Table 3. The predicted solubility and solubility product of
Temp K 10000/T(K) Intercept mic
TiC with temperature according to Aronsson [13].
Solubility Solubility (S) Ato
product (S2) (mole fraction) %
1173 8.525149 2.8807 0.317188 0.563194
1248 8.012821 2.8807 0.471245 0.686473
1323 7.558579 2.8807 0.607835 0.779638
1073 9.319664 2.8807 0.078277 0.27978
1053 9.496676 2.8807 0.025049 0.15827
1044 9.578544 2.8807 0.000432 0.02078
1043 9.587728 2.8807 –0.00233 -
able 4. Actual solubility and solubility product of investi-
Type Ti mole Fraction Solubility product
gated steels.
Ti 0 0.0017 2.972E-06
Ti 1 0.0559 3.124E-03
Ti 2 0.1148 1.318E-02
Ti 3 0.2644 6.992E-02
Figure 7 and Table 3 show that the formation of TiC
the grain growth is re-
4. Conclusions
nium has great influence on grain
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