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Circuits and Systems, 2010, 1, 18-29 doi:10.4236/cs.2010.11004 Published Online July 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS FPGA Design of an Intra 16 × 16 Module for H.264/AVC Video Encod er Hassen Loukil1, Imen Werda1, Nouri Masmoudi1, Ahmed Ben Atitallah2, Patrice Kadionik3 1University o f S f a x, National School of Engineering, Sfax, Tunisia 2University o f S f a x, High Institute of Electronics and Communication, Sfax, Tunisia 3IMS laboratory-ENSEIRB-MATMECA-University Bordeaux 1-CNRS UMR 5218, 351 Cours de la Libération, Talence Cedex, France E-mail: Received May 16, 2010; revised June 18, 2010; accepted June 23, 2010 Abstract In this paper, we propose novel hardware architecture for intra 16 × 16 module for the macroblock engine of a new video coding standard H.264. To reduce the cycle of intra prediction 16 × 16, transform/quantization, and inverse quantization/inverse transform of H.264, an advanced method for different operation is proposed. This architecture can process one macroblock in 208 cycles for all cases of macroblock type by processing 4 × 4 Hadamard transform and quantization during 16 × 16 prediction. This module was designed using VHDL Hardware Description Language (HDL) and works with a 160 MHz frequency using ALTERA NIOS-II de- velopment board with Stratix II EP2S60F1020C3 FPGA. The system also includes software running on an NIOS-II processor in order to implementing the pre-processing and the post-processing functions. Finally, the execution time of our HW solution is decreased by 26% when compared with the previous work. Keywords: Nios H.264, FPGA, Intra 16 × 16, NIOS-II, SOPC Design 1. Introduction Currently, video system development is generally based on embedded systems. Such systems need to find a com- promise between computational complexity and timing execution constraints. On the other hand, the H.264/AVC standard for video compression [1-5], due to its high complexity, needed powerful processors and hardware acceleration in order to respect application requirements. In order to take advantages of hardware acceleration, each functional module of the H.264 video encoder has been carefully studied in order to determine its computa- tional complexity. Furthermore, the intra process pre- sents one of the highest computational complexities in H.264/AVC encoder [6]. This process is based on the hybrid encoding scheme shown in Figure 1 which uses the intra prediction, integer cosine transform and quanti- zation. The intra process is used to remove spatial redun- dancy. There are two types of intra modes: intra 4 × 4 Current Frame (Fn) Reconstructed Frame F(n) Intra Prediction + - + + Transform Quantization CAVLC Inverse Transform Inverse Quantization Deblocking Filter Figure 1. Hybrid encoder for video compression. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 19 and intra 16 × 16 modes. The intra 16 × 16 is composed of intra 16 × 16 prediction (IP 16 × 16), integer cosine transform (ICT), quantization AC (QAC), inverse integer cosine transform (IICT), inverse quantization AC (IQ- AC), quantization DC (QDC), Hadamard transform (HT), inverse quantization DC (IQDC) and inverse Hadamard transform (IHT). Special hardware implementations of intra 16 × 16 for H.264 have been proposed [7,8]. They were shown that some of these parts can be optimized with parallel hardware structures implemented into the hardware system. These previous works have implement- ed the intra 16 × 16 algorithm with serial [7] and parallel [8] architectures directly into hardware device. But, our architecture uses both a parallel and pipelined structures in order to reduce the number of operations and the abil- ity to achieve fast execution. Our design is described with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) language and has been synthetized with the Altera NIOS II softcore processor for experimental validation into a single Altera Stratix II EP2S60 FPGA (Field Program- mable Gate Array) device. