iBusiness, 2012, 4, 260-264
http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ib.2012.43033 Published Online September 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ib)
Study on the Construction of Enterprise Quality Culture
for Brand Strategy
Zhi Gao, Jinfu Ye, Yi Huang
School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China.
Email: dazhi1217@163.com, yjf@nwpu.edu.cn, 280963827@qq.com
Received May 22nd, 2012; revised June 22nd, 2012; accepted July 22nd, 2012
Enterprise quality culture is an importan t part of corporate culture, but it is often overlooked by enterprise, thu s restrict-
ing quality level and quality image improvement to a large extent. In this paper, the construction of enterprise quality
culture is deeply discussed, aiming at helping enterprise deeply understand the essence of quality culture, combining
with brand strategy for the con s truction of enterprise quality cultu re.
Keywords: Quality Culture; Brand Strategy; Quality Culture Construction
1. Introduction
Brand competition has become the domestic and interna-
tional market competition mainstream. To survive and
develop, enterprise must implement the brand strategy.
As the core of corporate culture, quality culture plays an
irreplaceable role for implementing brand strategy; brand
is an important indicator of corporate quality culture.
Therefore, this article will be combine product quality
with brand strategy to d iscuss the build ing of quality cul-
ture. It has an important significance for the brand strat-
egy implementation an d quality culture construction.
2. An Overview of Quality Culture
2.1. The Meaning of Quality Culture
The meaning of the quality culture is still not a unified
understanding. Experts in various fields from different
perspective give different interpretations to quality cul-
ture. Liu Lemin believes that the quality culture be the
quality as the center, based on the material culture, con-
sist of quality consciousness, quality standard, quality
management art, quality improvement innovation and
other spiritual and cu ltural activities [1]. Zhou Ye argues
that quality culture refer to the enterprise and society in
the long-term production and management naturally
forming a series of quality problems concerning quality
consciousness, norms, values, ethics, philosophy, inno-
vation consciousness, behavior rules, ways of thinking,
competitive consciousn ess, legal concept, customs, tradi-
tional idea, enterprise environment, enterprise system
and so on. Quality value is the core of quality culture [2].
Jia Hong believes that quality culture form in the enter-
prise in the establishment and development process and
rooted in the minds of all members of the enterprise, de-
ciding all the production activities of a series of quality-
related values and norms [3].
Although the definition of quality culture is not uni-
form, each presentation is different. But on quality cul-
ture still has many similarities and common. This paper
takes the scholars of our country, Ning Hong’s point of
view: quality culture is the enterprise in long-term qual-
ity management process, enclose quality problems aris-
ing from the activities of all manners, this approach re-
flects the enterprise unique quality viewpoint of value.
Including the enterprise standard, value orientation, mo-
ral concepts, innovative consciousness, way of behavior,
competitive consciousn ess, legal concept, customs, tradi-
tional concepts, the goal of enterprise, enterprise system,
enterprise image and so on. It not only shows the enter-
prise culture’s funct io n and n at ure, but also for marketing
refers to the total product concept of entirety [4 ].
2.2. The Characteristics of Quality Culture
Quality culture is the core part of corporate culture,
which influenced by so cial culture, so the quality culture
is also influenced by the social environment and social
morality. A good group quality awareness and quality
psychology has great help on enterprise quality culture
establishment. Quality culture is a unique culture, with
its characteristics of culture. As a kind of culture it is
distinguished from other corporate phenomenon or activ-
ity. The characteristics of quality culture include the fol-
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Study on the Construction of Enterprise Quality Culture for Brand Strategy 261
lowing respects:
Uniqueness: each enterp rise has its own history, types,
nature, scale, psychological background, the quality
of personnel etc;
Mutability: the formation of quality culture, not only
influenced by the enterprise traditional spirit factors,
but also influenced by the reality of management en-
vironment and management process;
Objectivity: it is rooted in the enterprise long-term
production and management practice, not created or
rely on empty preaching can build up;
Sociality: it is the special fo rm of social culture in en-
terprise, also known as the “sub-culture”, the different
social system has different quality culture;
Inheritance: it emphasis on traditional values, code of
conduct and spiritual culture’s role in management,
and this point in the previous management theory is
not recognized;
Epochal character: it belongs to the sub culture level,
exist in a state of social material and cultural living
environment, must reflect the times style and require-
ments, and maintain synchronization with the devel-
opment of the times.
2.3. The Structure of Quality Culture
From the time of the cross section, the structural charac-
teristics of quality culture consists of its material level,
system level and mental level, the three level according
to the order from low to high together component of qua-
lity culture pyramid, and accordance with culture change
features, quality culture change characteristics from the
material level to the spiritual level increases gradually.
