Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5, 671-676 Published Online September 2012 (
Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented
Vipin Saxena*, Santosh Kumar
Department of Computer Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India.
Email: *
Received June 26th, 2012; revised July 30th, 2012; accepted August 15th, 2012
The interaction between the classes or within the classes shows the complexity of the design. For one smaller problem,
there may be more than one software design but who will be the best; depends on the complexity level of software de-
sign. Therefore, coupling and cohesion which shows the interlinking of classes and strength of classes; control the com-
plexity of the design. The best software object oriented design is based upon the low coupling and high cohesion level.
In the present work, a real case study of Life Insurance policy for handicapped person is demonstrated through the
UML Class Diagram; coupling and cohesion levels are measured and results are demonstrated in the form of tables.
Keywords: UML; Object-Orientation; Coupling; Cohesion and Class Diagram
1. Background and Related Work
The Unified Modeling Language i.e. known as UML is a
very popular and powerful modeling language which
provides a collection of modeling tools for drafting the
software designs based on the object-oriented technology.
It is one part of any software system which is to be de-
veloped by software programmer by using the object-
oriented language. It s not a process oriented language
but it provides only visual syntax for designing the UML
models. Therefore, one can say that the UML is a stan-
dard modeling language in the software development
field which shows the every aspects and behavior of the
system. The software professionals and researchers have
used it very widely to develop an object-oriented system
in the current scenario. The object-oriented paradigm is
generally used by the software professionals and re-
searchers for the development of real complex software
systems. This paradigm moves around the objects and
classes; it requires the real analysis of the system to view
the interconnections between objects with the classes and
attributes with methods. The interconnectivity between
objects and attributes is monitored by the coupling and
cohesion technique. A coupling finds the connectivity
between classes while cohesion gives the strength to the
bond between attributes.
Let us briefly explain the literature related to the pre-
sent work. Gui and Scott [1] have proposed an account of
new measure of coupling and cohesion developed to as-
sess the reusability of Java components. Vanderfeesten et
al. [2] have proposed a heuristic model that offers guid-
ance for the creation and evaluation of process designs in
the administrative settings. Designers can use this heuris-
tic to select the several alternatives for the process design
that is strongly cohesive and weakly coupled. Meyers
and Binkley [3] have presented a large-scale empirical
study of slice-based cohesion and coupling metrics and
presented the results of the study. Jeong et al. [4] have
proposed the cohesion and coupling metrics namely Av-
erage Cohesiveness of States (ACOS) and Average
Number of Similar States of States (ASSOS), to evaluate
the understandability of state diagrams. Ensan and Du [5]
have presented a set of semantic metrics for measuring
cohesion and coupling in modular ontologies based on
the semantic of modular ontologies. Ujhazi et al. [6] have
presented two novel conceptual metrics for measuring
coupling and cohesion in software systems; first one is
Conceptual Coupling between Object Classes (CCBOC)
while other one is Conceptual Lack of Cohesion on
Methods (CLCOM). Husein and Oxley [7] introduced
the coupling and cohesion metrics and implemented for
the object-oriented software systems. Chowdhury and
Zulkernine [8] have conducted an extensive case study
on Mozilla Firefox to provide empirical evidences on
how vulnerabilities are related to complexity, coupling,
and cohesion. Chowdhury and Zulkernine [9] have also
presented a framework to automatically predict vulner-
abilities based on CCC metrics. Oh et al. [10] have pro-
posed novel metrics to measure ontology modularity and
for evaluated the cohesion and coupling based on the
*Corresponding author.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Technology
theory of software metrics. Gandhi and Bhatia [11] have
proposed Message received Coupling (MRC) and Degree
of Coupling (DC) metrics for the automatic detection of a
set of design problems along with an algorithm to apply
these metrics to redesign an object-oriented source code.
Hui et al. [12] also proposed a novel method to realize
dual-redundancy detection for motor rotor and joint posi-
tions by installing two resolvers onto motor shaft at the
same time, which can also have improve position detec-
tion precision and noise immunity by difference principle,
decrease joint size and simplify joint structure.
In the current scenario, many of the software compa-
nies are shifting their old traditional based software sys-
tems towards the object-oriented software systems. There-
fore, it is necessary to study the linking between the
various designed classes or linking with the attributes.
Therefore, the present work is an attempt to find out the
impact of coupling and cohesion on the object-oriented
design. A real case study of the Insurance Policy for the
handicapped person is considered and converted into the
UML class diagram alongwith attributes and thereafter
impact of coupling and cohesion is measured and com-
puted results are recorded in the form of tables.
2. Coupling and Cohesion
The term coupling is used to measure the relative inter-
dependency between various classes as one class has the
link with another class. While on the other hand cohesion
is defined as the strength of the attributes inside the class
which means how the attributes are linked inside the
class. Coupling is always correlated with cohesion in
such a way as if coupling is high then cohesion is low
and vice versa. One can say that a class is highly coupled
or many dependent with other classes, if there are many
connections and loosely coupled or some dependent with
other classes if there is a less connections. The coupling
is decided at the designing phase of the system, it de-
pends on the interface complexity of the classes. There-
fore, the coupling is a degree at which a class is con-
nected with other classes in the system.
