Figure 3. Percentage of sugar in the liquor prehydrolyzed
bagasse peduncle of c a shew.
that the cashew bagasse biomass has great potential for
bioprocess after prehydrolysis, is a promising raw mate-
rial for bioethanol production, with 12% of hexoses, and
88% pentoses.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to express thanks to Their Bra-
zilian agencies MCT/CNPq/CTBio for financial support
through the Notice MCT/CNPq/CTAgro/CTBio No. 39/
2007-Vanguard Technologies for the Production of Eth-
anol and Biod iesel (Case No. 5528 15/2007-1). CNPq for
doctoral fell o w ships and underg rad uat e r esearch.
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