Wireless Sensor Network, 2010, 2, 528-537
doi:10.4236/wsn.2010.27065 Published Online July 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/wsn)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
Contention-Based Beaconless Real-Time Routing Protocol
for Wireless Sensor Networks*
Chao Huang, Guoli Wang
School of Information Science & Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
E-mail: superchaohuang@gmail.com, isswgl@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Received April 12, 2010; revised May 4, 2010; accepted May 17, 2010
This paper presents a novel real-time routing protocol, called CBRR, with less energy consumption for wire-
less sensor networks (WSNs). End-to-End real-time requirements are fulfilled with speed or delay constraint
at each hop through integrating the contention and neighbor table mechanisms. More precisely, CBRR main-
tains a neighbor table via the contention mechanism being dependent on wireless broadcast instead of bea-
cons. Comprehensive simulations show that CBRR can not only achieve higher performance in static net-
works, but also work well for dynamic networks.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Real-Time Routing Protocol, Contention-Based Scheme, Beaconless
1. Introduction
WSNs are comprised of tiny, low power sensor nodes,
which are densely deployed in a monitored area and coll-
aborate to forward the sensed data to a base station thr-
ough multiple hops. WSNs can be widely used in many
applications, such as environmental monitoring, military
surveillance, disaster recovery, and healthcare related
applications [1]. However, many mission-critical appli-
cations require that WSNs can guarantee the satisfied
quality of service (QoS), especially with real-time con-
straints. e.g., in forest fire detection, the abnormal tem-
perature information should be delivered to a base station
as soon as possible. Otherwise, the outdated data will be
irrelevant and even have negative effects on the applica-
WSNs have particular features different from other wi-
reless networks [2-4]. Firstly, each sensor node has se-
vere resource constraints on bandwidth, memory, proc-
essing capability, and especially energy. Secondly, the
number of sensor nodes is very large and the nodes are
always densely deployed. Thirdly, it has been recognized
that the network topologies of WSNs may change con-
stantly due to sleep policy, node mobility, node failure,
and so on. The features mentioned above will pose chal-
lenges to fulfill the real-time requirements.
Due to the high routing overhead and the poor scalab-
ility of global routing decisions, several real-time routing
protocols [5-7] utilize the localized geographic informa-
tion to heuristically find a satisfied path to a target. These
protocols are mostly governed by the conventional geo-
graphic routing schemes, in which each node has to pe-
riodically broadcast beacons for obtaining the accurate
information of its neighbors and to store the information
in its neighbor table for routing decisions. Although the
neighbors’ information can be collected by broadcasting
beacons, some drawbacks inevitably arise. Firstly, re-
dundant beacons can lead to more energy consumption
and higher communication cost. Secondly, only one
neighbor or very small subset of neighbors can take part
in routing decisions, but each node should store all of
neighbors’ information in a neighbor table. Therefore,
the utilization of a neighbor table is much inefficient, and
the unused neighbors’ information still occupies some of
the limited memory. Thirdly, when a network topology
changes constantly, the collected neighbor information
will be outdated quickly, which in turn leads to higher
packet miss ratio, and nodes should broadcast beacons
more frequently to update the neighbor tables. It inevita-
bly incurs not only longer delay, but also consumes sig-
nificant energy. Furthermore, frequently broadcasting
beacons can result in more serious collisions thus higher
packet miss ratio.
Contention-based beaconless scheme [8-12] has been
proposed to handle with the issues abovementioned. The
main idea is that when a node has a DATA packet to be
*This work is supported by Nature Science Foundation of China unde
Grant 60775055 and Guangdong Nature Science Foundation of China
under Grant 06023190.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
transmitted, it first broadcasts a contention request, and
one neighbor with the shortest wait delay is selected as
the most suitable next-hop forwarder. The contention-
based scheme is completely stateless and reactive be-
cause each node can on-line select an available next-hop
forwarder without any prior knowledge of its neighbors.
This results in less energy consumption. Furthermore, it
can be found that the current forwarder can obtain the
information of the selected next-hop forwarder during a
contention procedure. Although the information of the
selected neighbor is not utilized in the scheme, it can
benefit to future routing decisions. The character indi-
cates that the approach for selecting the information of
neighborhoods is energy efficient.
