Vol.2, No.4, 222-232 (2012) Open Journal of Ecology http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oje.2012.24026 Exploring the edge of a natural disaster Michael W. Jenkins1*, Dan J. Krofcheck1, Rachel Teasdale2,3, James Houpis4, James Pushnik3,5 1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA; *Corresponding Author: jenkins1@unm.edu 2Center for Ecosyetem Research (CER), California State University, Chico, USA 3Department of Geological and Environmental Science, California State University, Chico, USA 4Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Office of Academic Affairs, California State University, East Bay Office of the Academic Affairs, East Bay, USA 5Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Chico, USA Received 4 September 2012; revised 16 October 2012; accepted 24 October 2012 ABSTRACT Natural geological, chronic and acute release of volcanic gases can have a dramatic impact on vegetative ecosystems and potential impact on regional agriculture and human health. This re- search incorporates a series of observations using leaf level gas exchange, chlorophyll fluo- rescence and remotely sensed reflectance mea- surements of vegetation experiencing chronic exposure to volcanic gas emissions; to develop techniques for monitoring the relative health of vegetation along the edge of an acute vegetative kill zone of a natural disaster and potential pre- eruption vegetation physiology. Experiments were conducted along an elevation gradient that corresponds to the SO2 gradient on vegetation along the south flank of Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica. This study site is a natural environment with high volcanic degassing activity with sig- nificant SO2 emissions (n/d - 0.281 ppm). Cor- responding to an SO2 gradient, a substantial in- crease in CO2 concentration of (430 - 517 ppm) was identified. We further show the physiologi- cal interactions of SO2 and CO2 have on vegeta- tion along the kill zone of this natural disaster can be assessed by examining the SO2/CO2 ra- tios. The physiological indices tested and rela- tionships among measurements emphasized in this research will add to the assessment of the impact atmospheric volcanic gas emissions have on the physiology of surrounding vegeta- tion as well as advance the capability of remo- tely sensed environmental stress in natural set- tings. Keywords: Carbon Dioxide; Chlorophyll Fluorescence; Leaf Level Gas Exchange; Natural Disaster; Remote Sensing; Sulphur Dioxide; Volcanic Gas Emissions 1. INTRODUCTION On January 4th, 2010 Volcán Turrialba entered a new phase of activity, marked by an increased number of volcanic low-frequency signal B type earthquakes and large and high gas plumes [1]. On January 5th, two mi- nor eruptive events occurred at 2:29 pm and 2:45 pm, which emitted ash over local farming areas of La Central and La Silvia, Capellades town, finer ash at Tierra Blanca, Llano Grande and Tres Rios, and volcanic dust in eastern San Jose [1]. Two new small craters opened, which later joined and formed a fracture-like structure where gases were expelled at temperatures greater than 350˚C [1]. Residents from nearby farms around the vol- cano were evacuated. On January 8th the seismic activity and ash emission decreased, but after almost 144 years of inactivity, Volcán Turrialba had renewed its eruptive ac- tivity. It is well known that tropical forests across the globe are disappearing [2-8]. It is widely recognized that tropi- cal forest species are being adversely affected by exploit- tation, land-use changes, climate change and natural geological disturbances [7,9,10]. Along with the impor- tance of tropical plants for their well recognized eco- logical goods and services of habitat creation and global carbon balance, these ecosystems have significant impli- cations on water and soil quality in these regions. This study is an initial examination of a natural gradient of impact established by the recent volcanic gas releases on native vegetation, but has added implications for the ag- ricultural zone and food supply within the same vicinity and potential impact on human health. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are among the atmospheric contaminants and phytotoxic by-products emitted during recent volcanic activity at Turrialba. This investigation attempts to characterize the pre-symptomatic effects of these naturally emitted air pollutants on the physiological performance of native plants and their potential influence on the composition and stability of the ecosystems in which the plants live. