Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5, 777-788 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jsea.2012.510090 Published Online October 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea) 777 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development Gokhan Halit Soydan, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA. Email: gsoydan@ece.neu.edu, mkokar@ece.neu.edu Received August 2nd, 2012; revised September 5th, 2012; accepted September 16th, 2012 ABSTRACT CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a set of models—collections of best practices intended to help or- ganizations to improve their processes. CMMI-DEV provides guidance to development organizations. This paper pre- sents a formalization that captures definitions of a number of concepts of CMMI-DEV and relations among the concepts. The formalization is expressed in a formal language, OWL. The two main objectives for this formalization was to be consistent with the CMMI-DEV model and to be operational, i.e., to allow for an automatic determination of a devel- opment process maturity level based upon data about the practices within a given organization. The formalization is presented in a number of increments—from more general concepts to more specific. A justification for the selection of the concepts and relations is given. To assess the validity of the formalization, a number of test cases for the scenario of automatic determination of the maturity level were developed. Generic OWL reasoners were then used to derive the maturity levels. While the test results were all positive, the real value of this formalization comes from the fact that it faithfully captured the main aspects of CMMI-DEV, a well established and accepted model of the assessment of the maturity of develop ment processes, and that a generic inference engine was able to support the appraisal of the process maturity of an organization. Keywords: CMMI-DEV; Process Maturity; Ontology; Automatic Inference; OWL 1. Introduction The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) play s various roles [1]: a process improvement approach [2]; a way to describe the characteristics of effective processes [3]; a collection of the essential elements of effective processes for one or more bodies of knowledge; a process capability maturity model which aids in the definition and understanding of an organization’s processes [4]; and more. In some texts it is referred to a s “the CM MI model”, while some others use “a CMMI model”. This diversity of interpretations can be viewed as a manifestation of the dual role that th is concept plays: a conceptual framework for describing characteristics of business processes vs. a characterization of the business process of a specific or- ganization. In the first meaning, the CMMI is a collection of concepts. In the second, it is the concepts mapped to a specific enterprise. This kind of duality is not a unique feature of the CMMI modeling framework but is rather typical of many modeling frameworks. For instance, a UML model of a software syste m captures the concepts— the classes and the associations among the classes. Then a specific run time system is an instantiation of such con- stants. In the Semantic Web domain the concepts of a domain are called Ontology, while the instances of the concepts are called An notations (also sometimes referred to as a markup [5]). The CMMI Product Suite includes various components and a CMMI Framework, which is used to generate mul- tiple models and related training and appraisal materials. The components used to generate a specific model are called a constellation. The models are categorized by rep- resentations and the types of processes. There are two representations of th e model: continuous and staged. The continuous representation enables selections on the order of improvement with respect to an organization’s busi- ness objectives, and allows comparisons within and be- tween organizations by process areas. The staged repre- sentation presents a sequence of improvements, advanc- ing through a predefined and proven path of successive levels, where each level serves as a basis for the next maturity level. It allows comparisons within and between organizations by maturity levels. It provides a single rat- ing for the appraisal results. In this p aper we focus on the staged representation. The newer releases of the CMMI models include CMMI for Acquisition [6], CMMI for Development [1,7] and CMMI for Services [8]. In this Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 778 paper we deal with CMMI-DEV [7], i.e., the specializa- tion of the CMMI to development. CMMI-DEV is used by various software organizations to assess the maturity of their development processes and to plan im provements. The staged CMMI-DEV model distinguishes five ma- turity levels as shown in Figure 1. Accord ing to CMMI- DEV, the highest achievable objective for an organiza- tion is to be at the maturity level 5. In order to assert a specific maturity level, an organi- zation must follow an appraisal process which needs to show that the organization satisfies various requirements specified in the CMMI-DEV model. This model is rather complex since it includes many concepts that are interre- lated in quite complicated ways. In order to assess the maturity level, an organization may proceed in two steps. First, it can use experts who are familiar with the CMMI- DEV model; they can verify that specific practices are implemented. In the second step, the relations among practices, goals and process areas need to be checked. Checking all the relationships among the concepts is a very tedious process. The matter is complicated even more when some ele- ments