Among them, the material level has a high visibility, be-
longs to low level of quality cultu re, but the system level
and mental level has a low easy to perceive, belongs to
deep level of quality culture.
2.3.1. The Material Level of Quality Culture
The material level is the basic level of quality culture,
such as: clothing factory, factory emblem, factory song,
products an d the quality image. On the effect sizes, com-
pared with other aspects, material level has relatively
small influence on cu ltural strength.
2.3.2. The System Level of Quality Culture
Quality culture system is the main mechanism of shap ing
the corporate member behavior. The system level in-
cludes the following three aspects, namely, standardiza-
tion and standard system, incentive system and legal
system. Among them, standardization and standard sys-
tem provide the guidance and evaluation system for be-
havior and its results, reveal basic goal of quality practice,
to meet the need or expectation. Reward system reflects
incentive and oriented action to the pattern of behavior.
2.3.3. The Spirit Level of Quality Culture
The spirit level of quality culture is located in the top of
quality culture pyramid, which is the core conten t and the
highest realm of quality culture, and also can reflect the
quality culture construction achievements. It shows the
community actively to respect and protect the interests of
customer’s value orientation and spiritual pursuit. Spirit
level involves the following four groups value orien tation,
respect customer equity; actively maintain social quality
culture authority; pursuit of behavior results from the
social benefit and perfectionism; an d in a continuous and
persistent view to treat economic resources, promote so-
cial sustainable development concept.
2.4. The Importance of Quality Culture to the
Quality culture has four functions to enterprise, they are
guiding role, constraint effect, agglomeration effect and
radiation effect.
Guiding role: the goals of employees are directed to
the corporate objectives. Employees will accept com-
mon values and form a force to the given direction in
the influence character by environment;
Constraint effect: as an organization, the enterprise
often need to make many rules and regulations to en-
sure the quality of products and work, which of cour-
se is absolutely necessary, but even with ten million
rules and regulations, it is difficult to regulate the be-
havior of every worker. Quality culture is an invisible
constraint forces to form a code of conduct to restrict
the behavior of the workers, which can compensate
for the lack of rules and regulations;
Agglomeration effect: quality culture is a kind of
strong cohesion fo rce, uniting various levels of peop le
around the enterprise culture so as to produce a cohe-
sive and centripetal force, and share the joys and sor-
rows with enterprise;
Radiation effect: quality culture shapes the enterp-
rise’s quality image. Good enterprise image is a sign
of success, the enterprise quality image not only has
big effect to enterprise itself, but also to the region
and the domestic and foreign enterprises. So the qual-
ity culture has great radiation effect.
Such as Shanghai Bell Company, in order to shape the
quality culture, setting up a special management system
of quality culture, and achieving great success [5]. Wu-
han iron and steel corporation builds quality culture for
many years, forming continuous improvement mecha-
nism for product quality, equipment features and user
services, improving service quality levels, through unre-
mitting efforts, the Wuhan iron and steel corporation in-
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IB
Study on the Construction of Enterprise Quality Culture for Brand Strategy
creases products quality, market reputation and cu stomer
satisfaction [6].
3. Brand Strategy and Quality Culture
Relations Research
3.1. Enterprise’s Brand Strategy Begins in
Quality Management
The brand is to provide customers with a worthwhile pur-
chase value functional benefits and added value products,
the enterprises to establish brand is intended to enable
consumers to identify their products and services, there-
fore, brand ev aluation authority is the customer [7]. Cus-
tomer satisfaction evaluation provides scientific basis for
corporate brand strategy, guide an enterprise to walk
along quality benefit road. A good brand can bring cus-
tomer interests, to create value. Therefore, to implement
brand strategy, at first to strengthen qua lity management,
improve customer satisfaction.
3.1.1. Customer Satisfaction Is an Important Means
for Enterprise Quality Management
Customer satisfaction index (CSL) evaluation has impor-
tant significance to improve the product quality and bu-
siness performance. Create Significant Economic Benefits
Products are designed to be better, the more can improve
its target customer satisfaction level; on the contrary, if
the product or service is poor, customer satisfaction is
low. Customer satisfaction influences the sales revenue
of the enterprise and the economic benefits of the enter-
prise. The United States “fortune” magazine selected
“global top 500 enterprises” inclusion in the CSL evalua-
tion of enterprises, tracking compared the year sales vol-
ume and the market value with the respective CSL and
found that enterprises’ CSL have significant direct rela-
tionship with the “economic growth” and “market prolif-
eration”. Improve the Management Level of Enterprises
Quality is the life of enterprise. Customer satisfaction in-
dex reflects the needs of the markets. The index can re-
flect the market recognized degree to enterprises. Enter-
prises through customer satisfaction can continue to iden-
tify service quality problems, so as to facilitate the enter-
prise take improvement measures rationally. Promote the Building of Enterprise Culture
The enterprise culture includes enterprise member’s val-
ues, business philosophy, thinking way and behavior way,
has powerful cohesive action to the enterprise. Customer
satisfaction philosophy advocates the unity of customer
and business interests and in-depth understanding of
customer needs. Developing the evaluation of client sat-
isfaction is conducive to cultivating enterprise interior
staff for business identity, forming a good team spirit,
guiding all the enterprises internal quality activity toward
the enterprise and customer development.