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of intra 16 × 16 algorithm. In the next Sec- tion, we present the intra 16 × 16 architecture. The exp- eriment results are shown in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. Overview of the Intra 16 × 16 Algorithm The intra 16 × 16 algorithm is a critical component used in the H.264/AVC. There are eleven functional opera- tions in this module: intra 16 × 16 prediction, residual calculation, integer transform, AC coefficient quantiza- tion, DC coefficient quantization, inverse AC coefficient quantization, inverse DC coefficient quantization, Hada- mard transform, inverse Hadamard transform, inverse integer transform and pixel reconstruction. The 16 × 16 intra prediction mode is designed according to directions: vertical, horizontal, DC and plane modes are specified in the H.264 standard based on the reconstituted pixels from the previous macroblock (MB). Figure 2 shows the intra 16 × 16 prediction mode. For each MB, we compute the difference between the predicted pixel and the original pixel. After this step, we calculate the integer transform coefficients. In the H.264/ AVC standard, the equation of the 4 × 4 integer trans- form is defined by [3,4]. 1221 1111 2112 1111 I× 1121 2111 2111 1121 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 15141312 111098 7654 3210 (1) “Xi” is the residual 4 × 4 block. After this operation, we obtain two coefficients types: AC and DC coefficients. For the AC coefficients, we compute the quantization operation. In general the AC quantization operation is defined by [3,4]. ) QStep PF I round( Zijij (2) We can write (5) as follows: ) 2qbits MF I round( Zij ij (3) where: Qstep PF qbits 2 MF (4) qbits = 15 + floor(QP/6) (5) Iij is the uncalled coefficients after ICT for QAC. PF represents the scaling factor of the integer transform and QStep is the quantization step size. A total of 52 values of QStep are supported by the standard as shown in Tab- le 1 where QStep doubles in size for every 6 values of the step of quantization QP. V…………… . Mode 0 (vertical) V … … … … . . Mode 1 (horizontal) VMean (H+V) Mode 2 (DC) V Mode 3( plane) H H H H Figure 2. 16 × 16 intra prediction mode. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 20 Table 1. Quantization step size in H.264/AVC. QP 0 1 2 3 4 5 QStep 0.625 0.6875 0.8125 0.875 1 1.125 QP 6 7 8 9 10 11 QStep 1.25 1.375 1.6251.75 2 2.25 QP … … … … … … QStep … … … … … … QP 48 49 50 51 QStep 160 … … 224 Hence, the shift operation can be greatly used in the qu- antization and rescaling stages. To simplify the arithmetic, the quantization stated in (6) can be rewritten as (9, 10) for the AC coefficients [3,4]. qbitsf).MFI(Zijij (6) ) I sign() Z sign( ijij (7) Zij is the uncalled coefficients after QAC operation. The first 6 values of MF used in the H.264 references are listed in Table 2. The 2nd and 3rd columns are the different positions in the scaling matrix. QP%6 represents the QP division rest by 6. After the calculation of QAC, we must compute the inverse AC quantization. This operation is defined as [3,4]. .QstepZY ijij (8) A constant equal to 64 is integrated in order to avoid rounding errors. The inverse quantization AC equation becomes therefore: .64 .PF .QstepZYijij (9) Yij is the result of inverse AC quantization. It must be divided by 64 for recovering the exact value without factor of scaling. The H.264 draft standard doesn’t pre- cise Qstep or PF directly. It uses a parameter given by: 64)(Qstep.PF.V (10) The final equation for the inverse quantization is: )floor(QP/6 .2.VZY ijijij (11) The first 6 values of V used in the H.264 standard are listed in Table 3. The 2nd and 3rd columns are the diff- erent positions in the scaling matrix. For the DC coefficients, Hadamard transform is ap- plied. The equation of 4 × 4 hadamard transform is de- fined by [3,4]. 