Theoretical Economics Letters, 2012, 2, 408-411 Published Online October 2012 (
Further Results on Convergence for Nonlinear
Transformations of Fractionally Integrated Time Series
Chien-Ho Wang
Department of Economics, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Chinese Taipei
Received May 6, 2012; revised June 4, 2012; accepted July 2, 2012
This paper presents some new results for the nonlinear tran sformations of the fractional integration process. Specifically,
this paper reviews the weight fractional integration process with the Hurst parameter, 32> >56d, and investigates
the asymptotics of asymptotically homogeneous functional transformations of weight fractional integration process.
These new results improve upon the earlier research of Tyurin and Phillips [1].
Keywords: Long Memory; Fractional Brownian Motion; Tanaka Formula; Nonlinearity
1. Introduction
Since the breakthrough papers of Park and Phillips [2, 3 ],
the research on the nonlin ear cointegration has generated
a lot of interest in recent years. In traditional research on
cointegration, econometricians always adopt linear models.
Using a linear cointegration model, econometricians can
derive large sample properties easily. However, these
settings have a serious drawback: there are many non-
linear relationships between dependent variables and
independent v ariables in the cointegration mo del. Thus, it
is a subjective process to set cointegration as a linear
form in advance. A nonlinear regression model may
improve this problem in a cointegration system. Although
nonlinear regressions have obvious merit for cointe-
gration models, it is difficult to derive the asymptotics
for their estimated parameters and test statistics. Park and
Phillips [2, 3] were the first to use local time to obtain
asymptotics under nonlinear transformations of the I(1)
process. Pötscher [4] and de Jong and Wang [5] later
extended to these results to more flexible assumptions.
The asymptotics of nonlinear transformations for non-
stationary time series consistently concentrated on the I(1)
process in early nonlinear cointegration research. Tyurin
and Phillips [1] extended their method to the nonsta-
tionary I(d) process. Jeganathan [6] investigated the asy-
mptotics of nonlinear transformations for generalized
fractional stable motions. Although they presented some
new results for the nonlinear transformations of the non-
stationary fractionally integrated process, they only con-
centrated on integrable functions.
This paper uses a weight nonstationary fractionally
integrated process instead of the standard nonstationary
fractionally integrated process. This paper extends the
results of Tyurin and Phillips [1] to asymptotically
homogeneous functions. Specifically, this paper uses the
fractional Brownian motion Tanaka formula to obtain the
asymptotics of nonlinear transformations for the non-
stationary fractional integration process. The results of
this paper address the shortcomings of Tyurin and Phillips
2. Assumptions and Basic Results
Consider the following fractional integration processes:
Lx t
where t
is an
... 0,iid
and 32> >56d. t
is called a nonstationary fractionally integrated processes.
In addition to the definition of nonstationary fractionally
integrated processes, This paper uses the following ad-
ditional assumptions.
Assumption 1. For some
>2>2max1,2qp H,
is the Hurst
exponent, =12,and 2Hd p
Assumpti on 2.
=1 =
VarxnM n
, where
n is a
slowly varying function.
2) The distribution of k
, , is abso-
lutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure
and has characteristic function for which
=0, 1,2,k
=it k
for some >0
Based on these assumptions, we can obtain the frac-
tional central limit theorem for the nonstationary I(d) p ro-
Theorem 1. Consider the process defined by
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