This paper presents a Contention-based Beaconless
Real-time Routing protocol for WSNs, called CBRR.
CBRR aims at fulfilling end-to-end real-time requirem-
ents with less energy consumption through integrating
the contention and neighbor table mechanisms. The ad-
vantage of our approach is to remove the limitations of
the beacon-based routing schemes, especially, in dy-
namic networks. Three remarkable aspects of CBRR are
emphasized as follows. Firstly, the key to CBRR is that
the information in a neighbor table is obtained through a
contention mechanism without beacons, and CBRR em-
ploys the contention mechanism to select a new forward-
der only when there is no an available neighbor, which
meets the real-time requirements, in the neighbor table.
Secondly, the neighbor table allows CBRR to select a
next-hop forwarder by direct unicast or contention-based
forwarding. As a consequence, the end-to-end real-time
requirements can be fulfilled with speed or delay con-
straint at each hop. Thirdly, CBRR can collect the infor-
mation from the two-hop neighbors during the wireless
broadcasting, and the two-hop neighbor table can be
helpful for further meeting the real-time requirements in
the two-hop range.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
outlines the related works. Section 3 presents the pro-
posed real-time routing protocol. Section 4 reports the
experimental results.
2. Related Works
Recently, real-time routing protocol has aroused much
research interests in WSNs. SAR [13] was the first QoS
protocol for WSNs. It could find multiple paths between
a source and a target with different priority in terms of
energy efficiency and fault tolerance. EQR [14] tried to
find a least-cost yet energy efficient path for real-time
data, and to maximize the throughput for non-real-time
data with a class-based queue model, simultaneously.
However, both SAR and EQR were based on global
routing decisions, which result in much higher routing
overheads. Therefore, localized geographic routing deci-
sions have been popular employed in a variety of real-
time routing protocols. SPEED [5] was designed to pro-
vide soft end-to-end real-time guaranty with a desired
delivery speed, Ssetpoint, which could support the real-time
communication between a source and a sink, through a
combination of feedback control and non-deterministic
geographic forwarding. Only the node, whose progress
speed was higher than Ssetpoint, could be selected as the
next-hop forwarder. MMSPEED [6] was an extension to
SPEED with additional service differentiations both in
the timeliness and reliability domains. RPAR [7] fulfilled
the end-to-end real-time requirements with low energy
consumption by dynamically adapting transmission po-
wer and assigning one-hop velocity. Unfortunately, these
localized routing protocols had to broadcast beacons to
collect the neighbors’ information and were inevitably
suffered from the aforementioned drawbacks.
Contention-based beaconless scheme has been devel-
oped to address the issues aforementioned. IGF [8] only
allowed the nodes within the 60-degree sector towards
the sink to participate in the contention. The wait delay
of each available node was determined by the combina-
tion of the progress distance to a sink, the remaining en-
ergy of the node and a random delay. GeRaF [9,10] used
the busy tone to avoid collisions and replaced the wait
delay function by time slots, which were assigned to dif-
ferent regions of forwarding areas. SGF [11] introduced
a forwarding scheme through integrating the contention
mechanism and gradient for unexpected node/link fail-
ures in highly dynamic networks. OGF [12] combined
the contention mechanism with a neighbor table to for-
ward packets in slowly dynamic networks. OGF was
similar to our approach, but it did not consider the
real-time constraints.
3. Main Results
Our design goal is to fulfill the end-to-end real-time re-
quirements with less energy consumption for WSNs.
Two versions of CBRR protocol are proposed, such as
CBRR-OneHop and CBRR-TwoHop, which are based
on one-hop neighbor table and two-hop neighbor table,
respectively. CBRR-OneHop protocol is the foundation
of CBRR, and CBRR-TwoHop protocol is an extension
to CBRR-OneHop. Before describing CBRR protocol,
we first introduce the relevant definitions and assump-
3.1. Definitions and Assumptions
Denote source node and sink node as S and D. Let d(i, j)
Delay be the Euclidean distance and the delay
between node i and node j, respectively. Deadline(D) is
the required deadline of a DATA packet for D and is
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
carried in the header of the DATA packet. Rc is the radio
Neighbor Set of Node i: i
NS is the set of nodes wi-
thin the radio range of node i. Formally,
{(,) }
jdijR .