1111 1111 1111 1111 H× 1111 1111 1111 1111 DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD 15141312 111098 7654 3210 (12) “Di” is the DC coefficients. In next step, we calculate the quantization operation for the DC coefficients. This operation is defined by [3, 4]. 1)(qbits2f)0)(Hij.MF(0, K ij (13) Kij is the uncalled coefficients after QDC operation. MF (0, 0) is the multiplication factor for position (0, 0) in Table 2. After the calculation of QDC, we must compute the 4 × 4 inverse hadamard transform. This operation is defined by [3,4]. 15141312 111098 7654 3210 D'D'D'D' D'D'D'D' D'D'D'D' D'D'D'D' 1111 1111 1111 1111 H' 1111 1111 1111 1111 (14) Table 2. Multiplication factor MF in H.264/AVC. QP%6 Positions (0,0),(2,0), (0,2),(2,2) Positions (1,1),(1,3), (3,1),(3,3) Others positions 0 13107 5243 8066 1 11916 4660 7490 2 10082 4194 6554 3 9362 3647 5825 4 8192 3355 5243 5 7282 2893 4559 Table 3. Values of V used in the H.264 standard. QP%6 Positions (0,0),(2,0), (0,2),(2,2) Positions (1,1),(1,3), (3,1),(3,3) Others positions 0 10 16 13 1 11 18 14 2 13 20 16 3 14 23 18 4 16 25 20 5 18 29 23 H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 21 “D’i” is the block 4 × 4 quantified DC. The final step for the DC coefficient is the inverse DC quantization. This operation is defined by [3,4]. ij ij for(QP 12) floor(QP / 6)2 WH' .V(0,0).2 (15) ij ij for(QP 12) 1floor(QP/6 ) W[H'.V(0,0)2](2floor(QP/6 )) where V(0,0) is the multiplication factor for position (0,0) in Table 3. After all operations, we can combine the AC and the DC coefficients for compute the inverse integer trans- form. Equation (19) gives the equation of 4 × 4 inverse integer defined as [3,4]. 1/2111 111/21 111/21 1/2111 X'X'X'X' X'X'X'X' X'X'X'X' X'X'X'X' 1/2111/2 1111 11/21/21 1111 I' 15141312 111098 7654 3210 (16) “X’i” is the block 4 × 4 after all operations (AC and DC coefficients). 3. Intra 16 × 16 Architecture The intra 16 × 16 architecture partitions the MB into six- teen 4 × 4 blocks. The scanning order for one MB is shown in Figure 3. This order is scanned in the x direc- tion first and then performs the scanning in the y direc- tion. The scanning order is the label order from top to bottom, from left to right which is the actual processing order for one MB. The MB is partitioned into sixteen 4 × 4 small sub-blocks. The partitions between the 16 × 16 scanning order labels and the 4 × 4 scanning order labels are shown in Figure 4. The 4 × 4 scanning order labels are shown in Figure 5. 0123 16 17 18 19 32 48 4 5 6 7 20 21 22 23 89 10 11 24 25 26 27 12 13 14 15 28 29 30 31 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 241 242 243 244245 246 247 248 249250 251 252 253 254255 33 34 35 3637 38 39 40 4142 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 5253 54 55 56 5758 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 6869 70 71 72 7374 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 8485 86 87 88 8990 91 92 93 94 95 979899100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114115116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123124 125 126 127 129 130131132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139140 141 412 143 145 146147148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155156 157 158 159 161 162163164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171172 173 174 175 177 178179180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187188 189 190 191 193 194195196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203204 205 206 207 209 210211212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219220 221 222 223 225 226227228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235236 237 238 239 x y Figure 3. 16 × 16 scanning order labels. Figure 4. Relationship between 16 × 16 and 4 × 4 scanning order labels. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 22 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 1415 Figure 5. 4 × 4 scanning order labels. Figure 6 shows the functional flow diagram of the in- tra 16 × 16 process. In the first step, we compute the intra prediction 16 × 16 for all 4 × 4 blocks. After this, we calculate the resi- dual, the integer transform, the AC quantization and the inverse AC quantization for each 4 × 4 block. During the calculation of integer transform, we extract the DC coeff- icient for each 4 × 4 block. After obtain the 16 DC coeff- icients, we calculate the hadamard transform, the DC quantization, the inverse hadamard transform and the inverse DC quantization. Finally, we combine AC and DC coefficient for each 4 × 4 block to perform the in- verse integer transform and the reconstruction pixels. The intra 16 × 16 hardware architecture is composed by two modules. The first component contains the intra 16 × 16 prediction module and the residual module. The second component contains the coding chain module and the reconstruct module. The block diagram of the pro- posed hardware architecture for H.264 video coding is shown in Figure 7. intra 16x16 p rediction Combine reconstructed coefficients Inverse Integer transform Reconst ruct pixels For 4x4block from 0 to 15 Wait until all 4x4 blocks were Integer transformed Extract DC coefficients ( 16 coeff = one 4x4 block) Hadamard DC Quantization Inverse Hadamard Inverse DC Quantization Calculate residual Integer transform AC Q u antization and inverse AC Quantization For 4x4block from 0 to 15 Stor e and reorder quantized coefficients and output them when needed AC pathDC path 4x4block = 15 Yes No 4x4block = 15 Yes No Start End Figure 6. Intra 16 × 16 functional flow diagram. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 23 3.1. Intra 16 × 16 Prediction Different works have been proposed [9-13]. For our arc- hitecture, the MB pixels are loaded into a dual RAM (Random Access Memory) for reordering and then give (to the residual or reconstruction blocks) by sets of 16 pixels (4 × 4 block). This block calculates the predicted pixels of MB for all 3 intra 16 × 16 prediction modes specified in the H.264 standard (horizontal, vertical and DC) in parallel based on the reconstituted pixels from the previous MB (planar mode is not used [14]). Figure 8 presents the intra prediction hardware architecture. These predicted pixels are stored into RAM for all modes. We also use a SAD_ 4 × 4 block for calculating the SAD value for each mode. We accumulate this value 16 times in order to ob- tain the SAD_16 × 16 for each mode. Those absolute va- lues permit to give the sum of absolute differences (SAD) for each prediction mode. The comparator compares the SAD values for all prediction modes and picks the lowest value for determining which prediction mode will be used. After obtaining the best SAD (MIN_SAD), the best MB is given. The difference between the predicted pixels and the source pixels is then calculated for the best pre- diction mode for obtain the residual MB. Control Unit START Done Intra 16x16 Pre diction SRC_0 SRC_15 . . . 8 RECON_IN0 RECON_IN31 . . . 16 Residual_0 Residual_15 . . .Coding chain Residual _out0 Residual_out15 . . . 16 16 Reconstruction RECON_OUT0 RECON_OUT15 . . . 8 8 Start_PRED Start_CHAIN Start_RECON 8 8 8 16 16 Pred_pixel_0 Pred_pixel_15 . . .Residual Star t _RES 8 8 Figure 7. Intra 16 × 16 hardware architecture. Horizontal mode Vertical mode DC m o de RAM Horizontal RAM Vertical RAM D C Pixels_h 128 bits Pixels_dc 128 bits Pixels_v 128 bits Pixels_h 12 8 bits Pixels_v 12 8 bits Pixels_dc 12 8 bits Horizontal SA D4x4 Vertical SA D4x4 DC SA D4x4 + + + Comparator 12 bits SAD4x4_h Hor_SAD_16x16 Ver_SAD_16x16 DC_SAD_16x16 16 bits 16 b i ts 16 bits MIN_SAD RECON_IN0 RECON_IN31 8 bits 8 bits SRC_0 SRC_15 12 bits SAD4x4_v 12 bits SAD4x4_dc Start_pred Start_pred Start_pred Wren Rden WrenRden Wren Rden Start_sad Start_sad Start_sad Start_comp Control Unit CLK Reset Start Start_pred Wren rden Start_sad Start_comp Figure 8. Intra 16 × 16 prediction hardware architecture. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 24 3.2. ICT and HT Architectures Different works have been published on the integer trans- form [15-19]. It is obvious that “I” shown in (1) or “H” shown in (12) can be implemented by a 1-D transform. Figure 9 shows the fast implementation for the integer transform. The matrix contains only four coefficients: 1, –1, 2, and –2. It also can be implemented by using addi- tion, subtraction and shift operations. The Hadamard transform matrix is very similar to the integer transform matrices. The difference is that the co- efficients of Hadamard transform are only 1 or –1. There- fore, the fast implementation for the Hadamard trans- form is shown in Figure 10. The hardware implementation of 1-D ICT or HT is given in Figure 11. The input for this module is a 4 × 4 block. For full transform operation, we use two 1-D transforms in order to obtain the 2-D transform. Figure 12 presents the architecture for the 2-D transform. x0-x3x0+x3 x1+x2 x1-x2 << << y1 y3 y2 y0 Figure 9. Fast implementations of H.264 integer transform. x0 -x3x0+x3 x1+x2 x1-x2 y1 y3 y2 y0 Figure 10. Fast implementations of H.264 Hadamard trans- form. ICT_0 y0 y3 y1 y2 x0 x3 x1 x2 ICT_1 y0 y3 y1 y2 x0 x3 x1 x2 ICT_2 y0 y3 y1 y2 x0 x3 x1 x2 ICT_3 y0 y3 y1 y2 x0 x3 x1 x2 3,32,31,30,3 3,22,21,20,2 3,12,11,10,1 3,02,01,00,0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 3,32,31,30, 3 3,22,21,20,2 3,12,11,10,1 3,02,01,00,0 yyyy yyyy yyyy yyyy 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 x x x x 3,1 2,1 1,1 0,1 x x x x 3,2 2,2 1,2 0,2 x x x x 3,3 2,3 1,3 0,3 x x x x 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 y y y y 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 y y y y 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,0 y y y y 3,3 3,2 3,1 3,0 y y y y 1-D transform block reset CLK Done start Figure 11. Fast implementations of H.264 1-D transform. 1-D transform1-D transform CONTROL CLK reset st a rt Input_0..15 9 output_0..15 9 Done Figure 12. Fast implementations of H.264 2-D transform. 3.3. QAC & QDC Architectures The Quantization hardware architectures have been pro- posed in [8,20]. The architecture of DC quantization is similar to the AC quantization presented in Figure 13. The multiplication factors stated in Table 1 are stored into ROM (Read Only Memory) and selected according to the QP%6 values. The correct factor is multiplied by the uncalled coefficient in the corresponding position. The shifter will shift the product to right with qbits. The QAC or QDC modules will quantify at the same time 16 pixels according to QP factor. These modules are composed by a quantization block (noted 0…15), a me- mory for storing the input pixels (noted input_0..15) and two read-only memories for storing QE (equal to QP%6) and F values noted respectively ROM_QE and ROM_F. The AC and DC quantization blocks are constituted by three basic components presented in Figure 14. 0 123 4 567 89 10 11 12 1314 15 ROM_F ROM_QE F QE Input_0..15 Input_0..15 CLK reset st art 6qp 16 16 Input_0..15 Output_0..15 Figure 13. Quantization architecture. >> out MF(i,j) F QE input SIGN 30 15 16 416 Figure 14. AC or DC quantification. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 25 A multiplier deals perform the multiplication opera- tion of AC coefficients with the corresponding MF (i, j) factor and gives the absolute value. An adder will per- form the sum operation of values given by the multiplier with the F parameter given by the ROM memory. A shifter allows performing the shift operation the result from the adder by “qbits” (varies 15 to 23 according to the value of QP). 