in the model change. For instance, a new type of practice is accepted by the industry or a new goal is iden- tified as necessary to satisfy a specific process area. And one more issue is that people are prone to errors. In other words, the tedious process of verifying the relationships between various practices, goals and process areas in an organization may be unintentionally erroneous. A computer based support tool would be able to alle- viate some of the problems mentioned above. A com- puter tool would not be prone to errors. It could be faster. It would be cheaper to use than people. Moreover, if de- signed properly, any modification in the CMMI-DEV model could be relatively easily implemented, and a new version of the tool could be made available to the users in a relatively short time. The above discussion provides a motivation for the work presented in this paper. In order to address the is- sues mentioned above, a computer-interpretable version of the CMMI-DEV model would have to be developed. By “computer-interpretable”, we mean a version of the model that could be used by a computer (an inference engine) to actually infer whether a given organization has achieved a specific maturity level, or infer the highest level that it can be classified at. For this task, the com- puter would have to be provided with appropriately str uc- tured input about the software engineering process areas, goals and practices in the given organization. In order to facilitate such an inference task, a representation of the CMMI-DEV model would need to have computer execu- table semantics. Towards these goals, in this paper we provide an at- tempt at a faithful, although no t complete, representation of the CMMI-DEV model in the W eb Ontolog y Langu a g e (OWL) [9], a language with formal, computer-executable semantics. The first version of such a representation was developed for CMMI-SW and described in [10]. To avo id Level Focus Process Areas 5 Optimizing Continuous Process Improvement Organizational Performance Ma nagement (OPM) Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) 4 Quantitatively Managed Quantitative Management Organizational Process Performance (OPP) Quantitative Project Management (QPM) 3 Defined Process Standardization Requirements Development (RD) Technical Solution (TS) Product Integration (PI) Verification (VER) Validation (VAL) Organizational Process Focus (OPF) Organizational Process Definition (OPD) Organizational Training (OT) Integrated Project Management (IPM) Risk Management (RSKM) Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) 2 Managed Basic Project Management Requirements Management (REQM) Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Measurement and Analysis (MA) Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) Configuration Management (CM) 1 Initial Quality Productivity Risk Rework Figure 1. CMMI-DEV Model. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 779 confusion, the term “faithful” needs to be clarified. In this paper, faithful means that a generic OWL inference engine can correctly derive the maturity level of an or- ganization’s development process, provided the engine is supplied with the data about the organization as descr ibed in this paper. A computer-interpretable version of the CMMI-DEV model could also play the role of an enabler of the inter- operability among so ftware process management systems. When two process management systems share a formali- zation of the same model, they could exchange informa- tion about the process areas covered by particular proc- esses, their goals and practices that are in use. The im- portant aspect of this scenario is that the two systems would be able to “understand” the meaning of the ex- changed information, in the sense that they would be able to (automatically) draw conclusions of the implications of a specific process areas, goals and practices. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section we discuss the main usage scenario that we considered as a potential application of our CMMI-DEV model formal- ization, i.e., the automat ic inference o f the maturity level s. Section 3 provides a description of t he CMMI-DEV model formalization. The formalization is introduced in incre- mental fashion, in three increments, from the most gen- eral classes and properties to the lower-level subclasses. Section 4 presents a description of the approach to the validation of the formalization. In particular, it describes the test data and the tools used for inferring maturity levels. Section 5 gives a brief description of related work. And finally, Section 6 presents our conclusions and sugges- tions for future research . 2. Usage Scenario of the CMMI-DEV Formalization In the intended usage scenario, an organization collects information about its specific and generic practices that it uses in its software development process, expresses this information in terms of the CMMI-DEV formalization and then invokes a model interpreter tool to check the consistency of the representation and to derive the levels of maturity of the organization’s development processes. While it is possible that some of the practices in an or- ganization have different names than the practices listed in the CMMI-DEV model, it would be the responsibility of the organization to associate its local practices with the practices recognized in the model. If the model is logically inconsistent, some remedial action would have to be taken to eliminate the source(s) of inconsistency. As was mentioned earlier, in this paper we describe a formalization of the CMMI-DEV model in the Web On- tology Language (OWL) [9], a primary language for the Semantic Web [11]. According to the approach practiced in the