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 223 Leaf level gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance are important tools for evaluating stress and physiological impacts of air pollutants on plants [11,12]. The scope of this initial work was to study the effects of the recent volcanic emissions on photosyn- thetic activity, chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance of plants under stress from chronic exposure to concen- trations of elevated SO2 and CO2 under otherwise natural conditions. Stress is characterized as any disturbing influence that results in physiological consequences [13]. However, by the time plants display visible symptoms of stress, they can already be adversely affected [14]. Photosynthetic reduction, increase in chlorophyll fluorescence and shifts in spectral reflectance in the absence of, or prior to, visi- ble symptom expression could indicate suppression of growth or reduced vigor in an otherwise apparently healthy plant [15]. SO2 is a well known stress inducing agent which can cause toxicity, reduced growth, cell death, plant organ death and whole plant death; and on a larger scale can influence biological systems, environments and whole eco-regions [16]. Environmental conditions, concentra- tions of SO2, duration of exposure, sulphur status of soil and genetic attributes of plants determine the degree of stress and physiological impact due to the phytotoxicity of SO2 [17]. To investigate the interactive physiological effects of elevated SO2 and CO2 under naturally occurring condi- tions, experiments were conducted along an elevation gradient between 1939 and 3280 meters along the south flank of Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica. Measurements were conducted along an access road, which starts in Pastora de Santa Cruz, and leads to the entrance to Par- que Nacional Volcán Turrialba, and the peak of the edi- fice of the volcano. Volcán Turrialba is a composite stra- tovolcano located 25 kilometers north east of Cartago on the eastern end of the Central Volcanic Range (Cordillera Volcanica Central) and approximately 40 kilometers east of San Jose, Costa Rica (Lat. 100 020 North, Long. 830 450 West) [18]. The peak of Volcán Turrialba is 3328 meters above sea level and is completely covered by vegetation except in the caldera [19]. Volcán Turrialba is the easternmost, and one of Costa Rica’s largest active volcanoes. This initial research had three main objectives: 1) to establish relationships between leaf-level gas exchange and elevated atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and CO2 related to increased volcanic emissions, 2) to identify physiological correlations between leaf-level gas ex- change and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of plants under long term stress induced by volcanically emitted SO2, and 3) to provide evidence that remotely sensed reflectance-derived fluorescence ratio indices can be used to monitor plant stress and photosynthetic func- tioning. 2. STUDY PLANT Gunnera insignis, common name poor man’s umbrella or sombrilla de pobre, was chosen as the experimental plant for this experiment (Figure 1). G. i n si gn i s is located at the peak of Volcán Turrialba and continuously at all ele- vations, to approximately 500 meters. G. insignis is a giant herb ranging throughout Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua at elevations from 500 meters to 3400 meters [20]. G. insign is inhabits moist, nutrient poor, acidic soils and is capable of establishing a symbiotic relation with a nitrogen fixing cyanbacterium (Nostoc sps.). The plant has a solitary, thick, semi-erect stem, which holds a ter- minal set of rounded extremely large (can reach greater than 2 square meters) lobed leaves [20], providing a large surface for gas exchange with prevailing atmospheric conditions. Plants found at the lowest elevations at which G. insignis was identified on the south flank of Turrialba (1939 meters and 2454 meters), were designated as con- trol plants, due to minimal levels of detectable atmos- pheric SO2 concentration and used to run A-Ci, net CO2 assimilation rate, A, versus calculated substomatal CO2 concentration, Ci response curves and light response curves. Under natural conditions, multiple environmental stre- ssors co-occur and can result in a wide range of physio- logical effects. Analysis of the A/Ci curve and the light response curve showed sample plants in this study were neither light or CO2 stressed. The leaf temperature/air temperature ratio shows that physiological shifts toward increasing heat production, was limited, indicating mi- nimal stress of control plants (Table 1). 