Contention Candidate Set of Node i: CCSi is the
set of nodes which are in i
NS and closer to D than node
i . Formally, {(,)(,), } 
CCSjd i DdjDjNS.
Relay Speed:
Speed is the velocity between node i
and j, which is the ratio of the distance to the delay be-
tween node i and j. Formally, (, )/
Required Speed:
Speed is the velocity, which
meets the real-time requirements. It is the ratio of the
distance between node i and D to the remaining time of a
DATA packet’s deadline. Formally, (, )/
Speedd iD
Deadline DT, where Tnow is the current time.
Estimated Hop:
op is the estimated hop number
between node i and D, which is the ratio of the distance
between node i and D to Rc. Formally, (, )/
opdi D
Required Delay:
Delay is the one-hop delay,
which meets the real-time requirements. It is the ratio of
the remaining time of the packet’s deadline to the esti-
mated hop. Formally, (())/
i now
DelayDeadline DT
op .
Speed Constraint: Speed constraint is used for each
node to find an available neighbor, whose relay speed is
no less than the required speed, in its neighbor table. If
having an available neighbor, the node can send the
DATA packet to the neighbor by direct unicast. Other-
wise, the node has to invoke a contention procedure to
select a new next-hop forwarder.
Delay Constraint: Delay constraint is used for each
node to determine whether its contention candidates can
take part in the contention or not. If there is an available
neighbor, whose one-hop delay is no less than the re-
quired delay, in the neighbor table of the contention can-
didate, this candidate can be admitted to participate in
the contention. Otherwise, the candidate is forbidden to
do that.
Assume that each node is aware of its position, and it
has the same radio range and initial energy with a unique
ID and an out-of-band busy tone.
3.2. CBRR-OneHop Protocol
CBRR-OneHop protocol is the foundation of CBRR, and
it consists of five components, such as unicast forward-
ing policy, contention forwarding policy, contention fun-
ction with wait delay, delay estimation and one-hop
neighbor table, which is created or updated only during a
contention procedure. When a source intends to send its
first DATA packet, the node has to employ the conten-
tion forwarding policy to select a next-hop forwarder
because the neighbor table of each node has not been
created. After the first DATA packet is successfully for-
warded to the sink, each node, which is on the previous
forwarding path, has at least one neighbor in its one-hop
neighbor table. Therefore, the first DATA packet can be
regarded as a special packet for the path discovery. In the
future forwarding, the one-hop neighbor table can play
an important role to help with selecting an available
next-hop forwarder, which meets the speed constraint or
delay constraint, by the unicast forwarding policy or the
contention forwarding policy.
Unicast Forwarding Policy
As shown in Figure 1, the unicast forwarding policy
can utilize the speed constraint to determine that a
DATA packet is forwarded by direct unicast or invoking
the contention forwarding policy. If the neighbor table
has an available neighbor, which meets the speed con-
straint, the current forwarder selects the neighbor as the
next-hop forwarder and unicasts the DATA packet to the
neighbor directly. Otherwise, the current forwarder has
to invoke the contention forwarding policy to select a
new next-hop forwarder.
Contention Forwarding Policy
If the unicast forwarding policy fails to unicast a DA-
TA packet, the contention forwarding policy can employ
ERTS-ECTS-DATA-ACK handshake to select a new
next-hop forwarder. The delay constraint is used to de-
termine whether a contention candidate can take part in
the contention or not. ERTS is an extension to RTS with
additional information including the positions of the cur-
rent forwarder and the sink, and the required delay.
Figure 1. Unicast forwarding procedure.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
ECTS is also an extension to CTS with additional posi-
tion of CTS’s sender. Busy tone is an out-of-band signal
which is used to avoid multiple candidates taking part in
the contention, simultaneously. The current forwarder
and its contention candidates work as follows.
As shown in Figure 2, the current forwarder first
broadcasts an ERTS packet to start a contention, and
then waits for receiving an ECTS packet. If overhearing
the ECTS packet, the current forwarder should send a
busy tone immediately, and continues receiving the
ECTS packet. After finishing receiving the ECTS, the
current forwarder can unicast the DATA packet to the
selected next-hop forwarder directly. When the current
forwarder finishes receiving the ACK packet sent by the
next-hop forwarder, it inserts the information of the new
forwarder including the ID, position and one-hop delay,
or updates the one-hop delay, in its neighbor table. If the
current forwarder fails to select a next-hop forwarder, it
just discards the DATA packet.