Semanti c Web, t he modeling consist s of t wo phases: 1) The representation of the generic concepts of a domain as an ontology that includes classes, properties (relations) and constraints; and 2) The capturing of the instances of the classes and the properties that are specific to a case being modeled by the ontology. Since we used OWL as the language to formalize CMMI-DEV model, we followed the same approach as in the Semantic Web. First, we formalized CMMI-DEV as an ontology. This on tology captures the main concep ts of this model. Note that the use of the term “ontology” makes use of the interpretatio n of this notion that is used in knowledge representation [12] and not as it is used in philosophy [13]. We call this formalization the CMMI- DEV Ontology. This ontology is then used to annotate specific and generic practices of a specific organization. In the next step, a generic OWL reasoner, e.g., Pellet [14], Racer [15], BaseVISor [16] or OWLIM 2.9.1 [17], is used to check the consistency of the representation and then to derive the classification of the level of maturity of the organization’s development process. 3. Structure of the CMMI-DEV Ontology The CMMI-DEV model is a very complex structure. Its description is provided in natural language text plus some graphics. In some cases, it is supported by figures and tables. A graphical representation of the CMMI model (as presented in [7]) is shown in Figure 2. This graphical representation, along with textual descriptions, was helpful in selecting concepts to be captured in the CMMI-DEV formalization. The OWL-DL code for the full-scale ontology is lo- cated at: http://www.ece.neu.ed u/groups/scs/onto/CMMI-DEV/. The ontology includes 313 classes and three kinds of properties. Some of the classes are primitive (or declared ), i.e., they have some necessary restrictions that need to be satisfied by an individual to be an instance of one of those classes. The defined classes are those that have b oth necessary and sufficient conditions for an instance to be member of such a class. 86 classes in the CMMI-DEV ontology are defined classes. For these classes, not only an individual needs to satisfy the restrictions of the class definition to be an instance of a given class, but also an OWL reasoner can infer whether a given individual is a member of such a class. This fact is important for the automatic inference of the membership of an organiza- tion in particular maturity levels of the CMMI-DEV model. 3.1. Top Level Classes and Properties The goal of the work described in this paper was to cap- ture the main parts of the model, i.e., identify various Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 780 Figure 2. CMMI model: graphical representation. concepts and relationships to be represented in the on- tology. The top level of the ontology is shown in Figure 3. Concepts are represented as OWL classes and rela- tionships as O WL pr o pert i es. Our first decision was to proceed in an incremental top-down fashion. In the first step (increment) we have identified four top-level classes: Maturity_Level, Pro- cess_Area, Goal and Practice. All these c lasses are sh own in Figure 3 as rectangles. The decision to consider these four classes in the on- tology was based on the statements in the CMMI docu- ment [7]. Maturity levels are the basis of classification in the staged CMMI-DEV model, so the Maturity_Level class had to be included. Goals are a required component of the CMMI-DEV model. Practices are expected com- ponents of the model. Process Areas are used in the CMMI-DEV document [7] as containers of both goals and practices. This is also indicated in Figure 2. Relations among specific classes are shown in Figure 3 as arrows with associated labels representing relation names. The top level of the ontology includes three rela- tions, or properties in the terminology of OWL: consistsOf , satisfiedBy and achievedBy. We tried to choose relations names so that they somewhat reflect their nature within the model. The relationships among the four top-level classes are patterned upon the hierarchy shown in Figure 1 which suggests this kind of rel a t i onships. The consistsOf property is supported by the CMMI- DEV description [7], which states that “A maturity level consists of related specific and generic practices for a pre - defined set of process areas that improve the organiza- tions overall performance.” Moreover, the CMMI-DEV document [7] states that: “The maturity levels are meas- Figure 3. Top level of the CMMI-DEV ontology. ured by the achievement of the specific and generic goals associated with each predefined set of process areas.” The existence of a satisfiedBy relationship between Process_Area and Goal is supported by the definition of process area in [7]: “A cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfies a set of goals considered important for making improvement in that area.” We chose satisfiedBy rather than satisfy primarily because generic goal is defined in [7] as: “A required model component that describes characteristics that must be present to institutionalize processes that im- plement a process area.” Another potential candidate for the name of this relationship could be present. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 781 Finally, the relationship between Goal and Practice was named achievedBy, mainly because specific practice is defined in [7] as: “An expected model component that is considered important in achieving the associated specific goal. The specific practices describe the activities ex- pected to result in achievement of the specific goals of a process area.” Another possibility would be to introduce a ternary re- lation between Process_Area, Goal and Practice. The fol- lowing statement in [7] seems to suggest that there is a linear chain of relations between Maturity_Level, Proc- ess_Area and Goal. “To reach a particular level, an or- ganization must satisfy all of the goals of the process area or set of process areas that are targeted for improvement, regardless of whether it is a capability or a maturity level.” Moreover, the analysis of tables in [7] that group prac- tices shows that in fact only relationships between Pro- cess_Area and Goal, as well as between Goal and Prac- tice are actually used. This revealed that only two binary relations can be used to represent the description of what might seem like a ternary relation. The CMMI-DEV model describes relationships among the practices. This aspect was not modeled in our onto- logy, primarily because our focus at this time was on the ability to infer the maturity levels of an organization’s development processes. The ontology would need to be expanded to capture su ch inter-practice relationships. 3.2. Second Increment of the CMMI-DEV Ontology The second increment of the ontology introduces t he classes at one level deeper in the ontology (Figure 4). Four new classes (two subclasses of Goal and two subclasses of Practice) and one new property are added to the classes shown in Figure 3. The subClassOf relation between two classes is represented in this figure by an arrow with a hollow arrow end poin ting to the superclass. The class Goal introduced in Section 3.1 does no t have a direct corresponding component in the CMMI-DEV representation in Figure 2. Instead, Figure 2 shows mod e l components of “specific goals” and “generic goals”. Never- theless, we introduced Goal as a top-level class (Figure 3) and then added two subclasses, i.e., Specific_Goal and Generic_Goal, in Figure 4. Similarly, the class Practice is introduced as a superclass of Specific_Practice and Generic_Practice. The primary reason for the introduc- tion of these superclasses is to show the commonalities between generic and specific practices, and between ge- neric and specific goals. They also play similar roles in the CMMI-DEV model. And finally, in this way we do not need to introduce additional properties between ge- neric goals and generic practices, as well as between spe- cific goals and specific practices. The achievedBy prop- erty is sufficient to represent both of the relation s. Maturity Levels One of the primary considerations behind this work was the automatic inference of the maturity level from the data about generic and specific practices within a com- pany. As with any formalization, the choice of the for- malization language imposes some constraints on what can be represented in the ontology, as well as how it can be done. Since we chose OWL as the formalization lan- guage for our ontology we had to construct the ontology in such a way that the automatic inference of maturity levels from information about specific practices is possi- ble. Figure 4. Second level of detail of the CMMI-DEV ontology. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 782 OWL facilitates various kinds of inferences, e.g., sub- sumption, satisfiability, instance retrieval and type infer- ence. Subsumption reasoning allows the inference that one class is a subclass of another. This inference is based upon the intentional definitions of the classes using pri- marily property restrictions—defining a class as those individuals that on a given property have values from another class. Satisfiability reasoning allows one to infer whether a proposed type of individual (class) is satisfi- able, i.e., whether it can be instantiated concretely. In- stance retrieval allows one to infer which of the indi- viduals are instances of a particular class. Type inference derives the classes that a given individual is an instance of. One of the first decisions that we had to make was how the concep t of maturity level shou ld be represented. In OWL, each maturity level could be modeled as a property, an instance or a class. In the first case, there would be five properties corresponding to the five matu- rity levels. This option was rejected mainly because OWL does not have much support for defining properties in terms of other concepts and does not provide means for property inference. The second option would result in having one class—Maturity Level—with five individuals, each being a maturity level. This option was rejected for at least two re asons. First, according to [7], maturity levels are organized in a hierarchy where the higher levels in- clude all of the features of the levels below them and introduce some additional features. This aspect can be captured by the OWL subclass relation and by the inheri- tance property associated with this relation. But it would be difficult, if possible at all, to capture this kind of rela- tionship between two consecutive maturity levels if they were represented simply as instances of only one class. An additional problem with t his conceptualization would be that this would imply that there should be only one way of achieving a given maturity level, which again would go against the spirit of CMMI. Consequently, we intro- duced the Maturity_Level class, as shown in Figure 3, and then modeled the dependencies among the maturity levels using the subClassOf property of OWL as shown in Figure 5. In this conceptualization, a company can be identified with a maturity level. Since Maturity_Level is the lowest possible level and all of the features of this level are also included in all upper levels, a company can be safely identified with this level. This class thus plays a double role—as a generic class of maturity levels and as a class representing maturity level 1. Then an OWL reasoner can be used to infer whether the company also satisfies h igh er maturity levels. Thus the kind of inference used for this purpose is type inference, as described above. For such Figure 5. Maturity levels. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 783 an inference to be possible, the classes representing par- ticular maturity levels (except level 1) must be defined classes. Towards this aim, we defined appropriate re- strictions for each maturity level class. In OWL, such restrictions are anonymous classes. Figure 5 shows for each maturity level an anonymous class that is equivalent to a given maturity level. This is indicated by bidirec- tional “isa” arrows between a maturity level class and an anonymous class. The anonymous classes are defined by restriction expressions. Below we show how restrictions are represented in OWL. Due to the size of the OWL code, only a small part of the restriction on the Matu- rity_Level_2 class is shown. <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseTyp e=“Collection”> <owl:Restriction> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=“#Configuration_ Management”/> <owl:onProperty> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ab out=“#consistsOf”/> </owl:onProperty> </owl:Restriction> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ab out=“#consistsOf”/> </owl:onProperty> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=“#Measurement_ and_Analysis”/> .................. </owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf> Since the Maturity_Level_2 class has a number of re- strictions, they are captured as an intersection of particu- lar restrictions. In this case we show that each instance of Maturity_Level_2 must have at least one association with Configuration_Manag ement and one with Measurement_ and_Analysis through the consistsOf property. In plain English terms, this means that a company to be classified as an instance of maturity level 2 must include in its software process the process areas of Measurement and Analysis and Configuration Management. All restrictions can be viewed at http://www.ece.neu.ed u/groups/scs/onto/CMMI-DEV/cm mi.owl. 3.3. Third Increment of the CMMI-DEV Ontology In this incr ement, th e ontology o f the CMMI- D EV mode l is expanded by providing definitions for the subclasses of Process_Area, Specific_Goal, Generic_Goal, Specific_ Practice and Generic_Practice. Due to the relatively large size of the ontology, it is difficult to show it in a graphi- cal form. For this reason, in Table 1 we show the defini- tion of one subclass—Requirements_Management. A full version of this table would show all the sub- classes of Process_Area in the first column. We chose the names of the subclasses of Process_Area that are similar to the process areas in the CMMI-DEV model. They are grouped under four subclasses, one for each maturity level: Process_Area_Level_2, Process_Area_ Level_3, Process_Area_Level_4 and Process_Are a_L evel_ 5. Requirements_Management shown in Table 1 is a subclass of Process_Area_Level_2. The second column contains the Specific_Goal and Generic_Goal subclasses. Following the convention used in the description of the CMMI-DEV model [7], the name of each subclass is prefixed by SG for Specific_Goal and GG for Generic_Goal. Following the prefix of SG, there is a number, which acts as an enumerator for the sub- classes of Specific_Goal and Generic_Goal. So SG_1_ Manage_Requirements in Table 1 is the class for the specific goal numbered 1. The convention for the GG prefix accepted in [7] is that the number after the GG prefix is an indicator that shows the corresponding Pro- cess_Area_Level_<x>, where x is an integer. So the class GG_2_Institutionalize_a_ Managed_Process represents a goal associated with the process areas associated with the maturity level 2. The third column contains the Specific_Practice and Generic_Practice subclasses. The name of each subclass is prefixed by SP for Specific_Practice and GP for Ge- neric_Practice. Following the prefix, there are two num- bers separated by a dot, where the first number corre- sponds to a Specific_Goal or a Generic_Goal. The sec- ond number enumerates the subclasses of Specific_Prac- tice and Generic_Practice. The subclass es at a row are r elated to each o ther th r o u g h properties and restrictions. The subclasses in column one are restricted to such instances that on property satis- fiedBy have at least one (existential restriction) value from a specific subclass of Goal. In other words, the sub- classes of Process_Area are defined by the satisfiedBy property and a subclass of Specific_Goal or Generic_ Goal. The Goal class is defined by the allValuesFrom restriction (necessary and sufficient) on property achie- ved By with values in the class Practice. However, a relatively rich subclassification of Goal provides more information than this restriction. Each subclass of Goal is defined as an existential restriction to particular subclas s es of Practice on property achievedBy. So for instance, SG_ 1_ManageRequirements must have at least one of the five practices as value of achievedBy. In total, there are 49 Specific_Goal subclasses. In or- der to enhance the readability of the ontology, the 49 subclasses are grouped into 22 intermediate subclasses, which have the naming convention <name>_Goal, where name is the name of the Process_Area that is related to Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 784 the subclass of Specific_Goal grouped under this subclass. For instance, the goal SG_1_Manage_Requirements falls under the Requirements_Management_Goal intermediate class. These intermediate subclasses of Specific_Goal, which are used solely for the grouping, are not shown in Table 1. 