3.1.2. The Core of Brand Is Quality
Brand evaluation authority is the customers, no custom-
ers no brand. The customer to the brand cognition is
based on the customer using products. Products and ser-
vices quality finally decides the customer to the product
brand or company loyalty and recognition level, namely
the customer purchase quality. Therefore, to build the
brand first grab from quality, Haier Group is an example
in this regard. In the process of quality management in
Haier, take the management method, namely the overall
control and management, each day to do every thing,
today’s work must be finished today, today completed
work must be improved than yesterday, tomorrow’s goal
must be higher than today. Haier products and services
are unique, emphasis on pre-sale, sale, the after-sales
service. It is management and service features that huge
upgrade the Haier brand image, show its contest ability
in the international market. Therefore, the implementa-
tion of brand strategy, the creation and development of
famous brand products, the core is still quality. Only
those who are committed to quality improvement and
innovation, can to be successful, to be profitable, can
move toward prosperity.
3.1.3. The Soul of Brand Is Culture
The brand derives from enterprise culture, benefit, mar-
ket, trademark is merely technical, short-term, micro-
scopic things, more effective, more profound, and in ge-
neral more influential is the unique culture and values of
the design, this is the brand essence. For example, in
1956 IBM company first lift cultural banner, with “sci-
ence, innovation, excellence” orientation, successfully
established the “blu e giant image” in world high -tech do-
main. Since then, the IBM brand squeezes in the world’s
ten major brands list.
3.2. Advanced Quality Culture Is the Key to the
Sustainable Development of the Brand
Quality culture as a component of corporate culture, is
the enterprise internal explicit or implicit method and
mechanism for dealing with quality problems [8]. Qual-
ity for a enterprise, reflects the management, technology
and the overall level of corporate culture. In other word,
quality is the eternal theme and the first life of enter-
prises, a corporate quality culture quality embodies the
enterprise quality improvement capacity. To establish
and improve the quality culture system, update the con-
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cept of quality, strengthen the sense of quality, breed
spirit of enterprise quality, enhance the enterprise staff
quality, all contribute to the improvement of the enter-
prise as the main body of quality improvement mecha-
nism, enhance corporate brand awareness and the poten-
tial of sustainable development.
3.2.1. Enterprise Quality Concept Determines the
Behavior of E nterpri se Q u a l i ty Cul ture
The key to construction of enterprise quality culture is a
corporate quality po licy and obj ectives as well as the for-
mation of a set of perfect system of quality system do-
cuments, through quality management agencies and the
joint efforts of all staff, rooted in the daily management
and settled in practice [9]. In the quality improvement
process, the enterprise value plays an important regula-
tory role. Therefore, attention should be paid to the staff
to corporate values education, let enterprise quality val-
ues into all the staff of the enduring spirit and style, make
the enterprise good quality system and standard into spi-
ritual strength, the pursuit of first-class products and
meet the greatest needs of users as its eternal goal.
3.2.2. Enterprise Quality Culture Influences the
Enterprise Brand
Enterprise quality culture is the outcome of modern mar-
ket economy, is intangible assets relevant to enterprise
brand, is a kind of special product. As a form of culture,
enterprise quality culture has cultural oriented function,
incentive function, coagulation function, constraint func-
tion and radiation function, it can enable enterprises to
enhance cohesion, competitiveness and vitality, and con-
stantly improve the enterprise value creation. Enterprise
quality culture influence the brand of the enterprise, is
crucial to the enterprise sustainable development, many
enterprises are able to success, owe to its corporate qual-
ity culture support and con tribution. So, every successful
enterprise must have its own quality culture, use quality
culture to promote the quality and brand development.