The contention candidate’s contention procedure is
shown in Figure 3. After receiving the ERTS packet,
each contention candidate has to determine whether to
participate in the contention or not according to its
one-hop neighbor table. If its neighbor table has an
available neighbor, which meets the speed constraint, the
candidate can be assigned higher contention priority with
short wait delay, Tshort. If none of the neighbors in its
one-hop neighbor table can meet the speed constraint, the
candidate is forbidden to take part in the contention.
Otherwise, if the neighbor table is empty, which means
that the candidate has never been the forwarder, the can-
didate is also admitted to take part in the contention but
with long wait delay, Tlong. The candidate with the short-
est wait delay can first respond an ECTS packet thus to
win the qualification of the new forwarder. Other candi-
dates, which receive the busy tone during their wait de-
lay, must quit the contention immediately. When finish-
ing receiving the DATA packet, the new forwarder
should respond an ACK packet to the current forwarder.
Figure 2. Current forwarder’s working procedure.
Figure 3. Contention candidate’s contention procedure.
It needs to be pointed out that although the delay con-
straint never takes the wait delay into account, it does not
affect the real-time performance because the selected
neighbor is the most suitable forwarder, which has the
shortest wait delay.
Contention Function and Wait Delay
Contention function is the key factor to the conten-
tion-based beaconless scheme because it determines the
wait delay of each contention candidate. Due to real-time
constraint and energy efficiency, our contention function
takes into account the combination of the progress dis-
tance toward a sink, the remaining energy of the node
and the number of packets waiting in the output queue.
For node i, its contention priority is computed as follows.
((/// )
iiicitit i
PqdR EEqQr
 
 (1)
where Pi is the contention priority; di is the progress dis-
tance towards a sink; Ei is the remaining energy and Et is
the initial total energy; qi is the number of packets wait-
ing in the queue and Qt is the total queue size; ri is a ran-
dom value between 0 and 1; α, β, γ and η are weights
assigned to distance, energy, queue and random value,
respectively, and meet α + β + γ + η = 1.
Using the contention function, we can calculate the
wait delay of Tshort and Tlong as follows.
0.5(1 )
i (2)
(1 )
i (3)
where SIFS is Short Inter Frame Spacing and is defined
as 10 μs in IEEE 802.11 standard [15]. From (2) and (3),
it can be guaranteed that Tshort is smaller than Tlong.
Delay Estimation
Delay estimation is responsible to calculate the one-
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
hop delay between two neighborhoods. The current one-
hop delay is evaluated based on two timestamps. One is
the time Tarriving when the received DATA packet enters
the tail of the output queue. Another is the time TACK
when the node receives the ACK packet responded by
the next-hop forwarder. The time interval between these
two timestamps is employed to characterize the one-hope
delay here.
The new one-hop delay can be calculated by the com-
bination of the currently measured delay and the previ-
ous one-hop delay as follows.
onehop onehop
newarriving previous
DelayT TDelay
 (4)
One-Hop Neighbor Table
As shown as in Table 1, NeighborID and Neighbor-
Position are obtained through an ECTS packet; One-
HopDelay can be computed from (4). Counter is used to
record how many times a neighbor has been a next-hop
One-hop Neighbor table is managed as follows.
1) If the newly selected forwarder is not in the neig-
hbor table, the current forwarder has to add the informa-
tion of the new forwarder in its neighbor table after re-
ceiving the ACK packet sent by the new forwarder. Oth-
erwise, the current forwarder needs to update the One-
HopDelay of the neighbor in its neighbor table.
2) If the Counter in the entry of a neighbor is up to
MaxCount, the neighbor is forbidden to take part in the
current forwarding, and its Counter should be cleared to
zero. MaxCount is the maximal times that a node can be
a next-hop forwarder. If the network topology is stable, a
neighbor in the neighbor table can always be valid so as
to be the next-hop forwarder continuously. In this case,
the node not only consumes away its energy quickly, but
also deprives other neighbors of being a next-hop forw-
arder. Therefore, MaxCount is used to balance the net-
work load thus to prolong the lifetime of WSNs.