Let us now describe the cohesive class which can per-
form a single task within the software procedure. It re-
quires little interaction with other procedures that are
used in other parts of a program. Cohesion gives the
strength to the bond between attributes of a class and it is
a concept through which capture the intra-module with
cohesion. Therefore, cohesion is used to determine how
closely or tightly bound the internal attributes of a class
to one another. Cohesion gives an idea to the designer
about whether the different attributes of a class belong
together in the same class. Thus, the coupling and cohe-
sion are related with each other; therefore the Figure 1
shows the general representation of coupling and cohesion.
+Method 1()
+Method 2()
+Method 3()
-Attribute a
-Attribute b
-Attribute c
-Attribute d
-Attribute e
Class C
+Method 1()
+Method 2()
+Method 3()
-Attribute a
-Attribute b
-Attribute c
-Attribute d
-Attribute e
Class B
+Meth od 1()
+meth od 2()
+Meth od 3()
-Attribute a
-Attribute b
-Attribute c
Class A
Coupl ing
Figure 1. General representation of cohesion and coupling.
3. UML Class Diagram
UML class diagram shows the functionality of a system
in a diagrammatic form, in which the classes are de-
signed and combined for designing the software system.
The dependent and independent classes are also designed
in the form of classes and subclasses in the UML class
diagram. In the current work, authors have taken a UML
class diagram of opening the policy for handicapped in
Life Insurance Corporation of INDIA as an example to
demonstrate the approach. The class diagram shows the
complete process of issuing a policy for handicapped.
The independent classes and dependent classes are rep-
resented in the class diagram; the independent classes are
shown along with the solid connecting lines while de-
pendent classes are shown alongwith the dotted arrows as
shown in the Figure 2.
Independent and Dependent Classes
Independent classes (IC’s) are those classes which are
not depending on other classes of the system. So, two
classes are independent if one class can function without
the presence of other class; these classes are easily solv-
able and modifiable separately. However, in any system
all the classes are not independent but there are many
classes which are dependent to other classes. The func-
tionality of dependent classes (DC’s) is affected when
the changes are made in the attributes of the classes on
which the classes are dependent. Thus, the dependent
classes are those classes which use the attributes of other
classes, therefore the DC’s are more dependent to other
classes if it use number of more attributes of other
classes and less dependent if they use less attributes of
other classes. The number of classes can be determined
by the summation of all the IC’s and DC’s of the system.
From the Figure 2, total number of classes (TC’s):
TC = Number of IC’s + Number of DC’s (1)
4. Experimental Study
In the experimental study, the authors have used a metric
[11] DCH (Degree of Cohesion) by exploring the two
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Technology
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
+Not if ica t ions()
+se rvice_P rovid e r
+Que ry()
+C u st_Nam e
-Plan_C ode
-Po licy_ N o
+Se x
-Disability_C ode
-Income P/A
-Plan_C ode
Pla n
+Pla n_De ta ils()
+Pla n_De ta ils()
+Plan_ Details()
+Plan _ Na me
+Issu e_Policies()
+Loan( )
-Z one_Code
-Division _Code
+D ivision_Na m e
+Divisional _Office_Add
+Issue_Policies ()
+Deposit_prem ()
+Loan( )
-Division _Code
+Issue_Policies ()
+Loan ()
-Division _Code
LIC_Bran ch2
+Deposit_prem ()
-Division_C o d e
LIC_Branch N-1
+Issue_Policies ()
+Loan ()
- D ivisio n_Co d e
LIC_Branch N
+verify ( )
+Refer ()
+Exa m in ()
+C o n f ir ma t io n()
+D isab ilit y_Pe rcen t a g e()
-Doctor_ ID
+D o ct o r_N a m e
-Disa b ility_ Cod e
------- ---------
+Acknowledgement ()
+Bank_Na me
Sends confirmation regarding policy
Int eracts with information
Checks, verify proposals & refer
for Medical or reject
S elect the p lan
V erify the % of
di sa bi lity
Examine the disability
If di sa bili t y > 6 0 %
Auto deduct premium amount
Pa y m ent
Acknowl eg e ment
Figure 2. UML class Diagram for handicapped.
metrics MRC (Message Received Coupling) and DCP
(Degree of Coupling) which helps to measure the func-
tional strength of the classes of an object-oriented soft-
ware system. DCH plays an important role in the field of
software designing for measuring the dependency of the
classes. The degree of coupling is calculated after calcu-
lating the number of DC’s, IC’s and the degree of cou-
pling of the system. The metric has been implemented on
the designed UML model for life insurance plan for
Handicapped persons.
4.1. Degree of Coupling
The degree of coupling [11] is computed as the ratio of
number of message received to the number of message
passed. For finding the degree of coupling message re-
ceived coupling (MRC) is used, it is a set of number of
message received by a class. The degree of coupling is
Degree of Coupling DCMPC
4.1.1. Message Received Coupling (MRC)
The MRC measures the complexity of message received
by the classes, as MRC is the number of message re-
ceived by a class form the other classes.
