termined from the mock test data and the estimation of
performance has to be made for different values of β. The
larger the value of , greater will be the validity and
applicability of this approach where these parameters can
be used to predict one’s performance. This model shows
that one is likely to make better performance in examina-
tions having larger number of questions. This depend-
ence on N is a mathematical consequence that cannot
generally be guessed from common sense. It has also
been assumed that the process of attempting a question
and its result is independent of attempting any other
question. This assumption does not hold for linked com-
prehension questions where, the process of attempting a
question and its result depends on attempting other
linked questions. In this regard a modification of our
simple theory using the conditional probability [21] is
required. Let the events of attempting successive ques-
tions in a linked comprehension be A, B, C, etc. Then,
according to the conditional probability [21] we have
PCBPCB PB , (27)
and so on.
These ideas can be incorporated for theoretical inter-
ests. Calculations, based on such ideas, are likely to
make this model so complicated that it would not be very
useful to examinees preparing for competitive examina-
tions. The mathematical simplicity in its present form is
important in the sense that one can use this model suc-
cessfully with considerable ease, for an estimation of
performance, without making too much effort to grasp
the underlying concept. The present analysis reveals im-
portant and useful features, which one can’t discover just
by intuition. It enables one to make an effective self-
assessment, and thereby modify one’s plans, while pre-
paring for an important examination.
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