3. GAS EXCHANGE Simultaneous measurements of leaf level gas-ex- change including CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 (Ci) and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of steady state fluorescence (F), quantum yield of PSII calculated from s msm FF '' and maximum quantum yield of PSII calculated from vm F '' as well as CO2 response and light response curves were taken using infrared gas analyzers and a Leaf Chamber Fluorometer (LCF) [21]. Leaf level gas exchange on G. insignis and atmos- pheric SO2 and CO2 concentrations were measured at elevations ranging between 1939 meters and 3280 meters (Table 1 and Figure 1). A steady rise in atmospheric SO2 and CO2 concentrations with a corresponding rise in ele- vation was detected during a 24-hour sampling period (Table 1). A few anomalies were observed; at 2773 m, SO2 measurements were lower than the previous lower Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 224 9.97941 9.98941 9.99941 10.0094 10.0194 10.0294 10.0394 -83.79 -83.78 -83.77 -83.76 -83.75 -83.74 PREVAILING WIND Figure 1. Map of Volcán Turrialba, access road (orange) with white arrows identifying sampling sites with elevations A = 1939 m, B = 2454 m, C = 2594 m, D = 2673 m, E = 2789 m, F = 2950 m, and G = 3280 meters used for SO2, CO2 and physiological measurements. The highlighted area is the kill zone. Image in bottom right is the study plant G. insignis. valid comparisons. However, results may be seen as a way to gain a better understanding of the interactive im- pacts of naturally elevated SO2 and CO2 on the species studied under these ecologically shifting conditions bor- dering the edge of a natural disaster. elevation, and at 2789 meters there was much lower SO2 measured. These anomalies are attributed to microcli- matic variations in the data collection sites. G. insignis measured at 2789 meters elevation displayed the maxi- mum A of 16.7 μmol CO2 m–2 ·s–1 and the maximum gs of 0.329 mol CO2 m–2· s–1, the highest rates observed during the study. During this study period, volcanic gas concentrations along an elevation gradient ranged from 0.2805 ppm to non-detectable for SO2 and from 517 to 430 ppm for CO2. SO2 concentrations of 4.872 ppm were identified at the edifice of Volcán Turrialba at an elevation of 3280 meters (Table 1). However, the measurements recorded at these sites are not included in the experiments described below The first objective of this research was to establish re- lationships between leaf-level gas exchange and elevated atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and CO2 due to geo- logic emissions. Due to a limitation on the time available to conduct this research it is difficult to make statistically OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 225 Table 1. Gas exchange parameters measured on Gunnera insignis at different elevations with corresponding SO2 and CO2 concentra- tions. Elevation SO2 CO2 Photo (A) Ci Conductance (gs) LeafTemp/AirTemp (meters) (ppm) (ppm)(μmol CO2 m–2·s–1) (μmol CO2 mol·air–1) (mol CO2 m–2·s–1) (˚C) 1939 n/d 430 14.9 278 0.275 1.03 2454 n/d 490 12.3 312 0.286 0.75 2594 0.053 - 10.75 306 0.236 0.74 2673 0.182 460 13.55 279.5 0.211 0.84 2773 0.137 440 12.65 303 0.258 0.68 2789 0.076 517 16.7 294 0.329 0.97 2950 0.281 430 15.17 247.7 0.184 0.99 due to extreme foliar damage and all related physiologi- cal processes. A measurements reported in this study de- monstrate a weak correlation with SO2 concentrations (r2 = 0.0575). Previous studies reveal that photosynthetic response to SO2 exposure depends on pollutant dose and genotype, and can either inhibit, stimulate or have no effect on photosynthesis [16]. Overall, minimal variation of carbon assimilation rates are observed among plants tested along this SO2 gradient (Ta bl e 1 ). Moreover, car- bon assimilation rates were not correlated with other measurements in this study due to over saturating levels of CO2 as identified by the A/Ci curve (not shown). gs and SO2 concentrations are moderately correlated (r2 = 0.552). Reports on effects of SO2 on gs are highly variable, and depend strongly on environmental and ex- posure conditions and SO2 concentrations [22]. Stomatal conductance has been reported as increasing at low SO2 concentrations in some species, while partial stomatal closure is