3.3. CBRR-TwoHop Protocol
CBRR-TwoHop protocol is an extension to CBRR-One-
Hop protocol. It can depend on wireless broadcast to
collect the information of the two-hop neighborhoods for
building two-hop neighbor table. With the help of two-
hop neighbor table, CBRR-TwoHop is able to further
meet the real-time requirements in the two-hop range.
Two-Hop Delay Estimation
As shown in Figure 4, node A, B and C are regarded
as the last-hop forwarder, the current forwarder and the
next-hop forwarder, respectively. While node B unicast-
ing a DATA packet to node C, node A can also overhear
the DATA packet, which carries the position information
of node C.
In order to obtain the two-hop delay, each node needs
to create a Sent_DATA table for recording the DATA
packets, which have been sent by the node successfully.
As shown in Table 2, the record of a DATA packet in-
cludes the items of source’s ID, sequence number and
Received_Time, which is the timestamp that the DATA
packet enters the tail of the output queue. With the help
of the Sent_DATA table, the two-hop delay estimation
between node A and C can be obtained as follows.
1) After receiving the ACK packet sent by node B,
node A needs to add the relevant information of the
DATA packet, which has been sent to node B previously,
in its Sent_DATA table.
2) While node B unicasting a DATA packet to node C,
node A can overhear the packet so as to look up its
Sent_DATA table to see if A has sent this DATA packet
previously. If true, the current two-hop delay between
node A and C is approximated by the interval between
the Received_Time in A’s Sent_DATA table and the
time Tnow when node B finishes transmitting the DATA
packet to node C. After estimating, node A needs to de-
lete the entry of this DATA packet from its Sent_DATA
table for reducing the storage overhead. However, if the
DATA packet is not in the Sent_DATA table, node A
has to ignore the packet and to do nothing.
We also compute the new two-hop delay by the com-
bination of the currently measured delay and the previ-
ous two-hop delay as follows.
Re _
twohop twohop
newnowceived Timeprevious
DelayT TDelay
 
Two-Hop Delay Estimation
The two-hop neighbor table extends the one-hop neig-
hbor table with additional information of the two-hop
neighbor including ID, position and two-hop delay, as
Table 1. Structure of one-hop neighbor table.
NeighborIDNeighborPosition OneHopDelay Counter
Table 2. Structure of Sent_DATA table.
SourceID SequenceNo. Received_Time
Figure 4. An example of wireless broadcast.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
shown in Table 3. The ID and position of the two-hop
neighbor are obtained through a DATA packet, and Two-
Hop Delay can be computed from (5). Other items are
the same as those in one-hop neighbor table.
It should be noted that if a node fails to select a next-
hop forwarder, the node maybe encounters a void around
it. In this case, the node will not unicast the received
DATA packet, and its last-hop forwarder can never
overhear the packet. As a result, the information of the
two-hop neighbor should be null in the two-hop neighbor
table of the last-hop forwarder. For avoiding more inva-
lid contentions, if the two-hop table has more than two
records, which have null information of the two-hop
neighbor, the node maybe has a serious void problem in
its two-hop range thus to be forbidden to take part in the
latter contentions.
Forwarding policy
The forwarding policy of CBRR-TwoHop is similar to
that of CBRR-OneHop. The difference is that CBRR-
TwoHop needs to employ the speed constraint between
the two-hop neighborhoods. If there is a one-hop neig-
hbor, which the two-hop relay speed between the current
forwarder and the two-hop neighbor is no less than the
required two-hop speed, in the two-hop neighbor table,
the current forwarder can uincast the DATA packet to
the one-hop neighbor directly. Otherwise, the current
forwarder has to invoke the contention forwarding policy
with the two-hop delay constraint to select a next-hop
4. Experimental Studies
To validate the CBRR protocol proposed in the paper,
CBRR-OneHop and CBRR-TwoHop are compared with
SPEED. Experimental studies are conducted by means of
J-Sim simulator [16], which is an open-source, compo-
nent-based network simulation environment and is de-
veloped entirely in Java.
Table 3. Structure of two-hop neighbor table.