4. Validation of the Formalization In the previous sections we showed how the CMMI-DEV ontology presented in this paper was constructed. The main purpose of this discussion was to show the relation between the CMMI-DEV model described in [7] and the ontology, and show that the ontology is a relatively faith- ful formalization of the model. The goal was to convince the reader that this is actually the case. Obviously, this is a subjective judgment. Since, as stated in the Introduc- tion section, the main usage scenario for this ontology that guided its development was the automatic inference of the maturity level of an organization’s development process, we also tested this formalization on a number of cases. For this purpose, a set of test cases was developed and then OWL inference engines were used for the automatic inference of facts entailed by the ontology. In particular, the derivation of the maturity level of an or- ganization was demonstrated. In this section we describe some of our experiments. 4.1 Test Data We used the results of the SEI Appraisal Program [18] to assess the validity of our formalization. SEI has designed “the Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Im- provement (SCAMPISM) to provide benchmark quality ratings relative to CMMI models” [19]. These results show the assigned maturity level o f the staged version of CMMI-DEV model for the appraised organizations, base d on the process areas determined by the appraisal method. In order to attain a maturity level, an organization should have “satisfied” or “not applicable” ratings for the proc- ess areas that maturity level consists of. For our experi- ments, fifteen organizations were selected from the ap- praisal results. The appraisal results for the fifteen org ani- zations and the ratings for the process areas applied by each organization are shown in Table 2. The organiza- tions in Table 2 are labeled O1 through O15. Each row shows which organizations cover the process area repre- sented by the row and whether the process area is satis- fied (S), not applicable (NA) or out of scope (OS). Table 3 shows the legend for all the labels in Table 2. All the data from Table 2 was annotated in terms of the CMMI-DEV ontology so that it could be processable by an OWL reasoner . Moreov er, in stan ces of all the cl ass es from the CMMI-DEV ontology (Generic_Goal, Specific _Goal, Generic_Practice and Specific_Practice) had to be Table 1. Example relationships among subclasses of Pro- cess Area, Goal and Practice. Process AreaGoal Practice Requirements Management SG 1 Manage Requirements SP 1. 1 Understanding Requirements SP 1.2 Obtain Commitm ent to Requirements SP 1.3 Manage Requirements Changes SP 1.4 Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements SP 1.5 Ensure Alignment between Project Work and Requirements GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process GP 2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy GP 2.2 Plan the Process GP 2.3 Provide Resources GP 2.4 Assign Responsibility GP 2.5 Train People GP 2.6 Control Work Products GP 2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders GP 2.8 Monitor and Control the Process GP 2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence GP 2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management created. Those instances need to be present for a particu- lar organization in order to satisfy the restrictions of the maturity level that the organization has been assigned. The overall number of instances that had to be created was quite large. For instance, for an organization to be at the maturity level 5, at least 255 instances need to be created. For other levels these numbers are 215 for level 3 and 92 for level 2. All fifteen annotation files, one for each company, can be viewed at http://www.ece.neu.ed u/groups/scs/onto/CMMI-DEV/. 4.2. Testing As the first step, both the CMMI-DEV ontology and the OWL files that contained the test cases were checked for consistency using an ontology consistency checker Cons- VISor [20]. The result of the tests on the final version of these files was that all the ontologies were consistent. In the next step, two OWL reasoners were used to de- rive development process maturity levels of the 15 or- ganizations. The reasoners were BaseVISor [16], OWLI M 2.9.1 [17] and Pellet 2.3.0 [14]. All three inference en- gines are available for free for research purposes. All of them were able to process the reasoning tasks for all 15 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA 785 Table 2. Test cases. O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 O11 O12 O13 O14 O15 AppR 3 5 3 5 5 3 2 5 2 3 2 5 3 2 5 REQM S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PP S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PMC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SAM NA S S NA NA S S NA NA S S S S NA NA MA S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PPQA S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S CM S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S RD S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S TS S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S PI S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S VER S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S VAL S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S OPF S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S OPD S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S OT S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S IPM S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S RSKM S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S DAR S S S S S S OS S OS S OS S S OS S OPP OS S OS S S OS OS S OS OS OS S OS OS S QPM OS