induced due to high concentrations of SO2 [16]. In this study A measurements are weakly correlated with gs (r2 = 0.073). Differences in SO2 uptake due to different gs may partially explain the differences in SO2 sensitivity [23], albeit not universally. Intercellular carbon dioxide (Ci) and SO2 concentra- tions are also moderately correlated (r2 = 0.514). A/Ci curves developed from control plants, demonstrated as Ci increases so does A. However, the correlation between A and Ci along the study site transect is moderate (r2 = 0.331). In order to identify and quantify the effects of SO2 on Ci, measurements of mesophyll conductance (gm) should be included, but unfortunately these measure- ments were not made. However, the potential impacts of SO2 effects on mesophyll resistance should not be dis- carded. SO2 effects on photosynthesis are more likely the result of increases in mesophyll resistance (e.g. internal cellular damage), as opposed to decreases in stomatal conductance. This conclusion is consistent with results from Barton et al. (1980) [24] and Karenlampi and Houpis, (1986) [25]. 4. CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of steady- state fluorescence , quantum yield msm FF '' and max quantum yield vm F '' were measured on G. insignis at elevations of 2673, 2773, 2789 and 2950 me- ters (Ta b l e 2 ). Electron transport rate (ETR) was calcu- lated, using the LI-COR algorithm, in simultaneous measurements. Measurements of chlorophyll fluores- cence parameters were utilized to evaluate the stress ef- fects imposed on PSII photochemistry and the physio- logical correlations between leaf-level gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of plants under stress from ele- vated SO2 and CO2 concentrations, identified as the sec- ond main objective of this study. Results reveal steady- state-fluorescence and interaction between SO2 and CO2 concentrations are moderately correlated and Fs and A are weakly correlated with (r2 = 0.450, 0.113), respectively. The relationship between steady state chlorophyll fluorescence, quantum yield and maximum quantum yield and gas exchange measurements of A, gs and Ci is com- plex and influenced by environmental factors, as well as physiological adaptations. Dobrowski et al., (2005) [26] emphasized that the relationship between Fs and A is mediated through competing de-excitation pathways of photochemical quenching and non-photochemical quen- ching. This relationship shows a direct and inverse rela- tionship depending on the intensity of the stress and the status of the alternate de-excitation pathways. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters; msm FF '' and ETR are strongly correlated with atmospheric SO2 concentrations (r2 = 0.801 and 0.799), respectively. How- ever, ETR and A, and msm FF '' and A show weak Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 226 Table 2. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters measured on Gunnera insignis at different elevations with corresponding SO2 concen- trations. Elevation SO2 Steady-State Fluores- cence Quantum Yield Max Quantum Yield Electron Transport Rate (meters) (ppm) msm FF '' vm F '' (ETR) 2673 0.182 843.8 0.189 0.611 96.669 2773 0.137 1040.2 0.198 0.664 101.158 2789 0.076 1074.4 0.207 0.715 105.588 2950 0.281 927.7 0.189 0.741 96.38 correlations (r2 = 0.217 and r2 = 0.231), respectively, sug- gesting the induction of a non-photosynthetically pro- ductive metabolic pathway which could potentially pro- vide a target mechanism for a remotely sensed measure of overall plant health. Previous studies have identified potentially large alternative electron sinks that contribute to photo-protection which are particularly important in plants growing for extended periods under of stressful conditions [27-30]. Alternative-acceptor-dependent photo- protection via O2, the water-water cycle, nitrate, sulphate, light-stimulated synthesis of fatty acids, and oxaloacetate reduction are among a list of suggested mechanisms which may enable the progression of ETR under stress condi- tions to maintain rates similar to those of non-stressed leaves [30]. Zarco-Tejada et al., (2003) [31] state, “In general, steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence is low when pho- tosynthesis is high. However, chlorophyll fluorescence can also decline when photosynthesis is low, because of an intensified protective quenching action on chlorophyll fluorescence production. Under increasing stress, plant tissues shift toward increasing heat production to dissi- pate excess energy, and this tends to have the effect of reducing chlorophyll fluorescence production, at least in the initial and intermediate stages of stress”. These ob- servations suggest that under these environmental condi- tions it is not possible to estimate A directly from Fs, which is consistent with previous findings [26,32,33]. 