The reason why the difference at the center occurs is
that the apex of pyramidal structure is the same size but
is not scaled in total size. However, it is believed that
hydrostatic stress at the surface of pyramidal structure
and the Ge-Si interface is constant without dependence
on size of pyramidal structure.
Figures 11 and 12 show the relationship between hy-
drostatic stress σm and atomic volumetric strain εV. Here,
atomic volumetric strain is calculated from components
of ASM, Figure 11 shows plots for atoms on the center
line of the pyramid, just as Figures 6 and 7 above. Sev-
eral plots of positive σm (>0) are found at the surface re-
gion, and their distribution seems at random. Figure 12
is a magnified figure of Figure 11 for its densely plotted
area. The relationship between hydrostatic stress and
atomic volumetric strain is basically linear for all models,
except for the surface of pyramidal structure and Ge-Si
interface. This means that there is a reasonable correla-
tion between atomic stress proposed in the present study
and atomic strain measure, ASM.
5. Conclusions
We perform molecular dynamics simulation for investi-
gating mechanical characteristic in an uncapped pyrami-
dal structure in the Ge/Si(001) system with lattice mis-
match. We estimate the strain by mean of atomic strain
measure (ASM) which is formulated on the Green’s defi-
-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 0
model A
model B
model C
Figure 11. The relationship between hydrostatic stress σm
and atomic volumetric strain εV.
-2.5-2-1.5-1-0.5 0 0.
model A
model B
model C
Figure 12. The correlation between hydrostatic stress σm
nition of continuum strain and
and atomic volumetric strain ε.
is expressed with atomic
ss in atomic scale can be
strain in x and z directions is
ion between atomic
ed by “Strategic Project to
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