therapy and coordinate the whole process including contact
with relatives and family.
All interview partners emphasized the necessity of ameliora-
tion in patient-centered care, including psychoeducational ac-
tivities and work-related training. Counteraction is needed for
discrimatory comments and wrong accusations such as e.g.
spreading rumours about higher crime rates in persons with
mental diseases. Affected patients have to be supported by em-
powerment and dialogue or discourse with all parties concerned.
The dialogue of professional experts with concerned patients
gains an additional dimension by including relatives and keep-
ing the societal context in mind (Bombosch, Hansen, & Blume,
2004). This perspective creates equality between patient, rela-
tives and carers.
Relatives report an increase of strain by their own aging.
While their health problems increase, social support, integration
in civic life and life-satisfaction decrease.
Older community members of this rural area, who are bur-
dened by the care for a mentally ill relative, are a high priority
target group for intervention.
Regarding current care concepts, the control sample of pa-
tients cared for in an institutional setting, showed a lower level
of strain than persons cared for by their relatives. The support
of each individual in the areas of housing, work and recrea-
tional activities is a consequential necessity. In case of care
being provided by relatives or close family, they need to be
supported by offering them psychoeducation, encouragement
and work relief.
Since the seventies psychiatric patient-centerd care in Austria
has undergone quite a couple of renewing initiatives such as
reduction of inpatient bedding, an increase of community based
services and socio-professional reintegration of mentally ill
persons into daily community life (BMGFJ, 2005; Zechmeister,
A couple of urban regions in Austria (Schöny & Katschnig,
1991) have a well-developed extramural care system whereas
rural areas lack of expert staff as well as specific day-structur-
ing facilities.
More than a decade later Merkel (2004) as well as Black-
stock, Innes, Cox, Smith and Mason (2006) arrive at similar
results and claim that in general, more attention should be paid
to the rural mental health, because the shortage in rural com-
munities is dramatic due to cultural economic and geographical
reasons. Our study confirms these findings: Treatment of pa-
tients with mental health problems in the examined community
is reduced to minimal interventions without including further
parties involved. There is a lack of qualified staff necessary to
provide affordable and comprehensive treatment and care.
In general, more attention should be paid to the rural mental
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