5. REMOTELY SENSED REFLECTANCE A standard reflective index used in remote sensing work is the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which is an index of chlorophyll content calcu- lated from To most accurately track subtle changes in Fs, the dou- ble-peak optical index (DPi) was utilized, calculated from 2 688 710697DDD[31]. Due to the complex- ity of different study methods and field conditions, such as instruments used, analytical methods, characteristics of the species tested and changing environmental condi- tions, no one method has been universally adopted as satisfactory under all growth and environmental condi- tions [38]. Leaf level reflectance data from sample plants were gathered using a portable spectrometer (UniSpec, PP systems, Haverhill, MA), 1 meter above vegetation. Re- motely sensed spectra for intact leaves of G. insignis were measured at elevations of 1939, 2594, 2673, 2789 and 2950 meters with SO2 concentrations of n/d, 0.053, 0.1823, 0.0755 and 0.2805 ppm, respectively (Table 3). The third main objective of this research was to pro- vide evidence that remotely sensed reflectance-derived fluorescence ratio indices can be used to monitor plant stress and photosynthetic functioning. Leaf reflectance of SO2 stressed plants show that in at least some cases, there were significant changes and shifts that could be detected remotely. When comparing the shifts and changes in reflectance across a wide range of wave-lengths there are general trends, but a few inconsistencies. These in- consistencies could have been caused by frequently changing environmental conditions, such as changing light conditions and precipitation causing differences in reflec- tance. Reflectance spectra for G. insignis measured at eleva- tions 2673 and 2950 meters with SO2 concentrations of 0.1823 and 0.2805 ppm, respectively, show maximum shifts in the Red-Edge region and maximum reflected PAR (Figure 2). As expected and previously reported [39-42] the maximum of the first derivative (the inflect- tion point of the red-edge, IPP) shifted toward shorter wavelengths, due to pigment degradation. Gates et al., 1965 [43] provided observations that chlorosis caused by the loss of chlorophyll induces an increase in reflectance across the visible spectrum, which causes a blue shift of the IPP. In addition, Rock et al., (1988) [41] displayed air pollution results in a blue shift of the IPP due to loss of 750 - 675750675RRR[34]. A revised version of the NDVI, which is based on a strong corre- lation and sensitivity to a range of chlorophyll a con- centrations and shifts in the Red-Edge is defined as chl NDI or mNDVI 750 - 705750705RRR [12,35, 36]. The photochemical reflective index (PRI), which is based on reflectance at 531 nm and calculated as 531-570531570RR provides a strong esti- mate of photosynthetic efficiency for most species [37] Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 227 Table 3. Remotely sensed reflectance indices. Elevation (meters) SO2 (ppm) Red-Edge mNDVI Double Peak Optical Index Dpi Photochemical Reflective Index PRI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI Modified Red-Edge mNDI Reflective Water Index WI 1939 n/d 0.585422 0.891596 0.015323 0.86752 0.654559 1.156297 2594 0.053 0.475426 0.953824 –0.00723 0.73413 0.568996 1.105463 2673 0.182 0.505334 1.093702 –0.01248 0.78142 0.595786 1.041003 2789 0.076 0.626071 0.95177 0.047125 0.85928 0.724589 1.130384 2950 0.281 0.433832 1.147461 0.016208 0.65548 0.58324 1.054046 Figure 2. Remotely sensed reflectance and derivative spectrum on a single leaf of Gunnera insignis at different SO2 concentra- tions, used to calculate Dpi index measured with Unispec-SC portable spectrometer (UniSpec, PP Systems, Haverhill, MA) in the 400 - 1000 and 640 - 820 nm spectral range, respectively. chlorophyll b. Reflectance spectra for G. insignis measured at eleva- tions 1939, 2594 and 2789 meters with SO2 concentra- tions of n/d, 0.053 and 0.0755 ppm, respectively, show minimal shifts in the Red-Edge region and the least re- flected PAR (Figure 2). These results generally corre- spond to the highest values of CO2, the highest rates of conductance and the highest A rates. The