3.4. IQAC & IQDC Architectures The IQAC or IQDC modules will quantify 16 pixels acc- ording to the QP factor. The architecture of these modu- les is similar to the QAC or QDC modules respectively presented by the Figure 13. The difference between quan- tization (AC or DC) and inverse quantization (AC or DC) is presented in the quantization block. For having the inverse AC quantization values, we use a multiplier to perform the multiplication operation between the QAC coefficients and the V (i, j) values. We also use a shifter for shifting the result from the multiplier floor (QP/6). The architecture for this module is presented by the Fig- ure 15. For the DC coefficients, we use a multiplier to per- form the multiplication operation between the QDC co- efficients and the V (0, 0) value. An adder will perform the sum of values given by the multiplier with {0, 1, 2} (0 for QP > = 12, 1 for QP < 12, 2 others parts). A shifter will perform the shift of result from the adder by floor (QP/6) – 2) for QP >= 12 and by (2 – floor (QP/6)) for QP < 12. The architecture for this module is presented in Figure 16. 3.5. IICT and IHT Architectures The IICT or IHT architectures are similar to the ICT or HT architectures respectively presented by the Figures 12 and 13. The inverse integer transform matrix con- tains only four coefficients: 1, –1, 1/2, and –1/2. Figure 17 shows the fast implementation for the inverse integer transform. The inverse Hadamard transform matrix con- tains only two coefficients, 1 and –1. Figure 18 shows the fast implementation for the inverse Hadamard trans- form. >> out V(i,j) input SIGN qp 6 23 16 6 Figure 15. AC inverse quantification. >> out V(0,0) { 0 ,1 ,2} QE inp ut SIGN 6 6 6 23 Figure 16. DC inverse quantification. y0-y2y0+y2 y1+(y3>>1) (y1>>1)-y3 x3 x1 x2x0 Figure 17. Fast implementations of H.264 inverse integer transform. y0 -y2y0+y2 y1+y3 y1-y3 x3x0 x1 x2 Figure 18. Fast implementation of H.264 inverse Hadamard transform. 3.6. Intra 16 × 16 Execution Time The intra 16 × 16 execution time is presented in Figure 19. This figure is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the intra 16 × 16 prediction. This part takes 115 clock cycles for the best predicted MB [21]. The second part concerns the coding chain block that needs 77 clock cycles. In this part, we use a pipeline as shown in Figure 19. To get the reconstructed MB, we need 16 clock cy- cles. Finally, 208 clock cycles are necessary to achieve the intra 16 × 16 operations. Comparing with [7] and [8], the proposed architecture takes less clock cycles. Simu- lation of our proposed RTL design shows major im- provements by reducing clock cycles for the intra 16 × 16 operation as shown in Table 4. Thus, our hardware implementation is optimized to achieve higher perform- ances for the H.264 video encoder than the hardware architecture presented in [7-8]. 4. Experimental Results The whole design has been designed by using VHDL H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 26 (RTL level). The VHDL code of all modules was synth- esized for an EP2S60F1020C3 Altera Stratix II FPGA circuit by using the Altera Quartus tool. Table 5 shows the implementation results of the intra 16 × 16 module for the Stratix II EP2S60 FPGA circuit. For experimental verification, we have developed a C language reference model of H.264 software. We have compared the output results of our C reference model with the JM 10.1 model [22] and we have confirmed the correctness of our model. We have also used the NIOS II softcore processor for sending data to the intra frame hard- ware coprocessor. The block diagram of the implement- ed H.264 intra frame encoder is shown in Figure 20. The design is composed by three parts: the NIOS II processor, the intra 16 × 16 frame module and the other peripherals connected to the Altera Avalon Bus. The Avalon bus has control, data and