3.3. Quality Culture and Brand Strategy Mutual
Support and Common Development
To implement brand strategy, should from brand creation,
brand positioning, brand image and other links to create
brand. Brand building by input quality culture, imple-
ment brand operation. Brand exists scale benefit, only
brand without scale, market share can’t expands, so can’t
form famous brand; on the contrary, only scale no brand,
then scale also won’t last long. Therefore, the enterprise
must improve and maintain brand in intrinsic quality as
well as expand existing brand scale. Strengthening mate-
rial basis for enterprise quality culture construction,
thereby provide the necessary material guarantee for the
implementati on of bran d st rategy.
3.3.1. Qu al ity Culture Can Promote the
Implementation of Brand Strategy
Enterprise is the carrier for brand strategy implementa-
tion, good corporate culture can enhance the cohesion
and centripetal force, coor dinate the relation between de-
partments, perfect various incentive mechanism, enhance
employee brand initiative and enthusiasm, improve their
brand awareness.
3.3.2. Enterprise Value Is the Core Guarantee of
Brand Strategy
Quality consciousness is the important component of
enterprise value. No high quality products as a basis,
brand is not possible. Therefore, the enterprise must
strengthen the quality management, process continuous
quality improvement and inno vation. Do the best to meet
customer requirements of quality level.
3.3.3. Set Up the Good Enterprise Image
Quality culture is the concentrated embodiment of enter-
prise image. Under the condition of market economy,
there is no good corporate image and business reputatio n,
it means that enterprises have no broad market, more do
not talk to go up the implementation of brand strategy.
Therefore enterprises have to carefully design and plan,
establish a good corporate image, convey corporate val-
ues and culture through the brand to customers, maxi-
mize customer recognition, so as to implement brand
strategy successfully.
4. Study on the Construction of Corporate
Quality Culture for Brand Strategy
4.1. Leader Attention and Physically Execution
In achieve excellent quality of all the elements, senior
management effective leadership is the most important.
Top management needs to develop quality strateg y, make
a good corpor ate quality culture con struction and inno va-
tion plan designer, advocate promoters and tissue build-
ers. Top management involvement in quality improve-
ment activities will take them some time, it is a big in-
vestment to busy them, but must believe that such in-
vestment is required. Only the top really join into these
activities, show to the staff that this activ ity is important,
thus stimulating their enthus iasm to participate in quality
improvement activities.
Through the leadership quality training, management
layer can show staff their quality activity execution.
Managers can through th is way to give subo rdinates with
some management training. A concept mentioned in this
kind of activity by managers will be using in daily work
by lower manager.
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Study on the Construction of Enterprise Quality Culture for Brand Strategy
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IB
4.2. Efficient Management and Continuous
Companies need middle managers, supervisors and em-
ployees to common executive quality strategy made by
senior management. The quality department should study
and be familiar with the quality work, combine with the
actual situation of enterprises, sum up enterprise quality
strategy, quality policy, quality concept, quality maxim,
quality of technical specifications and other quality cul-
ture construction content, and propaganda; middle man-
agement should focus on solving some of their problems
to be solved, such as product development process effi-
ciency problem, in the selection of new quality level de-
cision quality problem, high cost management problems.
For the employees, we believe that all employees are
expected to be management and expert.
4.3. Full Participation and Indefatigably Striving
The main body of enterprise is employees, the enter-
prise’s expectation lies in cohesion and centripetal force
of staff, and the sense of responsibility and mission.
Quality value is the core elements of quality culture, is
the enterprise staff to quality consensus, is the essential
deciding enterprise success or failure, through training
the staff quality values, to stimulate the staff's power
source, so as to give full play to their wisdom, initiative,
enthusiasm and creativity. Take the quality into staff’s
consciousness, quality culture can become the most ac-
tive factor in construction of enterprise culture. Should
pay attention to creating opportunities for the staff, to
strengthen quality education, standardized management,
technical training work, and make the quality education
regularly, and institutionalization. For staff to create a
good working environment and harmonious interpersonal
atmosphere, in the aspects to care for them, help them,
understand them, meet staff needs of self, only when the
individual development and enterprise development con-
sistently, staff is a true master, can play a positive intel-
5. Conclusion
Creating brand, requires extensive absorption of various
cultures, combine with the improvement and innovation,
building enterprise characteristics brand culture. Enter-
prises should carry out brand strategy as the important
content of the construction of quality culture, and estab-
lish a good corporate image to provide guarantee for the
implementation of brand strategy. Quality reflects an
enterprise quality culture quality, enterprise quality con-
cept determines the behavior of enterprise quality culture,
quality culture affects the survival and development of
enterprises. Therefore, the establishment of advanced
quality culture, is conducive to the implementation of
brand strategy. Quality culture is the concentrated em-
bodiment of enterprise image. Therefore enterprises have
to carefully design and plan, establish a good corporate
image, so as to implement brand strategy successfully.
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