SO2 and CO2 relationship will be discussed in a following section, but should be noted throughout these measurement results. The most useful reflective index incorporated in this study was that based on the double-peak (Dpi) feature in the 700 - 715 nm spectral region, as reported and dem- onstrated by Zarco-Tejada et al., 2003 [31]. Strong cor- relations were calculated between Dpi and SO2, msm FF '' , ETR and CO2 with r2 = 0.975, 0.945, 0.942 and 0.801, respectively. Moreover, Dpi is at least moder- ately correlated with every physiological measurement in this study. It has been previously reported that the double-peak indicator of fluorescence emission can be detected at times of higher fluorescence emission can disappear during times of lowest fluorescence emission [31], cor- roborating results were found in this study (Figure 2). However, Zarco-Tejada et al., 2003 [31] observed this double-peak feature as diminishing with increasing stress induction. Confounding results from this study are seen in (Figure 2 and Ta b l e 3 ), which show the greatest Dpi value of 1.148 and 1.094, corresponding to the highest level of SO2 concentration of 0.2805 and 0.1823 ppm, respectively. The Dpi index in this study was developed as a modified optical index calculated using D702 × D715/(D708) 2. The above mentioned results suggest the Dpi using D702 × D715/(D708)2 is capable of remotely tracking SO2 induced stress under natural conditions. In this study, ground based leaf-level reflectance measurements allowed the evaluation of SO2 induced stress and showed that shifts in the IPP toward shorter wavelengths and greater maximum values corresponded with SO2 stress. And thus the incorporated reflectance indices appear to be a valid tool for remote tracking of SO2 induced stress. 6. SULPHUR DIOXIDE AND CARBON DIOXIDE RELATIONSHIP Passive monitoring was conducted to determine at- mospheric gas concentrations of SO2 using Ogawa Pas- Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 228 sive Air Sampler’s [44]. Lab analyses of [SO2] were conducted at Anatek Lab, in Moscow, Idaho. [CO2] measurements were taken using a Vaisala CARBOCAP Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter GM70 with a GMP222 Carbon Dioxide Probe [45]. This study site is a natural environment with high gas emission activity with significant SO2 emission. How- ever, along with the increased SO2 emission a substantial increase in CO2 concentration was identified (Ta ble 1). Previous studies have reported an increase in A due to CO2 enrichment, which has been attributed to an increase in substrate availability for Rubisco [46]. The reduction in gs due to high CO2 concentrations is a well known phenomenon, however this reduction would be expected to reduce the SO2 flux into the leaf interior, which would reduce the effective dose of SO2 [47]. The role of CO2 enrichment in protecting plants against harmful airborne pollutants has been reported in previous studies [48,49]. This SO2 and CO2 relationship is very apparent in the measurements and observations collected around the fault scarp at the 2789 meters sampling site (Table 1 and Figure 1). The fault scarp likely facilitates CO2 accumu- lation, either by virtue of CO2 emissions along the fault plane and/or CO2 not being blown away from the low area due to topography. Measurements collected within the fault scarp seem to be influenced from the sharp drop in SO2 from 0.1374 to 0.0755 ppm and back up to 0.2805 ppm (Ta ble 1) and a sharp rise in CO2 from 440 ppm to 517 ppm and back down to 430 ppm (Ta b l e 1). Gas ex- change measurements of A and gs (Table 1), chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Fs, (F'm- Fs/F'm) and ETR (Table 2) and remotely sensed reflectance indices of mNDVI, PRI and mNDI were all highest at this sample site (Table 3). To emphasize the physiological interaction SO2 and CO2 concentrations have on vegetation, the capability of the interaction and induced effects to be remotely de- tected using the Dpi index a ratio of SO2/CO2 concentra- tions was developed and correlated with the Dpi index results. The SO2/CO2 ratio and Dpi index are strongly correlated (r2 = 0.927). Previous studies have shown that physiological and physical measurements of plants ex- posed to elevate CO2 and SO2 were similar to those ob- served for CO2 enrichment only [47]. The findings of this study lend further support to the observed relation of the phytotoxic effect of SO2 is reduced by the positive phy- siological responses plant undertake when