Q. Q. SUN ET AL. 249
ages and the
ts for the swimmer dataset. It could be observed that
as for this dataset, we also could find out the correct
bases via our algorithm. In this figure there are 25 base
images. The black ones correspond to irrelevant bases,
and the other 17 images depict the torso and the limbs at
each possible position. We can see that the correct torso
and limbs are discovered successfully.
The differences between the black im
rrect base images are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7
depicts L2-norm of each column of the base matrix. The
total number of points in this figure is the same to the
initial rank. Obviously, the points are classified into two
clusters. One is zero-value cluster, and the other is lar-
ger-value cluster. Thus the rank of base matrix in swim-
mer dataset is 117RB. The results of L2-norm of
base matrix not ow we could find the correct
bases, but also tell us how we could determine the correct
rank of base matrix.
only tell us h
Figure 6. The bases of swimmer dataset learned by our al-
05 10 15 20 25
Base ve ctor inde
Norm alized L2 nor m
Normalized L
Figure 7. L2-norm of base vectors.
supervised multi-level non-
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5. Conclu
We have presented an un
negative matrix factorization algorithm which is power-
ful and efficient to seek the correct rank of a data model.
This is achieved by introducing a multi-prior structure.
The experiment results on binary datasets adequately
demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm. Compare to
the fully Bayesian method, it is simpler and more con-
venient. The crucial points of this method are how to
introduce the hyper-priors and what kind of prior is ap-
propriate to a certain data model. This algorithm also
could be extended to other data models and noise models.
Although our experiment is based on binary dataset, this
algorithm is suitable to other datasets such as gray-level
dataset, colorful dataset, etc.
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