Delay Counter
Table 4. Parameters for experiments.
Parameter Values Parameter Values
Network Size 200m×200m MAC Layer 802.11
Node Number 200 Initial Energy 100 J
Radio Range 40 m Bandwidth 2 Mbps
Packet Size 512 bytes Send/Receive/Idle
power(mW) 660/395/35
4.1. Simulation Setting
We randomly choose four source nodes in the left of
network, and two sink nodes in the right of network. We
test the above protocols in two network topologies:
Static network, where the topology is invariable
including packet generation rate and node density
Dynamic network, where the topology is change-
able due to node mobility or sleep policy.
We choose constant bit rate (CBR) traffic and set CBR
at 2 packets/s in all experiments except in the packet
generation rate scenario. Unless specially noted, all pa-
rameters for experiments are set as shown in Table 4.
4.2. Performance in Static Networks
In static networks, the position of each node is not chan-
geable. Therefore, we set the interval of beacon broad-
cast at 10 s in SPEED. Two scenarios are evaluated in
the static networks including packet generation rate and
packet size.
Impact of packet generation rate
The comparative results between CBRR and SPEED
are plotted in Figure 5. It can be seen that the both
CBRR protocols achieve nearly 100% delivery ratio
(Figure 5(a)) and stable end-to-end delay around 0.05s
(Figure 5(b)). All these in CBRR contribute to the Rout-
ing/MAC cross-layer design, which can timely collect
the state information of wireless channel thus to avoid
more collisions during the forwarding procedures. In
contrast, higher packet generate rate may bring forth
more packet collisions thus lead to higher packet miss
ratio (Figure 5(a)) and longer delay (Figure 5(b)) in
SPEED. In Figure 5(c), SPEED consumes the average
energy about two times more than those of the two
CBRR protocols due to its beacon broadcasting. It is
worth noting that the average energy consumption of
each protocol decreases slowly as the packet generation
rate increasing. The reason is that when the packet gen-
eration rate is small, most nodes are always kept in idle
state, whose energy consumption is the main part of the
total consumed energy. However, more and more packets
have been forwarded thus can lead to lower average en-
ergy consumption as the generate rate increasing. Fur-
thermore, Figure 5 illustrates that the overall perform-
ance of CBRR-TwoHop is little better than that of
CBRR-OneHop because the two-hop neighbor table can
be helpful for further meeting the real-time requirements
in the two-hop range.
Impact of packet size
Larger DATA packets may lead to higher probability
of the collisions between a DATA packet and other pac-
kets, such as RTS/ERTS, CTS/ECTS, ACK or beacon.
Figure 6 illustrates the comparative results between
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
CBRR and SPEED in the packet size scenario. It can be
observed in Figure 6(a) that the delivery ratio of SPEED
Delivery Ratio
5 6
9 10
(a) Packet Delivery Ratio
(b) Average End-to-End Delay
(c) Average Energy Consumption
Figure 5. Impact of packet generation rate.
(a) Packet Delivery Ratio
(b) Average End-to-End Delay
(c) Average Energy Consumption
Figure 6. Impact of packet size.
drops quickly as the packet size increasing, but the
packet size has very little impact on the two CBRR pro-
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
tocols for their nearly 100% delivery ratio. The results
may indicate that the collisions between DATA packets
and beacons are much more severe than others between
DATA and RTS/ERTS, CTS/ECTS or ACK packets. As
a result, with larger packet size, more serious packet col-
lisions can lead to longer end-to-end delay (Figure 6(b))
and more energy consumption (Figure 6(c)) than those
of the two CBRR protocols.
It can be viewed from above experimental results that
the two CBRR protocols have much better performance
than SPEED in the static networks. Furthermore, CBRR-
TwoHop can outperform than other two protocols due to
the help of the two-hop neighbor table, which can be
helpful for further meeting the real-time requirements in
the two-hop range. In addition, it can also be suggested
that broadcasting beacons can aggravate the packet colli-
sions thus to degrade the performance of the beacon-
based routing protocols.
