Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OJSTA
4. Conclusion
The toughening of epoxy resin, DGEBA, with hydroxyl-
terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) was success fully
conducted. A chemical linkage between the elastomer
and resin was developed by employing isophorone diiso-
cyanate (IPDI) as a coupling agent to synthesize epoxy
terminated HTPB based prepolymer. Test results showed
increases in some of the important mechanical properties
like toughness and impact strength by 100% with only
1% - 2% HTPB concentration. Other mechanical proper-
ties like flexural strength, flexural modulus, stiffness, and
compressive strength decrease linearly with increasing
rubber concentration. The toughening of epoxy resin,
DGEBA, with hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)
was success fully conducted. A chemical linkage between
the elastomer and resin was developed by employing iso-
phorone diisocynate (IPDI) as a coupling agent to syn-
thesize epoxy terminated HTPB based prepolymer.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to the Centre of Excellence for
Science and Advanced Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
for funding the project and University of Peshawar for
providing SEM facility.
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