address signals and has its bus arbitra- tion logic. Our embedded system has been tested by using the Al- tera NIOS II development board. The heart of the target board is the Altera Stratix II EP2S60F1020C3 FPGA circuit. For all experiments, CIF test sequences are coded at 30 Hz. We have focussed on the following video test sequences: “Foreman”, “Paris”, “Mobile”, “Tb420” and “Akiyo”. These test sequences have different movement and camera particularities. We have determined the processing time of intra 16 × 16 for the SW (software) solution. From the Table 6, we can conclude that a 35 time improvement for the proce- ssing speed compared to the software solution can be obtained by using our HW implementation. Table 4. Comparison between different intra 16 × 16 archi- tectures. architectures [7] [8] Proposed architecture Number cycles/MB 3307 269 208 Frequency (Mhz) 71 54 160 Execution time/MB(ns) 46.57 4.98 1.3 Table 5. Implementation results for Stratix II FPGA. Used Resources ALUTs 22,685/48,352 (47%) Memory (KB) 27/2484 (1%) Pins 526/719 (73%) DSP block 124/288 (43%) Table 6. Time comparison betwee n SW and HW implemen- tations. Total time (ms)Sequence SW HW Time Foreman 684.74 18.73 (ms) Paris 688.21 18.88 Mobile 689.40 18.72 Tb420 685.78 19.08 Akiyo 687.95 18.70 ICT 0 ICT 1ICT 15 QAC 0 QAC 1 QAC 15 IQAC 0 IQAC 1 IQAC 15 HT QDC IHT IQDC IICT 0IICT 1 IICT 15 2 4 3 24242 77 cycles 2 4 3 9 +( 15 x 2 ) = 39 cycles 2 x 16 = 32 cycles 5 cycles1 cycle F I F O Intra prediction 16 x16 Coding chaineRec o ns t ructio n 115 cycles 77 cycles 16 cycles Figure 19. Intra 16 × 16 execution time. H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS NIOS-II CPU AVALON IRQ Ti m er UART USB RAM Interface H.26 4 Encoder FLASH, SRAM, SDRAM Hardware part µClinux Software part Figure 20. H.264 embedded system video encoder. Table 7. PSNR comparison betwee n SW and HW impleme- ntation. PSNR Sequence SW HW/SW Foreman 38.08 38.08 Paris 37.15 37.15 Mobile 36.37 36.37 Tb420 37.04 37.04 Akiyo 40.01 40.01 In order to evaluate the image quality given by this ar- chitecture, we have used the average peak signal-to-noi- se ratio (PSNR) which is here used as a measure of obje- ctive quality. The PSNR metric as shown as in Table 7 has not detected any difference between the SW and HW solutions. Thus, the quality comparison confirms the cor- rectness of the designed architecture. The Figure 21 presents the original and the two recon- structed (one from SW, the other from HW) of the 10th frame of the test video sequences. 5. Conclusions In this paper, we have described a new flexible and effic- ient HW architecture for H.264 video encoder. The hard- ware part has been implemented by using VHDL langu- age. Comparing with [7] and [8], our proposed RTL imp- lementation gives major improvements by reducing clo- ck cycles for the intra 16 × 16 operation. The execution time is decreased by 26% even when compared with the best previous work for intra frame coding [8]. We have also designed an embedded system based on an Altera Stratix II FPGA platform running at 160 MHz in order to Foreman sequence PSNR – Y = 38.08 dB PSNR – Y = 38.08 dB Foreman Mobile PSNR – Y = 36.37 dB PSNR – Y = 36.37 dB Paris sequence PSNR – Y = 37.15 dB PSNR – Y = 37.15 dB H. LOUKIL ET AL. Copyright © 2010 SciRes. CS 28 Tb420 sequence PSNR – Y = 37.04 dB PSNR – Y = 37.04 dB Akiyo sequence PSNR – Y = 40.01 dB PSNR – Y = 40.01 dB (a) (b) (c) Figure 21. (a) Original, (b) Reconstructed from SW and (c) Reconstructed from HW/SW of the 10th frame of the test video sequences. evaluate the performance of our design in HW/SW code- sign context. We have shown that our HW solution impr- oves considerably the intra 16 × 16 process (35 times fa- ster) compared to an all software solution with the same image quality. 6. References [1] T. Wiegand, G. J. Sullivan, G. 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