4.1.2. Mes sage Passed Coupling (MPC)
The MPC is defined as the number of message passed
Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Technology
among objects of the classes; it is the low level coupling
that is achieved through the communication between the
For calculating the degree of coupling, the MCG (Mes-
sage Calling Graph) is designed and represented below:
All the nodes of the graph are in the form of A::Mi
where Mi is methods of class A, thus A::Mi is called by
the B::Mj, C::Mk, D::Ml and E::Mm; where {i, j, k, l, m}
= 1, 2, 3, 4, ··· the message calling graph is constructed as
On the basis of above, let us compute the values of
MPC, MRC and DC for all the classes which are shown
in the Figure 3 and
Methods() Methods Name
M1 () Issue_Policy()
M2 () Queries()
M3 () Deposit_Prem()
M4 () Notifications()
M5 () Verifications()
M6 () Examine()
M7 () Confirmation()
M8 () Rejection()
M9 () Loan()
Figure 3. Method calling graph (MCG).
Class A has 9 Methods, but this class has not called
any method, thus the MPC for this class is 8 and MRC is
0, therefore the Degree of Coupling can be computed as:
Degree of Coupling DCMPC
DC 0
Class B has 3 methods, so the message calling graph
for this class is shown below:
Thus, the MPC for class B is 0 i.e. the class B has not
sent any statement to other classes and the MRC for class
B is 2. Therefore the Degree of Coupling can be calcu-
lated as:
DC 0
Class C has 3 methods also but no any method passes,
so the MCG for class C is as below:
Thus, the MPC for class C is 0 i.e. the class C has not
sent any statement to other classes and the MRC for class
C is 2. Therefore, the Degree of Coupling can be calcu-
lated as:
DC 0
Class D has 4 methods, so the MCG for the class E is
shown below:
Thus the MPC for class D is 0 i.e. the class D has not
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Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Technology 675
sent any statement to other classes and the MRC for class
D is 4. Therefore the Degree of Coupling can be calcu-
lated as:
DC 0
Class E has 2 methods, so the MCG for the class E is
shown below:
Thus, the MPC for class E is 2 i.e. the class E has
passed two statements to the class D and the MRC for
class E is 2. Therefore the Degree of Coupling can be
calculated as:
DC 1
The DC of each class is shown in the tabular form and
shown as below (Table 1).
4.2. Degree of Cohesion
In DCH metric the functional strength [12] of the associ-
ated attributes within a class is measured which shows
that how strongly a method is depending on the attributes
of a class. In DCH, the strength of a function is depend-
ing on the number of attributes of a class which are used
by the function. It is calculated at the attributes level, the
ratio of the number of attributes used to the total number
of attributes.
Degree of Cohesion DCHTNA
where NAU = Number of Attributes Used and TNA =
Total Number of Attributes.
For computing the degree of cohesion, let us design an
attribute calling graph (ACG) as shown in Figure 4
which shows the connectivity between the classes and
the number of attributes that are used by the methods of a
class. The dependent classes are LIC_Branch (Class A),
New_Business (Class B), Medical_Officer (Class C),
Cuatomer (Class D), and Mobile_System (Class E) from
the Figure 2 that helps to design the proposed metric.
According to the attribute calling graph (ACG) the de-
gree of cohesion (DCH) for each class is calculated
which is shown in the Table 1.
5. Results and Discussions
From the above Table 1 it is shown that the proposed
model is loosely coupled while from the Table 2 it is
Table 1. Class level Me tr ics.
Object-Oriented Matrices
A 8 0 0/8
B 0 2
C 0 2
D 0 4
E 2 2 1
Table 2. Attributes level Metrics.
Object-Oriented Matrices
Class No. of
attributes used
Total No.
Degree of
A 4 4 4/4 = 1
B 4 6 4/6
C 4 6 4/6
D 7 24 7/24
E 2 3 2/3
+Interact_with_Info ()
-P lan_Code
-P oli c y_No
-I nco me P/ A
-Addr ess
-Date_of_M aturity
+verify ()
+Refer ()
+Que r i e s()
+Exa m i n( )
+Rejection ()
+Loa n()
-Div ision_Code
-Br anch_Code
+Exam in ( )
+Disability_ Percentage()
-D oc t o r_I D
-C u s t_ I D
Figure 4. Attribute calling graph.
shown that the proposed model is highly cohesive due to
the maximum number of attributes are used by the
methods of the classes.
6. Conclusion
From the above work, it is concluded that UML is the
powerful language and used to model the research prob-
lem. A performance metric is used to analyze the per-
formance of the designed UML model. In the model,
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Impact of Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Technology
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
maximum numbers of the attributes are used by the
numbers of the defined classes. The linking between the
classes is demonstrated by the coupling while the
strength of class called as attributes is represented by the
cohesion. It is observed that the proposed model is highly
cohesive although maximum numbers of the attributes
are used in the designed UML class model.
7. Acknowledgements
Thanks are due to University Grant Commission New
Delhi, for financial support to carry out the above re-
search work.
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