J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3, 723-727
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.37083 Published Online July 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Modeling and Analysis of Submerged Arc Weld
Power Supply Based on Double Closed-Loop Control
Baoshan Shi1, Kuanfang He2, Xuejun Li2, Dongmin Xiao3
1School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, China; 2Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of
Health Maintenance for Mechanical Equipment, Xiantan, China; 3College of Electromechanical Engineering, Xiantan, China.
Email: hkf791113@163.com
Received January 6th, 2010; revised May 9th, 2010; accepted May 11th, 2010.
According to the soft-switching pulsed SAW (Submerged arc weld) weld power supply based on the double closed-loop
constant current control mode, a small signal mathematic model of main circuit of soft-switching SAW inverter was
established by applying the method of three-terminal switching device modeling method, and the mathematic model of
double closed-loop phase-shift control system circuit was established by applying the method of state-space averaging
method. Dynamic performance of the inverter was analyzed on base of the established mathematic model, and the tested
wave of dynamic performance was shown by experimentation. Research and experimentation show that relation be-
tween structure of the power source circuit and dynamic performance of the controlling system can be announced by
the established mathematic model, which provides development of power supply and optimized design of controlling
parameter with theoretical guidance.
Keywords: SAW, Double Loop Control, Soft-Switching, Inverter, Mathematic Model
1. Introduction
The full-bridge phase-shift zero-voltage soft-switching
PWM inverter now is widely used in the weld field for its
many excellent performances. Through establishing ma-
thematic model and transfer function of soft-switching
pulsed metal active gas welding power supply, the rela-
tion between structural parameters of circuit and dynamic
performance of system is obtained, which is an effective
method of designing and development of that power sup-
ply [1,2]. In the field of power electronics, problem of
linear PWM DC-DC converter modeling was solved, there
are many methods of modeling such as three-terminal
switching device modeling method, data-sampling, symbol
analysis and so on [3-6], and method of space state aver-
age applied to inverter modeling [7-10], which provide
mathematic model of soft-switching pulsed metal active
gas welding power supply with theoretical guidance.
This paper proposes a soft-switching SAW weld pow-
er supply based on the double closed-loop constant cur-
rent control mode, which adopts structure of soft-
switching full-bridge circuit and combines the conven-
tional negative feedback of current or voltage and the
peak current control mode. A small signal mathematic
model of main circuit of soft-switching SAW inverter
and the mathematic model of double loop control circuit
are established by applying the method of three-terminal
switching device modeling method and the method of
space state average. According to mathematic model,
dynamic performance of the inverter is analyzed, and
tested wave of dynamic performance is shown to prove
the rationality of the inverter by experimentation.
2. Principles
The sketch map of the double closed-loop feedback con-
trol system is shown in figure1. It uses hall sensor to
sample current signal from primary transformer, and
pouring into control loop after sophisticated high-speed
rectifying. The control loop needs a reasonable slope
compensation circuit to ensure the system to be stable
and get appropriate open-loop frequency.
In the course of operation, the peak current signal
)(tis is sampled from the peak current of the VT, then
plus a peak current slope compensation signal1
)( fa Rti ,
which is a signal substituted traditional triangular wave
signal in voltage mode control. The saw tooth sig-
nal 1
)( fa Rti is synchronized with the signal of inverter
cycle, which is mainly used to improve waveform of the