S OS S S OS OS S OS OS OS S OS OS S OPM OS S OS S S OS OS S OS OS OS S OS OS S CAR OS S OS S S OS OS S OS OS OS S OS OS S Table 3. Legend for the test cases from Table 2. Acronym Description Acronym Description AppR Appraisal Result OPF Organizational Process Focus REQM Requirements Management OPD Organizational Process Def. PP Project Planning OT Organizational Training PMC Project Monitoring and Cntrl IPM Integrated Project Mngmnt SAM Supplier Agreement Mngmnt RSKM Risk Management MA Measurement and Analysis DAR Decision Analysis & Resol. PPQA Process & Prod. Qual. Assrn. OPP Organizational Proc. Perf. CM Configuration Management QPM Quality Project Mngmnt RD Requirements Development OPM Org. Performance Mngm nt TS Technical Solution CAR Causal An aly sis & Resol. PI Product Integration S Satisfied VER Verification NA Not Applicable VAL Validation OS Out of Scope
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 786 cases within seconds. All the test cases resulted in correct (expected) inference. In other words, for all the fifteen test cases listed in Table 2, BaseVISor, OWLIM and Pellet derived that the organizations satisfied the levels specified in the table, as well as all the levels below the highest level. 5. Related Work Our literature search has identified a number of efforts on implementing formal ontologies for software engineering in general ([21]). However, our interest was specifically related to the use of automatic inference of the CMMI- DEV maturity levels of software engineering processes. Below we list the efforts that are related to the use of ontologies for software engineering process improvement in general and the CMMI-DEV model in particular. The work reported in this paper is based on, and is an extension of, the (unpu blished ) work reported at th e 2006 ISWC Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE) [22]. The ontology described in [22] was modified to account for the migration of the CMMI-SW [23] to CMMI-DEV V.1.3 [7]. Mendes and Abran [24 ] have initiated a project for the development of a software engineering domain ontology based on the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBoK) [25]. Although OWL was used to implement the ontology, we were not able to access the ontology and possibly base our ontology on some results of this work. Moreover, the goal of the development of the SWEBoK ontology was different than ours. As stated in [24], their project had five objectives: “characterizing the software engineering discipline contents; providing ac- cess in terms of topics to the software engineering bo d y o f knowledge; promoting a consistent view of software en- gineering; clarifying the location and setting the bo u n da r i e s of software engineering with respect to other related dis- ciplines; creating a basis for curriculum development and individual cert i fi cat i on.” Liao, Qu and Leung [26] introduced an ontology named Software Process Ontology (SPO) to express software processes at the conceptual level. The focus of this on- tology was on the software engineering process and the integration of various process assessment paradigms. For this reason, the ontology has two subclasses for linking SPO with ontologies for CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504. However, to the best of ou r knowledge, this ontolog y did not support the inference of the maturity levels. Chang-Shing Lee, et al. [27,28] conducted research on the application of ontologies to project management. As part of this research, they have reported on the develop- ment of a “CMMI ontology”. Their ontology includes many concepts that come out of the CMMI model [7], like the key process areas of Requirements Management and Software Project Planning. However, since the goal of their project is different from ours, their ontology has very little resemblance with the CMMI-DEV ontology presented in this paper. The stru cture of their ontology is based on their own conceptualization of both the classes and the relations among the classes, while in ou r case the intent was to just capture the CMMI-DEV concepts (as faithfully as possible) in a formal representation rather than introduce a new conceptualization. Consequently, while the ontology discussed in [27,28] serves the pur- pose intended by its authors, it would not be possible to infer the maturity level of an organization by using off- the-shelf ontology inference engines. Gazel, Sezer and Tarhan [29] created a software proc- ess assessment tool called Ontology-based CMMI Map- ping and Querying Tool (OCMQT) which is an Eclipse plug-in extension to EPF Composer. A CMMI ontology based on CMMI-Dev 1.2 was created. Users can view a CMMI ontology, create a software process ontology, con - struct a mapping ontology which maps the software pro- cess ontology to the CMMI ontology and query all the three ontologies. It is stated in [29] that the ontology captures both continuous and staged representations of CMMI. However the details of the ontology are not pro- vided in the paper. Although some similarities to the on- tology described [22] seem to be apparent, e.g., the pro- perty names, it is not clear whether this ontology support s the inference about th e maturity leve ls. Rungratri and Usanavasin [30] have constructed an on- tology called Project Assets Ontology (PAO) and a CMMI Maturity/Capability assessment tool called CMMI v.1.2 based Gap Analysis Assistant Framework (C MM I-G AAF). PAO is an extension to the older version of the CMMI ontology by Soydan and Kokar [22]. It includes typical work products, data type properties defining project as- sets and evidences of information related to the typical work products. CMMI-GAAF uses project assets from an organization and