9 95.6296 3.40389 95.1093 5.27193 0.5203 97.0864 1.4568 95.3174 0.2081 7 7 94.589 3.03997 93.3403 4.16951 1.2487 95.3174 0.7284 93.3403 0 Mean 96.69096 96.27472 0.49948 0.7076 0.04162 Table A11. Scenario 5a - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 95.7336 8.8114 92.2997 13.69 3.4339 95.7736 0.04 94.7971 2.4974 28 12 95.0052 8.15436 90.5307 12.7677 4.4745 95.0052 0 94.3809 3.8502 26 12 95.1093 8.94051 88.9698 12.7132 6.1395 95.1093 0 93.9646 4.9948 24 12 94.7971 9.22445 87.513 10.9784 7.2841 94.7971 0 92.2591 4.7461 22 12 93.9646 8.67947 84.2872 11.1338 9.6774 93.9646 0 91.155 6.8678 Mean 94.92196 88.72008 6.20188 0.008 4.59126 Table A12. Scenario 5a - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 94.2768 14.8372 94.7971 16.3076 0.5203 95.7736 1.4968 94.7971 0 28 11 93.9646 7.50289 94.3809 15.5006 0.4163 95.0052 1.0406 94.3809 0 26 11 93.8606 7.97812 93.9646 14.5485 0.104 95.1093 1.2487 93.9646 0 24 11 92.4037 12.1858 91.8835 13.4864 0.5202 94.7971 2.3934 92.2591 0.3756 22 11 92.6119 8.14166 91.155 12.9164 1.4569 93.9646 1.3527 91.155 0 Mean 93.42352 93.23622 0.60354 1.50644 0.07512 Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN S. HURLEY ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CN 161 Table A13. Scenario 5b - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 94.3809 6.92736 93.1322 15.2262 1.2487 94.693 0.3121 94.7971 1.6649 28 12 95.2133 8.13099 93.7565 14.1049 1.4568 95.2133 0 94.1727 0.4162 26 12 94.7971 8.19764 91.051 15.6 3.7461 94.7971 0 94.849 3.798 24 12 94.1727 7.94107 92.4037 13.511 1.769 94.1727 0 92.7159 0.3122 22 12 93.7565 8.33987 88.5536 13.2 5.2029 93.7565 0 90.9469 2.3933 Mean 94.46410 91.77940 2.68470 0.06242 1.71692 Table A14. Scenario 5b - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 93.7565 14.4344 94.589 15.9992 0.8325 94.693 0.9365 94.7971 0.2081 28 12 93.6524 7.0646 94.1727 16.0077 0.5203 95.2133 1.5609 94.1727 0 26 12 93.8606 6.80798 94.849 14.5496 0.9884 94.7971 0.9365 94.849 0 24 12 93.1322 7.31611 92.7159 13.1161 0.4163 94.1727 1.0405 92.7159 0 22 11 91.3632 11.3738 90.9469 12.3443 0.4163 93.7565 2.3933 90.9469 0 Mean 93.15298 93.45470 0.63476 1.37354 0.04162 Table A15. Scenario 5c - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 95.2133 8.6136 91.155 18 4.0583 95.2133 0 94.7971 3.6421 28 12 94.7971 8.33628 92.5078 13.8027 2.2893 94.7971 0 94.9011 2.3933 26 12 94.4849 8.44079 91.155 12.5475 3.3299 94.4849 0 93.6524 2.4974 24 12 94.693 9.255303 89.8023 11.7329 4.8907 94.693 0 92.4037 2.6014 22 12 94.0687 9.59018 87.0968 10.4895 6.9719 94.0687 0 92.6119 5.5151 Mean 94.65140 90.34338 4.30802 0 3.32986 Table A16. Scenario 5c - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL Covg Covg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 94.693 8.98932 94.7971 16.1597 0.1041 95.2133 0.5203 94.7971 0 28 12 94.589 8.86264 94.9011 15.5587 0.3121 94.7971 0.2081 94.9011 0 26 11 93.5484 8.20557 93.6524 14.5616 0.104 94.4849 0.9365 93.6524 0 24 11 93.2362 8.83864 92.0916 12.937 1.1446 94.693 1.4568 92.4037 0.3121 22 11 92.924 7.51445 92.6119 12.8082 0.3121 94.0687 1.1447 92.6119 0 Mean 93.79812 93.61082 0.39538 0.85328 0.06242 Table A17. Scenario 6 - DL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL CovgCovg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 76.5117 16.5578 53.5609 14.0817 22.9508 76.5117 0 60.602 7.0411 28 12 75.6248 15.7692 52.3246 13.2735 23.3002 75.6248 0 58.8283 6.5037 26 12 75.6517 14.9694 53.9371 13.9292 21.7146 75.6517 0 57.4308 3.4937 24 12 78.8723 13.9065 51.5453 12.5168 27.327 78.8723 0 57.4577 5.9124 22 12 73.4211 12.9731 50.1478 11.526 23.2733 73.4211 0 54.9583 4.8105 Mean 76.01632 52.30314 23.71318 0 5.55228 Table A18. Scenario 6 - UL Optimised (ASBTBA). Num Num DL % DL UL % UL Covg Max % Max DL Max % Max UL Tx Sites Covg Load Covg Load Diff DL CovgCovg Diff UL Covg Covg Diff 30 12 74.308 15.7713 60.602 17.7095 13.706 76.5117 2.2037 60.602 0 28 12 73.3405 14.5942 58.8283 16.0287 14.5122 75.6248 2.2843 58.8283 0 26 12 71.6743 14.0077 57.4308 15.2955 14.2435 75.6517 3.9774 57.4308 0 24 12 71.5937 13.1524 57.4577 14.4 14.136 78.8723 7.2786 57.4577 0 22 12 69.9543 12.3729 54.9583 13.0276 14.996 73.4211 3.4668 54.9583 0 Mean 72.17416 57.85542 14.31874 3.84216 0 |