4.3. Performance in Dynamic Networks
WSNs are highly dynamic networks and their topologies
can change constantly due to node mobility, sleep policy,
node failure, and so on. In the following experiments, we
compare CBRR with SPEED in node mobility and sleep
policy scenarios. In addition, we set the frequency of
broadcasting beacons at 1 s and 10 s, respectively, for
SPEED to timely collect fresh information of the neig-
Impact of node mobility
We adopt the Random Waypoint mobility model with
zero pause time in the experiment. Figure 7 plots the
comparative results between the two CBRR protocols
and SPEED in the node mobility scenario. Figure 7(a)
illustrates that the delivery ratio of SPEED drops much
more quickly, which shows that SPEED can hardly work
when the mobile speed is higher than 10 m/s. This is
because the information of the neighbor table is totally
outdated thus to be useless for the forwarding. In contrast,
although the two CBRR protocols drop more packets at
higher mobile speed, they can still achieve about 60%
delivery ratio at 20 m/s in contribution to the contention
forwarding policy, which can on-line select a favorite
next-hop forwarder. It can be observed in Figure 7(b)
that the average end-to-end delay of SPEED becomes
much instable for its extremely high packet miss ratio.
However, at higher node mobility, the both CBRR pro-
tocols have little longer delay due to the failure of direct
unicast. Figure 7(c) shows that the two CBRR protocols
have very close performance, which consume far less
energy than SPEED. It needs to point out that we set 100
as the maximum in Figure 7(c), and the values of
SPEED, which is plotted as 100, are actually more than
100. Furthermore, it can be observed in Figure 7 that the
performance of SPEED-1 is no better than that of
SPEED-10, which suggests that higher frequency of
beacon broadcasting can not improve the performance of
SPEED in the node mobility scenario.
(a) Packet Delivery Ratio
(b) Average End-to-End Delay
(c) Average Energy Consumption
Figure 7. Impact of node mobility.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. WSN
Impact of sleep policy
In order to support energy conservation in WSNs, the
most practical way is to use node sleep policy. Our sleep
policy is designed as that the lifetime of each node is
divided into several same periods, and each period in-
cludes an active sub-period and a sleep sub-period.
Figure 8 plots the comparative results between the
two CBRR protocols and SPEED in the dynamic sleep
policy scenario. Similar to the node mobility scenario,
the sleep policy has far more negative impact on SPEED
than those on the two CBRR protocols. The impact can
be observed in Figure 8(a) that if the sleep percentage is
larger than 50%, the delivery ratio of SPEED is appro-
ximate 0. The reason is that the next-hop forwarder,
which is selected by SPEED in the neighbor table, would
be usually in sleep state, and SPEED needs to retransmit
more packets. However, the both CBRR protocols ach-
ieve more than 90% in delivery ratio at 50% sleep per-
centage. Although dropping more packets after 50%, the
two CBRR protocols still outperforms SPEED very
much. Other results are similar to those in the node mo-
bility scenario as shown in Figure 8(b) and Figure 8(c).
(a) Packet Delivery Ratio
(b) Average End-to-End Delay
(c) Average Energy Consumption
Figure 8. Impact of sleep policy.
It can be concluded from the above experimental re-
sults that CBRR is not only particularly suitable for the
dynamic networks, but also has fair well performance
than SPEED in the static scenarios with much less en-
ergy consumption. Furthermore, it can be observed that
CBRR-TwoHop outperforms the other two protocols due
to the help of the two-hop neighbor table. It also suggests
that SPEED is totally not suitable for the dynamic net-
works, and increasing the frequency of beacon broad-
casting can not improve but degrade the performance of
the beacon-based routing protocols.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents a novel real-time routing protocol,
CBRR, for WSNs. The point distinguishing our approach
from the existing schemes is that CBRR collects the in-
formation of neighborhoods by the contention mecha-
nism instead of beacons. This contribution can lead to
more energy efficiency. In addition, it is notable that the
end-to-end real-time requirements are well fulfilled with
speed or delay constraint at each hop, which attributes to
the combination of the contention and neighbor table me-
chanisms. The validity of CBRR is illustrated by means
of experimental studies. It has been shown that CBRR
can outperform SPEED in terms of delivery ratio, end-to-
end delay and energy consumption, especially in dy-
namic networks.
Our future work is to conduct the theoretical analysis
on the energy consumption of CBRR. It is also interested
to investigate how to provide reliability in CBRR.
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