PAO to make an assessment on the CMMI practices and goals performed and achieved. The tool produces a report called Practice Implementation Indicator Description (PIID), which shows the achieved and absent practices and goals to achieve maturity levels in an organization. While this p aper presents an ontology and a tool for comprehensive assessment of an organiza- tion in achieving maturity levels, it doesn’t make use of ontology inferencing capabilities. A number of efforts were devoted to developing con- ceptual ontologies (although not represented in a formal knowledge representation language). The reasoning com- ponents of these systems follow a specially developed algorithm that processes fuzzy rules. Wang et al. [31] use a fuzzy ontology and ontology-based semantic inferenc- ing to a CMMI-based system for student performance in Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
 A Partial Formalization of the CMMI-DEV—A Capability Maturity Model for Development 787 the After School Alternative Program in Taiwan. Also, Wang et al., Lee et al., [32] and Wang et al. [33] have developed an ontology-based intelligent estimation agen t which uses fuzzy inference and a CMMI-based project planning ontology. This agent estimates the total cost of a project. Lee, Wang, Liu and Lin [3 4] developed a Cus- tomer Relationship Management (CRM) ontology using CMMI project planning. The intent was to use the ontol- ogy in business process planning. Lee and Wang [35] worked on a project in which they used an ontology, natural language processing and the intelligent agent technology for generating summaries of evaluations of the software engineering process with respect to CMMI. In a similar vein, Lee et al. [36] applied a CMMI based ontology approach to project monitoring and control. Sang Hun Lee et al. [37] discussed the relation between the CMMI reference model and the OTK ontology development methodology. The need for the use of ontologies in software engi- neering has been recognized by many other researchers and organizations. In most cases the purpose of develop- ing a software engineering ontology has been to establish a common vocabulary and to provide formalization of software engineering concepts [21,38-40]. To the best of our knowledge, none of the existing ontologies allow for the automatic inference of maturity levels as described in this paper. 6. Conclusions and Future Work The main purpose of the work described in this paper was to demonstrate the capability of au tomatic classifica- tion of maturity levels based upon some characteristics of the software engineering processes used by an organiza- tion. Towards this aim, a comprehensive formalization of the CMMI-DEV model as an ontology was implemented in OWL-DL. The ontology includes 313 classes and thr ee properties. 86 of the classes are defined classes; others are primitive classes. The ontology has been validated on f ifteen cases (fifte en organizations) extracted from the set of results developed by the SEI Appraisal Program. In order to annotate these organizations, a large number of instances had to be added to the base CMMI-DEV ontology. The number of instances ranged from 92 to 255, depending on the ma- turity level of an organization. All of the fifteen test cases are accessible at: http://www.ece.neu.ed u/groups/scs/onto/CMMI-DEV/. The particular test cases at this URL are identified as cmmi_test1.owl through cmmi_test15.owl. The BaseVISor, Pellet and OWLIM inference engines were used successfully to derive the maturity levels of the organizations based on the supplied data, and for all of the test cases the inference engines derived the same conclusions as in the appraisal results. Since the CMMI-DEV Ontology has computer-ex- ecutable semantics, it can be used for automatic reason- ing about the maturity levels of organizations, based upon some data provided by the organization. An OWL reasoner can be used for this purpose. The ontology could also be used in other scenarios, including process improvement and process optimization. And finally, the ontology can be used for passing information about par- ticular aspects of the software engineering processes, both within and among software organizations. Although the validation results indicate that the onto- logy faithfully captures the concepts and constraints of the CMMI-DEV model, the ultimate value of the onto- logy can only be appreciated if the community accepts it and decides to use it for both capturing process informa- tion and for interchange of information among various tools and various users. Towards this aim, we have pub- lished the ontology on our web site. This ontology can be treated as a “core ontology” that can be extended to more fully capture the concep ts that are needed by the poten tial users. The ontology is available at: http://www.ece.neu.ed u/groups/scs/onto/CMMI-DEV/cm mi.owl. REFERENCES [1] M. B. Chrissis, M. Konrad and S. Shrum, “CMMI: Gui- delines for Process Integratio n and Product Improvement,” 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2011. [2] Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, “What Is CMMI?” 2008. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/general/ [3] Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, “The CMMI Version 1.2 Overview Presentation,” 2008. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/adoption/pdf/cmmi-overvi ew07.pdf [4] Capability Maturity Model, “Wikipedia,” 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_maturity_model [5] J. Heflin, “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements,” 2004. http://www.w3.org/TR/webont-req/ [6] B. Gallagher, M. Phillipsand, K. Richter and S. 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