exposed to increase concentration of CO2 [47]. Limitation of plant growth and/or quantification of SO2 induced stress cannot be assigned to a single physiological process or measurement. The direction and magnitude of the physiological alteration is not com- pletely clear, and plants’ resistance to SO2 varies de- pending on the plant species [50]. However, the results of this study may be used to gain a better understanding of the impacts of volcanically emitted SO2 on the species studied, different species, the ecosystem and different environments under elevated SO2 loading. From a general analysis of the data collected along the edge of this kill zone, it may be concluded that SO2 af- fects G. insignis gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance in a variety of ways, which were in some cases buffered by elevated CO2 concentration. The re- sults of this study show that elevated CO2 mitigated the damaging effects of SO2 in G. insignis. This study indi- cates that G. insignis growing in the volcanically emitted SO2 toxic region of Volcán Turrialba has developed a physiological adaptive mechanism that enables the plant to survive. One point to consider is the easily observable chlorosis on mature leaves of G. insignis, as opposed to the non-visible effects on younger leaves, which suggests the plants resource partitioning mechanisms that allow young leaves to remain relatively healthy despite high SO2 levels, but eventually the adaptive adjustments break down and leaves die. While adaptive responses may de- velop in certain species and genotypes, most will eventu- ally succumb to elevated SO2. It should not be overlooked that results and physio- logical responses of the study plants in this research could have been confounded by the presence of other volcanically emitted air pollutants and possibly a multi- tude of non-measured environmental perturbations. How- ever, environmental conditions such as light, moisture and photoperiod remain fairly constant at these lati- tudes. Most field experiments have not been able to sepa- rate and distinguish between the physiological effects of individual pollutants when they occur in mixtures. Relationships identified between SO2 and the Dpi in- dex developed using D702 × D715/(D708)2, Dpi and quantum yield and Dpi and electron transport rate (r2 = 0.975, 0.945 and 0.942), respectively, along this SO2 gradient further demonstrate the validity to the already well documented capability of the Dpi index to track chlorophyll fluorescence. Results of this study add to the increasing evidence that remote sensing and derivative reflectance analysis is capable of identifying plant stress under natural conditions. The capability and extent to which this study’s findings can be extrapolated to larger scale detection of SO2 induced stress using aerial and/or satellite imaging should be further explored. Validation of this study’s results via similar experiments on vegeta- tion surrounding other volcanoes with similar gas emis- sions would be of great value. With the above mentioned recent increased volcanic activity of Volcán Turrialba and the importance of the surrounding agricultural areas to the locals, the region and the country; particular invested research in both monitoring the volcanic activity and Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 229 Table 4. NDVI values from Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ images and ground measurements. Elevation Dec.13 Dec.27 Jan.15 Apr.5 Ground Data (m) 2000 2008 2010 2010 (May 2010) 1939 0.8157 0.809 0.7579 0.7654 0.8675 2594 0.8011 0.6445 0.696 0.7942 0.7341 2673 0.6789 0.7279 0.474 0.5524 0.7814 2789 0.7867 0.7692 0.7458 0.5958 0.8593 2950 0.7332 0.6895 0.5729 0.4377 0.6555 ( a ) (a) (b) (b) (b) (c) (c) (c) (d) 1:100000 2 0 0 4 Km (d) Figure 3. Landsat TM and ETM+ derived false color composites, near infra-red shown as red, red shown as green and green shown as blue (4, 3, 2) time series of images used to calculate vegetation indices along the elevation gradient sampled on site (Table 4). (a) Dec.13, 2000; (b) Dec. 27, 2008; (c) Jan. 15, 2010; and (d) April. 5, 2010. Horizontal white lines are due to the scan line corrector error present in Landsat ETM+ data following its failure in 2003. OPEN A CCESS
M. W. Jenkins et al. / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 222-232 230 Figure 4. NDVI extracted from available Landsat 5 TM scene and three Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes over Costa Rica. Each point represents the NDVI of a 30 meter pixel along an elevation gradient following the edge of the natural disaster. surrounding vegetative response is warranted. 7. PERSPECTIVE This initial examination has highlighted potential phy- siological measurements to describe effects of volcanic emissions on G. insignis as an indicator species, but can be used to emphasize and focus future experiments; from direct leaf level physiological and reflective measure- ments on single individuals to ecosystem scale remote sensing with aerial and satellite imaging capabilities. As proof of this concept, NDVI values were determined from Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ data using the USGS GLOVIS tool, for temporal periods predating and concurrent with the volcanic activity as well as a fourth scene acquired close to the dates of the field campaign: February 13, 2000, February 27, 2008, January 15, 2010 and April 5, 2010, respectively (Ta b le 4 and Figure 3). The raw Digital Number (DN) values were converted to top-of-atmosphere reflectance with dark object subtract- tion (TOA-DOS) to account for atmospheric effects [51]. We then processed the imagery through a Matlab script that calculated NDVI and queried pixels according to a list of GPS coordinates relating elevation to sampling location from the field campaign. Figure 4 shows the re- sults of the ETM+ analysis. When NDVI values are plotted along the elevational gradient (Figure 4), a trend is easily identified. The first data point (elevation = 1939 m) plotted in Figure 4 represents the control site with no detectable SO2, and highest NDVI values. The second data point (elevation = 2594 m) represents minimal SO2 stress (SO2 = 0.053 ppm) with NDVI values dropping from the previous site (Ta ble 4). The third data point (elevation = 2673) repre- sents extreme SO2 induced stress (SO2 = 0.1823 ppm) with moderate CO2 buffering (CO2 = 460 ppm) and dra- matic drops in NDVI values. The next data point, we have referred to as “fault scarp” (elevation = 2789 m); this site displays the greatest CO2 buffering (CO2 = 517 ppm) from SO2 induced stress (SO2 = 0.0755 ppm), which is clearly demonstrated in the satellite derived NDVI values. The final data point in Figure 4, represents the most extreme SO2 induced stress (SO2 = 0.2805 ppm) and least CO2 buffering potential (CO2 = 430 ppm). While the interactions between SO2 and CO2 are dif- ficult to assess and whether the emissions are anthropo- genic or natural, the ability to determine potential phyto- toxic induced mortality can greatly limit the conse- quences and extent of damage. For a more effective as- sessment and possible control of the effects of atmos- pheric pollutants on tropical plants and forests, human health and the environment, it is necessary to further develop strategies, test hypotheses and build models for regional and ecosystem monitoring, that are economi- cally viable, and can be used in remote areas. REFERENCES [1] National Seismological Network. (2010) Turrialba vol- cano, costa rica current activity. Preliminary Report, Red Sismolo’gica Nacional, 4-10 January 2010, pp. 1-6. [2] Lanly, J.P. (1982) Tropical Forest Resources. FAO Fo r- estry Paper 30, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome. [3] Collins, N.M., Sayer, J.A. and Whitmore, T.C. (1991) The conservation atlas of tropical forests Asia and the Pacific. Simon and Schuster, New York. [4] Food and Agricultural Organization (1993) Forest re- sources assessment 1990: Tropical countries. FAO For- estry Paper 112, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome. [5] Primack, R.B. and Lovejoy, T.E. (1995) Ecology, con- servation, and management of southeast Asian rainforests. Yale University Press, New Haven. [6] Laurance, W.F. and Bierregaard, R.O. (1997) Tropical forest remnants: Ecology, management, and conservation of fragmented communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [7] Whitmore, T.C. (1997) Tropical forest disturbance, dis- appearance, and species loss. In: Laurance, W.F. and Bierregaard, R.O., Eds., Tropical Forest Remnants: Eco- logy, Management, and Conservation of Frag mented Com- munities, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 3-12. [8] Laurance, W.F. (1998) A crisis in the making: Responses of Amazonian forests to land use and climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 411-415. [9] Brooks, T.M., Pimm, S.L. and Oyugi, J.O. (1999) Time Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
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